Ravage's Return

By Da_Voices_In_My_Head

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Jack Darby was a normal human that worked with the Autobots in their fight against the Decepticons... But the... More

Chapter 1: Soundwave's Revelation
Chapter 3: Kidnapped
Chapter 4: Becoming Ravage
Reactivating Rumble
Familiar Faces/Building Relationships
Conflicted Times
Torn Between Factions


4.4K 140 58
By Da_Voices_In_My_Head

(A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. There might be an extra two afterwards, but I'm leaning more towards one. The final/next chapter will be posted some time next week. :) Love ya all!)

It had all been planned out so carefully, down to the very last, most minor of details.

Soundwave had split them all up to make it easier for them to avoid capture when he decided the time was right to flee. At least until they found the autobots. Jack knew where to go, but the TIC didn't want to be aware of that sort of information until he was certain no one knew. It would be disastrous if Megatron suddenly suspected something and had Soundwave questioned.

Most notably with the cortical patch.

Rumble and Frenzy had been sent on a 'mission' to collect intel on the most recent autobot activity. It was put down that they had gone to Germany, but Soundwave had really sent them to California.

Laserbeak and the other aerial simbiots had been sent to Utah, though the three newest additions were packed away in Jack's subspace, carefully padded to make sure they wouldn't be jostled around too much. Besides feeling odd, it didn't cause discomfort to Jack.

"Jack, must leave now." Soundwave stated softly as he motioned for the simbiot from the door. Having already used his internal groundbridge to send the other two groups out, Soundwave was incapable of using it a third time without substantial re-fueling, something that was monitored and would automatically report if he was taking more rations than should be needed.

His fuel levels were in the yellow, far enough above the red that he could survive a bit until they made autobot contact.

Soundwave stepped out into the hall and took a moment to look around before he allowed Jack to step out behind him, the cybercat in his bipedal mode as he followed in his creator's wake down the hall towards the upper levels leading to the flight deck.

Moving silently, pedes making no noise as they traversed the halls of the Nemesis, gradually making their way up to the flight deck.

Jack heard the other mech's approach first, allowing him to dart away into a shadowed corner to conceal himself from detection, waiting for the mech to pass by.


The voice was unmistakeable. The deep baritone, the cultured sense to the words... It was Dreadwing.

The TIC stopped in his walk, turning so the elite seeker would see the side of his visored faceplate, waiting for the officer to state what it was that he needed.

Jack could teak a sense of nervousness in his creator's field, and he himself held his vents as he waited, unsure of what was about to happen. Dreadwing didn't seem to be aggressive or planning anything, but he seemed restless and almost distressed.

"Lord Megatron has need of you."

A silence fell before Soundwave turned around to head back down the hall towards the command deck, planning on returning to his current route once Dreadwing was out of sight.

"He waits for you on the flight deck."

Again a long silence reigned, Soundwave turning fulling to study Dreadwing, the communications officer not liking that revelation. Why would Megatron be on the flight deck? There was no scheduled attack or other such event...

Soundwave realized he should've been sticking by his master's side to monitor all happenings. He'd been so distracted with keeping Ravage hidden and planning for their escape and reunion with the autobots.

He now had no idea what Lord Megatron was planning.

Crouching in the darkness, Jack watched with dimmed yellow optics, spark pulsating fearfully in his chassis. Did Megatron know?

"Soundwave, understands. Will meet Lord Megatron there." Soundwave finally spoke up, turning away to continue down the hall towards his original target. All plans of taking Ravage and fleeing the moment they got there were lost when Dreadwing fell in step behind him. Now Soundwave knew something was seriously wrong.

Jack hurried after them as quietly as he could move, moving from cover to cover as they made their way up to the flight deck.

"Lord Megatron, requests Soundwave's presence?" The officer's monotone questioned from directly behind the warlord, Megatron turning to face the mech. "Indeed I do, Soundwave. I must put some rumors to rest."

Soundwave stiffened, visored helm tilted upwards as he regarded his lord. "Soundwave, unaware of rumors."

Laughter split the air rushing around them, Megatron laughing though there was no humor to the sound. "That's the first time I've heard you admit being unaware of something." The warlord stated darkly, the laughter lost to the wind as he studied the communications officer. "I would think you would be aware of rumors, Soundwave. Specifically when they're about you."

The tension in the air was unmistakable, Dreadwing like a statue at his back while Megatron looked like a predacon raging to be set loose. Soundwave was increasingly concerned about what the elder mech meant. Had Megatron learned of his plans to betray him? It seemed to be the most likely.

"Soundwave, requests to be enlightened."

Vermillion optics studied Soundwave as if he were a pleasurebot offering his services, dark and searching. Interested, perhaps. "I would think a traitor would know when he plans to betray his Lord."

Cold washed over Soundwave's entire frame, the mech struggling to find something to refute the rumors. "Soundwave, denies charges. Soundwave, always loyal to Lord Megatron." The TIC responded, tense and ready.

Jack watched with wide optics from the doors that led out onto the flight deck.

"Oh I'm well aware of that, Soundwave." The silver warlord responded, his voice dark and unmistakably angry. "That is why I will give you a chance to redeem yourself. Where is Ravage?"

Soundwave looked up at the mech he'd followed for so long, almost blindly, a fanatic in his loyalty.

The silence stretched on before Megatron vented loudly, his heavy frame shifting to the side as he turned away. "If that how it is then."

Tense and unsure of what was going to happen, Soundwave opened his mouth in an attempt to somewhat reconcile to the decepticon warlord, if only to make his escape a little cleaner.

Jack watched it all as if it were in slow motion, Megatron turning away from Soundwave, Dreadwing quietly reaching back to remove the sword from his back, the blade drawing back in preparation as the light caught the honed edge.

He screamed then. Tried to warn his creator.

Soundwave heard the cry of his simbiote, the mech turning towards him just as Dreadwing thrust the sword forwards. He gave no cry when the blade tore through his abdomen to protrude out his backstrut, slender digits curling around the blade as he stared up at the angered faceplates of the current SIC. The dark-colored mech attempted to speak, choking on the energon that bubbled up his intake.

"As of now, Soundwave, I've ordered for the immediate execution of all of your simbiots upon their return." Megatron spoke up, moving around to stand beside Dreadwing as the seeker ripped the sword away.

With the steely intruder vacating his body, Soundwave pressed his digits against the wound, servos and belly sticky with energon. He could only watch as his fuel levels slowly began to tick down towards the red where emergency stasis would follow.

The warlord looked up at Dreadwing, the jet's faceplates set in a determined, albeit angry, expression. "Execute him."


Jack ran across the deck, dropping himself down in front of Megatron, yellow optics wide and brimming with optical lubricant. "P-Please! Have mercy on them, my lord! The fault is mine. I convinced Soundwave to betray you. It's a virus I planted... Please." The simbiote begged, voice tremoring slightly with his fear for his family.

"And here's the very mech I've been wasting resources searching for." Megatron rumbled lowly, Dreadwing looking up at the warlord, seemingly unsure of what he was supposed to do now. "A mech that was brought aboard my warship without my knowledge." The crimson optics turned onto Soundwave again, the TIC swaying slightly, seemingly delirious as he came closer to losing consciousness.

He didn't speak a word as Megatron leaned over him, thick digits wrapping around one of the helm spikes to jerk the purple mech's helm back, the other servo coming to scrape against the side of the mech's helm.

Jack could only watch helplessly as claws dug into the seam where visor met helm, the silver warlord tearing it free while Soundwave convulsed with the pain, only the grip on his helm keeping him from pulling away as broken connectors sparked.

Tiny prickles of fear and pain came to Jack through the bond, the simbiote immediately recognizing those of his siblings as he sent pulses of reassurance and affection. He couldn't let them know what was happening. He could feel the exact same pulses coming to him from Soundwave.

Megatron seemed to be more interested in studying his TIC's faceplates. Faceplates that had been concealed from him for eons, way back when they'd last fought together in the Pits in Kaon. They were no doubt handome, or had possibly been once. Burning marred the left side of the groaning mech's faceplates, surrounding the white optic and pulling the corner of Soundwave's lips into a pained grimace. Because his optics were white instead of the usual colored optics they took in way more light, making it painful for the mech to be out in the sunlight without his visor.

"To know these scars are without purpose now," Megatron whispered cruelly, tracing over the ruined protoflesh with a single claw, leering. "You're without purpose now. I think I'll destroy your filthy spawn and imprison you. Let you watch their deaths over and over again until you go insane." The warlord threatened, pushing the slim mech aside.

Energon had pooled around Soundwave's knees now, the mech having trouble staying upright as he tried to keep the energon from flowing. Fuel levels were nearing the red with terrifying speed.

"Execute Ravage. I'll deal with the others when they return." Megatron ordered, turning away as he headed back towards the doors that led into the Nemesis. "Have Soundwave repaired."

Jack had tears streaming freely down his cheekplating now as he crawled closer to Soundwave, afraid to touch him. His creator looked like he was trying to say something, a bloodied servo reaching for him.

Sobbing as Dreadwing's shadow fell over him, Jack apologized over and over again as he attempted to stop Soundwave's bleeding, his own servo growing sticky with the blue fluids as he pressed it against the wound.

"May you redeem yourself in the well, simbiot." Dreadwing spoke from above him, but Jack could only lean his helm against Soundwave's side as he cried.

It was all his fault.

As the sword descended, Jack feared he would lose his life and never know what became of his siblings or creator, but there was a sickening, wet thunk! above him, then Soundwave was crying out again, Jack opening his optics to see Dreadwing's sword wedged in the TIC's arm.

Dreadwing snarled and ripped the sword back, preparing to deliver a second blow, but Soundwave grabbed a hold of Jack and rolled to his pedes, taking to a stumbling run as Dreadwing pursued him.

Sensitive white optics streamed tears from the pain of the light intake, and Soundwave could barely see where he was going, only that his pede found air and he was falling.

Jack clung to Soundwave desperately as they free fell through the air, the simbiot whimpering as Soundwave quickly set up coordinates and a bridge opened beneath them, fuel levels jumping directly to red as they passed through.

The air around them turned cold as they entered the air above the snowy himalayan mountains, Jack's helm twisting to see the ground coming up fast before he looked up at Soundwave as the larger mech curled around him tightly. "Soundwave...?" He asked, though no answer came as they imacted with the mountainside with a sickening crunch.

Warnings popped up as Soundwave lost consciousness, curled around his simbiot so he had taken the brunt of the crash, Jack wriggling and calling for him, his creation's voice getting further and further away.

The last thing he heard was Jack's keen.

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