Being Chief

By Exo_httyd2lover

14.1K 450 152

What would happen if Hiccup got the chance to be the Cheif of Berk? Will he follow his duties in being cheif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 15

491 17 6
By Exo_httyd2lover


Astrid's P.O.V


"So... Are you going to show me his plan?" I asked. "Sure!" Hiccup replied. We finished our breakfast so Hiccup went to put the dishes and mugs in the sink (I donno if they even had sinks!). He showed me Dagger's plans. Wow! For once, this plan was clever. We wouldn't even expect this! Hiccup told me his plan to protect Berk. I said, "Good plan, Hiccup! But are you sure it will work?" "I'm not sure. But we have to take the risk!" He replied confidently. He's so cute when he's being serious! I giggled at what I just thought. And day dreamed of us together, riding into the sunset. "ASTRID?!? Are you listening? This is serious!" "Mmmm.... Mmm? Oh! Sorry! I was... um... uh... day dreaming... Heh!" I said, shyly. "Astrid? Since when do you day dream? Oh well. Never mind. So I said you go to the twin's house and tell Gothie while I go to Fishlegs's and Snotlout's houses. Got it?" He said. "Oh! Yeah, yeah!" I said while smiling. I kissed him and rushed off to my home to take a shower. After I was done, I went to go see the twins and Gothie.


Hiccup's P.O.V


I went to take a shower before I went to tell Fishlegs and Snotlout. After I showered, I went to their houses, but they were not there. So I decided to hope on Toothless and find them. After flying for about... 10 minutes... I guess? (Vikings don't have clocks) I saw Fishlegs riding Meatlug. "Fishlegs!!!" I yelled. "Oh! Hey, Hiccup!" He said. "Listen, I need to tell you something important! But before that, let's find Snotlout!" I shouted. "Ok!" He yelled back. We spotted Snotlout on Hookfang in the forests training or Hookfang burning Snotlout's bottom. "Snotlout! Good we've found you!" I said. "Listen you guys, I have something important to tell," I said seriously.

After explaning Dagger's plan and Hiccup's plan...

"Clever Dagger!" Both of them shouted in unison. "So that's why we should follow my plan. Ok?" I asked. "Yeah! But when will it be ready?" They asked. "I'm not so sure. But maybe if I help Gobber make them, in 2-3 days. Maybe. It will take Dagger some time before he gets here with his army. So don't worry too much!" I said. They went back to the village. I went to fly with Toothless before I go back to the village to warn the others. I guess I have to be chief again! I wonder how Astrid is doing?


Astrid's P.O.V


"Oh, for the LAST TIME! Just go with the plan Hiccup made and don't make your own!" I screamed. "Yeah, but can just spray our dragon's gas and spark it to make it go away?" Tuffnut asked. "Or just ask our dragons to use their wings to make it be blown away?" Ruffnut continued. "NO! Your dragon have shot limits and our dragons will be tired of flapping their wings to fly into battle!" I shouted. "FINE!" They screamed back in unison. "But..." They started. "Ugh!" I screamed in frustration and stormed out. I saw Hiccup waiting for me outside the twins' house. "Trouble?" He asked while leaning on Toothless. "Yeah... Their attitude is still the same even though they've grown!" I laughed. He laughed too. He came closer to me and asked, "Why don't you go home? I'll deal with the twins later after I talk with Gothie." "Are you sure?" I asked him back. "Don't worry! It's not too much trouble!" He replied. "Ok... If you insist!" I said while smiling. I kissed his cheek, and went to Stormfly to fly for a bit. While flying, I thought of Hiccup's plan. I wonder if it will work?

Hey guys!!! So here's chapter 15 done! And I know my status says I'll make 5 chapters but I'm gonna make 3 chapters only! Sorry. Please forgive me! I'm kinda busy this month. A test coming and I only have 2 weeks to study. So I hope you guys understand! So... vote, comment and share! And you might won't be expecting a new chapter any time soon! Sorry! Bye!


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