Game 2

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You rose your head. No campfire to be seen, nor you friends, you were in the middle of a cornfield, with a golden haze surrounding the area, the familiar shack directly next to you. The corn stalks scattered, the place looked completely abandoned but they stay tall and strong. 

Your eyes trailed down a path, a generator a couple meters away. "No..." You mumbled, your feet dragging you closer to it. It was the same generator from before. "No, not here! This cannot be!" You complained, looking over your shoulder. You see a blond girl, she waves. "Hi." She mumbled. You nod introducing yourself. Another human has been dragged in. You looked at the bloody meathook. You groan your thought scattered.

"Help me with this." You command, beginning to work on it, remembering what to do from last time. She raised an eyebrow, opening her mouth but you demand, "No questions, just do it!" She shrugged, working on it with you.

The generator blew into sparks. You cursed, grabbing the gal's hand. She gasped at your sudden movements. You pulled her behind you, searching for the red light, coming from him.

"I'm Laurie, I never told you." She spoke. You turned around, a man roared closer with a chainsaw. She squeaked, moving closer to you, blush smacking you in the face. The blond gal curled into, as you got a good look at the killer.

His face, deformed, skin stretched from his neck to his forehead. He had white glowing eyes, with black butchered hair. He carried with him, a chainsaw, and a hammer. His white tank top, torn showing off his stomach region.

"W-What is that?" Laurie cried. You held her closer to you, watching the creature run around, looking for who had worked on the gen. The blond girl watched him in horror. You walked behind some of the wooden fence, a locker not too far.

"Go in there. You'll be safe." You told the blond gal. She nodded, placing herself quietly into the locker. You slammed down a pallet. You have some experience with this. The killer turned to you.

Shivers went down your spine, as he limped closer to you. The pallet smashed into peices, giving you a chance to run. Hoping through a window, you stopped to see he was still on you trail. You nodded, throwing down another pallet quietly hoping back through the window and creeping away.

"Hello~" A seductive vice cooed. Arms suddenly wrapped around you, your natural instinct was to kick. A man groaned covering his junk. "Sorry." You mumbled. He chuckled. A sudden feeling of hope hit you, motivation to do the gens. "Let's do a Gen!" You cheered quietly.

The Italian man looked confused. (Btw I am making Ace around the age 20) You grabbed his hand pulling him to find a generator. "Moving quite fast aren't we~" The man flirted. You blushed letting go of his hand, apologizing. "Don't worry you're a very pretty boy/girl."

You blushed even more. "T-Thank you." You stuttered, holding hands. Your bangs flew infront of your face as the roaring of chainsaw was heard. 

"Excuse me?" Ace turned on his heels, walking closer to the chainsaw. In the distance a man came running, at an inhuman speed. You pushed your thoughts back, swiftly throwing yourself on top of the flirtatious man. 

The chainsaw man, zoomed by the both of you. You laid your head on his chest, listening to his racing heart. Thumpthumpthumpthump.

"Holly Shit." He cursed. You removed yourself off of him, a hand out to help him up. He winked, taking your hand. Your face turned red.

"I don't mean to ruin this romantic moment- BUT THERE'S A KILLER!" A voice shouted as a girl ran past. You didn't get a good look at her. You didn't bother to look for, running through the corn field, you had a sense of safety. 

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