Beautiful Disaster. [Punk Lia...

By leslybrigit

83.6K 1.9K 255

The most beautiful people are a disaster. *Does contain mature sexual scenes* More

Beautiful Disaster. [Punk Liam Story]
1. First Day of Senior Year
2. His Cousin
3. Introduction
4. Why me?
5. Mine
6. Beach
7.Sleep Talk
8. Gwen
9. Unexpected
10. All Time Low
11. Turning Page
12. Burnin' Up
13. Heart of Stone
14. Just Getting Started
15. First Time
16. War Of Change
17. Slow Down
18. Bad Day
19. Half A Heart
20. Middle of Nowhere
21. Paralyzed
22. Ghost
23. Come Away To The Water
24. One Day At A Time
25. A Broken Jar
26. Bring Me To Life
27. Words I Never Said
28. Take A Breath.
29. Be There.
31. Home
32. Never Too Late
33. Too Late
34. Sorry
35. Disconnected
36. Next Step*
37. Just Give Me A Reason
38. Stuck On You
39. Bloodstream**
40. With All Me Heart
41. Something New
42. Secrets
43. Spaces

30. Safe

1.3K 42 3
By leslybrigit

The man, Paul, and I look into each others eyes. Something about him is familiar, I just can't remember why. I feel like I've met him before, even before the hospital. Like in a distant memory. "Excuses me." I kindly smile as I take a step past him. Without warning his hand wraps itself around my upper arm. I look at him in shock and a little frighten from his actions.

I stare at him pleading with my eyes for him to release my arm. Paul opens his mouth to speak but then closes his mouth, deciding against it. "Please." I say as I yank my arm from his grasp.

I turn and walk away from him. Entering the powder room, I look at my reflection in the mirror.

Oh god. I'm as pale as a corpse, even my eyes show fear. My parents are going to suspect something is wrong if I go back looking like this.

Dabbing a little water on my face I take one last look at myself and decide it's time to go back to my table.

I cautiously my way back, making sure that I won't run into Paul once again. Approaching my table I hear my family laughing at something my father had said. They seem so at ease at this moment and I can't help but forget about my worries.

"Hey, what took you so long darling?" My mother ask as I take my seat besides her.

"Oh. Um it's just that I got a call from Gwen that's all." I lie.

Carlos eye brows raise in curiosity. "Did you now? What did she want." He interrogates.

My parents stay silent, waiting for me to answer his question. "Um... It's just that she had invited me out today to celebrate the big win but I told her I couldn't 'coz of my grounding." I pause, but continue. "So she called and asked me to ask you if I can go out tomorrow." I hope they buy my explanation.

I look at them nervously. Please let me go out! My subconscious begs. My parents look at each other in debate and nod. "You have our permission to go out tomorrow." My father smiles.

I smile widely as I get up from my seat and hug him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Standing up strait I catch Paul staring at my father and I, but soon looks away. Something about the way he was looking at us... it felt weird.

After another hour we head back home. We are all reeling on how amazingly good dinner was and my dad says we'll go again soon, which got a smile from me.

Arriving home I immediately head upstairs into my room. Undressing myself I slip into my Spongebob p.j shorts and a black tank top. Grabbing my phone I jump onto my bed and text Gwen about going out tomorrow. I debate on whether calling Liam or not but before I make a choice his name pops out on my screen.

He's calling me! I can't help the face splitting smile I wear as I answer his call. "Hey." I greet him.

"Hey love. So I hear you can go out tomorrow." It's no question. How does he know? "Gwen is at my place. She told me." He says having the ability to know my thoughts.

Gwen must be hanging out with Niall, I wonder if she finally told her dad about him. "Oh that's cool and yeah I was given a free day from house arrest."

"That means you can come to the party at Harry's house." Harry. Shit! I need to talk to him. I need to make things right between us.

"I wish you were here." I tell Liam trying to change the subject.

"Really?" It worked.

I smile into the receiver. "Of course I want you here."

"And what would we do if I was there?" I could feel his smirk plastered on his face.

I bite my lip in thought. "Well" I begin, "we would talk, and hang out maybe watch a movie or two."

"Talk? Movies? Are you sure you wouldn't want to do anything else?" Oh Liam.

"What would you like to do?" I have a pretty good idea what he wants.

"Oh I have a few ideas." He purrs. "I would love to kiss your lips, your neck, and any other place you would like me to kiss." He can't possibly mean... "I would make you feel good you know." I do hope he's not with Gwen and Niall as he is saying these words to me. "Would you like me to do that?" He ask.

Would I want him to do that to me? Do I even have to ask. Of course I would want him to do that. I've spent many nights thinking about him in that matter. Him kissing me on my lips, neck, my body. I would be his submissive. "Well?" His voice breaks my train of thought.

"I would be lying if I said no." I whisper.

"That's what I thought." He replied. "Can I ask you something?" He sounds serious.

"Sure?" It sounds more like a question.

He clears his throat before speaking. "Are you a virgin?"

Oh god. I knew this question was bound to come but I have no words to say. Of course I'm a virgin. I've always said I wouldn't sleep with any man unless I truly love him and he I. "Yes I am." I answer.

The other end is silent. Does he not want to be with me anymore because I'm a virgin? "You know I knew you were innocent but I would never have believed anyone if they told me you were a virgin. You're just too sexy to be a virgin but I'm glad you are." What does he mean by that? "That means I will be the first and only man to ever touch you. To feel you." His words start something inside me. Suddenly I feel a bit light headed and I have to suppress a moan from escaping my lips.

"Liam please don't say those kind of things when people are around. I bet Niall and Gwen are horrified." The idea of them actually listening is horrifying.

Liam chuckles. "Don't worry they went into Nialls room to fuck."

"Liam!" I scowl.

"What!" He laughs. "It's true. I swear they fuck like everyday. I'm surprise she's not pregnant." This is just to much.

"Liam I really don't want to hear about my bestfriends sex life." I complain.

"Fine I would rather talk about us anyways."

"What about us?" This has got to be interesting.

He paused for a second as a huge band is heard in the background. "I swear they better start fucking at her house." He mutters. "Well what do you really think of us?"

What to say... "Well like I told you Liam I want to give us a chance. I really do like you but I don't want to be hurt." I confess.

"I promise you Lesly I will do anything to make you feel safe with me." He vows. "Really."

I hold my star shaped pillow to my chest as I let his words sink in. "And I promise to stop running away from you." I vow.

I really want us to work. That's all I want. Is that so much to ask for. "You know for someone who just came out of the hospital you sure are horny." I laugh. "I bet Niall and Gwen have you begging for action."

"And can you blame me? I haven't had any action in weeks!" He complains.

Weeks? My subconscious ask. No I won't over think this! As if he can feel my inner struggle Liam curses through the line "Fuck! I didn't mean to say that I swear. It just slipped." He assured. "God I'm an idiot!" I could hear the sound of something being thrown to a wall and I yelp at the sound.

"Liam please don't break anything. I don't care about who ever you were with before me okay? I just want us to be about us."

His breathing starts to go back to normal and I know him well enough to know that he is running his hand through his hair. "Us. That's all that matters." I say into the receiver.

By the end of the night Liam and I have finally said our goodnights and I close my eyes to escape to a world where I can be with Liam without any complications.


Sorry sorry sorry but here it is. Liam and Lesly are starting a relationship! finally!

+10 votes and I'll update Tuesday!! And also comment!!

Till next time!! :)


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This one i wrote cause i figured, why not? I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did writing it. Comments and criticism always wanted :) Enjoy!
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