Rules of Religions in SlugTer...

By miarebel65

3.9K 188 266

The sequel to the first book. Nurul now lives with the Shadow Clan, to have some time alone. With the Shane... More

Living In The Shadows
Can't Move On And We Meet Again
A Dream or A Vision
The Truth
In The Shadow Territory
Memories of The First Date
The Night
It can't be.....
In 2 Days
The Day Is Here
Eryn and Ammar Shane
The Proposal
Dark Memories
Heart Broken
Telling The Truth
Lunch Time
The Secret of Nurul
Nurul's Story
A Spy Is Revealed
Dark Past
The Master of Hypnosis
Catatan Kembara
Unexpected Visitor
The Team
Write My Own Destiny
Christmas Wish
Christmas Preperations
A Christmas Wish Came True
New Year

Being Parents

106 6 13
By miarebel65

Nurul's POV

After a few days in the hospital, I'm finally released and go home. I'm​ just putting in my clothes when Eli came in.

"Hey Nur", he said as he hug me from behind.

"Hey E", I said as I blush.

"Finally your out of here".

"Yeah and back home".

"The question is, which home. The hideout or the treehouse?".

"I need time to think about it E".

"Well whatever you chose, I'll be there for you", as he caress my neck.

Everyone time he does that, it made me feel desire for him. It felt so good. I then feel his lips sucking on my neck and I moan. Oh my God, he's killing me with pleasure he's giving to me. I can't resist it anymore. I throw head back, giving him more room. I can feel his lips turning into a smirk. He continued his work on my neck. He then went to my shoulders and kiss it. I can melt into his arms right now.

Then the door open and the doctor came in. We then acted like nothing happen.

"Well Ms. Nurul, you are free to go now. Your kids are the nursery", he said.

We thank him and left for the nursery. I saw the nurse pushing my kids bed near the window. My little bundles of joy are here. I can't believe, that I'm a mom and a mom to Eli's kids.

The nurse then wrap my daughter, Eryn in a pink blanket with a hood on it to keep away from the sun and for my son, Ammar in a blue blanket. I was about to cry seeing my little​ angles, when Eli hold my hand and gently squeezing it.

The nurse carried my little angels​ to us. She gave me Eryn and Eli, Ammar. We then left the hospital. When we were out the kids began to fuss and start cry.

"They must be hungry", said Eli.

"Yeah, I need a private place Eli", I said.

He look around, but he saw nothing. He then thought and told me to get onto the mecha. I got on and rode off with him. How can he drive while holding Ammar? We then reached my treehouse. I use my bracelet to shadow teleport us to the top with the little angles.

"How about here?", he ask me.

"Perfect, no one will see us here", I said I sat on the couch and breast feed Eryn.

I saw Eli turn around trying to keep Ammar calm down. I just shook my head and told him to sit next to me.

"Are you sure?".

"Well, you already have seen me".

He just smile and sat next to me. I then put Eryn on my shoulder and try to burp her. And she let out a very cute burp. Me and Eli just chuckle. Now it was Ammar turn, so he gave me Ammar and I gave him Eryn. And I did the same to him.

After feeding them, we saw them fast asleep. Aww, how cute they are. I mage to set up the baby room in in the room next to mine. Eli and I put the little angels into their own cradles. I went over to the drawer and took pink and blue pyjamas, two pairs of pink and blue mittens, two pairs of pink and blue booties and pink and blue matching​ tiny hats.

"When did you get all these things?".

"Well, after I knew I was pregnant, I went to the store and bought everything you need to take care of a baby", as I hand him the pink pyjamas, mittens, booties and hat for Eryn.

We carefully put the clothes on them without waking them up. Then my little angels were fully clothed and adorable. I took a picture​ of them.

I just can't believe it, that I'm a mom to a pair of adorable twins. This totally changes everything.

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