Lethal (Harry Styles)

بواسطة felicitynarry

326K 9.8K 1.4K

Everyone knows that bad girls have more fun. Take, for example, Zoey Clark. She uses far too much make up, h... المزيد

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
Sequel / Perilous

chapter 18

8.4K 261 66
بواسطة felicitynarry

"Zoey!" My mom called my name for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"What?" I yelled back, equally as loud.

No answer.

Gosh, damn it. She always did that and after some time I always got sick of it and walked towards where her voice came from, finding out what she wanted me to do each time.

"Zoey!" My mom called again, making my feet move faster.

"Mom." I stepped into the kitchen, my voice cold. If she only wanted to tell me she bought a new nail polish, I would smash her head against the cupboard and let my sister take the fall.

"Zoey, finally. Do you want mushrooms in your sauce for-"

I gripped my hair and nearly ripped it out. Was she serious? "Mom, you know I hate mushrooms!" I angrily shouted and stormed away.

It was past noon and I hadn't bothered to change out of my pajamas yet. After waking up at 10am, I ate something and went back to bed, turning on the tv and watching different tv shows in a row. Right now I was watching The Vampire Diaries. Damn, I wished I had Nina Dobrev's body. And I wouldn't mind Ian Somerhalder being my boyfriend either. You just couldn't always get what you wanted, that was a proven fact.

Otherwise Lisa and I would be in Paris right now.

I didn't even know how our Paris obsession started. It just did somehow.

"I do feel different. I feel freer. Way more myself. All I know is I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. If I can get through that, I can get through anything."

I was intent upon my thoughts but this brought me back to reality. I think this Taylor or Tyler guy was talking. I actually had no clue what he was talking about and who he even was. Maybe I should watch this show more often, the actors were kind of hot. But they always were. Have you ever seen a movie with ugly main characters?

See? Exactly my point.

And yet society talked about being open with real issues that made teenagers feel bad about themselves in a young age. It was society that changed us and made us unhappy.

I looked down at my legs, wondering if I was too big for society's standards. Probably. No one ever called me fat but then again, I wasn't. I just wasn't super skinny. I had curves and I didn't have perfect skin and I probably wouldn't be a model in the near future. Actually, I once tried to lose weight based on a diet. My stomach grumbled at the thought of it. This diet didn't even last for 5 hours. I got too hungry and went to McDonald's.

If you didn't let anyone get to you, you can be happy with yourself.
"Food is ready!"

My three favorite words in the world. I made a run for the kitchen, beating Phoebe to it. My father was already seated at the kitchen table, talking to my mom about work.

He worked in the accounts department of a publishing enterprise, working full time and sometimes even on the weekends. He wasn't home that much and sometimes he went away on business and took my mom along. She worked in the same publishing enterprise but her work included something else.

I didn't mind reading that much but reading manuscripts didn't sound like a lot of fun and math was something I didn't even want to talk about.

My mom filled our plates and my mouth watered at the sight of the food. Pork with gravy (minus mushrooms for me, like seriously, why would you even put them into the gravy?) and potatoes. I squashed them, letting them soak the gravy. Peas and carrots framed the plate, making the healthy part of lunch. Normally my mom cooked in the evening but my parents were going out on a business meal tonight and I talked my mom into cooking lunch even though I would have a nice dinner tonight as well.

"Zoey, what are you going to do tonight?" My father asked me.

"I'll go to Theresa and watch a movie," I lied. My father didn't really approve of Lisa so I wouldn't name her and if he knew I actually went to a boy's place, he would freak out.

He nodded. Pweh.

"What about you, Phoebe?" She could say that she would be dancing on the edge of a skyscraper and he would smile and approve of it.

"Adrian is coming over," Phoebe answered. And they're gonna be very loud, I added in my head.

"I haven't seen him in quite some time," my father said, seeming lost in thoughts. He hadn't? Adrian was around all the time, I saw him more often than my parents.

Phoebe shrugged. "You'll see him soon enough."

That answer satisfied him and he continued to eat.

What a freak show.

I stayed silent during the rest of lunch, trying not to draw any attention to me. Sometimes I felt misunderstood among my own family.

I cleaned the table after we finished and my mom asked me to hang up the laundry. I didn't complain. If I had learned one thing in all those years I spent fighting with my parents, it was that complaining never helped your case. Most of the time I just bit my tongue and didn't cuss my parents out. It turned me into a sassy bitch at some point but around my parents I was someone else. Or better, I pretended to be someone else.

It was still too early to get ready for my dinner date with Louis so I decided to go back to bed but the tv shows marathon was over. Out of boredom, I switched to mtv and prayed that I wouldn't be stuck with pregnant teenagers. One thing I haven't achieved in my life is getting pregnant in my teens. I was quite proud of this non-accomplishment.

The universe apparently owed me a favor. Teen Mom wasn't on but instead Miley Cyrus twerked across the screen.

I jumped out of bed, locked the door and grabbed my hairbrush. The last thing I needed was anyone walking in on me dancing around in the room.

"Remember only god can judge ya, forget the haters 'cause somebody loves ya!" If that wasn't true... My dog loved me.

My non-existent dog for that matter.

I spent more time on dancing around than I intended to. Before I knew it, I had to take a shower and get ready for the evening.

I put on my usual amount of make-up and remembered to pack it this time just in case I would be staying the night. I wouldn't have another walk of shame.

My closet was opened in front of me and I stared at my clothes for a really long time. I had different dresses that ranked from slutty to alluring to something my mom approved of. On the left side of the closet, my jeans were neatly put into a little pile. I weighted the pros and cons of wearing a dress but dismissed the thought. Who made pro and con lists anyway?
I wasn't in the mood for wearing a dress so I settled with light blue skinny jeans, a red top with a flued opening and a black cardigan. I slipped into my favorite black flats and grabbed my black bag. There was a medium-sized violet rose on the side but otherwise it was simple.

My parents were still at home and I mentally slapped myself on the shoulder for wearing normal clothes. It would have been kind of suspicious if I was going to Theresa's in a dress and high heels.

"Zoey? Do you want to take the car?" My mom asked me before I could make a run for the door.

"Don't you need it?" I asked. My parents were currently looking into getting a second one so Phoebe and I could use my mother's car more often.

"No, Danny and Anna are going to get us," she explained. I had no clue who they were but silently thanked them anyway.

"Great. Thanks, I'm gonna take the car then," I said before grabbing the keys and walking out.

I was glad I had her car but now I would be too early to go to Louis'. I couldn't wait at home because my mom knew that I would go to Theresa's whenever I pleased which meant I never had a time agreed upon.

It was getting dark outside when I drove down the main road towards Louis' apartment. My plan was to wait a street away in my car until it was time to go to his place.

The clock on my dashboard read 7:39pm. I had to be there at 8pm.

Two streets away from his apartment, I stopped at a Starbucks sign. Starbucks was expensive and I wasn't the biggest fan of it but it would help me pass some time.

I parked the car and stepped outside when my phone vibrated in my bag against my waist. I kept walking towards the front door while trying to pull it out with the keys still in my left hand and my right hand holding the bag. My hand found the phone and I grabbed it but it slipped from my fingers while I tried to open the doors with my shoulder. I groaned and left it there, reminding myself I still had some time and this one minute of waiting wouldn't kill anyone.

Starbucks was warm and the smell of cupcakes filled my nose. I was too focused on the board with the drinks to notice that I was directly running into someone.

"Oh gosh, sorry!" I yelped and looked up, my eyes meeting green ones.

"This is the second time that happens, don't let it become a habit, Zoey," Harry says, smirking down to me.

His eyes were sparkling in the light and his brown hair was messy and pushed back like usually. He was wearing a long brown coat and dark skinny jeans underneath which were ripped at the knees. He was wearing brown boots that looked like they had witnessed the cold war but somehow he made them look good. His left hand was holding a cup of coffee, I assumed, and his index, middle and ring finger were covered in silver rings. I noticed a black cross on his hand, right above his thumb where it met the index finger. Harry's right hand was put into his pocket and the gesture made him look so casual, it was hard to remember that I had ever been afraid of him.

He was incredibly good-looking and in another life he would be a pop star, wearing a cross earring and a bandana and he'd be screaming sexually on stage.

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind. What the hell, Zoey?

"I won't," I said after a minute. He definitely caught me staring but didn't say anything else. I nodded a goodbye and walked to the barista, ordering a strawberry frappuccino.
"What's your name?" he asked.

"Lara Croft," I managed to say with a straight face. The guy looked unfazed. Judging from his face, people tried to pull off this kind of thing all the time. I watched him write 'Lara' on the cup before telling me to wait in line. I quickly checked my phone, it was only Lisa texting me a picture of her brother sleeping with his mouth open.

My drink was ready to go after 5 minutes and I spent another 10 minutes in the car. I finished the frappuccino and had to admit it was freaking delicious.

I walked the short distance to Louis' apartment. The door downstairs wasn't closed and I pushed it open, walking upstairs to his door before knocking lightly. I heard noises inside but no one opened the door. After a minute, I knocked again, harder and longer this time.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you. You know, that's what doorbells are for," Louis said, opening the door to let me step in. He smiled and gently hugged me, pressing his lips to the top of my head, stroking my hair lightly. I inhaled the smell his aftershave and scanned his outfit. He was wearing tight dark blue jeans and a dark grey, nearly black, t-shirt with a comic or something alike on it. On top of it he wore a jeans jacket. His hair was a bit curly but he gelled it back, revealing his forehead. His eyes were soft and I found myself smiling back at him.

"Hello to you too," I replied.

He grinned and walked off into the kitchen. "Hope you don't mind getting a bit dirty."

"I never do," I said, catching his eye and winking. He laughed.
"Not like that. I'm making chicken and it's quite hard to eat with a knife and a fork soooo..." He dragged the 'o'.

Louis was a great cook, dinner was simply perfect and I finished my plate in no time. I would be embarrassed but thank god he was a boy with a good appetite and finished his own plate before I did.

We started watching 27 Dresses but after 20 minutes Louis complained that the movie was boring and just not made for boys. I jokingly told him to shut up which made him jump on me, tickling my stomach. I screamed and laughed. My attempt to roll to the side made me fall off the couch and Louis immediately stopped. "Are you hurt?" I shook my head and he helped me up. I was barely back on my feet when his lips landed on mine.

"Let's continue this in my room," Louis whispered into my ear before taking my hand into his and leading me down the hallway.

Turning around, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pushed me into the room, nearly causing me to stumble over my feet. He slammed the door behind him, grabbed my hips, and pushed me up against the wall. He smashed our lips together, molding his mouth to mine.

He took one hand away from my hips and placed it at the hem of my red top, slowly raising it up over my bra. Breaking the kiss, he pulled it over my head and dropped it to the floor. He licked his lips hungrily and quickly pushed me back up into the wall, his lips travelling along my neck while he caressed my breast in one hand, sliding it underneath my bra. One hand snaked behind me, unclasping it. The bra slid down my arms and joined my shirt on the floor.

His hands were hot on my skin and I felt goosebumps raise on my arms.

Rubbing his thumb over my nipple, I let out a gasp and threw my head back. He put me down on the floor and stepped away from me so I could pull his shirt over his head. His shirt slid up his tanned abs and chest, revealing his torso completely. My fingertips traced his tattoo like last time. Louis watched me and tugged a strand of hair behind my ear. The gesture was so simple but made me smile anyway.

Louis led me over to the bed and pushed me down softly on top of it. He placed his hands on the bottom of my jeans and slowly pulled them down my legs. I helped him out of jeans as well, tossing it on top of mine.

My undies flew across the room next and Louis leaned down to kiss me, tugging at my bottom lip to let him slide his tongue in. My hands travelled down his spine to his butt, squeezing it before tugging at his boxers. I could feel the fabric tightening and smiled into the kiss.

His boxers finally left his body and he put on a condom. Without warning, he grabbed the base of his dick and pushed it into me merciless.

"Fuck," I moaned as he harshly thrust into me.

Propping himself up on his elbows, Louis moved his hips into mine, picking up the pace with each thrust. He sucked at the skin underneath my ear and I pushed my hands into his hair, gripping it and tugging hard.

He let out a sound that sounded animalistic, encouraging me to keep tugging.

Louis was still going strong and I arched my back, begging for more and letting him get deeper and deeper with each push inside me.

He pushed in, again and again. Soon, I was sent into the wanted blissful state. I moaned and threw my head back.

Louis cursed under his breath as he felt me come undone underneath him and within seconds he found his own release. He thrust into me for a few more times, becoming sloppy before pulling out and collapsing next to me.

Our chests were heavily moving up and down. Our intimate act was quick but felt good anyway. Louis pressed his lips on my cheek before removing the condom. He joined me back in bed after a minute. His finger travelled down my hips and drew patterns on my skin.

I knew we were up for another round but I had to take a wee first. Smiling, I quickly apologized myself and left the bed, not caring to wrap the blanket around my naked body.

I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom, hurrying up to get back into the warm bed.

Louis already awaited me, his eyes hungrily travelling up and down my body. I blushed slightly, feeling completely exposed.

He sat upright, padding his lap. I walked over to him and climbed on top of him, straddling him. His hands went down to my butt and his mouth landed back on mine.

I could taste the chicken on his tongue as mine dared his to join it in a deadly dance.

I didn't know how long we sat like this before Louis shifted slightly, his hands squeezing my breasts. He pinched my nipples and I sucked in a harsh breath, biting down on his bottom lip to let him get a taste of his own medicine.

He chuckled and before long, he was hard again. I wanted to make a sassy remark but the ringing of my phone stopped me. I forgot to mute it and it was usually on full volume, leaving no other choice but to hear it even if you were in a different room just as I was right now.

"Leave it," Louis told me and kissed me again.

My phone kept ringing but I couldn't be bothered to get up. Instead, I reached for a condom foil and rolled it down Louis' length before lowering myself onto him.

He filled me up completely and I hopped up and down, going faster and harder each time. Louis let me take full control and only steadied me by placing his hands on my hips. My phone rang again just as he spilled into the condom. I kept going, reaching my own climax shortly after him.

Louis flipped us over, placing me down onto the mattress before getting up once again to remove the little protector.

He laid back down on the mattress, wrapping an arm around my waist. I tugged at the blanket underneath us, intending to cover our naked bodies.

But my phone rang yet again.

I groaned. "Maybe it's something important," Louis spoke up. I nodded, thinking the same. Why else would someone keep calling me if it wasn't important?

Gosh, I hoped it wasn't Phoebe calling me to tell Adrian burned down the house.

I dismissed the thought. She would leave the country with him then before our parents could find either of them and cuss them out. Or worse, kill them.

I walked into the living room, towards my bag, the source of the annoying noise. I changed my ring ton into a boring accumulated one a few days ago.

A blanket was wrapped tightly around my body and I tugged one end under my arm, keeping it from falling down.

My hands found my phone before it would send the caller to voice mail once again. I slid my fingers across the screen, accepting the phone call.

"Hello?" I said, trying not to sound annoyed. Whoever called couldn't know what I was doing and for all I knew it could be my parents calling. I should check the caller ID first the next time.

"Zoey? Where are you?" A male voice asked, sounding rushed.

"Harry?" I was confused but also pretty sure it was him.

"Yes. Where are you?" He repeated, slowly this time just in case I wouldn't understand him.

"I... Uhm, at a friend's house. Why?"

"Good. Stay there," he demanded. What the fuck?

"Why?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice.

"Trust me on this one, Zoey. Text me the address and I'm going to get you."

"I took my mom's car," I told him, trying not to sound too rude.

"Don't worry about it, we're gonna get it back tomorrow. Don't ask any questions, just trust me." I was about to protest but couldn't raise my thoughts. "Please, Zoey. I wouldn't ask you to do it if it wasn't important. You're not safe right now. I'm trying to protect you," he added the last part in a softer tone, his voice came out almost as a whisper.

I gulped. What did he mean when he said I wasn't safe? "Okay," I said, confusion and fear clear in my voice.

"Don't worry," he tried to soothe me before hanging up.

I was paralyzed, not caring about his demanding and controlling nature that I witnessed for the second time now. His words kept replaying in my head. You're not safe right now. I'm trying to protect you.

What the fuck was I supposed to do now?


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