Dark Pasts || L.H

由 newbeginnings12

46.6K 1.5K 233

"Have you ever just wanted to escape everything, even if you never come back?" "Only everyday." "I never real... 更多



1.6K 47 10
由 newbeginnings12

Luke's POV

"So you're coming to the party at Maddie's right?" Michael had been bugging me all day, about this stupid party. He knows I don't do parties anymore.

"I already told you no." I grumbled at him.

"Dude, come on! Stop be so shitty about everything, live little mate."

"For the last time Michael, I'm not coming!"

"Well what else better do you have to do?"

"Nothing, I just don-"

"Great, I'll pick you up tomorrow then. Bye!" he walked backward as he spoke, before turning and getting on his bus.

God he is a sneaky little shit.

Oh well he will just have to be disappointed tomorrow when I don't go. Like I told him in the first place.

I sling my bag over my other shoulder and walk out of the school. I see Calum talking to Lacey again. I don't understand why he doesn't just listen to me. She's bad news.

He knows exactly why I don't want to be friends with her yet he still pushes it. 'Come on Luke, she not that bad' 'give her a chance Luke'

Not in a million years. Over my dead body.

I continue to walk home, drowning in my thoughts.

My house isn't big, but it's not small. It's kind of old too. The outside is pale yellow and white, kind of like a little girl's doll house I guess.

I walk up the drive way and in the front door.

"Mum! I'm home!"

"Hi honey," she says as she walks around the corner. I prepare myself for the usual list of question that are routinely asked every afternoon after school.

"How was your day?"


"How are the boys?"


"How are you're classes going?"


"Anything happen at school?"


"Any homework?"


"Did anyone try anything?"

"No, mum, they didn't. Just stop treating me like a baby, I can handle myself now! I don't need your help! I'm fine by myself!"

I dumped my bag and walked away.

"I just get worried about you, since, since..." she tried to yell after me, but she slowly trailed off.

My scar began to sting, I rubbed it, trying to soothe the sharp pain.

Annoyed at mum, and the irritating pain, walked upstairs to my room.

I pulled my shirt over my head and stood in front of the mirror. I traced my fingers along the jagged scar, the painful memories flooding back. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to forget. But I know it's impossible.

I pushed a little bit harder as I got do to the bottom of my rib cage, hoping it would ease the pain. Much to my disappointment it didn't.

I decided to have a hot shower, usually it helped to soothe the pain, at least when it got this bad.


I haven't even done anything all day. Not that I ever really do. Ever since, well... since, for about a year now, I haven't really gone out.

I mean I go to band practice and occasionally I go to Ash, Mike, or Cal's but that's about it.

Mum and Dad used to try to get me to go out but they stopped after a few months, realizing that it was no use.

Ben, my brother, used to come and visit once a month after it happened and take me out to the movies or bowling. But he eventually stopped coming.

Looking back now, I think everyone got sick of me. It was nearly like they had a little child again. I am that pathetic.

I pulled out my phone and opened up twitter. I scrolled through my feed that was mostly full of people crapping on about nothing, or how hard their life is because they got dumped, or because they can't get a new phone. Well sucks for them. Their life is just full of shit isn't it? but they never think about anyone else's life. Ever. It's just all about them. And they will do anything to make themselves feel good.

And I mean anything. No matter how traumatic it might be for another person.

Inconsiderate jerks.

I throw my phone across my room out of frustration. Of course the doorbell rings.

I jog down the stairs to get the door.

"Hey mate you're... not ready for the party. I told you I was going to pick you up!"

"And I told you I wasn't going!"

He shoved past me, letting himself into the house, making his way up to my room.

"Well like it or not, you're coming it will be good for you ok?"

"Michael! I-"

"You're not arguing with me about this! It's time you got out, you need to live your life, you can't just sit in your room everyday hiding."

"Maybe I like it that way," I huffed as I collapsed on my bed.

"You're coming so get dressed."

He threw a pile of clothes at me. I inspected his choices as I walked into my bathroom to change.

I pulled on the black skinny jeans and black wishbone tank top with my red plaid shirt over the top.

I walked out and sat in the end if my bed to put on my usual black vans.

"Just to let you know, I am not happy about this," I said to Michael as he pulled me out the door.

"I know mate, but you're gonna enjoy it."

I am not.

I reluctantly get into his car, fastening my seatbelt and regretting giving in this easily as soon as he pulls out from the curb.


We walk through the door and I am blinded by purple lights, and deafened by the loud music. The smell of alcohol instantly hits me, as I stand a watch the moving bodies on the dance floor.

The whole situation just seems weird.

Why is this even considered fun?

I see Michael wonder off. Of course he drags me here and ditches me straight away.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab myself a drink.

"Hey Luke! You made it!" I turned I see Ashton and Maddie behind me.

"Yea..." Ashton pulled me in to a hug, while Maddie got the both of them some drinks.

"It's good you finally got out mate. I'm glad."

"It's good to have you here Luke."

"Thanks Maddie, and yea I guess I should try to enjoy myself."

"You do that, see you later!" Ashton left with a wave, slinging his arm over Maddie's shoulder.

I leaned against the doorframe of the kitchen and looked around at all the people. I barely knew anyone.

I stood and sipped my drink, just watching the party continue before me.


I whipped my head around to see the owner of the familiar voice.

"Hey Cal."

"You actually came, wow, Michael must've had a pretty good argument."

"Well he kinda just dragged me out of the house."

We both burst out in laughter, and, for the first time this night, I actually felt like enjoying myself.

"Want another drink?"

"Um, yea sure, why not?" I don't usually drink much, but screw that, tonight is the night to let go.

Cal handed me my drink and we headed to the dance floor.

We danced like complete idiots, without a care in the world. If only every single second of every day was like that. No cares at all.

Cal eventually found some girl to dance with and I just backed away, letting him do his thing. I decided to go out to Maddie's backyard, to sit by the pool.

I walked out the door, into the crisp fresh air. It was so different to the hot, stuffy, sweaty atmosphere inside. I sat on the end of a sun chair.

Not thinking about a thing, just escaping everything for a brief moment. Breathing in fresh air. Admiring the glow of the water in the moonlight.

I sat out there for what felt like hours, but was only about 15 minutes. Until I got a text from Calum.

Hey where you at?

I didn't reply, instead I just decided to go in and find him.

I walke through the doors and immediately starting scanning the room for Calum.

I was on my way toward him when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Well well well if it isn't Luke Hemmings." My body instantly froze in fear. I didn't dare turn around.

"Can't even face me? Are you really that much of a coward?"

I silently turned around, my muscles tense, the hair on the back if my neck standing up and I knew he could see the fear in my eyes. He wasn't stupid.

"So did you're buddy Calum tell you we had a little chat on the beach the other day?"

What? Calum saw Will the other day?

"Well I told him to give you a message from me, did you get it?"

I slowly shook my head. I don't like where this is going. Not at all. I took a very small step backward.

"Well I told him I thought it was time you and I had a talk. Just about things. Catch up you know?"

He stepped closer.

"Don't talk much do you?"

"Umm no."

"There we are. So how have you been?"

"Alright." I mumbled as I tried to widen the distance between us, quietly hoping one of the boys will come and help me.

"Still pathetic as usual?"

I averted his gaze as he inched closer.

"That's what I thought."

I tried to make a run for it, but he was too quick.

He grabbed my arm, swinging me back around to face him.

"Scared Hemmings? Well you should be."

He let go of my arm in the same instant that his fist collided with the side of my face, knocking me to the ground.

He kicked me in the stomach before letting out his signature chuckle and walking off. Just as people started to notice what had happened.

I unsteadily got up, put off by the throbbing of my face. I stumbled as fast as I could up the stairs, trying to get away from people as fast as I could.

My vision started to become blurry as I approached a room. I fumbled with the handle before quickly opening the door and stepping inside, closing it with my back as I lent against it.

I slid down the door clutching my face and letting out a groan, and a few tears started to fall.

I sat on the cold tiled floor carefully clutching my puffy face, when I heard a sniffle.

My eyes instantly opened wide in pure fear.


Hey hey hey!

Hope you enjoyed! Luke's POV, what did you think?


I LOVE YOU ALL thankyou :)


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