The Tutor // l.s.

By foreverme20

2.1M 75.4K 175K

[Completed] Louis Tomlinson needs a biology tutor. But will his biology tutor just teach Louis about biology... More

The Tutor (Larry Stylinson AU) {Punk! Louis}
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 6

76.5K 2.8K 8.3K
By foreverme20

Harry's POV

School was actually good today. I got my occasional name call and shove but today Louis smiled at me in the hall and it made butterflies flutter in my stomach just by thinking about it. It was so genuine and warm, it really made my day. Louis and I also had a conversation outside of class. It was short but it was still a conversation. We got a few weird looks but neither of us minded. It actually feels like we're friends, but Zayn is still suspicious. I don't blame him though; I am too, just a bit less suspicious.

Right now I'm trying to find a job. I went to a few places but they all said I was either 'to young and unqualified' or 'I don't fit the job description'. I was walking to my next destination when I walked past a bakery. I realized I was hungry after my long day’s work. I should really fill up if I want to have the energy to continue. I can't give up, my mum needs a break. Gem and I decided to bring her to London for a mini shopping spree. I walked into the small shop and the bell went off. It was a nice and cozy shop; I wonder why I've never been here before.

I looked through the options and decided on a small chocolate cupcake with white frosting and rainbow sprinkles. I waited by the cash register for a while before a lady with a name tag that said Barbra came out.

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Can I have that chocolate cupcake?" I asked gesturing towards the cupcake and she nodded.

"Will that be it?" She asked and I nodded but my stomach growled. "Are you sure?" I nodded again. "You sound pretty hungry, you should get something else."

"I don't have enough." I answered her so she would stop bugging me. I would get more but I used all my money to buy lunch.

"On the house."

"No, no, I can't." I said frantically shaking my head.

"You can pay me back another day."

"I don't have a job."

"Oh! We have an opening!"

My eyes widened and I starred at her, "R-really!?"

"Yes, would you like the job?" Barbra asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Aren't you going to interview me or something?" I asked.

She shrugged, "Sure, can you bake?"


"Great! You're hired! Can you start tomorrow?" She asked.

"No, I'm busy sorry." I said guiltily because she just offered me the job I was waiting for but I can't even start the day she wants.

"Oh okay... how about you start now and Sunday?" She asked and I nodded. "Great! I'll give you your regular schedule then and you work for £6 an hour. Okay?" She asked and I nodded. I finally found a job.


"I'm home!" I announced.

"Hey, Harry how was job hunting?" Gemma asked.

"Successful! I work at a bakery now."

"Really? That job was made for you."

"Thanks, what about you?" I asked.

"Great! I'm a cashier at one of the stores in the mall."

"Figures." I mumbled and she slapped my arm and left the room.

I walked up the stairs into my bedroom and plopped down on the bed. I sighed and started thinking of Louis.

His chestnut colored hair with a red streak that was perfectly swept to the left. His perfect blue eyes that I could look in for days. His cheekbones and his lips. Oh his lips! So thin and pink and how rough they look but are probably really soft. How irresistible they look when he licks him. God I just want to drop everything and kiss him sometimes! But I can't Louis just started being friendly to me and I can't ruin that by kissing him! He may accept gays now but that doesn't mean he is gay. He can go back to being homophobic if I did that! I can't risk that! So I'll keep my lips to myself.


I knocked on the Tomlinson household door and waited patiently. The door swung open to reveal Lottie. "Hey Harry." She said blushing a bit. What's up with these girls and blushing!? I didn't even do anything! I waved back in response and smiled, making one of my dimples prominent. Her eyes widened and her breathe hitched and she blushed. I looked at her confused until Louis came down the stairs.

"Lottie who's at the- Oh! Hey Harry!" Louis took in the scene around him and asked, "What's going on?" I shrugged and Lottie seemed to come out her daze and ran up the stairs, still blushing. What the heck? "Uh..."

"I have no idea."  Louis nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"So I went shopping yesterday and the ingredients for the cupcakes." Louis said while grabbing a few bags from under the table that contained cupcake ingredients. I smiled and nodded. "So, do you know how to do this or do I have to look it up on the internet?" Louis asked me and I laughed.

"No, I know what to do. What flavor are they going to be?" I asked.

"I think red velvet."

"You think?"

"Well, I may or may not have been to lazy to have go to the supermarket to get the stuff and I may or may not have asked my mum to do it instead." Louis explained sheepishly looking kind of embarrassed. I stood there shocked because I didn't know Louis Tomlinson could get embarrassed! I looked at him wide eyed without saying a word and Louis finally said, "Lets get started, shall we?" I nodded and started digging through the bags. We took out all the ingredients and made sure we had the right amount of each.

"Can you set the oven on 350 please?" I asked Louis and he did as told. I took out the cocoa, food coloring and vanilla and started mixing. "Can you beat this for me?" I asked Louis once I was done mixing so I could start something else.

"Beat?" He asked confused and I nodded and he still looked confused. I grabbed a fork and motioned him over and he did so. I took the fork and started beating the mixture after a while I stopped and turned to Louis.

"Got it?" I asked and he shook his head. I stepped back and gently pushed Louis so he was directly in front of the bowl. I gave him the fork and grabbed his hand, ignoring the tingles, and put it on the bowl. I grabbed the hand with the fork and started beating the mixture. "Got it now?" I asked and he nodded with a smile. I reluctantly let go and started another activity. Louis and I made small talk throughout the process and before I knew it we were done with the batter and we started pouring the batter in the pan. Louis put the pan in the oven and set the timer. We continued talking until the timer went off and I went to retrieve the cupcakes. We both took a bite and moaned in pleasure.

"This is great Haz!" Louis moaned.

"Haz?" I questioned.

Louis shrugged, "It's a nickname, by me, and only me." I laughed and nodded and continued eating.

"Now you need a nickname from me, and only me." I said thinking.

"What do you have?" Louis asked and just as I was about to answer the front door opened and Jay walked in.

"What's that smell?" Jay asked and spotted the cupcakes, "Cupcakes!" She shrieked and I laughed and Louis groaned. "Who made them?"

"Harry did and I helped." Louis answered.

"No, we both made them." I corrected.

"You did most of the work and I barely did anything."

"We both put equal amounts of effort in."

Louis was about to retort when Jay interrupted, "Just let it go BooBear and enjoy the cupcakes." Jay took a cupcake and left and I started laughing once she was out of earshot.

"BooBear!?" I laughed.

"Shut up!"

"I think that's my nickname for you."

"Nope it's already taken, you have to be the only one who calls me it." Louis replied smiling a smug smile.

I huffed, "Fine... how ‘bout..." I was thinking when a thought came to my head, "LouBear!" Louis eyes widened and his smug smile was wiped off his face.

"No!" He yelled.

"Yes, LouBear!" I laughed. Louis pouted and when I calmed down I said, "Don't pout, I could've chosen Boo." I smiled sweetly.

"Thank God." Louis breathed.

"Actually on second thought, I like Boo also. I guess you have two new nick names Boo!" I exclaimed grabbing another cupcake laughing while Louis sent me a playful glare.

It's starting to feel like we're actually, truly friends.


Am I the only one who sometimes can't tell whether or not an event happened in their story or someone else's?


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