The Bad Boys Girl


13.1K 358 58

Everyone has a secret, one so significant that could change their life for either the better or the worse. It... More

Chapter One: Now to face the Devil!
Chapter Three: Mr. Evans
Chapter Four: Promise
Chapter 5: I need to punch something...someone
Chapter 6: Guess I am taking the couch...again.


1.5K 55 5


*Jessie's POV*

I walked up the drive way to my step-father's house or should I say mansion. I hate him so fucking much, but mum seems to be blinded by his love. Honestly I think that mum just stayed with him because he was loaded. When I say loaded, I mean as full as a canon ready to fire.

He was the richest man in the town and everyone knew it. He hated me as much as I hated him because I held the 'Bad Boy' image in the town. But I couldn't care less.

I unlocked the door and walked to the kitchen, where I knew my mum would be. As I entered the kitchen I saw Liz, one of the chiefs and my mum cooking. Everyday my mother's routine stayed the same.

Wake up.


Work, from home.

Pick up Promise, my sister- when I couldn't.


Cook diner.


I know weird, right? My mum has been really different ever since my dad just disappeared. It was like someone had magically sent him away without any traces of to where they sent him. We looked for my dad for two hole years but eventually mum moved on and I learnt to do the same. Although deep down, I had a gut feeling that my real dad was dead. It is just easier for me to think that my dad is dead than anything else.

I know I sound like an ass, hoping that my dad is dead but I don't want to think he left us for another woman or family.

"Why hello darling, I didn't hear you come in" My mum's soft voice brought me back to reality.

"Hey Liz, yeah just got in from school. I'm going out tonight" Nodding my head, I replied. Not leaving any time for my mum to disagree or argue against it, I walked out of the kitchen and jogged up the stairs to my room.

I threw my bag on my double bed and walked over to my closet to collect my clothes. I chose on wearing a white fitted t-shirt, dark washed jeans with the occasional rip that hung loosely on my waist, paired with black combat boots and my leather jacket.

I made my way to my bathroom and striped off my school clothes and hopped into the shower. I let the warm water sooth my aching body. I had a street fight yesterday and was a little sore, even though I beat the fucking shit out of the guy.

Not to brag!

I washed my body with soap and rinsed off before I got out of the shower and dried off. I changed into the clothes that I previously retrieved from my closet and headed back into my room.

Once I had made sure I had my wallet and phone I ran down the stairs, into the kitchen to find my mum and Liz still in there. Though they weren't cooking anymore, they were seated at the bench whispering away.

"I'm going now, don't wait up" I walked over to mum, kissing her on the forehead and waving a simple goodbye to Liz. My mum began to process but I just ignored her as I was on my way out the back door I felt weight on my arm.

As I looked down, to my surprise I saw my little sister Promise "Hey lil' sis" I smiled. I missed her, I hadn't seen her much lately with everything that had been going on.

"Hey J, guess what?" She spat out quickly using my nickname, a huge grin spread on her face. She was so cute, I guess you could say I 'Mr. Bad Boy', had a weakness...


"What?" I asked her, mirroring her grin.

"We hawve new neighbourweds" she spat out quickly her grin becoming even bigger than previously. My little sister was so cute, I couldn't help but to chuckle at how she tried to say all the words correctly. Although I still didn't understand why she was so happy that we had new neighbours for? Well I guess it is Promise we are talking about.

"And....?" I pressed on, to see if she could explain why she was so happy about this news.

"And she a girwl. She is really pwetty, I wish I could be as pweety as her. She really is liwke a pwincess" her smile turned into a sad one. I couldn't handle seeing my sister beat herself about about not being pretty, because trust me she was the most adorable little girl I have seen. She had long blond hair with the bright blue eyes, the colour of the sky and cute chubby and rosey cheeks.

Ignoring her previous statement about some girl, I tried reassuring her about how pretty she actually was "Promise you are the most beautiful and pretty girl in the whole entire world" I stretched my arms out to emphasise how big the world is.

Promise being Promise had a unbelievable look on her face, so I continued "I will yell it out if I have to" As I said that, the corners of her lips twitched slightly, but she kept her face twisted unbelievably.

At this point I knew that she believed me and she knew that I would shout out how beautiful she was and that's exactly what I did "MY BABY SISTER IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD!!!" Her lips turned up and met her eyes.

Then unexpectedly her smile dropped again and it annoyed me because she is always so happy. Today she didn't seem like herself and I had not a clue as to why. I know that I hadn't been around much lately because of all the shit that has been going on but-

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my sister's little voice

"Down't lweave me again, pwease J. Daddy has been shouwting at mummy" I picked her up in my arms, my face softening.

"I won't leave you, Promise. It's okay I'll stay" I whispered in her ear, she slumped into my hold and wrapped her tiny arms around my neck. Her breathing became slower within minutes, knowing that she would fall asleep any second now I made my way into the kitchen.

I carried Promise with me and once I entered the kitchen I spotted my mum seated alone on the stool, nibbling at a piece of chocolate mud cake. She didn't look up when I walked in so I just whispered "Mum I'm staying home with Promise tonight"

My mum glanced up at me, rubbing her eyes. I took in how tired she looked, with bags under her blue eyes. I know I am a really bad person for not noticing this before but you know I was in a rush and not being all that observant.

"Okay honey" she wore a sad smile

Knowing that I had to talk to my mother I whispered again "We will talk later, whether you like it or not. Goodnight" with that said, I turned on my heels, feeling Promise's arms tighten around me and carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Once I was in her room, shutting the door lightly, I unwrapped her arms from around my neck, trying not to wake her up fully.

I knew that she would be way too tired to have a bath but I had to at least change my little sister into her pyjamas.

Placing her gently on her princess bed, I shook her lightly "Promise" I whispered trying to get her to open her eyes, at least.

She turned and grumbled something before her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me lazily "Lets get you changed" I spoke quietly. Promise simply nodded her head, I retrieved her pyjamas from under her crown pillow.

I handed them to her, she looked at me as if I were making her do something really hard. To be honest it probably was the hardest thing for a 5 year old to actually put her clothes - in this case pyjamas - on.

"Hear let me help you with that" I spoke softly, chuckling slightly. With that I helped her get changed and tucked her into her covers. She asked me to stay with her for tonight so I did.

I ended up holding my sister all night and eventually falling asleep.


Hey everyone :)

Thanks to for reading, anywasy sorry this chapter was really short and I haven't updated in a couple of weeks :/ Please forgive me

I hope you like this chapter even though it is really short. I just wanted to give you an insight on Jessie and his relationships with his family ;) But seriously isn't Promise just so cute :)

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