Thaliah: The Vampire's Diamon...

By Destinyangel

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Thaliah James is the daughter of two powerful mythical creatures in their world. Everything will change when... More

CHAPTER 1:The Beginning
CHAPTER 2: The Scare
CHAPTER 3 : The Unveiling
CHAPTER 4: Reality
CHAPTER 5: The Visitor
CHAPTER 6: Didn't See That One Coming...
CHAPTER 7: Shock 101
CHAPTER 8: Trip of Trippin'
CHAPTER 9: Tristan da Cunha
CHAPTER 10: Karveen
CHAPTER 11: Unbelievable
CHAPTER 12: Inescapable...
CHAPTER 13:Helpless
CHAPTER 14: The Barrier
CHAPTER 15: The Castle.
CHAPTER 16: Happy Sweet Twenty-Two?
CHAPTER 17: Transition
CHAPTER 18: One Year Later?
CHAPTER 19: Destination: South America
CHAPTER 20 : Reunited
CHAPTER 21: Half-Truths
CHAPTER 22: Warlock Territory
CHAPTER 23: Different.
CHAPTER 24: A Snitch with a Cause
CHAPTER 25: Inside Out
CHAPTER 26: Vaarien
CHAPTER 27: Wonder
CHAPTER 28: Mixed Feelings.
CHAPTER 29: Cheer University
CHAPTER 30: A New Ally
CHAPTER 31: Ketura
CHAPTER 32: Midnight Square
CHAPTER 33: Joy and Sorrow
CHAPTER 34: Daddy?
CHAPTER 35: A Bargain.
CHAPTER 36: Too Simple
CHAPTER 38: Really.
CHAPTER 37: Mythical Creatures
CHAPTER 39: Leo Knights
CHAPTER 40: Re-Ject-Ed
CHAPTER 41: The Great White Wolf
CHAPTER 42: The Other Side of The Hybrid... Me?
CHAPTER 43: An Unusual Meeting...
CHAPTER 44: Trouble, Trouble, Trouble...
CHAPTER 45: The Evils Within.
CHAPTER 46: Vaarien and I.
CHAPTER 47: Girl Power
CHAPTER 48: Words of Wisdom
CHAPTER 49: Reality Check
CHAPTER 50: On The Himalayas
CHAPTER 52: Going Rogue?
CHAPTER 53: The Vampire's Diamond
CHAPTER 54: Mission to the Moon.
CHAPTER 55: The Moon Goddess
CHAPTER 56: Pro-Deceiver
CHAPTER 57: Orb of Leviathan
CHAPTER 58: Broken
CHAPTER 59: Beginning of the End
CHAPTER 60: Vampire Country...
CHAPTER 61: Uncommon Associates...
CHAPTER 62: On to the End of the Age...

CHAPTER 51: Discovered

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By Destinyangel

CHAPTER 51: Discovered

Well I never thought I would have such fun with someone who had at one time appeared cold and bitter. Amelia wasn’t all she cracked up to be in the beginning, she was actually I very sweet person and a calm soul, except when she was pissed off. I guess we had that in common. It had been three days since I had arrived on the Himalayas and some pretty interesting things had happened since then.

Amelia and I talked a lot and it was great having a paternal sister, I learned a lot from her too. Like some battle strategies and what they were planning for my demise, it would seem that I was being very deceptive because I did not explain who I was, but I knew that if she did know without actually knowing me, she would never accept me. So I was lying on the safe side until then. Not to mention how everyone was very… what should I say, hyped up, Vaarien was crazy.

I felt him before the vibe of his power hit me, I was asleep the second night and I felt an unnatural anger that jolted me awake, then his vibes hit me. I guessed he was probably angry because I was gone, but I didn’t have time to dwell on that because everyone was running around throwing up shields all over the place, at their rate even if I didn’t have my own, Vaarien didn’t have a chance in hell at finding me. I guess Tiana was being very much laid back because Vaarien was angry but she couldn’t help him because she didn’t know where I was.

I didn’t like the thought that he could probably harm them, but Saber said Ophelia would not allow it and I also believed Tiana, Ketura and Morganna could handle themselves if the need arose. And well Himalayas Mountains was as still as the desert on a good day but Amelia wasn’t concerned about Vaarien; she was one of those persons that would fight a giant because she believed she was that good. She wasn’t afraid of anything and that was scary to me because I usually became afraid, but my heart was with Amelia. I didn’t know why, maybe the thought that she was my sister and that was as close as I would get to an actually family member. We all know that Karveen was a definite no, no and I wasn’t about to make that a yes, yes even if my life depended on it.

“Sydney, where did you live before this”, Amelia asked.

“In South America”, I said honestly.

“Wow, so how did you get here, that’s a very long way”, she said.

“I flew”, I smiled. It was the truth; I did fly to the Himalayas, but not from South America and with special gifts.

“That’s so cool”, she said.

“What is your gift”, I asked.

“Me”, she laughed.

“Yes you”, I smiled.

“I can manipulate water and I have this great ability to battle strategies”, she said.

“Just like Neptune”, I said.

“Guess so”, she replied, Neptune wasn’t the best subject, but I wanted to know what she thought about me.

“So what do you think about the hybrid”, I asked, we were sharpening swords.

“I think she is a weasel”, she sneered, well I guess the hope of being liked just flew through the window.

“Why, she is your sister”, I said appalled.

“She has no right to what she is planning to do. We all live here; just because she is a god and wants more power doesn’t mean she has to make our lives hell. You know I was happy, living in the Turks and Caicos Islands with my mom, when the tsunami hit a couple of years ago. My mother, she was injured, if she had died I didn’t know what I would do, but you see she is a powerful witch”, she said.

“So where is your mother now”, I asked.

“She is in the human camp, we’ll go see her later”, she said.

“Okay”, I answered, but I was wondering if that was a good idea, her mother was a witch after all.

So we continued to chat and sharpen swords, what I found was that Amelia was indeed a great person, but I had to leave, I didn’t want their lives put in danger, I couldn’t. So I was planning my escape at midnight, she may miss me but it was for the best.

“Hey Amelia, mommy wants to see you”, a little girl came running. Amelia swept her up into her arms.

“Sydney, meet my baby sister, Crystal”, she said, “she is eight”, she finished.

“Hi”, I said.

“Nice to meet you she replied, smiling. She was a beautiful child. It was like something hit me in the gut then, was I willing to risk the lives of these people, the life of this child? I couldn’t do that, I couldn’t, I had to leave tonight.

“Amelia, there you are”, I heard a woman say from behind me. As I turned, I saw a woman, she was in her forties and without a doubt I knew it was Amelia’s mother. I felt uncomfortable immediately.

“Hey mom”, Amelia said.

“I have been waiting for you”, she said.

“Really, Crystal just brought the message”, she replied.

“I have been very uncomfortable the last three days”, she said, “and after what had happened the other night I am fearful that something grave will come upon us”, she said. I threw up all my shields at that point, I wasn’t about to risk exposure when I would soon leave.

“What do you fear, mother”, Amelia asked seriously stepping closer to her mother.

“I am not sure but I want you to be on alert, just incase anything happens, you must take your sister and leave”, she said, and then it was like she suddenly noticed me standing there.

“And who are you”, she asked as she studied my expression, “You look familiar”, she said.

“She is my little sister mom”, Amelia said.

“Really”, she said but she didn’t seem convinced.

You know there is a time when all the hairs on your neck rises? I was having that moment just then, something was up, this woman knew something, just by the way she looked at me, I had no doubt.

“Which one of Neptune’s children are you”, she asked.

“Sydney”, I replied.

 In my brain I was already gearing my avenues of escape just in case it was needed. I wasn’t going to be caught unsuspectingly; I had back up plans right down to z. After what Ophelia had said to me, I really took my life into perspective then, and as I flew I thought. I thought of ways to escape if I needed to, how I would respond to people or mythical alike. I had my knowledge and I had my gifts. I wasn’t about to go down with out a fight, and one thing I was very aware of was that I needed to protect myself at all times. If for any reason I bleed, it would all be over and I was conscious of that.

“I have met almost all of Neptune’s children that are part human and I never met or heard of one whose name was Sydney”, she said stepping towards me.

“Mommy what are you getting at”, Amelia asked.

“Who is your mother”, she continued, I could feel it in my bones, the show down was about to happen, so I began charging myself, I didn’t need it, but just in case.

Well if I said, her name was Nathaliah; I could just see the uprising, because for some reason people had began to gather around us and they were very patiently waiting for my answer. My brain was speeding over every possible answer I could give, but sensing those around me I found that there were a lot of wizards and warlocks.

“Well” she asked.

“My mother’s name is Kara”, I said. It was the truth; Kara James was the only mother I knew, the only mother I had ever known, and of course Nathaliah didn’t care what happened to me now.

“Kara what, is she on this mountain”, she asked.

“No”, I said, “She and my father were killed at Leo Knight’s Camp”, I said.

“Do your parents have a title”, she asked, this woman just wasn’t letting up.

“Yes, they were Oliver and Kara James”, I finished. Even though, it was hurting me to recall them, I couldn’t let my resolve waver, I couldn’t take the risk.

“Are you crazy”, someone shouted from the crowd.

“What do you mean”, I asked.

“Oliver and Kara James are alive, they are in the human camp”, someone else said.

“Well then call then and let them verify her”, Amelia’s mother said.

As we waited, this woman was just staring daggers at me and I stared at her too, I was very aware and sure she knew about me and I was letting her know I was ready to take her on at anytime. Yet could it have been true? Were grams and grandpa still alive, I didn’t want to get my hopes up and it was someone else, they weren’t the only ones in the world with that name and I knew this.

“Where were you born”, she asked.

“In Mississippi”, I said.

“If I am correct, then Kara James and Oliver James are elderly people”, she asked.

“Yes”, I replied.

“So how did they get you”, she asked.

“Many people have children when they are older”, I said, clearly annoyed, “What are you getting at anyway”, I said. I was clearly trying to play the “I don’t have a clue game”.

“You think, I don’t sense you”, she said calmly, “The power that surrounds you, the evil that you are”, she sneered.

“I have no idea what you are trying to say”, I finished.

I had a great advantage because well, my original power levels were down. I was running on the gifts that the ice mythicals had given and with my shield she had no way of knowing accurately who I was. Yet witches were rumored to have visions every now and then and maybe she saw me coming. Only a few mythical creatures knew that I had lived with the James’, so I was very interested in knowing how she could suspect but after all she was a very powerful witch, and people rarely put anything pass them.

“Mother I don’t understand, what’s going on”, Amelia said coming to stand beside me.

“This young woman you call your sister is very dangerous, and is a danger to us all, I can’t place it exactly but I sense this”, she sneered.

“Sydney isn’t dangerous mother”, Amelia smiled, “She has been here for the past three days. She is very kind and calm.

“Then you have been deceived Amelia”, she said, her mother took her hand and pulled her away, from beside me.

Just then, some people began pushing their way through the crowd, and as sure as the sun Grams and grandpa stood before me but something was off …something was missing …it just wasn’t right.

“Sydney, my dear”, Grams said as she moved to embrace me, but it didn’t smell like Grams.

“Morganna”, I whispered.

“Sydney, are you all right, the man that looked like”, grandpa asked.

“Awe, yes”, I responded unsure, I didn’t know what was going on but why would Morganna and who I was very confident was Ketura took on images of my guardians was beyond me, but after all  they were the people with the magic.

“You two are her parents”, Amelia’s mother asked, but I saw the uncertainty in her eyes.

“Yes we are”, they answered.

“Where do you live” she asked.

“In Mississippi”, Grams replied sweetly.

“This must be a mistake”, she said.

“Why, you don’t believe us”, grandpa asked.

“If you are, who you say you are, then recite the campsite’s oath”, Amelia said.

I knew the sites had oaths and only those who lived there could recite them, I had to do it everyday since I came, but what was shocking was that Ketura and Morganna were doing it, without stuttering or a break in breath and had back ups too.

“They are members of our camp” a man said, “They have been for the last four months”.

“Okay”, she replied, “maybe I am wrong but something is still off”, she said walking away.

“Sydney, I apology for my mother, she can well sometimes be… my mother”, she said laughing. 

“That’s okay”, I said, Morganna was watching me.

“What”, I whispered.

“We need to go”, Ketura whispered behind me.

“What, why”, I asked, their expressions were not pleasant.

“There may be a problem”, she said.

That’s when something clicked, how did they find me and why were we leaving, I was the one that came here, not them but most disturbing of all was why they were looking at me that way.

“Hey Sydney, is everything alright”, Amelia asked watching my expression.

Amelia and I watched in horror as Morganna and Ketura came to form. I was speechless, this wasn’t the right time for them to be morphing into themselves.

“Sydney, what’s going on”, Amelia asked angrily. At that time her mother came running back to us.

“See, I told you Amelia, something wasn’t right”, she yelled.

“So who are they and who are you”, Amelia asked drawing her sword, everyone was on the defensive now. This really wasn’t going to turn out great, and everybody was yelling now.

“We don’t have time for this”, Morganna yelled.

“Thaliah, we must leave immediately”, Ketura shouted above the rackus.

The mountains became as still as the sea on a god day, you could hear a pin drop at the sound of my name.

“Ketura”, I whispered because I realized what she had said.

“Thaliah”, Amelia said, looking at me heartbrokenly. I knew exactly what she meant.

“You would not have listened if I had told you the truth”, I said.

Just then something hit me in the back, it was so painful and it took everything I had to not say ow. The locals had begun attacking us, they threw fire and spells, they could not have been serious, and I was even crazier to have let my shield down. They didn’t have a chance in hell of beating us, but maybe the witches and wizards did, but this was not the time or place for a showdown and it was definitely not supposed to be with them.

“They are attacking us”, Ketura hissed.

“Let’s go before it is too late”, Morganna said fearfully.

“You are not going anywhere”, Amelia said as she grabbed me, but I was far passed that.

“Why would it be too late”, I asked Morganna.

Just then the sky began to darken, and without a doubt I knew and if we didn’t leave now it would indeed be too late, too late because … Vaarien was coming.


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