College Story

By paige569

70.3K 2K 583


College Story (chapter 1 )
College Story ( chapter 2 )
College Story ( Chapter 3 )
College Story ( Chapter 4 )
College Story ( Chapter 5 )
College Story ( Chapter 6 )
College Story ( Chapter 7 )
College Story ( Chapter 8 )
College Story (chapter 9)
College Story (Chapter 10 )
College Story (Chapter 12 )

College Story ( Chapter 11 )

4.9K 103 39
By paige569

okay, so here is college story, i dont knwo if you guys think this is a funy story, but for me, this is the story i write when i think of things that make me laugh

i dont put a lot of thought into it like i do my other stories, but thats kind of the point lol its just for me to have fun with and just write so i still hope you like it... i guess its like my writing therapy lol when i just need to let loose and write silly things

well vote and comment

have a great day and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh VA in 2 days!!!!!!!!im freaking the hell out man!


chapter 10

Okay Laney, its time to pull out the big guns.

Wait...big guns, really Laney, big guns?

Seriously I had no idea what I was talking about. I basically made up this seemingly psychotic revenge pattern as I went and frankly, I was starting to freak even myself out. When you start throwing around phrases like 'big guns,' it can only mean two things for me: 1) I had a problems and 2) I really needed better material if I was going to survive this game me and Jason seemed to be playing.

A part of me said, "Laney, your way too good for this, your smart, healthy and you have certain aspects about yourself that you got going for you."

But there was that other part of me that was winning, beating my inelegant conscious and smashing it with a rock and it was saying, "Laney, kill him!" (not physically of course) anything embarrassing would do and it was winning. Completely.

I was so angry. Humiliation was the worst kind of weapon and I knew the knot that was forming in my stomach wouldn't go away until I made him pay.

Across the yard, there was a blood drive going on. I cringed. If there was one thing I hated- besides Jason- it was a needle being inserted against my vein for thirty minutes while they filled up a bag full of my blood. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping the person in need, but that didn't mean I was volunteering myself as a weekly donor.

Jason was sitting with a group of his friends I didn't know across the court yard.

I was immediately disgusted. He looked so happy, like there wasn't a care in the world besides sitting around having a laugh. It was things like that, that told me I was doing the right thing. It wasn't natural for a person to get away with doing horrible things with out even the slightest bit of guilt on their hands and I was going to set it right with an equal, if not cleverer plan of the ultimate humiliation.

There was a lot of kids out, morning classes had ended and people were either taking breaks, or walking to their next classes.

I got a few stares as I walked down the small null of a hill and down onto the grassy field that enveloped the entire middle of campus.

Some didn't even bother to hide there remarks with small whispers, they were nearly shouting, "that's the girl," the second I walked past them.

I knew what they were talking about of course. The incident with Mr. Hotness this morning was sure to be hot campus gossip. It couldn't have been the first time a college student had crushed on her professor, but setting up a very public display was a little over the top, but then again I had Jason to pay for that. I don't think I would ever look at balloons or roses the same again.

Looking around to make sure no one was paying attention to me, I walked into the tented blood drive facility and swiped a white lab jacket off the back of a chair and pulled a clip board off the table as I walked past the unsuspecting phlebotomist's.

Once I was in the clear, I pulled my hair back into a pony tail and slipped the jacket on.

I took a deep breathe. I could do this, it would be fine and it really wasn't that mean, was it?

I smiled. Yes, it was pretty mean and if someone ever did this to me, I would probably have a nervous breakdown, but Jason was a strong boy and had to have some kind of tolerance in this kind of thing.

I dug through my bag for my old reading glasses I never used anymore, but carried around for emergencies.

Once they were on, I stood up straight, put on my serious A-game face and walked over towards Jason and his friends.

I stood there, but no one made the slightest look in my direction.

"Mr. Fredrick's?" I asked.

Nothing. Stupid jocks.

I cleared my throat, "Mr. Fredrick's!" I said again, this time catching their attention.

Jason looked up and frowned, "Laney?" he asked with a laugh as he scanned my outfit.

"Laney?" I asked confused, "dear god we just had an appointment this morning I'm Mrs. Halibaster, remember?" I said forcing the corners of my mouth to stay put and do anything, but smile.

Jason scowled and stood up, "Laney," he said narrowing his eyes and brushing his hair back, "I don't know what your up to but-" I cut him off.

"Really Mr. Fredrick's, again with this Laney nonsense, I told you I'm Mrs. Halibaster." oh this is fun.

His friends were staring at him with confusion and then back at me.

Jason sat back down and gave me his oh so confident smirk, "Okay then, lets see what you got, 'Mrs. Halibaster."

He was laughing a little, mostly to himself. I had the feeling he was indulging me, and didn't think for a second I could do anything that would really hurt him.

"Are you sure you want to do this in front of everyone," I asked with raised eyebrows.

I would give him a chance to get away, just so I could do this with a clear mind, but that was as far as my good nature would go.

He eyed me carefully.

His dark eyes twinkling with over confident male bravado before he smiled, "Not at all, please," he said, "go on with whatever it is you have to tell me," he finished with the wave of his hand.

I smiled and sat down across from him, "Very well," I sighed.

I took my seat and put on my most serious face, "It seems that the burning feeling you were encountering while urinating is exactly what we expected," Jason's jaw nearly smacked against the floor and his flawless skin was turning from mild pink, into a blazing gush of red scarlet, "Yes," I nodded, " I'm so sorry Jason." dear god I almost snorted, "Now I'll need to talk to the young lady you were involved with," I pretended to scan through the clip board I was holding, "The Ms. Melissa Miller, I'm sure she will want to be informed,' there was some muffled laughter, but I didn't see from who.

When I looked around, a few of his friends had scooted away from Jason who was now standing up and towering over me in his seat, "Laney so help me god tell them this is just a joke or it will be the last thing you do," he warned. The glint in his eye was dangerous, but I didn't back down.

I looked over at his friends with a sorry expression, "This news is hard for anyone to take and the whole Laney business must be a way for him to try and cope with the shock. No one wants to hear they have developed a serious STD," I explained.

"Laney!" he barked.

I arched my brow, or tried to anyway, "Look Mr. Fredrick's, I'm only responding to your little...visit you gave me this morning, now if you'll excuse me, I believe my work here is done," I said smirking at Jason who was looking at me murderously.

I ushered my way through the crowded grounds, ignoring the shouts of Jason behind me. Discarding my white lab coat in the nearest trash can I hurried towards the other end of campus where I might be able to ditch Jason and the consequences of what I had just done. The look on his face had been priceless and I knew right away he hadn't thought I had it in me, but it appears I had tons of surprises in me lately that were starting to spill out.

"Laney, stop right there, this isn't over!" Jason shouted as I ducked behind the nearest building to my right. Kids had started to become scarce on this end of school and I used any solid covering to shield me from Jason's view, but even things like trash cans and trees seemed vacant on this end.

I was out of breathe and worried about being late to my next class that started in twenty minutes. Jason had to give up some time.. didn't he?

I made my final mistake when I turned down a dead end. The building cut out and finalized into a solid brick wall, leaving me out in the open, and in plan sight for Jason.

I turned around, slowly, arms folded across my chest and head held high.

Of course he was standing there.

Of course he was smirking.

Of course he looked triumphant like he had won.

And of course I had wound up at this dead end completely defensively.

Reason number twelve for hating this school, dead ends and stupid brick walls.

Reason number thirteen, fourteen and fifteen, Jason Fredrick's, Jason Fredrick's, Jason Fredrick's.

"Let's just get this over with shall we," I said trying to sound brave, but slightly uneasy.

He wouldn't kill me right?

No, no he just wanted to get a little yelling out of his system.. I think.

I was suddenly a little uneasy and apprehensive and started backing away.

"Look Jason, you embarrassed me so I got you back, let it go," I said shakily.

That murderous look was still etched across his face. He took a large step towards me until my back was pressed against the brick wall and my heart was beating- no thumping against my chest like it was about to burst.

"Laney," he said my name with a cold linguid tone that freaked the hell out of me.

"Yes?" I asked or whispered, because I barely heard the words myself.

"Shut up would you," he said smiling a tilted smirk.

"But-" I was cut off by Jason pressing his body against mine and trapping me against the wall.

"I don't really like you, you know that," he brushed some hair over my ear slowly with his hand, "in fact I think I hate you a little," he said looking down at me, his face inches away from mine.

Okay, was it fair to say I was confused more then just a little? Oh and a little uncomfortable from the closeness of his mouth. His beautiful, delicious mouth that was connected to the face of the devil... or the devil's son because this was not a good guy, this was the guy I hated.

I turned my face so I wasn't looking at him because I'm pretty sure that's what did it. Looking into those eyes was like setting a huge cake in front of a fat kid and in this case I was that fat kid. You don't think about how bad it is for you, you just want to eat it up.

But that didn't stop Jason.

Oh no, he leaned forward and his breathe trickled across the side of my neck, until I felt the soft, warm feel of his lips brushing against my skin and trailing up to the corner of my jaw line.

And then, just as quick as he had started this sick, twisted foreplay, he pulled away from me.

Thank god, because I did not enjoy a second of that, I was totally disgusted.

God I was a bad liar, even when I was trying to lie to myself I didn't believe a word.

I opened my eyes, not even realizing I had closed them for however long and stared back at a proud looking Jason.

"You got me good, Mrs. Halibaster was it?" he said with a laugh that made my skin crawl and my hands clinch into fists.

He was so god damn smug.

"You'll be hearing from me soon."

Then he left.

He left me standing there completely baffled by the contact we had just shared and angry at his last words.

I needed to talk to Steve, he was the only one who could help me get Jason back for good, and even though I was still freaked out about Lucy, I had a good idea where he would be.

Until then, I had appointment in my history 101 class and revenge would just have to wait.

I was glad my next teacher was an old guy who sounded like he had a plugged nose when he talked.

And I would by lying if I said my thoughts didn't drift to Jason and the way my neck still tingled.

Again, in a totally gross way.... I think.


okay so theres chapter 10

im not sure which story iw ill up load next.. maybe immortal or under monlight will see because its been a while

but i wont get started on those till after 8 because i have to go to work

have a good one guys and vote and comment :))))

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