I Bet My Life [Prinxiety]

By virgiltheanxious

27.1K 1.5K 1.2K

[Part two of the Force of Nature series] Anxiety is gone, and Prince isn't sure what to do. All he knows is... More

A note from the author


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By virgiltheanxious

When I first became a main trait, I had come back from grabbing food. I had walked into my room and placed my plate on my bed (along with enough snacks to last me for the week). I went to grab my laptop off of my computer desk and when I turned around, I saw the sweatshirt and makeup. I shrugged it off and put on the sweatshirt because I didn't actually know what it meant at the time. No one filled me in on how that worked. That's when I started to wear eyeshadow every day. Even though I didn't leave my room often, I would put it on every day.

The next week, I had come out of my room to grab food and bumped into Princey in the way, who looked extremely surprised at my slight change of attire. He asked me about it, and I just shrugged my shoulders and muttered about finding it on my bed. At this point, I was more comfortable in the mindscape; comfortable with my fathers and Prince.

At this, Prince was slightly surprised. Besides after Morality and Logic apologizing, Prince had never heard Anxiety call the two his fathers. And, by Prince's speculation, this was written the first time they were together. There were so many notebooks that it was impossible that had just been written after they got together again.

Even if these were written before they got together again, it would have needed to be written a long while back.

Prince shook his head and looks back down at the notebook in his hands, deciding to focus back on it.

I didn't walk away immediately and instead let Prince ask his questions. I answered all of them with silly snarky remarks. When I was finally annoyed, I found myself nearing the kitchen. Prince was still following me, too. I remember his exact words that he said when I was rummaging through the cabinets.

"How can he be a main trait, he's just Anxiety," Prince whispered as he read. He remembered that clearly. That had upset Anxiety greatly, thus making Thomas upset. Morality and Logic had immediately tried to make Thomas feel better, but he had followed Anxiety to his room. At the time, Prince realized, he hadn't yet liked Anxiety. But he remembered the compelling feeling to apologize and cheer Anxiety up.

Do you remember that, Prince? Do you remember insulting my very existence?

I do. I remember it whenever I start thinking that you're dating me as a prank. I remember it every time I feel bad about myself. Because, believe it or not, youre right. I'm just Anxiety. I am anxiousness, I am fear, and I got too out of hand. And I am sorry. I wish I wasn't, don't you think of I could control it I would try to make myself less of a problem?

But, as Morality always says, sometimes you have to learn to love yourself.

Now, I'm not saying that I've done this, but I have finally come to the terms that it wasn't my fault even after thinking it was for my entire life. It is not my fault that I am heightened, it is not my fault that I make Thomas anxious all the time. Because I could not control it.

I hope whoever is reading this can come to these terms just like I did.

Sincerely, me

Prince looked at the clock that lay on his end table, noticing that roughly an hour had gone by. He decided that he should take a short break before continuing.

He stood up and stretched, bringing his arms high in the air. Rolling his shoulder, he yawned and began his journey to the kitchen. As he walked, he dragged his fingertips along the wall to calm himself down. Thinking about how rude he was to Anxiety made him feel bad, even if Anxiety told him it was okay.

As Prince neared the kitchen, he turned his brain to other thoughts. Morality greeted him as he walked through the door. He was at the stove probably cooking dinner for everyone.

"Heya, kiddo! How's the reading been?" 

Prince looked through the fridge for a snack to hold him over; he didn't plan on eating an entire dinner. "It's okay, very emotional. Explains a lot on how Anxiety feels, though. It also explains about us, or it has so far. It started at the beginning so there isn't much," Prince explained, grabbing an apple and a water bottle.

"You hoping that it will mention our mystery person?" Morality asked, stirring whatever was in the pot on the stove.

"Yes, I'd just like Anxiety back."

"Me too, Roman," Morality sighed, turning his head to look at Prince for a second before looking back at his food.

Prince asked, "Can I be honest with you, Mo?"

"Go ahead,"

  Prince sat down at the counter and placed his bottle and apple next to him.  "I just feel like this could be on me, you know? I feel like I'm letting everyone down, really. I haven't even left to check on Thomas! Remind me to do that after I finish eating, please." Prince took a bite of his apple.

"It's not your fault, Roman. Don't say that. You're trying your best, you lost the one you love and you just needed time to cope. Now, you're  doing better, it's okay. We still love you," Morality elleborated, grabbing spices from the cabinet to mix in his dish.

"Thanks, Morality. I love you too," Prince said, a smile now on his face. He took a swig of his water and then went back to his apple.

"You going to join us for dinner?" Morality questioned, grabbing plates and utensils.


"Just make sure you take care of yourself, please."

"I will, don't worry about it," Roman said, throwing the apple core in the trash and grabbing his water bottle. "I'll be back in my room reading after I check on Thomas. Tell Missy I love him? Thanks!" 

As Prince finished his thoughts, he ran back to his room and placed his water bottle on his end table. He then sunk down to check on Thomas.

"Thomas! How are you doing?" He asked, startling Thomas, who was facing the other direction.

"Roman! Don't sneak up on me," Thomas said, turning to look at Roman.

Roman was slightly startled to see that Thomas had an ace bandage wrapped around his right wrist. Concern flashed in his eyes as he stepped closer to Thomas in order to inspect his hand.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Prince asked, gently taking Thomas's arm. He should have at least felt this- it didn't make much sense that he didn't. Something most have been going on in Thomas's head. He doubted that just because Anxiety was gone he and the others didn't feel when Thomas got hurt.

"I just sprained my wrist, it's fine."

"How did you sprain your wrist? What did you do?" Prince questioned.

"I was riding my bike and I was going too fast and when I braked so I wouldn't hit someone, I went over the top and landed on my wrist in a wrong way. Luckily it was only a sprain. The odd this was- is- I haven't been anxious the entire time," Thomas explained.

"Well, that makes sense, Anxiety has been gone. You're not being careful about things. Listen, Thomas, I gotta go do things in the mind. If yo have any questions ask Logic or Morality! Bye!' And with that, Prince sunk down.

Prince was going to get to the bottom of all this. Of Anxiety's absence. Of whatever is going wrong in Thomas's head.


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