Dead By Daylight Adventure Fa...

By certbloodette

2.2K 56 4

Y/n got pulled into a world of Madness, a horrible game forced to play. Her/His survival on the line, full of... More

Game 2
Slide over pallet
Hop through window
Run to new pallet
Game 3 N/J
Game 3 A/D
Save Nea
Save Jake
Save Dwight
Save Ace
Game 5 N
Game 5 J
Game 5 D
Game 5 A
Summer Plans

Game 1

516 10 0
By certbloodette

The harsh breeze, flew past. You shivered, everything blurry and dark. Slowly rising your head, from the ground, you blink multiply times, regaining vision. Thick dark trees surrounded you, a dark fog hovering over the ground; blue haze casting over the entire area.

A small shack a few meters away, the blue paint, tearing off, the rustic silver outlining. "Where am I?" You questioned to nothing. You wrapped your arms around yourself, the warmth giving you a little hope, as walked into the small worn out shack.

"Hello?" you called out, chuckling at the cliche act in horror movies. You noticed it was completely empty besides the blue and red wooden board across, neatly leaned against the wall. You trailed you finger along it, the paint chipped away.

"Thank god." a voice trembled. You turned to see a guy holding his shoulder. His dark, heavy jacket torn. He limped towards you, you instantly run up and hold his arm. "You okay!?" you asked, worriedly.

The black messy hair man shook his head. He slowly torn his hand from his shoulder. A gaping wound messily placed on his arm. "Omg..." you mumbled. You looked around the shack not knowing what to do.  "What did you cut yourself on?" You inquired. 

The unknown man chuckled. "That thing." He said. You looked in the eyes, he didn't seem to be joking. You sigh and ask, "What thing?" He looked at you wide eyed. You felt a strong feeling it wasn't just you two anymore. You heart raced and you turned around. 

Heavy footstep, stomped closer to your location. "You don't know!" The man roared. Another man entered through the door, he was much taller, a clever in his right hand. You stood there taking in the man appearance. The white mask, with sharp teeth, the rope tied aorund holding on the mask on his face. His bloody overalls. 

The black haired guy, shoved you through the other door way, slamming down the board. You shook yourself out of thoughts and bolted. You let yourself carry away from the other human life form. 

You came to a stop near some broken walls, with windows in them. You rested against a bright red locker. You huffed, trying to catch air. Everything was slightly blurred again. Your thoughts scrambled about the man you met, and his safety, and the other, and everything he was planning on doing. 

"Are you okay?" a voice whispered. You gasped slightly and turned to see a dark haired girl, blue glasses neatly placed on his face. "Yeah fine," you replied. She nodded, kneeling down beside you. She offered her hand, you gazed at it for a moment, bandages messily wrapped aorund. You took her sweet gesture and she yanked you up.  

"I'm Claudette, by the way." She introduced, walking behind you. You turned around, "I'm Y/n." She smiled and crouched near a broken machine. You gazed at her movement, she had got it started to work, not enough to generate anything though.

"W-what are you doing?" You asked. She shrugged, chuckling afterwards. You titled you head, walking closer to the machine. You traced your finger along it, dust covered you finger. You wiped it off on your pants and crouched beside her. 

"Why?" You questioned. She stopped placing her finger aorund her chin. "ugh man what's his name?" She scoffed at herself quietly. You giggled at her silly comment. "Well whatever his name was, walked past a door. He said if we power enough generators that are connected to it, we could get out." She explained. 

"Ps. I have no idea what I'm doing." The dark girl added. "Thanks." you snicked playfully. You began to look aorund, seeing wires not connected, and some bolts lose. You went to connect the wires and two ended up touching. 

Sparks flew in the air, a loud explosion killing you ears, arms covered your eyes. Both you and Claudette coughed. You opened your mouth to apologize only to get cut off, "Don't worry, I do it all the time." She rolled her eyes. 

"Shit, I see him in the distance." Claudette pointed out. "What happens if we get caught?" You questioned, needing to know. "Let's not find out." She suggested, walking towards a bigger building than the shack. It was extremely tall, and it was warn out. It appeared as an old factory. 

You followed her into building, the only light the moon that creeps through the window, and cracks in the ceiling, a red anonymous light coming from the basement of the place. You curiosity got the best of you and you wandered down the stairs. Two lockers were seen and you heard lots of crackling and moaning. The red light had no source, it just was naturally red.

Your breathing grew heavier, as you starred at the four bloody hook. You slowly back into a wall, false adrenaline kicked in, you quickly fled from the basement. You pulled yourself into the nearest locker and hugged yourself. 

Your hand tightly grabbed your shirt, you closed your eyes. "Are you crazy!? He could of heard you!" Someone growled quietly. You slowly opened the door to see who had said that. A guy pulled you out of the locker and slowly closed it. 

"He has amazing hearing dumb ass." He complained as he grabbed you up the flight of stairs. "Sorry." you grumbled. Once the silence hit, you gazed at him. He was actually kinda cute, he had neatly cut hair, black thick glasses placed on his nose. He was quite pale, a nice neat shirt, cut at the end of his shoulder. Black and red stripped tie, with dirty black jeans.

"Checking me out are me?~" smiled the man. You blushed and defending, "No I wasn't! I just- Shut up!" He laughed, shaking his head. "Learn to take a joke. Don't need to get defensive." You huffed and followed close behind.

"What's your name?" He asked after a few moments silence. You turned your head away from the fog in the distance to him. "Y/n, you?" You locked eyes with him as he stopped to work on the- machine. He seemed to know what was doing, connecting wire, twisting knobs and screwing in a few lose bolts. 

"Dwight, Dwight Fairfeild." He introduced. You nodded, kneeling down by the generator. Your heart began to race, Dwight had the same feeling, he stood from his spot and he was instantly hit. Blood splattered across the ground, the machine, and all over his weapon. 

You ducked further down as Dwight cried in pain. He sprinted away, the crazed man following him. You eyes full of tears. They spilled onto your cheeks and you began to take in deep breaths. In you y/a years of your life, have you never seen so much violence. 

You began to sob as you heard Dwight shriek a second time. "eh there, you okay?" A girl ran up to you. A giant smile on her lips. "Up you go!" She cheered, forcefully grabbing you, pulling you to your feet. 

"I'm Meg! Nice to meet you." The red head announced. You nodded giving her your name, silently crying. "Aww Come on stop crying. We're going to be okay!" Meg bounced. You nodded, you were surprise by how much hope she had. 

A loud cry of pain echoed through the woods. "Dwight." You turned around began to ran. He was another survior and you were going to help him. You silently climb over obstacles and hopped through windows. You could hear the soft whimpers, and moans of pain near by. You walked past a corner to see the cute man dangling from a hook.

You covered your mouth and ran to help him. "No y/n! There's-" Snap. You fell into a bear trap underneath him. You howled in pain. You tried to pry the bear trap from your foot. The  bear trap only dug further into your ankle. You started to cry from the unbearable pain. 

A cold piece of metal smacked into your back. You flopped forward into the dirt. Your ankle felt relief as the killer took the bear trap off of you. He picked you by the back of your shirt. A small gasp escaped your lips. He threw you over his shoulder, as a few feet behind you a light lite up and running generator was roaring. 

As the killer stormed away from Dwight you saw the other man from before remove him from the hook. A small smile, slipped on your lips. Though it got smacked off when your shoulder met the bloody meat hook with a sharp yelp. 

Your hands, firmly grasped the hook and you tried to remove it. After realizing it was completely pointless, you let it press itself against your shoulder. You couldn't help but moan, and whimper. "Oh my god, Y/n." A familiar voice spoke. A dark girl came up, getting on her tippy toes to tug you off the hook. 

"Thank you." You ran away with her. Another generator lite up in the very far distance. "Hold on Y/n. I'm really into Botany." Claudette randomly mentioned. She ended up taking leaves, grass and sticks and patched you up. "Oh- Thanks again." You bowed slightly.  The dark haired girl chuckled.

"Hey what's up?" The very first survivor you met ran up to you guys. "Oh hey-" "Jake." He introduced. You nodded. "I'm Y/n, and this is Claudette." You turned to see Claudette smiling. "Oh look, a party." A sarcastic voice complained. You groaned, turning on you heels to see the attractive male. 

"You again." Claudette muttered under breath. "Ouch. Nice to see you too." The male teased at her comment. Jake starred blankly at Dwight. Dwight switched gazes from Claudette to Jake, his emotion completely change.

He thanked Jake, for removing his ass off the hook. "Hey guys!" A loud voice called out. All of you turned to the red haired girl. She threw down a pallet and Dwight eye twitched. "Don't worry he's near so technically I didn't attract him." Meg covered up, horribly.

"Run!" shouted Jake, and you ran with him. You had no idea why, he had been the one who had shouted. You tripped over an over grown root, cursing, you rolled over. Jake turned on his heels, standing there he gave in and helped you up. You looked over your shoulder to see Meg occupying the killer, running, throwing her arms up and chuckling, she even stuck out her tongue.

Jake became your crutch and he brought you into the shack you met him in, it somehow managed to look worse. Your ankle hurt, it was the same one, that got thrown into a bear trap. "You good?" Jake asked, he was a little closer than you had expected. " yeah." You blushed lightly. 

Jake raised an eye brow and shrugged, "Sure?" He looked out the window and noticed a generator. "Go work on that, I'm gonna go find a different one. that way we get two done." He walked out of the shack. You nodded running to the gen.

You work trying your best not to make it explode like last time. Lucky, luck was on your side, the killer didn't come by, you heard though a few different screams; non blood curdling screams and you didn't explode the generator. 

You finished the generator running away form it, a few seconds later a gen was done near the one you finished. You fist bumped. Jake's plan had worked out for the better; even though now you two are separated. 

"Y/n look out-" a voice shouted, but soon Claudette tripped on top of you. You blushed intensely. She laid there for a few seconds in pain. "Sorry, but the killer is on his way." You snapped out of thought and you picked up Claudette setting her on her feet. 

Her back was bleeding, and she was limping. You ran behind her, the killer caught up, and instead of hitting Claudette, he got a nice slice on your back. You ran to a pallet throwing down getting his attention from Claudette who jumped through a window into the factory.

"Gotta play smart." You told yourself. He walked up breaking the pallet. You hopped through two windows and walked around the side he wasn't coming from. You threw down another pallet.

You hopped through the window into the factory. You felt the oxygen being slowly torn out of your lungs. You ran up the steps and hid behind the window.



You closed your eyes, biting your lip to stop the moaning. You placed you hand on your side, stopping your breathing.



Your eyes opened, you heard him burst open the locker. You hugged yourself. The steps crept closer to your location. You whined and curled up.  

"Hey! Killer!" A cheerful voice scream. The killer groaned running down the stairs, chasing who believe to be the energetic red head. 

You set your hand on the window, shivering from the cold metal. You pulled yourself up, looking out the window too see the empty area. Walking around the corner, a loud creek echoed. Instantly turning around to see Dwight getting out of a locker.

"Dwight." You mumbled and he came to your assist. He took out a med-kit, the red small box, with the medical sign. It taunted you. "Where did you get that?" You examined the box carefully.

"In a chest? It was hidden in the basement." The male answered, taking tools out and patched your wound. A sharp pain, announced itself, and you howled. "Sorry, I'm not a doctor." Dwight withdraw the medical tools. 

You curled up, as he continued to patch the wound. The warm clothing fell down your back, giving you a relief. A warm hand, grasped around yours, pulling you to your feet. You heard a loud jump through the window. A red haired girl tackled you. Dwight stepped back and the girl giggled.

The lights in the building lite up and two people ran up the stairs. Jake and Claudette stopped to see everyone together. "That should be enough if it can lite up this building." Dwight gladly mentioned. 

The red head jumped off of you, to see you completely covered in blush. She titled her head and leaned closer. "Oh you like this~" She teased. You shoved her away and inquired, "Shouldn't we leave?" 

Dwight nodded, slwoly hopping through the window and the rest went out the door. A glowing white gate, with a small lever to the side. It made you feel hope. The dirt covered it, a bloody hand print messily placed over the lever.

Dwight cringed, "I'm not touching that." The dark haired girl groaned pulling down the lever. You started to tremble, biting your lip, your heart racing. "Hey. I can hear his heartbeat." The red head overjoyed. She ran and threw down a pallet.

"His?" Jake stole your words straight from your mouth. Soon the killer broke the pallet and the gate opened. "Meg hurry!" The dark haired girl yelled. Meg turned around and got hit. Fear hit you hard and you stepped between them.

The red head ran into the arms of another survivor. The killer finished wiping the blood off and smacked you. You took off without thinking and after running past the exit, you knew everyone was near. 

You turned your head slightly over your shoulder. Claudette held Meg, Dwight held the med-kit close to his chest and Jake was looking behind himself and stopped. You stopped as well, the killer wasn't following. 

"What's the idea?" Dwight complained. "He's not following us." Jake stated turning back to you. You nodded and turned to see where you were. A small light was see able. A small amount of smoke waving in the air. 

"Hey, look a camp fire." You said, catching everyone's attention. Everyone looked in your direction and Claudette cheered, "Yeah there is!"

You all ran towards it, you tripped and you cursed. No had noticed and you looked behind you. A small journal, completely covered in dirt. You picked it up and it read, "Benedict's Adventures". You slipped into the side of your jacket.

You came to the fire, no one besides the others were here. "No one." Dwight fell to the ground. You smiled and tried to stay on the optimistic side, "We can rest here." Everyone nodded, laying down. 

Everyone's wounds magically disappeared. "Hey I feel better!" Meg looked all over her body trying to find her wounds. You removed the bandages from your ankle, the wound closed up. "Um...Anyone else freaked out?" You asked.

"Yeah." Claudette touched her back. "I'm not complaining." Jake stated, you weren't against the idea of being healed, though why, and how? Was this even possible?

Meg slept on the ground on a side of a log, Claudette curled herself into you, Jake slept near the fire, and Dwight rested against a tree. You opened the journal, wiping off the dirt. 

"Death is not death. In this place, life is fleeting. To whomever might find this lore, I can but only provide you with one advice: always move forward. This is what keeps me alive, and have so for a while. If I were to advise further, I would suggest you harvest every forsaken location for anything that might thwart the horrors that lurk within. And keep an eye on the gates. If they open, you must flee. I hope my scribbles have not been in vain. If you find this lore, make use of it and pass it on. If you find me, bury my body."

You shut the book, the message made you feel hopeless. There were people before you. The bloody hand print, the carvings in the trees, the bloody hooks. People were here before. You wanted to read more and see what happened but sleep took over. 

Your eye lids were heavy and you let sleep take over your body. You woke, shooting from the ground, you had a feeling of being drifted, being taken to another place. You looked around you were alone at the campfire. On the ground a blood web. 

Shapes formed on the ground. You watched as the shapes appeared around the ground. You touched one of the shapes, and a red blood line wrapped around it. You felt a strange presence and soon you held a octagon with an envelope. You slipped it into your pocket and looked around.

"Y/n..." broke your sleep. You opened to see Claudette, her face said it all. She had the same dream. "hmm?" "I'm scared. I had this dream, and there was this small web with shapes. I touched a shape and it appeared in my hand and look-" She rambled showing a square with a gear and a bolt on it.

You sat up and pulled out the octagon out of your pocket and you dropped it. 'What the fuck." You shouted backing away from it. "Same dream?" Claudette questioned. You nodded looking at the piece. It disappeared, and your hand uncontrollably clenched around it.

"You too huh?" Asked Jake. Dwight shot up and ramble don about his dream. You had to explain your theory. Then soon everything went completely black.


You rose you head. No campfire to be seen, nor you friends, you were in the middle of a cornfield, with a golden haze surrounding the area. 

//No choice this time, but there will from now on, also since I won't use Bill, you'll get his unique perks. I hope you are enjoying so far, and I promise choices. I am also writing this on Quotev. 

(Word count 3280)

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