Chapter 5

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A quick note:

So hey guys! In this chapter if you watched Defenders of Berk, in an episode I forgot which one, Alvin died. So in my story Alvin is dead so yeah! If you guys didn't watch it search it please so then you can understand this chapter more better. And... yeah! That's it I guess! Enjoy this chapter!



Dagger's P.O.V


Hahahaha! Today! Today is the day I'm going to capture Hiccup and his dumb Night Fury! I have devised a plan to destroy them and Berk! I will use The Whispering Death! I found out how to attract it! By using light! It loves it. And I found it out the hard way. "Ready the ships men! Today we will be victorious!!!" I yelled. Some men were screaming "Yeah!!!" "Woo Hoo!!!" "All hail Dagger!!!" I was proud to have a whole army of Bezerkers by my side. And more men who joined me after I killed Alvin! I was so much more confident then before. Berk here we come!!!


Hiccup's P.O.V


I woke up startled. I had a dream that Dagger was going to attack us. A few weeks ago, we found Alvin's dead body on our beach shores. I didn't even know who killed him. I sent dad a letter about the village, how things were going and Alvin's dead body we found. It was still night so I decided to continue sleeping.


Stoik's P.O.V


I just found a Terrible Terror with a letter straped to its leg. I gave it a whole raw Salmon. It gobbled it whole and rested at the flag pole. I read the letter. This is what was written on it:

Hey dad! It's Hiccup. I just wanted ti tell you that the village is doing great so far. My friends are all fine. Fishlegs is out of Berk for a week to study the Typhoomerang dragons on Eel Island. The twins are still up to mischief. Snotlout is now flirting with Ruffnut, but gets rejected everytime. Me and Astrid are a couple now! Gobber is working extra hard to make new weapons and armor in the forge. Our dragons are doing fine too. But something unexpected arrived at our beaches. Someone found Alvin's dead body. We burried him in a graveyard up on a hill near Raven Point. That's all what's happening right now. I hope your doing fine too. Stay healthy and take care dad!

-Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

I was shocked to hear the news about Alvin! Even though he was an enemy to Berk, we've always been good friends in the past. I've always thought of him as my brother.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I have school work to do and stuff. But I'm gonna post another chapter today after school. Ok! Bye!


Being ChiefOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora