By xxTaepartyxx

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Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... More

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Seventh Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Tenth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Thirteenth Chapter
The Fourteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Twelvth Chapter

2.1K 94 15
By xxTaepartyxx

A/N: Yesssss! Chapter 12 is finally ready and up. We really hope you like it. Personally we realy like ho it turned out. Hopefully, Wattpad will stop deleting out chapters so we don't have to put push every chapter another week, keeping you readers waiting for so long.



Taehyungs POV:

Bang had given us a day off cause he had some things to take care of at the headquarters. It was the first time in two weeks we had been able to relax and every one were enjoying in their own way. Jin and Namjoon had decides to visit their parents. Hoseok and Yoongi had decided for a Friends marathon. Jimin were exercising with the girls as always. Jungkook and I were getting ready for our first official date. I was in the kitchen packing our picnic bag, while Jungkook was getting ready in his room.

"Tae! Can you put some popcorn in the microwave?" Hoseok yelled. I let out a small laugh looking at the two boys on couch with each their bowl in their lap.

"Fine, but sooner or later you'll have to get up cause me and Kook are leaving" I yelled back. He held up his thumb like he was saying okay. I went to put the basket in the oven, but stopped when I heard the Yoongi says something to Hoseok.

"That date won't even last an entire bag," He said, making Hoseok chuckle.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, turning the timer on. I glared at Yoongi.

He shifted uncomfortably. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just that, the two of you seem to like drama in your relationship," He said. I scoffed. "Tae, I was Kidding,"

"I'm sure," I muttered. The timer sent off. I took out the basket, went into the living room and began filling up their bowls.

"It was a joke, V," Yoongi said, looking concerned.

"Calm down, man. I'm messing with you," I smiled at him. He let out a breath, making me chuckle. "And FYI, me and Kook are not together. Yet,"

A wide smile broke on both boys faces. "Mr. Kim finally gathered the gut?" Hoseok said.

"Oh, I always had the gut, Jung," I replied, hearing a door open down the hall. I bit my bottom lip.

Jungkook stepped in wearing a thin beige knit sweater and some black skinny jeans. He wore a beanie on his head and a shy smile on his face.

I walked up to him. "You look amazing," I said, kissing his lips. I took his hand and looked over my shoulder at the boys. "See you guys later,"


"Tae, this is perfect," Jungkook exclaimed when we got down to the river. I had laid out a blanket with some pillows and a few candles.

"Sit down. Let's eat," I said, smiling widely. Hr giggled and did as I said. I opened the basket. I pulled out s few things. "We have sandwiches and some left over from yesterday,"

Kook grabbed my wrist and pulled my hands out of the basket. "Tae, your stressing out," Kook said, with a smile. "As much as I appreciate it, can't we just relax and enjoy our date?" I let out a laugh, nodding my head and looking at the river, quietly flowing and adding background noise. It wasn't too deep, up to our thighs at the deepest point. Jungkook shifted next to me, and as I looked over he stood up, a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes.

"Tae, let's go into the river. It looks nice." He squatted down and pulled me up by my hands, dragging me to the edge of the water. He rolled up his pants and took his shoes off before wading in, looking back at me when he was a few feet out. The water was a bit past his knees, a michevious smile on his face. I sat down on the edge, taking off my shoes and letting the water run over my feet and ankles. Jungkook looked at me again before turning the other way.

"Hey, is your phone on you?'' He was a bit farther out now, the water in the same spot as before. I looked over at him, tilting my head to the side.

"No, I left it in my room. Why?" Jungkook giggled before sitting down and letting the water rush over his legs.

"Just wanted to know." As he spoke, a wave of water shot out of the river, soaking me almost completely. He laughed, throwing his head back as I wiped my face to clear my eyes. I stood, and started making my way towards him. He smiled up at me when I reached him, still sitting in the water. He stood up, brushing soaked strands of hair from my face. I watched him, the way his lips parted slightly when he wasn't paying attention, and pressed a kiss to the tip of his nose. He blushed and hid his face in my neck as my arms came to wrap around his waist.

We stood like that for a while, just listening to the sounds of water, the wind in the leaves, and the birds. After a few minutes, I noticed some stones and remembered that, before everything went to shit, my father taught me how to skip them. I unwrapped my arms from Jungkook, smiling at the little whine he let out in protest.  I picked up a rock, flat and rounded, and tossed it. Jungkook's mouth fell open as the rock skipped four or five times, and landed about fifteen feet out. He ran over to me, bending down to pick up a rock like mine.

"Can you teach me? I've always wanted to learn, but my parents didn't like camping and stuff." I smiled and nodded, taking the rock from his hands and putting my hands on his waist to position him, laughing at the blush that turned his ears pink.

"Okay, all you're gonna do is take your arm back, and throw the rock, snapping your wrist at the end. Got it?" He nodded, and threw the rock, cheering when it skipped once and landed in the water. I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"As proud of you as I am, we nee to eat. I didn't make all this food for it to sit there while we cuddle in some river." He laughed and walked over to the blanket, opening a sandwich and taking a bite, I followed, and began eating.

After a while, we were sitting at the bank of the river, Jungkook fitted into my lap while resting his head on my shoulder. I was rubbing his back, feeling his breath fan over the joint of my shoulder and neck. I knew I had to tell him about my father, about everything, and decided now would be the best time. I knew it was risky, but there shouldn't have been any secrets between the two of us.

"Jungkook, I gotta talk to you about some stuff." I nudged his head with my shoulder, smiling at the little 'hmph' sound he made before lifting his head and looking at me.I smiled, and brought my hands to rest on his face, my thumb running over the scar on his cheek. Something flashed in his eyes. something I couldn't recognize at the time. He was holding my wrist with one hand, the other ghosting over my leg.

"I- um. Before we get any further I want you to listen, okay? I want you to hold whatever you're thinking or wanting to do to me in, and when I'm done you can let that all go. Got it?" He nodded, his cheeks slightly squished from my hands.

"Jungkook, I- god, how do I say this- I killed my father." I made eye contact with him, his eyes full of fear and confusion.

"He was an awful man, Jungkook. He would do things no husband should do to his wife, and would beat me until he knew I wasn't going to tell. I heard him one night, saying he was going to rape my mother, that he was going to teach her a lesson, so I grabbed an empty soju bottle, and started attacking him. My mother, god my mother, she was screaming, crying, trying to pry me off of him. I kept going even after I knew he was dead, just because I couldn't stop myself. And the thing is, I don't feel anything. I don't feel remorse or happiness. I'm just numb." Jungkook was crying by the time I was done, and when I went to wipe his tears he ripped my hands off hi face and walked away. I ran after him, grabbing his wrist and turning him towards me. He threw my arm off himself again before stepping up to me.

"Don't you dare touch me, Taehyung. Don't you even think about it until you realize how fucked up that all is. How could a son kill his father and not feel a thing? Don't touch me, don't talk to me, I don't want to be around you." He walked away, leaving me alone with the leftovers from lunch and the blanket. I yelled, wrapping the leftover food and basket in the blanket and throwing it into the river, watching as it got carried away in the current. I sat on the edge of the water, and let everything out.

"You fucking idiot! How could you think he could accept that?" I was screaming, crying amd pulling at my hair. There was footsteps next to me, and turned my head to see Yoongi standing next to me. He looked over and sighed, and sat down next to me.

"So, care to explain why Jungkook just ran inside crying and you're yelling at a river?" He hit my shoulder with his and looked out at the water. I laughed, bitter and full of self loathing, and looked back out at the river.

"I told him, about my father. He didn't even want to touch me afterwards. He hates me now, Yoongi, and there's nothing I can do about it. God, I'm so stupid. I ruined everything. And to think I could ask him to actually be with me." I stood after I finished speaking, making my way into the house. It was like nothing was wrong, nothing was out of the ordinary. Namjoon and Seokjin were arguing about something, Hoseok and Jimin watching with amused faces as Jin's neck turned red and his hands started flying around. As I passed Jungkook's door, I noticed it was open, and stopped to look inside.

He was crying, staring at the wall with tear tracks snaking down his face. His blankets were bunched in his hands, knuckles turning white. He had a picture of us together that Hoseok took when we weren't paying attention on his dresser, turned down on its front, glass surrounding it. His eyes flicked towards me, filling with anger and sadness as the door slammed shut and locked. I sighed and made my way to my room, changing out of my wet clothes, and finally letting everything go.

It wasn't like the last time, where I was screaming and sobbing as loud as possible. This time, it was silent. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt a tear land on my hand, others joining it afterwards. Yoongi walked in and stared at me for a few seconds before turning back and walking out, muttering under his breath. I laid down, pulling my blanket over my shoulders, and finally, for the first time in a while, let everything go.

Jungkook pov:

"Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, knocking on my already open door. "Can I come in?"

I shrug. I had my back turned towards the room, staring into the wall. I heard the door click and footsteps come towards my bed. The weight shifted by my feet when the older sat down.

"I talked to Taehyung," He said. I didnt reply so he continued. "He blames himself for what happened earlier,"

I shrug again, feeling the pit of betrayal hurt in my chest. I felt like Taehyung had lied to me, making himself seem misunderstood, but I guess I was wrong.

"I have no idea what you must be feeling right now. I can't even imagine the thoughts that are going through your head," Yoongi said. "Is he who he says he is? Why did he do it? Is he really in love with me?"

I turned around and looked at Yoongi, brows furrowed. He caught my eyes and shook his head.

"Sorry, i'm not helping am I?" I shook my head. He sighed. "My point is, it doesn't matter if he's the king of fucking candyland, that boy loves you so much, and this shit needs to be made right. It's up to you to do what's right." He turned to walk out the door, stopping when I started to talk again.

"What would be the right thing?" I wasn't looking at him, keeping my eyes trained on the ground. He sighed, and walked back over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I think  we both know what it is, Jungkook. He was gonna ask you to be his boyfriend, so go make this shit right." I nodded, and stood up, making my way to the door. I knew that I needed to fix this as soon as I could, that Taehyung meant more to me than I knew at that moment.

Taehyung's bedroom door seemed much bigger than I knew it was when I got there, raising my hand to knock on it, hearing the shuffle of blankets on the other side.

"Tae, please let me in I want to talk to you." I heard something thump on the other side of the door, smiling when it wouldn't open. Even now, he was still immature and childish.

"You need to move away from the door. I promise I'll leave if you want me to, I just wanna talk." The pressure from the other side was lifted, and I opened the door. He stood behind it with bloodshot eyes and red cheeks from crying. He was only in a t shirt and boxers, looking fragile as ever. I just wanted to pull him in and just hold him. His usual tough façade was gone and what was left was the pieces of a heartbroken, scared boy. This version of him felt so distant, like he wasn't really present. His mind was somewhere else. I knew this wasn't just because of me, but I had been the last straw.

I didn't think twice before pulling him into a tight embrace. For a short moment, he was completely frozen, but then I felt him tremble. He threw his arms around my waist and cried, his tears soaking my shirt.

"Shh, it's okay," I whispered, stroking his hair. His hands clung onto my shirt. It felt like he was going to drop to the floor, so I leaned back against the door frame. He was in my lap, legs on either side of my and his hands grabbing at my shirt. I just let him cry, not wanting to make him more upset, rubbing circles into his back and whispering to him.  He lifted his head after a while, tears streaking down his face, weighing down his eyelashes. I leaned forward, kissing them off his cheeks, moving to the mole on the tip of his nose, and then his lips. He melted into the kiss, locking his arms around my neck. It was a soft kiss, but there was something so soothing and longing over it. It was the typ of kiss we both need. Something about was it felt so right. I had never felt so much love as I did right there. 

Taehyung pulled away first. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?" He asked, leaning his forehead against mine, eyes closed. 

"Yeah. I can't blame you for losing control," I said. "The truth is, I love you for who you are, no matter what you've done in your past and what you're gonna do in the future,"

"You love me?" Taehyung asked. I nodded, placing a kiss on his lips. "I was gonna ask you a question before, but you ran away,"

"Yoongi told me," I said. 

Taehyung looked at me. "So you know?" He asked. I smiled softly in response. "Can I ask you anyway?"

I nodded. "Ever since my parents separated, I've been longing for love, for someone to finally love me. Someone that could finally see past my flaws and the mistakes I've made and love me for who I've become. When I met you, I knew that you were gonna become a big part of my life, wether as a friend or something more. Luckily, you became the second. Then we kissed and all I've been able to think about has been you, and I started thinking, maybe I had found my someone," He spoke, looking nervously at his hands. His eyes met mine. "So, Jeon Jungkook, I was hoping that you'd be my boyfriend,"

I didn't think before crashing my lips on his. "Yes," I said. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!"

I felt him smile against my lips. He pulled away and looked at me. "So it's official?"

"Definately," I said, kissing him again. Taehyung was slowly gaining back his self control, dominating the kiss. He pulled me down on the floor, hovering over me and kissed me harder than. His toungue entered my mouth, softly massaging mine. It wasn't a rough kiss. It was still loving, soft, but this one was a lot more reassuring. Like he was trying to convince himself was I actually there, that this was actually happening.

A/N: We really appreciate all the support we've been getting since we started this book. You readers are what keeps this book going! 

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