secrets || bam || leondre dev...

By evaawilliamss

203K 5.5K 764

in which their secrets tear them apart. More

secrets || leondre devries


4.2K 130 13
By evaawilliamss

Amy's P.O.V.

We had settled on watching a film on Netflix, although it took a while to decide on which one. Eventually we decided to watch Mean Girls. Old, but classic. You could probably guess that it was us girls who chose to watch it.

I was sitting on the sofa, with my head on Brad's lap, and my feet on Leo's. I was surprised that Dolly hadn't complained yet. Actually, I hadn't heard anything from Dolly in a while.

I looked up to find that she wasn't even in the room. That's weird. Where the hell was she? She obviously hadn't been hooking up with Leo, considering he was sitting on the sofa next to me. The only other person who wasn't in the room was Ollie, but he had gone upstairs because he felt sick.

I decided to leave it for a bit, and if she didn't reappear within the next ten minutes, then I would go and investigate. It may sound bad, but I really wanted her to be doing something bad, because then it would give Leo reason to break up with her, and I would never have to see her again.

" Are you alright?" Brad whispered in my ear.

" Yeah, just wondering where Dolly went."

" Who cares, at least she's not bothering us."

" Very true." I smiled, as Brad leaned down to kiss me. It wasn't the first time we kissed, although I wasn't actually sure if we were in a relationship or not.

I could feel Leo looking at us as I pulled away from the kiss. I think Brad noticed him giving us the stink eye. What was his problem?

Ten minutes had passed, and Dolly still wasn't back yet. I decided to go see where she was. As I got up, I told Brad that I was just going to get a drink.

" Hurry back." he said.

" I will."

I walked out of the front room, and into the kitchen. Dolly wasn't in there. I hadn't really expected her to be. I then moved on to check the back room. She wasn't in there either. I proceeded to check all the downstairs rooms, but she wasn't in any of them.

I climbed the stairs, secretly wishing that she had actually gone home. Apparently not. I could hear her voice in the spare room.

" What's the matter?" I heard her ask. She must be talking to Ollie.

I quickly checked Zac's room, because I was pretty sure he said he was gonna crash in there. He was sitting on the edge of the bed.

" Hey Amy." he said as I sat down next to him.

" Who's Dolly talking to?" I asked him.

" I have no clue. She came in here a minute ago, tried to pull something on me. I pushed her away. I don't like her. You should warn Leo."

" Believe me, I've tried."

" Oh well. Is the film still on?"

" Yeah."

" Okay, I'm gonna go watch it then. See ya."

" Bye."

As soon as Ollie left, I went into the spare room. Dolly was too busy on the phone to notice.

" Okay, baby. I'll try and come over tonight. I might not be able to get away from Leo though. He's so clingy."

Who the hell was she talking to? Did she have another boyfriend or something?

" I'll see you later then honey. Bye, love you."

" Who was that?" I asked immediately.

" How long have you been standing there?" She looked taken aback.

" Long enough."

" Well then. As you've probably guessed, I don't really like Leo. I just like how famous he is. He's actually kinda pathetic."

" Wait, so you're cheating on him?"

" Yep. And you're not gonna tell a soul. Because if you do, I'll tell Leo about your little crush on him. And I'll tell Brad. Actually, thinking about it, I have quite a lot of dirt on you. So you're gonna keep your mouth shut. Okay?"

" Okay." I agreed reluctantly. She actually did know quite a few of my secrets. I have no idea how, but now she was using them against me.

And she was going to hurt Leo.

Well shit.

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