Dried petals

By Catalline

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"and I find myself tucking your smile in the space that lies between every letter .for babe , if I can't keep... More

# 22
# 23
the end


686 139 43
By Catalline

some day when
the sky will allow
its pitch black
curtains to slowly fall
and engulf the
once sun kissed
horizon into pure
when the stars are
out to dance on the
melody that
the moon hums,
maybe I will pour
my soul into
words, for you to
never read .
some day, maybe
the bleeding
fragments of my
heart will push
me to print the
burning tears and
the lost sighs into
some day, maybe
the chaos that
loom in my eyes
whenever I see
your gleamy smile
will be loose to
caress the empty
sheet, and
transform the raging
fire that you set
in my being, into
letters that scream
your name so
some day, maybe
my whispers of
poetry will leave a
trail for your feet
to follow and for
your heart to never
but for now I
would like to keep
the shreds of my
broken devotion
near my heart,
and let this sweet
agony pull at the
threads of my

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