What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.7K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Edward and Bella
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!


1.3K 15 4
By MarinaShipper19

4 hours later

Kristen was currently sitting in bed with Eliana laying on the blanket in front of her

"We are going home love bug" Kristen whispered. she was getting Eliana into the outfit that they had packed as the baby fussed from being maneuvered. Carefully picking her up when they were done, she laid the baby against her shoulder. Kristen was still scared about handling Eliana, she was scared of accidently hurting her or dropping her. She knew those fears were silly but she couldn't help it with her track record of clumsiness

(I couldn't pick one, so you decide for yourself 😉)

"It's alright, your ok" Kristen whispered as she kissed the side of Eliana's head.

"I love you baby girl, so much," Kristen whispered as Robert came into the room

"I'll take her out first and then ill be back to get you," he told her as he kissed her.

"Alright," She Replied slowly handing Eliana over to him.

When he was gone, Kristen slowly got into a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt as she was still in tons of pain from the delivery. Rob came back in a few minutes later and gently scooped her up being careful not to hurt her and carefully put her next to Eliana. The ride home was uneventful as Eliana slept the whole way which was a blessing to her parents. when they arrived home Rob took Kristen upstairs and laid her in bed,

"I'll be right back," he said

He went back out and carefully got Eliana out of her seat, trying not to wake her. he went back up to the bedroom and laid her in Kristen's arms.

"What do you think about giving her a bath?" Rob asked Kristen

"Good idea, washcloth for her first one"

"Right, I will be right back"

Kristen slowly laid Eliana in front of her and started taking her clothes off hoping to keep her asleep. Rob returned a few minutes later with the items and a towel that he spread down on the bed to put Eliana on. Laying the baby on the towel he started running a wet washcloth over her body earning a cry of protest from her. Kristen reached out and let Eliana grasp onto her finger,

"its alright sweetheart" she whispered.

Eliana opened her eyes staring right at her mommy,

Carefully, Rob picked her up and laid her long ways on his arm while he did her hair. Eliana started screaming and flailed her arms and legs

"I don't think she feels secure like that" Kristen giggled

"I think your right." Rob carefully laid the baby back on the blanket, "Ok sweetheart, let's get you back to mommy." He wiped her down as she continued to cry and placed a diaper on her before carefully laying her against Kristen's chest.

Kristen placed her hand on the baby's back and with her other hand played with her hair. "Your alright hun" she whispered. She reached down and grabbed her fluffy blanket that Robert had placed on the bed and pulled it over them both. Watching as Eliana snuggled more into the blanket and her momma before falling asleep.

"Do you want to try and get some more sleep, Kristen?" Rob asked her

"What time is it?"

"Almost 9:30"

"Yeah, I think I will try and get some more sleep before she needs to eat again."

"Do you want me to lay her down?"

"Naw, she's comfortable where she is," Kristen said as she slowly and carefully slid down under the covers while still having a hold on her daughter.

"I'll leave you guys to sleep," Rob said "I'll take the monitor with me in case she starts fussing"

"You can stay with us, I'm not kicking you out" Kristen giggled

"I know, but you need to sleep. I will be right downstairs"

"Ok." Robert headed downstairs to let them sleep. Kristen adjusted the baby so she had a more secure hold on her before drifting off to sleep.

While the girls were sleeping, Robert took the liberty of calling Kristen's mother letting her know of her granddaughter's arrival. As he expected, Jules had billions of questions that she started rambling off

How did it go?

Hows Kristen and the baby?

What's the name?

When can I visit?

Oh lord Rob thought. He reassured Jules that everything went smoothly and both mom and baby were well, he also told her she would have to wait to hear the name until Kristen told her. After he got off the phone with Jules he let the dogs out before settling on the couch.

1 ½ hours later

Rob could hear Eliana start fussing over the monitor and started to head upstairs. He was surprised to see Kristen already awake and talking to their daughter

"Hey, love, I was hoping she wouldn't wake you"

"It's ok, can you grab me the wipes and a new diaper?"


Rob fetched the items and watched as Kristen changed their daughter.

"Alright, let's get you dressed and then let you hang out with daddy for a little bit until you need to eat again," Kristen said as she redressed Eliana and handed her over to rob

"Wake me if she needs to eat," Kristen said while yawning

"Will do love" Rob said as he kissed her. He left the room with his daughter snuggled against his chest fast asleep. He headed downstairs and settled himself on the couch, flipping through the channels but didn't find anything of interest so he went on demand and turned on some crappy tv show. Looking down at his daughter perched on his chest asleep, he couldn't help but feel proud, proud of what he and the women he loved with everything had created. Seeing his baby girl, taking in her features. She looked like Kristen so much, except the eye color, she has her daddy's eyes. every so often the baby would furrow her eyebrows and whimper, just like her mother when she sleeps, more so when she slept by herself.


9:30 pm that night

Kristen was sitting in bed feeding Eliana before they were going to turn in for the night. She took one of Eliana's hands into her own rubbing her knuckles with her thumb while smiling down at the baby, who was looking at her with such intensity as she suckled. The amount of love she felt for this baby in her arms was overwhelming. Rob couldn't help but smile watching Kristen with their daughter.

Eliana got done eating and Kristen slowly burped her while whispering to her to get her to sleep. When she was sure Eliana was asleep she slowly handed her over to Rob who kissed her and said his own goodnight to her before Kristen laid her in the bassinet that was right next to the bed.

"Goodnight love bug" Kristen whispered as she kissed her daughter goodnight. She turned around and cuddled herself into Rob while he stroked her hair

"I love you so much, Rob!" Kristen whispered

"I love you too hun, get some sleep. You will be summoned in a couple hours or less."

Kristen giggled lightly. "Yeah."

Robert watched as the two most important people in his life slept for a few minutes before joining them.


Eliana's cries rang out in the room. Kristen started to sit up but stopped when someone put their hand on her shoulder

"Go back to sleep Kris, I've got her," Rob said.

Kristen didn't fight it and let him take care of the poop explosion that happened in the baby's diaper. She closed her eyes and listened to Rob talk to their daughter, it was funny how much of a softie he was when it came to their daughter. She didn't go fully back to sleep until Rob came back to bed wrapping his arms around her


Kristen abruptly awoke to Eliana's shrill cries. Sitting up she reached down rubbing her finger against Eliana's cheek.

"Are you hungry baby girl?" Kristen cooed as she slowly picked the baby up. "It's ok sweetheart, mommas here. Mommy's here." She scooted back against the headboard and turned the lamp on that was on her side so she could see what she was doing. Slowly Eliana stopped crying once she was suckling from Kristen.

Kristen couldn't help but get misty eyed watching Eliana eat, she still couldn't believe that her tiny baby was here. The one that loved her from the inside out, Eliana reached out and grasped Kristen's finger, clutching it tightly in her tiny hand.

"Hi, sweetheart" Kristen whispered. She thought it was amazing how Eliana knew right from the start who she was. She knew her momma. As the baby finished eating Kristen laid back more against the headboard, laying her on her chest to burp her. Slowly she lowered Eliana into the bassinet when she was done, the baby still had a hold on her finger and when Kristen gently pulled out of her grasp, the baby began to fuss and whimper. Kristen laid down and returned her finger to her daughter's grasp.

"It's alright Eliana, mommy's here. Sweet dreams baby girl, I love you so much." Kristen said right before she fell asleep

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