Rules of Religions in SlugTer...

By miarebel65

3.9K 188 266

The sequel to the first book. Nurul now lives with the Shadow Clan, to have some time alone. With the Shane... More

Living In The Shadows
Can't Move On And We Meet Again
A Dream or A Vision
The Truth
In The Shadow Territory
Memories of The First Date
The Night
It can't be.....
In 2 Days
The Day Is Here
Being Parents
The Proposal
Dark Memories
Heart Broken
Telling The Truth
Lunch Time
The Secret of Nurul
Nurul's Story
A Spy Is Revealed
Dark Past
The Master of Hypnosis
Catatan Kembara
Unexpected Visitor
The Team
Write My Own Destiny
Christmas Wish
Christmas Preperations
A Christmas Wish Came True
New Year

Eryn and Ammar Shane

146 5 10
By miarebel65

Eli's POV

My hand hurts from Nur's death grip. Man that girl is so strong. I never knew she had it in her. They then brought her to a room for her for her to rest. Since I'm a Shane, they put her in a VIP room. I grab a chair and sat next to her. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I grab her hand and gently squeeze it.

Then the doctor came in and said, "Congratulations Eli, it a boy and a girl".

I can't believe it, twins. I look at Nur, who is still sleeping peacefully.

"Would you like to see your kids?", he ask me.

"Not yet, when she wakes up, then we'll see them", I said.

"Alright then", as he walk out.

I sat back on the chair. And just look at Nur. I then lean in and gave a peck I
on the lips. Then my phone rings.

"Hello?", I answered it.

"Eli, bro where are you?", said Kord through the phone.

"I'm at the hospital of Islam Cavern", I replied.

"What happen to you?", ask Adam.

"Wait, did you put it on speaker Kord?".

"Yeah, bro. Hope you don't mind", said Kord.

"Good, cause I have to tell you guys something, but it's better if you guys come here"

"We're on our way", said Adam.

I end the call and look at Nur. I saw her stirring a bit​ and she slowly open her eyes, adjusting to the light.

"Eli....?", she asked.

"I'm here Nur", I said as I smile.

"Where are the kids?".

"Maybe, in the nursery. Do you want to see our kids?".

She nodded, on que a nurse came to check on Nur.

"Ah, your awake miss Nurul. Would you two like to see your kids?", she asked.

I looked at and she smiled at me.

"Yes, we would love to see them", I said with that the nurse leave to get our kids.

"Nur, I'm sorry, that I did this to you", I said to her.

"Eli, there is nothing for you to apologise. This is the most amazing day of my life. I have brought a pair of twins to this world. And it was because of you this happen. You made me the most happiest girl in this world, so thank you", she said giving me a smile.

I then lean in into a passionate kiss. I slowly and gently broke the kiss and look at her with a smile on my face. Then the door open revealing the gang.

"Nurul!", they said with joy.

"Akak!", said the little siblings with joy as they ran to Nur and hug her.

I just smiled and at the sight of my girlfriend with her siblings or should I say my siblings.

"Nur, why are you in the hospital. And how did Eli find you?", ask Trixie.

Nur just blush and I laughed nervously. "Well that is a long story", I said rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

"We have time", said Adam as he cross his arms and so did Trixie, Kord and Pronto.

We both then told the whole story. After the long story, they then start to complian and mad at us.

"You also had it with her and without protection", Adam mad at us.

"Yeah, I can't​ hold back my feelings at that time, so this happened", I said nervously.

They again complain at us. The little siblings were just sleeping on the couch when they were complaining. How can they sleep when they're complaining.

"Guys, can you not yell in a hospital. It's really rude for the patients, who are resting", said Nur, trying to calm them down.

And they became quite. Thank you Nur, my ears are close to bleeding.

"Look, I know this is so all wrong. But, there is nothing we could do now. The past is the past. And now, I'm going to accept faith. We can't change the past", said Nur.

"Nur, is right. What's done is done. We can't do anything to change it, except accepting faith", said Adam.

Then the door open by a nurse pushing two tiny beds fit for a baby. I guess that must be our kids. The gang gather around the nurse and some squel and aww at the cuteness of my kids.

"They are so cute", Trixie squel.

"Yes, they are", said Adam.

"Huh, they got their parents features", said Kord.

"Gah, Pronto is cuter than these two", said Pronto as everyone gave his a poker face.

Nur sat up and said, "I wanted to see them".

The nurse push the bed to us. "Do you want to see the boy or girl first", I asked.

"The girl", she answered and with that I pick up my daughter and give her to Nur.

Nur took her and hold her carefully. She smiled with joy. I never seen her smile like this. "She beautiful Eli. She got my hair and your eyes", she said. I look at my daughter and she was right. My daughter do have my eyes.

"Want to see our son?", she nodded. I then pick up my son and gave him to Nur. Now, I am holding my daughter and Nur is holding my son.

"He's handsome like his dad. He got your hair and my eyes", she said. I smile at Nur. I have my own family now. I was thinking of proposing to Nur soon.

"Have you decided on a name for them miss Nurul and sir Eli?", the nurse asked us.

I look at Nur and she smiled at me. "Yes, we have", I said.

"Why are their names?", ask Kord.

"Eryn and Ammar Shane", said Nurul.

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