The BadAss Mate

By MilkyWay27

439K 10.1K 1K

{Book 2} Conan Ludwig. He's a werewolf. But not just any other werewolf, he is the adopted son of Nathan Ludw... More

The BadAss Mate (E)
1: Conan (E)
2: Lena (E)
3: Tired (E)
4: Ditching (E)
5: Information (E)
6: Accepted (E)
7: They're Mates (E)
8.2: The First Date (E)
9: Hanging Out With The Royalty (E)
10: Sweet Side of Conan (E)
11: Suspicious
12: The Vampire
13: Fight for a Heart
14: Definition of Love
15: Broken
16: Different
17: Perfectly Puzzled Family
18: Heat
19: Leading Him On
20: Truth's Out
21: Never Leaving
22: Surprise Visit
23: Betrayal
24: Pure Human with Powers
25: Preparation
26: War is the Answer
27: Torture
28: What About Me?
29: Over Again
30: Lena is Dead
31: Scavenger Hunt
Yes or no?
The Bet

8.1: First Date (E)

15.5K 315 29
By MilkyWay27

| Dedicated to @juhivadivel she made the cover! Cool huh? ;) (3/8/14) |

8.1: First Date (Part 1)

Lena's POV

I swayed my hips dancing inside my room, as I threw my hands in the air turning up the volume.

"Lately, I've been, I've been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be, but baby, I've been, I've been praying hard, said, no more counting dollars. We'll be counting stars, yeah we'll be counting stars."

Grabbing my hairbrush, as I sang as if it was a microphone,

"I see this life like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line and my face is flashing signs seek it out and you shall find."

"Old, but I'm not that old young, but I'm not that bold, Idon't think the world is sold. I'm just doing what we're told."

I froze as soon as I heard a loud clapping from my door, I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw Conan chuckling and clapping.

"Conan!" I exclaimed, "When did you get here?!"

He checked his watch, "About  two minutes ago."

My jaw dropped, "You've been watching me? You're a creep!" I pouted.

He grinned cutely and walked until he was towering over me, "So, anyway, I want to take you somewhere."

I crossed my arms, and looked up at him, "What if I don't want to come with you?"

"Then, I'll have to force you."

"Then, that will make me hate you more." I said, raising an eyebrow.

He pouted, "But, b-but.."

I chuckled and patted his chest, "You gotta try harder than that." I said, pursing my lips, "Anyways, how did you know this was my room?" I squinted my eyes, "Stalker."

He gave me a look, "I'm not a stalker! I just asked my dad and he said you were staying here."

"How did he know?"

"Well, duh. He is the Alpha."

I blinked, "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that." I smiled sheepishly.

Conan rolled his eyes, "Please, Lena. Go on a date with me." He pleaded, almost painfully.

"Try harder." I repeated as I walked out of my room.

I heard him groan as I ran to the backyard of the pack mansion and spotted Violet on the opposite part on the pack house where the Alpha's family lives.

"Vi!" I exclaimed.

She turned trying to find me, as I waved my hand, her eyes widened as she saw me and grinned, "Lena!" She waved and motioned for me to come.

I shook my head, feeling shy. She glared at me and motioned for me to come again, looking like she wasn't going to take a no for an answer. Fine, pushy.

I bit my lip and went to where she was, it was only a 40 seconds walk that's why I don't understand how were not speaking, and not being able to hear it.

"Why did you make me come here?" I asked as soon as I stepped in front of her.

She shrugged, "Well.. I wanted to introduce you to our parents."

"What? No!" I protested.

She patted my shoulder, "Don't worry, I won't."

I sighed and sagged my shoulder in relief but tensed again when I heard Conan's voice say, "She won't, but I would."

I twirled around to him, "What? No you won't." I argued, trying to walk off but Gerard blocked me, I turned to the other but Callum blocked me as well. I groaned, "I won't be getting out of this, aren't I?"

They shook their heads at me, "Don't worry! They'll love you!" Debby exclaimed.

"I doubt it." I murmured to myself.

~5 minutes later~

"NO! I don't want to! Please noooo!" I whined, screaming loudly as Conan grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder, "Conan! Put me down, right this instant!" I yelled punching his back.

"Nope!" He said.

I groaned, "Conan!" I screeched, kicking my legs trying to hit his chest.

"What is going on here?"

My eyes widened when I heard Conan's dad's voice, "Conan, put me down. Now." I hissed.

"Nope." He repeated.

"Conan." I warned, "If you don't put me down, I won't go on a date with you."

He immediately put me down as I fixed my hair and shirt. I crossed my arms and looked down on the floor, "Who is she?" I heard Violet's mom ask.

I peeked up to see all of their parents were already here, "She's my.. mate." Conan said.

I looked up to Conan, shocked. I know he said he accepts me, but I didn't expect him to tell his parents. I felt Conan's hand intertwine with mines. I stared at our hands, my eyebrwos furrowing. I felt so overwhelmed with all this.

I heard his mom gasp, as I felt myself being pulled away from Conan and being embraced by a motherly arms. I blinked when I realized that Conan's mom hugged me, I wrapped my arms around her awkwardly hugging her back.

"Mooom." Conan whined.

We pulled away as I looked at Conan who was rubbing his face in embarrassment. I rolled my eyes, his mom just hugged me and he's embarrassed already?

"Welcome to the family then, hun." Callum's mom smiled at me.

I smiled coyly back at her, as I played with my hands, "Oh come on, don't be shy." Conan's dad said rolling his eyes.

"Darren." Conan warned.

Alpha chuckled and raised his hands in defense, "Alright. Alright. And, Lena please don't call us Luna or Alpha. It's kinda awkward. Just call us Uncle, Aunt or even mom and dad." He shrugged.

I smiled genuinely at him.


Two days after meeting their parents everything went back to normal. Not really normal, but at least I'm already getting used to being with Conan and his cousins who I already call my friends.

Violet rushed next to me as soon as the bell rang, she pulled me to the lobby of our school, "What?"

She grinned and covered my eyes, "Just close your eyes."


"Ah-Ah. No buts. Just, shh and close your eyes." She protested.

I sighed, closing my eyes, "I feel blind." I whined.

"Well, duh. That's why I covered your eyes."

"Can I please open my eyes now?"

I can imagine Violet rolling her eyes at me, "You can, but you still won't see anything."

I groaned, and crossed my arms tapping my feet, I felt Violet take her hand off my eyes as I opened my eyes. I blinked a little from the light. My eyes widened when I saw Conan in front of me grinning, he took my hand and stood beside me.

I saw, Callum, Gerard, Violet, Debby, Jake, Chris, a girl from my class named Fiona, one of Conan's friends Kevin, and finally cute little Bree whose giving me puppy eyes with a question mark on the cardboard she's holding.

Every person was holding a cardboard with one word on it.

"Will You Go On A Date With Me?"

The janitor turned the lights off as red and blue light came blinking on and off the lobby with red rose petals raining down on us.

Conan stepped away from beside me to my front, "Will you go on a date with me, Lena?" He asked, giving me his cute eyes, "Please?"

I bit my lip, smiling at him, "Okay, fine. I'll go on a date with you. On one condition." He nodded for me to continue, "I'm not wearing a dress."

He grinned, "That's perfect."

I smiled, and looked down. I looked around to see many students were watching in awe and shock since Conan never really did something like this.

Conan lifted my chin and leaned in to me, I stopped him, "Wait. There's many people watching."

"Ignore them." He whispered. I felt his hot breath on mine.

"I can't." I whispered back.

He smiled softly, "I'll help you."

We stared into each other's eyes as I forgot all the people around us. As cliche as it sounds it actually feels like it was only us two in the room. I smiled at him as I fluttered my eyes close and felt his lips softly landed on mine.


"Here. Here. Here. And, here." Violet threw my clothes.

I sighed, "I don't want these! I want something more casual and conservative! This clothes makes me look like a slut." I whined.

Violet scoffed, "No it doesn't. Now, go wear it on."

I took the clothes and went inside my bathroom as I changed. I looked at myself on the mirror and made funny faces. I giggled to myself and checked out what I was wearing. Huh. I guess it is good.

The top I was wearing have one shoulder on my left off, it was coral white and the sleeves ends on my elbows, a dark skinny jeans, and a black converse. My hair was curled on the ends and my face was free off make up.

I actually felt comfortable in these.

I went out the bathroom and twirled around in front of Violet, "So?"

"You look hot, conservative kind of girl." She complimented.

I blushed, "Yeah?"

She nodded, "Mhmm." She checked her watch, "Oooh! Conan's almost here."

And as if on cue, there was a knock on my door. Violet pushed me to the door, I opened it and saw Conan dressed nicely in his blue collared shirt, jeans, and some Nike rubber shoes.

"Hey." I smiled, opening the door widely, to see him closer.

"Hey, you look.. beautiful." He breathed out, looking at me.

I felt my cheecks warm, "Thank you."

Violet grumbled and pushed me out the door, closing it, "Leave now, you two!"

Conan chuckled and offered his arm out, I nodded and looped my arm around his as we both went out of the mansion and went to his car. He opened the passenger's door for me, "Thanks." I said, as I hopped in and sat, putting on my seatbelt.

I watched as he ran around the car and went in the driver's seat, putting his seatbelt on, "You good?"

I nodded, "Uh-huh. So, where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes, "Very cliche, Conan."

"What can I say? I like being cliche." He grinned at me, as he started driving.

This is it, were about to go to our very First Date.

| I just hurried this chapter, so I'm sorry if it's kinda boring. I cut it in to two chapters since it'll be too long and I have to study right now. :))

Anyway, this book is already 1,000 reads! YAY! :))

Ellexx |

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