Military Girlfriend

By Midnight_Writer97

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I didn't think you would mean this much to me. I was never suppose to fall so hard for you, but every time yo... More

Military Girlfriend
Military Girlfriend (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Untitled Part 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Epilogue

Chapter 19

15K 366 10
By Midnight_Writer97

Chapter 19:

Dear Shay,

I'm sorry this letter will probably take awhile to get to you, we're moving again so its going to take a little longer to reach you. First and for most that I feel the need to address is how you think my ideal of perfection will change when I get back. I about laughed when I read that, you really think I would leave you? Shaylee I could never, I know I don't know what the future will bring so instead of worrying ourselves of how long we will have together, lets just stop and enjoy the time we do. Now that I set that straight I can tell you about things over here. Hmm you asked me how I get to sleep at night, that's actually a hard one, its a toss up really. I have you on my mind a lot at night, the thought of that either sends me off to sleep or keeps me up. Not because i'm worried about you, well no I do worry its just that I wonder how your day went or what you did. I reread your letters as well at night when I cant sleep and hold the necklace tight.

My days here are pretty boring actually, but hey your the one who wants to know about them so suit yourself. I wake up extremely early, not with an alarm clock either or the sun waking me up. Nope I actually miss the stupid alarm clock you keep next to your bed. I wake up by people screaming at us that its time to get moving, so after that I get dressed and start the day. We have timed showers here too, which sucks but you learn after awhile how to manager your time and wash your body fairly fast.

I think its cute you're dropping plates of food thinking about me, me and one of the guys here were sparing for fun and I thought about you and I play fighting and he got me right in the eye, so now I have a nice bruise and you're no where here to kiss it. On the plus side we have been working out like crazy to stay in fit so when I come back i'm going to be sexier. ;) Anyway if your sink is still dripping when I come back, ill be happy to fix it. Your landlord is a tool and i'll give him a piece of my mind when I come back because I want you to be well taken care of when i'm gone on deployment. Every time they drop mail from us from the plane i'm always the first one there along with another eager guy who I've become friends with. He's like four years older than I am, and he has a baby on the way. A boy to be exact so we're all hoping that he gets back in time to see his first born.

The new recruit that stays with me like were conjoined at the hip is doing amazing for a new bee, he makes me look bad almost. I proud to be his mentor though, the way hes improved is impressive and we've also become great friends. To put your mind at ease we haven't been doing much fighting out here, its been pretty mellow so far. I'm hoping even now when we're moving that it stays this calm. The only down fall here is that with all the armor we have on the heat really gets to us, when the new bee first got here and came out into the heat he passed out within the first hour but now he is running laps around us.

I also know that we haven't moved in together but when I come back I expect you to be snuggled up by my side and us talking all night. About the whole "L word" I have strong feelings for you as well and I think as our relationship continues to grow we can learn to love together. I'm sure before you met me you had every guy falling head over heels for you because you're such an easy person to fall in love with. Just your smile alone can get any guy hook line and sinker. I look forward to being by your side every day. Its a bitter sweet thing being in the army with a girlfriend, it makes me look forward to every day knowing i'll be that much closer to you and when things get tough I think of you and I get through it. You're my drug and drive to push myself farther to keep going. Yet having you is hard as well, because I have an ache to be with you and it sucks we're so far away. I worry about not coming home, because if I don't it would mean I couldn't kiss you one last time or hold you tight. But don't start freaking about me not coming back now, because I made you a promise that I would, and its a promise I intend to keep. 

Also when I come home I say you cook me your famous mac and cheese because the food here isn't the best. Mmm maybe we can drive and get some In N out. Lets just be spontaneous when I get home to make up for the time we've been apart. Let's take long drives, or we can fly out to six flags and ride all the rides, I don't know babe I just want to make the best memories we can together. Did I tell you my parents wrote me? Well they did and they want to see me when I return. So hope your up for meeting the folks, I don't know if I can last through them with out you by my side. I haven't seen my mom in a really long time. It's hard, you know? She left me with my aunt for her own reasons and didn't even come back for me when the divorce was finale. She left me to stay with my father, I mean I love my family but we haven't been much as one as I was growing up. My aunt on the other hand I would love for you to meet. She raised me and is my motherly figure.

Well I guess that's all I have left to say, continue to keep my side of the bed warm as it's another day closer of me being home. Until next time my beautiful girl.

Love always


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