I am not lonely [Mystrade]

By BillySHolmes

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Mycroft Holmes is apparently a very happy man. He have an important job, a stable relationship with a Scotlan... More

Chapter 1 : The revelation
CHAPTER 2 : A visit to the zoo
CHAPTER 3 : Brother mine.
CHAPTER 4 : A royal disappearance
CHAPTER 5 : A royal issue
CHAPTER 6 : Childish Sherlock
Chapter 7 : Lady Smallwood
CHAPTER 8 : Mycrafting
CHAPTER 9 : Alden
CHAPTER 10 : La Dolce Vita
CHAPTER 11 : Kashmir suit
CHAPTER 12 : Football Game
CHAPTER 13 : A great Uncle.
CHAPTER 14 : Baking and Solving
CHAPTER 15 : 2 years
CHAPTER 16 : Mr and Mrs Holmes.
CHAPTER 17 : Grievances
CHAPTER 18 : The Grooms
CHAPTER 19 : The Husbands.
CHAPTER 20 : Coming-out
CHAPTER 21 : Birthday Party
CHAPTER 22 : First Day.
CHAPTER 23 : Strawbridge
CHAPTER 24 : To Victory
CHAPTER 25 : Front Page
CHAPTER 26 : Celeste
CHAPTER 27 : Happy Birthday
CHAPTER 28 : Trouble
CHAPTER 29 : A hoodlum from Camden
CHAPTER 30 : A goldfish in an aquarium.
CHAPTER 31 : Passion
CHAPTER 32 : Friends
CHAPTER 33 : December is Christmas
CHAPTER 34 : Christmas Party
CHAPTER 35 : Marcus
CHAPTER 36 : Baron Samedi and Mr Calaveras
CHAPTER 37 : Strychnine
CHAPTER 38 : The Government and Scotland Yard
CHAPTER 39 : None of your business.
CHAPTER 40 : A good cop
CHAPTER 41 : Dining and fencing
CHAPTER 42 : 47.
CHAPTER 43 : Daddy.
CHAPTER 44 : Swans
CHAPTER 45 : French lover.
CHAPTER 46 : Shoes
CHAPTER 47 : Sorry
CHAPTER 48 : 334 steps
CHAPTER 49 : Guns and tight shirt.
CHAPTER 50 : Ich bin ein doof.
CHAPTER 51 : Hyde Park
CHAPTER 52 : Shower
CHAPTER 53 : Blood stains.
CHAPTER 54 : Trying to coop.
CHAPTER 55 : A taste of holidays
CHAPTER 56 : Surprise
CHAPTER 57 : Freckles
CHAPTER 58 : An instant to remember.
CHAPTER 59 : Unexpected encounter
CHAPTER 60 : It's gonna be alright
CHAPTER 61 : La Mano
CHAPTER 62 : Hunting down
CHAPTER 63 : Retaliation
CHAPTER 64 : All to the Tardis
CHAPTER 65 : Always the poetic
CHAPTER 66 : Welcome back
CHAPTER 67 : Nicknames
CHAPTER 68 : Pretty boy
CHAPTER 69 : Knightsbridge
CHAPTER 70 : Green plushy frame
CHAPTER 71 : Children !
CHAPTER 72 : Nervous Breakdown
CHAPTER 73 : Hidden talents.
CHAPTER 74 : Unbeatable and Unsinkable
CHAPTER 76 : I love your smile.
CHAPTER 77 : Don't tell me lies
CHAPTER 78 : Bareskin
CHAPTER 79 : A detective in the living room
CHAPTER 80 : Superman
CHAPTER 81 : One of the upsetting kind
CHAPTER 82 : The perfect suit
CHAPTER 83 : A surprise call
CHAPTER 84 : Handcuff him
CHAPTER 85 : Is this for me ?
CHAPTER 86 : Do you want a plastic bag ?
CHAPTER 87 : The rest of my life
CHAPTER 88: Commanding officer
CHAPTER 89 : Finding the girl
CHAPTER 90 : Navaja and Radders
CHAPTER 91 : A royal visit
CHAPTER 92 : Lesbian vampires and teddy bears
CHAPTER 93 : Christmas shopping
CHAPTER 94 : Santa Klaus
CHAPTER 95 : Unexpected morning
CHAPTER 96 : All kinds of fluids
CHAPTER 97 : Damsel in distress
CHAPTER 98 : Why is there a fucking pony in my living room ?
CHAPTER 99 : Bloody French
CHAPTER 100 : Dirty boy
CHAPTER 101 : Allons-y Alonzo !
CHAPTER 102 : Discovery
CHAPTER 103 : Interviewing
CHAPTER 104 : Bracknell
CHAPTER 105 : Concerned Rocky
CHAPTER 106 : A day at the beach
CHAPTER 107 : Teasing
CHAPTER 108 : Any part of your body
CHAPTER 109 : Family Portrait
CHAPTER 110 : Grace Louise Madison Taylor
CHAPTER 111 : A tour in the studios
CHAPTER 112 : Spring Rolls.
CHAPTER 113 : Bet
CHAPTER 114 : Sister
CHAPTER 115 : Snack
CHAPTER 116 : The man in charge
CHAPTER 117 : Saint Raphael
CHAPTER 118 : Parade
CHAPTER 119 : Lombok
CHAPTER 120 : Snorkling
CHAPTER 121 : An evening
CHAPTER 122 : Please ...
CHAPTER 123 : Chief Detective Sherif
CHAPTER 124 : Monitoring
CHAPTER 125 : Vera
CHAPTER 126 : Surprise diner
CHAPTER 127 : Black tie
CHAPTER 128 : Breath
CHAPTER 129 : Nephew like uncle
CHAPTER 130 : Talking
CHAPTER 131 : Liars, Killers
CHAPTER 132 : The House on the Cliff
CHAPTER 133 : The concept of Art
Chapter 134 : Post
CHAPTER 135 : Prejudice
CHAPTER 136 : A royal deal
CHAPTER 137 : Vientiane's baby
CHAPTER 138 : Can I hold her ?
CHAPTER 139 : Bees
CHAPTER 140 : Tantrum
CHAPTER 141 : Niece
CHAPTER 142 : Earl of Swindon
CHAPTER 143 : Santa's list
CHAPTER 144 : Little devil
CHAPTER 145 : Arnie
CHAPTER 146 : Molly's present
CHAPTER 147 : Live, love, dare and stand up
CHAPTER 148 : Children's issues
CHAPTER 149 : Head of government
Chapter 150 : Babysitting
Chapter 151 : Lord of the Flies
CHAPTER 152 : Architect
Chapter 153 : Brothers and Sisters
CHAPTER 154 : Following up
CHAPTER 155 :Arnie strikes back
CHAPTER 156 : Juvenile Prison
CHAPTER 157 : John taught me
CHAPTER 158 : Party boy
CHAPTER 159 : Oh Gregory ...
CHAPTER 160 : Being normal
CHAPTER 161 :What a good evening are we going to have
CHAPTER 162 : Savilla
CHAPTER 163 : Just a few words.
CHAPTER 164 : James Akrington
CHAPTER 165 : A day off
CHAPTER 166 : Cleaning ?
CHAPTER 167 : Dmitri Yuri Nevsky
CHAPTER 168 : Geiger counter
CHAPTER 169 :Back to college
CHAPTER 170 :Half a million CCTV
CHAPTER 171 : Family business
CHAPTER 172 : Alpha Emmiters
CHAPTER 173 : Ridiculous claim
CHAPTER 1974 : Yeats
CHAPTER 175 : Fitting room
CHAPTER 176 : The detective's assistant
CHAPTER 177 : A very senior guide
CHAPTER 178 : Not always the good guys
CHAPTER 179 : Bad feeling
CHAPTER 180 :Help requiered
CHAPTER 181 : Deadly serious
CHAPTER 182 : The Scottish mystery
CHAPTER 183 : Unsolved
CHAPTER 184 :Youth mistakes
CHAPTER 185 : It's a treat.
CHAPTER 186 : Unexpected
CHAPTER 187 : Climbing a mountain
CHAPTER 188 : Sarah
CHAPTER 189 : San Marino Coffee Shop
CHAPTER 190 : This is no incident
CHAPTER 191 : The monster under my bed
CHAPTER 192 : You've got some mail
CHAPTER 193 :In the night
Chapter 194 : Freak's help
CHAPTER 195 : Christmas resolutions
CHAPTER 196 : Little lady
CHAPTER 197 : Freedom of Speech
CHAPTER 198 :Baths and chores
CHAPTER 199 : Driving talents
CHAPTER 200 : A new begining

CHAPTER 75 : Many things to tell

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By BillySHolmes

Mycroft silently closed his bedroom door, careful not to wake up the  fast asleep detective still laying in bed. He slipped his feet into a  pair of black slippers matching his nightgown and made his way  downstairs to his office. It was two and a half in the morning but  despite all his attempt, the auburn couldn't sleep. It wasn't an  insomnia due to fear or stress, it wasn't feeling bad, he was just not  feeling tired.
He ran a hand through his hair and poured himself a  glass of fine Cognac before sitting behind his desk. He looked out by the window, his legs stretched in front of him, taking small sips of his drink, for a few minutes before grabbing a notepad and his  fountain pen, a gift from Sherlock for his twentieth birthday. It was  quite rare for the official to actually use a pen, most of the time he  just used his laptop or read out his replies to Anthea, but every time  he was feeling creative he would turn to the good old paper and to his  traditional fountain pen.
He wrote the date in the left corner of the  first page of the notepad, smiling slightly at the feeling of the pen  sliding smoothly on the paper, leaving a delicate navy blue line on the  white paper. He had no idea what he was to write but he just felt like  something was coming. He let his mind wander, asking himself all those  existential questions he usually tried not to think about, not to allow  himself to be slow down and quickly found himself thinking about Alden.  He was thinking about all he wanted to wish him, all he wanted to be  able to say to him despite his social awkwardness, all the thing he  would have wished his own father would have told him once, all the  mistakes of his parents he didn't want to reproduce and about the luck  he had of having Greg has a dad.
Without even him thinking about, the  words had started to gather on the paper in front of him, forming the  first draft of a letter to his son. Of course the boy was too  young to read it and Mycroft didn't really want either him or Greg to  read it for him, but maybe when he will grow up, he will be able to read  it and that could comfort him in some ways. And even if it wasn't the  case, putting his thoughts on paper had always helped the auburn to feel and to realize things better.
He didn't really had  to thought about the words, he just let his mind form the sentences,  keeping it natural and truthful, unlike when he was writing for his  work, where he had to take care not to offend anyone or let slip out  some sensible informations, and it was feeling great for once, to be  able to just let his heart speak without having to put on filters. He  drank another sip of Cognac, wondering what kind of adult would Alden  become, what he would like, what he would do, many questions without  answers but for once, Mycroft wasn't in a hurry for answers, on the  contrary, he somehow wished that the little boy would never grow up and  that he would never find out the answers. All he knew was that he would  never forced his son to do something he didn't like and that he would  try is best not to judge his choices, trying not to give a damn about  the social convenience unlike his own parents even if he knew that he  would probably sometime find it difficult. Overall he was just  determined to do his best to allow his son to be happy.
He looked at his already empty glass and finding it unwise to have another one he preferred to make his way to the kitchen and switched the kettle on, resting himself against the fridge while the water was starting to boil. He chose a teabag and poured two spoons  of sugar in a cup before serving the water and went back to his office,  the cup warm between his hands, feeling more relaxed and at eased than  he had for quite a long time. He sat in his leather chair and took a  look at what he had yet written.
"Little man,
I wish I could say I  have been a perfect father to you and that I will always be but that  would be starting this letter with a lie. I am not the best dad in the  world, I'll never pretend to be but I always try to improve. There will  still be days when I wouldn't be able to make it home on time or to come  and watch you in your school plays. There will still be days when I'll  scream and punish you, be impatient, not understand your will and needs,  but please be sure that I'm not doing this on purpose, that I just  don't know how to do. Being a father didn't come to me with a user  manual and I have no past experiences on which to rely but as flawed as I am, I'll always try my best to make you proud of your father.
You  probably won't be a perfect son either, but that's what it means being  human. It means making mistake and screwing things up then apologizing  and trying again. No one can be perfect and there is no beauty and life  in perfection but the path we take is what is important. Doing a mistake  is not an issue, doing it over and over without learning anything out  of it is one. You'll scream at me, you'll be mad, you'll slam doors  because that's every boy do, you'll listen to music loud, you'll refuse  to go to bed or to eat your vegetables because that's what boys do but I  don't care because being human is also sometime going stupid and  because being a son is sometime arguing just to show that you are your  own and that you are the only one able to decide for yourself.
Be  bold my son, take risks, try things and don't be afraid of failing. It's  in our failures that we learn the most and it's of our incredible  success that we are the most proud. Go outside, see your friends, take  out stupid challenge, don't be afraid of being a fool. Cautious is nice  but too cautious means learning nothing and having way more regrets than  you can possibly  imagine. Do things, achieve your dream or at least try your best to and  don't care about what people are saying, you are the only one able to  decide for yourself.
Society will put you under pressure to become a  man, to comply to their standards, to their idea of happiness but don't  listen to them. Maybe you will love a City job, nice car and healthy  diet and I want you to know that if this is what you want and what you  like, it is perfectly acceptable and I will do all I can to help you  achieve your goal but it's not compulsory. If you prefer to travel, or  to retire to any countryside place, do it. You have only one life,  don't waste it on something you don't like.
I may sometime be  prejudice about some of your choices and I beg you to forgive me if it's  the case. I sometime find it hard to pull my education away but I swear  that I just want you to be happy and that whatever I may say you, I'll  still always support you even if it might take me sometime to show it to  you.
I want you to know that it's okay to be however you want, to  dress however you want, whether it is a tailored suit, a pair of jeans  or in a skirt and make-up. I don't care if you like football, tennis,  fencing or dance or don't like sport at all and find comic books, arts,  drama clubs or science fiction more appealing and if I sometime insist  to make you go out of the house that doesn't mean that I'm not agreeing  with your passion, but only that I want you to discover other things so  you won't regret it later. Whatever you decide your passion to be I  want you to know I'll always be your first supporter -alongside Papa, of  course.- and even if I probably won't be there for every of your  performances, I'll still follow every steps you take.
Show  your love, communicate, don't hold it back. You have one life, don't  miss the occasion of making friends or lovers. Respect them, treat them  as you wish them to treat you, whether they are men or women. Both  should be treated as equal, no better, no worse, just the same. Try to  understand them and be there for them when they need you to make sure  they will be there for you. Love is our greatest power and never let  anyone tell you that it's a weakness. Being kind will never be a bad  thing and a little more love is all you need to have a better life,  trust me, I've experienced it.
I don't care who your friends are, I  don't care if they are rich or poor, locals or foreigners, male or  female, or anything else. If they are your friends it's probably because  you have been able to see in them something I haven't been able to see  yet but that brings you happiness and love. Never let anyone chose your  friends for you, not even me. Never be ashamed of them, even when growing up. Never be  jealous of them, never try to make them jealous. Be yourself, love who  you want. I'll accept however you choose to bring back home, I'll accept  it if you choose not to bring anyone. I don't care who they are, what  they are, who are their parents or what they have done in life if only  they make you happy.
I've got great hope you will grow up in a more  accepting world than mine and even if this world is rotten, remember  that it's people like you, me, your friends, that can change it. There  is still many things to change so never give up, things evolve, slowly but surely and one day it will be a great place to live in.
There  is much more things I'd like to say you. I'd like to say you to accept  the unexpected, to be curious and ask question, to try, try and  try again. I'd want to talk to you about my childhood and to say you to  cherish your youth and to enjoy it while you still have it, to believe  in the power and beauty of surprise, to sometime be scared but to never  give up. To listen to advices but to always be sure it's your decisions  you are following. I'd want to tell you that it's okay to sometime cry,  to be discourage, to throw everything away and to punch the wall but  that you shouldn't just stop yourself on those little misery. There is  so many things I wish to tell you but maybe this is the most important  of all, have fun and be yourself son.
Don't always try to have the society to accept you and never be ashamed of who you are and where you come from. Just remember that you are love and that I'll be there for you until my last breath.

All my love.


Hey boys, girls and others ! I NEED YOUR HELP §

So as you've probably noticed, this is already chapter 75 - god time fly ! Already four months since I've started this story \O/ and chapter 100 is coming quite fast ( actually it is for me because as I am posting this chapter I've just finished writing chapter 86 ... ) and I want it to be smething quite special so here we go :

If there is anything you fancy seeing in chapter 100, or if you want it to be a chapter entirely based on songs lyrics ( please not that ... --") just leave a comment and I'll try to content everyone !

Thank you for your help and I hope you will enjoy the upcomming chapters :)

Loads of love xxx


PS : For those wondering why I am not posting more if I'm already eleven chapters ahead : actually I could do so but if I post every chapters now, that might most probably mean that you won't have any new chapters in June, July and August so I prefer to slow down the publication rythm but still keep it on a regular basis than to post everyday or every couple of day and then stop suddenly. :)

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