
By Heartless9849

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Valentina Katrina DelliBovi. The name fit for a princess. When the apocalypse comes, so did her royalty. Her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Survivors Part 2!

Chapter 9

113 7 0
By Heartless9849

Chapter 9

-V. K.

I slip my black heels on and look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing a black dress with a tan, sheer bottom.

Michael got me the dress when we first met and he got me it for our first date. I don't know how but I guess it was with the help of his 'resources.'

I finish my hair and make up when a knock on my door causes my heart to sink. He's early. I wish I could avoid him forever but that seems inevitable.

I open the door for him, only to find Carter. He's leaning on the frame and was looking around the hall thinking until his eyes landed on me. He immedietly stands up straight, eyes wide, traveling over me in the dress. "You uh.. you look..."

"That bad huh? Can't even form words," I laugh as I watch him eye me over.

He gulps and then clears his throat as his eyes come back up to mine. "Beautiful.." Smiling, I move to let him in. "What are you dolled up for?"

My smile fades and a frown replaces it. "A date. With Michael. He wants to win me back and discuss the terms of the marriage."

He laughs, turning away from me. His laugh has no humor in it, as if it was a deadman's laugh. "Your really going to marry this guy.."

"You know I don't have a choice.."

"That's the thing! You do!" He turns to face me, standing inches away. "You put everyone else first, but what about you!"

"I don't have someone to sacrifice everything to put me first. I have no control over my life."

"You have me. I'd sacrifice it all. For you.. I'd do anything.." he reaches for my hand but I pull it away.

" wont. I wont allow you to. I'm not going to let others pay the consequences." And with that, I leave. I leave him again and again but he always comes back. It just makes everything even more hard..

"There you are! You look stunning!" Michael smiles and leads me to the elevator. "We're going out to Anthony's."

"An Italian place? Really?" Its a resturaunt in the city, walled off from the vampires. Instead of money they trade valuable items and resources to help for survival. In return you get an amazing meal. Its the closest thing to a normal fancy dinner that you'll get in the world we live in.

"Thought you might like it." He opens the car door for me and gets in on the other side. He tells the driver where to go and I sit quiet for the 30 minute drive.


"So I promise to not ever hurt you again. If you promise to remain faithful to me and only me. Not that Carter boy."

I pick at my food, not really listening. "Sure."

"You're not even trying." He tosses his fork down and sits back to stare at me.

"Have you ever stopped to think about what I want or how I feel about this situation? My parents are forcing me to marry a man who's beaten me for that last 9 months that I've known him, and if I don't they'll take it out on those I love. How do you expect me to react?"

He sighs and takes my hand across the table. I try to pull away but he just grips it firmer. "I understand how you must feel. But just think about how this benefits everyone in the end." I yank my hand away.

"And what about me? It'll be torture for me. I will never love you. And what about Carter? He doesn't deserve this."

He slams his fist on the table. "I am sick of hearing about that boy! He will deal with it, as will you, or else I'll have him taken care of. Is that understood?!"

I stand from the table. "No! You wont dare! If anything happens to him, I will kill you. That is a promise!" I start to walk away but he grabs my arm and stands abruptly from the table.

"You will do no such thing! How about I remind you of the good old times?" He smiles and leans in, inhaling my scent. "You smell so good, sweetheart. Remember how good I made you feel?"

"I remember faking everything so I wouldn't get beaten." I yank my arm free. "Don't touch me."

He yanks my hair, shoving my face into his. "You're going to be my wife! I will touch you as I please!" He crashes his lips on mine and I shove at his chest but he's relentless. I reach around for anything and grab a fork off the table. I stab it into his arm and he yells, shoving me off.

"You'll never change. And I'll never be yours. Not completely." I turn and run outside. I make it out of the walls and start running on the dangerous streets. Hopefully, I'm not spotted by any vampires.


After running 7 blocks, I find a abandoned store to relax in. Growls echo in the distance outside and I hide behind the wall.

I call Carter because I need help.

"What?" He sounds angry which is understandable. "Calling to apologize?"

The growls get closer and louder in the background. My voice is barely above a whisper, "I need your help.. please.."

His voice changes comepletely and he sounds worried. "Where are you? I'll come right now. What did he do to you?"

"He.. he threatened you and I kind of lost it. Long story short, I stabbed him with a fork and fled but I'm alone on the streets in the dark, full of vampires and far away from the sanctuary."

"I'm on my way. Where are you?"

"10th street.. but I don't know how much longer I will be... I hear them closing in on me and I don't have weapons.." I feel like an idiot for not bringing any.

"Don't worry baby.. I'm coming. I'll be right there. Just stay hidden, please.."

"I'll try.. I have to go before they hear me.. Get here soon.." I hang up the phone and look around the store. I grab a broom from around the counter and break it apart to use as stakes. And then I wait.

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