I'm just kinda... Supernatural

By MollyLouise8

142K 3.9K 1.3K

Ace Short is what some would call supernatural. She's different. When she meets two hunters named Sam and Dea... More

Have you met the Winchesters?
Maning the phones
Bad Day at Black Rock
Sin City
Red Sky at Morning
Malleus Maleficarum
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Mystery Spot
Jus in Bello
Time is on my side
No Rest for the Wicked

A Very Supernatural Christmas

9.2K 285 158
By MollyLouise8

I pulled the burger off the pan shaking it back in forth to cool it down due to it burning my fingers.

"Hot?" Bobby laughed as I bit into it.

I nodded. "Little bit, little bit."

"You finished the roof?"

"Yup, hand me the ketchup." He handed me the ketchup from the fridge and grabbed a beer. "Bobby it's ten am, don't you think it's a little early for a beer?" I squirted ketchup all over the top of the burger.

"Ace it's ten am, don't you think it's a little early for a burger?" Bobby countered.

"I survive on burgers."

"I survive on beer."

"Burgers are healthy."

"Beer is happy in a bottle."

"Burgers are dead animals."

"What's so good about that?"

"I like dead animals."

"You really have a messed up head kid." He shook his head going outside and grabbing the paper. "Agh." He grumbled. "Christmas tomorrow."

"Christmas?" I raised my right eyebrow.

"You never had Christmas?" He sat at the table with the paper.

"What's Christmas!" I threw my hands up.

"How often did you get out of that prison girl?"

"First time I got out I was eight. And I would make runs doing little things until I was ten. Then I was out more and undercover, sometimes in school. I was either fourteen or fifteen the first time I got arrested, first degree murder, big surprise." I rolled my eyes. "Back in the prison for a while after that and I continued to get arrested until I ran. I'd rather not go into detail." I finished off the burger. "To answer your question, not much."

"Still, how do you not know what Christmas is?"

"Wait, isn't it that thing with the fat guy in the red jump suit and he's got a big white beard and he breaks into everyone's house stealing children?" I did my best explaining it.

"Close but he gives presents to children, no kidnapping." Bobby shook his head.

"That's how Tyler explained it to me."

"Who's Tyler?" He got up looking through the cabinets for something.

I shook my head. "No one important."

"I need to go on a supply run, you coming?" I nodded following him to his crappy truck.

"Walmart?" I looked up at the large store. "What a stupid name."

"Keep up." Bobby pushed the cart.

"What's with all the red and green and telling us to be cheery? We are the least cheery people I know." I followed him as he picked up random food. "Why are they saying get deals for presents and there's glass ball things everywhere?"

"Santa, Ace." He rolled his eyes.

"Who's Santa and why is he into glass balls." I picked up one of the glass balls, dropping it to the ground, shattering.

"God Ace." Bobby grabbed my arm pulling me away. "Don't make a scene."

"Why is there a plastic deer?" I walked away from Bobby to nudge it with my foot. And it fell to the ground with a ting.

"You're just a train reck waiting to happen." Bobby pulled me by my arm into the guy section of this store. He put about ten bags of rock salt in the cart.

"Salty." I raised my eyebrows, rubbing my lips together.

"Ace stop talking." He sighed leaning on the cart.

"Are you buying burgers?" I tapped my fingers on the cart.

"Yeah, you've ate about twenty this week." He nudged his head for me to push. It would be heavy for a normal person.

"Actually I ate around fifty-four. Which is low for me." We continued through the store. Bobby picked up food and drinks and ten bags of burgers. "So why is Santa giving kids presents, kids are annoying. Wait, why didn't I get any presents as a kid?"

"Because Santa isn't real it's just the parents buying presents and telling their kids it's from Santa." He explained putting a jug of water in the overflowing cart.

"I don't get it. Why would you tell the kids it's from Santa? Giving this imaginary guy all the credit and your kids don't even think to acknowledge you." We got in the long line to the register.

"It used to be a celebration of Jesus's birthday, but now it's just blown out of proportion and all about presents." We moved slightly forward in the line.

"Who's Jesus?" I furrowed my brows together.

"Let's continue this history lesson tomorrow." Bobby loaded stuff onto the conveyer belt. I sighed pulling up a jug of water in one hand and a bag of salt in the other.

"You." I pointed at the cashier. "Opinions on Christmas?"

"I'm Jewish." He responded.

"What?" I raised my right eyebrow. "What's aJewish?" I whispered to Bobby.

"Sh." Bobby slapped my arm paying him. He made me push the cart and carry all the stuff. Bobby leaned on his beaten up truck as I loaded stuff in the back.

"This is child labor." I mumbled throwing the last bag of salt in. "My arms are going to fall off."

"Hello?" Bobby answered the call. He laughed at whoever he was talking to. "Morons." I pulled a pack of beer from the cart holding it on one finger and a jug of water on the other ones.

"Who you talking to?" I asked trying to put the water in the truck. The pack of beer slipped off my finger and on the ground shattering. "Oh my god why!" I screamed.

"Ace stop being an idjit." He moved the phone then went back to talking. "It's not the anti-Claus you're dealing with. And in the reef is probably medosweet you're dealing with." He explained.

"Winchesters?" I asked. He nodded. "Where are they?"

"Sam where is this all going down?" Bobby asked. "Ypsilanti, Michigan." I finished loading things into the truck and grabbed a bag of burgers.

"I'll see you later Bobby." I smiled and moved myself outside of Sam and Dean's motel room in Ypsilanti Michigan.
"Guess who." I knocked. Dean pulled the curtain in the window a little looking at me as he unlocked the door.

"Why am I not surprised." Dean shook his head as I walked in.

"Ding dong bitches you call I come." The corner of my mouth curved up. Sam sat at the computer searching things.

"Didn't really call for you." Sam mumbled.

"Who cares." I rolled my eyes sitting the chair adjacent to Sam. "What are we working on boys?" They explained the case they were working on. Dads getting dragged up the chimney all because of some stupid plant in these wreaths. I suggested we go to this ladies house where she made them and see if she was murderous. And we did.
The house looked peppy and had various decorations I saw in the store with Bobby.

"This is where Mrs. Reef lives huh?" Dean stopped outside the house. "Can't you feel the evil pagen vibe?" Sam and I ignored his comment and followed him up to the door. Dean knocked which caused the bells on the door to ring.

"Yes?" An old lady who looked very non-murderous answered the door.

"Please tell me you're the magic lady who makes the medosweet wreaths?" Dean asked in a very fake friendly tone.

"Why yes I am!" She smiled proudly.

"Ah bingo!" Dean smiled at Sam. I peered in the house looking at a candy house on the table, various little trees, and a giant tree in the middle of her living room. Christmas is weird.

"Yeah? Well we were just admiring your wreaths in Mr. Skylark's place the other day." Sam kept up his fake smile along with Dean.

"You were?" She raised her eyebrows. "Well isn't that medosweet just the finest thing you ever smelled?" We all answered with yeah, mhm and nods.

"It is, it sure is." Sam continued. "The problem is that all your wreaths have sold out before we got the chance to buy one."

"Oh fudge!"

"Fudge doesn't she mean...?" Dean elbowed me before I could finish.

"You wouldn't happen to have anymore we could buy from you could ya'?"

"I'm afraid those were the only ones I had this season." Her husband came down the stairs with a pipe in his mouth. He was kind of creepy looking to be honest and his wife was too happy for me.

"What's going on honey?" He asked.

"Just some nice people asking about my wreaths, dear." She explained.

"The wreaths are fine, just fine. Care for some peanut brittle?" He stuck it out. Sam said no for all of us. We went back to the motel room after that visit that made me want to vomit.

"Am I the only one who thinks they are too happy and should be stabbed?" I asked as me and Dean made stakes.

"I did some research." Sam began. "The Kerrigan's lived in Seattle last year where two abductions took place right around Christmas. They moved here in January. All that Christmas crap in their house, it wasn't balls of holly were irvine and mint."

"Pagen stuff?" Dean raised his eyebrow.

"Serious pagen stuff." Sam elaborated.

"So what Ozzie and Harry are keeping a pagen god under their plastic covered couch?"

"Not unless it's them." I held my stake up making sure it was sharp enough.

"Those two? Yeah right." Sam scoffed.

"Seriously I've seen it before. Really nice looking people, but really they're monsters," I explained. "Take a look at me for example. I'm a 5 foot tall pretty blonde girl. Underneath I'm a half demon killer."

"She has a point." Dean shrugged. That night we broke into their house. Three stakes each. We were golden.

"Is this what they call Christmas music?" I whispered to Dean as we walked up to the house.

"You've never heard Christmas music?" He picked the lock.

"I just learned that Christmas was a thing today." I whispered trailing behind them into the house.

"See plastic!" Dean pointed out to Sam which Sam responded with rolling his eyes. We split up. Dean to the living room, Sam to the hall and kitchen, me to the dining room.

"Dean, Ace." Sam whispered loud enough to get us to come over. "Locked basement?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Severed limbs down the stairs." I whispered.

"And the heads were hung from the chimney with care." Dean whispered as Sam picked the lock. We got down the stairs with our flashlights.

"Holy shit I was right," I shined my light on the blood on the stairs and then the guts on the floor. Bloody knives and other carving things were across the table. "They could be neater about it." Next thing I know I hear Sam's muffled yell and Mrs. Sunshine is holding him by the neck against the wall.

"Sam!" Dean screamed as Mr. Sunshine banged my head against the wall. It got me dizzy, but I flashed myself to the other side of the room. He threw one of the knives at me and it stuck into my leg.

"Ah!" I screamed. Mr. Sunshine then grabbed Dean and bashed his head off the wall where Dean passed out. I tried to pull the knife out of my leg but soon enough he's back at me banging my head against the wall one, two, three times.

"Gosh I wish you all didn't come down here." Is the last thing I heard before it all went black.

When I woke up I was tied to a chair with my back to Sam and Dean.

"Dean? You okay?" Sam asked.



"There's a knife in my leg." I grumbled trying to loosen my hand.

"So we're dealing with Mr. and Mrs. God. Nice to know." Sam spoke in an annoyed sarcastic tone.

"Could've told you that." I tried to flash myself out of the chair, but I lost too much blood making me close to powerless.

"Ohh! And here we thought you three lazy bones were going to sleep through all the fun stuff!" Mrs. Sunshine walked in followed by Mr. Sunshine.

"And miss all this? Nah we're partiers!" Dean snapped.

"This is what I live for." I smiled up at her.

"Ain't he a kick in the pants honey." Mr. Sunshine circled us. "You're hunters that's what you three are."

"Wow nothing gets past you." I rolled my eyes.

"And you're pagen gods," Dean replied. "Why don't we just call it even and go our separate ways?"

"What? So you can bring back more hunters and kill us?" He said everything in a cheery tone which made me hate him even more.

"Maybe you should have thought of that before you were snacking on humans all over town." Dean snapped.

"Oh don't get all wet." He laughed a little.

"Gross." I whispered. Only Sam heard and he laughed.

"Oh! Why we used to take over a hundred tributes a year!" She put on her apron. "And that's a fact. Now what? We take two? Three?"

"You three make six." He smiled.

I laughed. "Whatever you think."

"Now you say it like that, I guess you guys are the Cunninghams." Dean replied.

"You! Mr, better show us a little respect!" Mr. Sunshine snapped. "You too girly!"

"Make me," I rolled my eyes. Mrs. Sunshine yanked the knife out of my leg sharply causing me to cringe. She handed it to him and he dipped it in something and handed it back to her. She stuck it back in my other leg. "Ah what the fuck!" I screamed. This time instead of just the whole getting stabbed feeling there was a burning. Probably put it in some rubbing alcohol or something.

"Fudge." Mrs. Sunshine corrected.

"Don't worry, there are rituals to follow first." Mr. Sunshine grinned.

"Oh what a wonderful time to be alive! Rituals!" I smiled at her. She picked up a metosweet reef and put it around my neck then one around Sam's then Dean's.

"Don't they just look darling?" She smiled at me and patted my head.

"Good enough to eat," He smacked his lips together. "Alrighty roo, step number two." He picked up a giant knife walking over to Sam who was now pulling against the restraints.

"Sammy!" Dean tried to turn his head. "Sammy!"

"No, no, don't, ah!" Sam yelled as he cut down his arm and the blood dripped into a bowl.

"Leave him alone you son of a bitch!" Dean screamed.

"Here how they talk to us?" Mr. Sunshine laughed. "The gods. Listen pal, back in the day we were worshipped by millions!"

"Times have changed!" Dean screamed at him.

"Ha! Tell me about it!" He yelled. "All of the sudden this Jesus character is the hot new thing in town!"

"Jesus?" I mumbled.

"This might pinch a bit dear." She walked to Dean cutting his arm the same as Sam's.

"Urgh! You bitch!" Dean screamed.

"Oh my goodness me, someone owes a nickel to the swear jar. You know what I say when I feel like swearing? Fudge."

"I'll try and remember that." Dean spoke through clenched teeth. Mr. Sunshine walked up to me next to cut my arm.

"Can't you just take blood from my leg?" I starred him down.

"Well that wouldn't be fair to these two boys now would it?" He smiled.

"You've already stabbed me in the legs! Twice!" He brought the knife down, cutting my arm. "Fudge, fudge, fudge, fudge! Fudge you, you fudging fudge-hole!" I screamed.

"See, she's got it." Mrs. Sunshine beamed.

"You have no idea how lucky you are," He picked up pliers, walking over to Sam. "There was a time when kids came from miles around just to be sitting where you are."

"What are you doing with those..." Sam struggled.

"You fudgin' touch me again I'll fudgin' kill ya!" Dean yelled at her.

"Very good." She responded. Sam fought with Mr as Dean fought with Mrs and I tried to bring my leg up enough to get the knife out. Sam screamed as Mr pulled off his fingernail and I finally got a hold on the knife.

"Woah! We got a winner!" Mr yelled. I slowly started to pull the knife out of my leg considering it was wedged down in there pretty deep.

"What else dear?"

"Let's see, fingernail, blood, oh sweet peter on a Popsicle stick! I forgot the tooth!"

"Hurry Ace." Dean mumbled.

"I'm ripping flesh hold on." I whispered back pulling harder.

"Merry Christmas Sam," Dean said to his brother. Mr. Sunshine walked over sticking the pliers in Dean's mouth. Then the doorbell rang. "Is somebody gonna get that?" Dean talked with his mouth around the pliers. It rang again. "You should probably get that."

"Come on." They set down their tools of torture and walked away.

"Got it!" I whispered finally getting the knife out of my leg and cutting the ropes holding me.

"Quick," Sam whispered as I cut his restraints then Deans. My legs bled a little as I stood up. We went into the living room prepared to close the doors and lock them in the kitchen once they were in there. "Ace cut up the tree and make stakes." Sam told me considering I had the knife. I cut up three hopefully good enough stakes tossing them to Sam and Dean. They broke in through the side and Mr. Sunshine tackled Dean and I in one shot.

"You little thing, I loved that tree." Mrs. Sunshine said to Sam. I rolled to the side away from Dean and Mr who was punching Dean in the face. I crawled on the floor grabbing my stake.

"Madge!" Mr. Sunshine screamed. I turned my head watching her collapse to the floor, dead. I stumbled up and stabbed Mr. Sunshine in the back just enough to get Dean to finish the job and stab him in the heart. He collapsed next to his wife, dead.

"Merry Christmas." Sam said out of breath. Dean nodded in response.

"Merry Christmas boys." I wiped my hands on my blood soaked pants.

Dean dropped Sam and I off at the motel while he went for beer. Sam had me set up a 'Motel Christmas' he called it. Basically it was just a crappy tree with lights and a sign that said Merry Christmas with eggnog that I spiked way too much.

"You get the beer?" Sam asked when Dean opened the door. I sat on the couch in shorts wrapping up my cuts.

"What's all this?" Dean smiled.

"It's Christmas!" Sam smiled awkwardly.

"A Motel Christmas." I corrected.

"That's right a Motel Christmas." Sam laughed.

"What made you change your mind?" Dean asked Sam.

Sam didn't answer and just picked up the eggnog. "Here. Tell Ace if it needs more kick."

"I am the bar tender." I sipped my glass.

Dean sipped it. "Nope we are way good." He puckered his lips.

"Here, have a seat, let's do Christmas stuff." Sam sat down next to me and Dean on the other side.

"Merry Christmas Sam." Dean handed him two things wrapped in brown bags.

"Where'd you get these?"

"Someplace special." Dean smiled. "Gas mart down the street." Sam laughed loudly.

"Great minds think alike Dean." Sam pulled out some presents from the couch and gave them to Dean.

"Here's some new pants Ace, Merry Christmas." Dean laughed handing me some cheap pants to replace the ones I got stabbed in.

"Oh yeah and I left a burger in the freezer for you." Sam said.

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Yeah!" Sam yelled unwrapping his presents. "Skin mags! And... shaving cream!"

"You like?"

"Yeah, I do, thanks." Sam smiled. Dean unwrapped his presents. Motor oil and a protein bar.

"Look at this, fuel for me and fuel for my baby!" Dean smiled. "Thank you Sam."

"Wait, wait." I stopped them. "You haven't got the best presents yet," I reached in my bag pulling out two crumpled up five dollar bills. "Five and five," I smacked one in each of their hands. "Don't spend it all in one place boys."

Dean laughed. "Don't worry I won't."

"Thanks Ace." Sam laughed.

"No problem." I stood up. "Now I'm going to use Sam's present." I walked to the freezer. I didn't bother with cooking it I just sat back with Sam and Dean and watched the game.
And that was my first Christmas ever.

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