The Stars Lie {Myrnin, Morgan...

Por EmelineRousselotFF

535K 36.2K 1.7K

"Most intriguing. You obviously know who - and what - I am, but you don't run." He leaned toward her and fe... Más

A New Day
Waking the Beast in Her
When Yesterday Is Missing
Steampunk Vixen
Reckoning and Retribution
A Blood Bond
Why Do We Try?
Unrevealed Knowledge
I'm Strong Enough
A Damaged Goodbye
Through Glass
Wasteland of Blood & Tears
Silent Celtic Promise
Water in the Blackness
It's Okay, I'll Behave
Hotel Elysium
Hidden, but Alive with Potential
Before I Let Go
Between the Raindrops
No More Distance
Your Cruelty Astounds Me
Lust and War
Theatre of Blood
The Absence of Him
Find Me, Damn It!
Nothing Left To Come Home To
The Stars Lie
A Debt Repaid
Starting Over
The Book of Face
Kings, Queens & Time Lords?
Time & Memory
Words Are Useless
And No One Died?
Oh, Hot Damn
Vodka & Felonies
Get Me Out of Here
Just Fine?!
Your Desire is Breathtaking
Her Turn
Orders & Allies
Pink Ponies
Promises We Can't Keep
A Little More Pain
More Than This
Let The Games Begin
Memory Lane
My Sweet Little Canary
Scary Bitch
The Plan
I'm Not Ready
My Choice Was You

I See Fire

7.4K 539 22
Por EmelineRousselotFF

Chapter 24—I See Fire


Claire jerked back as the click of the door engaged. Her heartbeat hammered as she pressed her body against the farthest wall, trying to make herself invisible and held her breath. For a moment, she was terrified Anwyn had found her; until she saw a flash and Myrnin entered, closing it behind him, sealing out the light. Before she could even release the breath she was holding, she felt him lift her impossibly gently in the darkness, and carry her down the stairs, questioning her pointedly, "Are you a witch?"

"No. Just a mere mortal," she whispered, overcome with relief and joy at his safety.

Myrnin's feet silently touched down on the last stair, and he glided across the small landing. Claire assumed he was heading toward the door. Fear began to beat a rhythm, through her consciousness again, as she braced herself to leave this safe space of blackness. Her expectation of the door opening was not met. Instead, Myrnin shifted her body to cradle her with one arm, freeing his other to reach out and manipulate another locking device. Claire heard the discernable click and scrape, as an alternate passageway opened, one she must not have noticed before. The direction of the sound came from the floor, and he kept his swift pace as they went deep into the ground.

"But how did you know all of those things? And how did you kill all of those vampires? I know there was not another vampire present.  I would have smelled their scent."

Claire wrapped her arms tighter around his chest, seeking to comfort him, in preparation for her impossible tale. "Because I know you.  Remember when I asked you what year it was?"

Claire heard his sharp intake of breath, as he enunciated quickly, "The future?"


"But how? How did you get here?" He shook his head in denial of her words. "And that still does not account for the mass vampire slayings. How did you accomplish that? Is the world so changed in the future, that vampires can be killed without even being in their presence?"

"I think you know," she waited for him to put the pieces together.

"You mean, I'm—the future me—is here with you?" he whispered in the dark.

"Yes. That is why, neither you nor Anwyn, recognized a different scent."

He hesitated and then spoke slowly as comprehension swept through him, "Hotel Elysium."

Claire reached up to touch his cheek. "Yes."

"I should have liked, to have been there...for that," he spoke wistfully, causing Claire's heart to break. This Myrnin would have to wait a very long time. Claire was lost for words, only communicating with her fingertips brushing along his face.

Myrnin fell into silent contemplation as they continued to travel. Claire rested her head against his shoulder, calmed by the steady pace of his gait. As she focused on relaxing her body, Claire began to feel a growing burn and ache, build inside her muscles. Her adrenaline riddled system had kept the pain of her earlier struggles at bay, until now. She whimpered softly.

Myrnin grounded to a halt.  Worry etched his tone as he bent his head to hers. "Are you okay?"

Even though she couldn't see him in the dark, Claire knew his exact expression as he spoke.

She whispered back, trying not to move any part of her, except her mouth, "Yes. My body is beginning to complain—loudly—to the pain receptor nerve endings in my brain. I'm okay. We have to keep going."

He continued even more gently than before, his gait so completely smooth, Claire could no longer discern his footsteps.

Turn after turn, Myrnin changed course effortlessly without slowing down.

How was it possible for him to see anything in the utter blackness?

Abruptly, Claire felt a shift in his direction. The ground began to incline beneath them steeply.

A flicker danced in the distance. Claire strained her eyes trying to determine if what she saw was light or just sparks on the inside of her eyelids.

It was dim—but getting brighter!

Quicker than she thought possible, the half-light increased in brilliance and size. Myrnin had to be moving much faster than she realized.

When they reached the end of the tunnel, Myrnin settled her on her feet. He pulled the thick foliage that disguised the opening of the passageway aside so she could slip her slender frame through.

Before she could say a word, he turned her to face him, his voice rough, "Who...are you to me?"

Claire knew her answer now. With exact clarity. Her eyes swept up to the twinkling lights in the sky shining brightly above their heads. She inhaled their beauty, thinking how fitting it was that the stars—his constant companions—should share this moment.

Carefully, Claire removed her glove and held her hand out, revealing his mother's ring on her finger. Her eyes glistened as she made a promise to both of them, "I'm going to be your wife."

Myrnin's eyes went wide in shock as he recognized the ring. "I never thought I would..." He trailed off.

"You haven't. Not yet. But you will. We will. One day, I will mean everything to you," she whispered.

He nodded silently for a moment, taking in the implications of her words. And then he asked the one question that Claire desperately wished he wouldn't.

"What year is it, where you are from?"

Claire locked her gaze on him and spoke slowly, the words crushing her, but she had to give him this, "You cannot wait for me. You must live your life. And love...others...before me. Do not hold back." Claire struggled with everything in her, to keep her voice level, "And I will come to you in time."

He considered her request and instructions. "I will grant what you ask. But first, offer me this. Give me a spark of hope—a moment to anticipate when the years are cold and cruel to me—so that I may imagine you here in the starlight, and know that I will be happy at the end my days. What year is it?" he implored.

It was futile. She could resist him nothing. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she whispered, "2015."

"600...years," he spoke deliberately, stunned. Even his brilliant mind worked slowly, as he tried to consider the possibilities.  After a long moment, he seemed to gather himself together, "What happens now? Why did you come here?"

"Coming here was not quite the plan. And then, getting home, became the complication," she explained.  "Our exit is a time portal in the castle. In your bedroom. But manipulating it is both difficult and very dangerous. We thought we had more time to practice and prepare at the hotel."

He just stared at her, trying to understand her reality.

"Anwyn was supposed to betray you. But, not yet. The time was coming in three more weeks when she would gather a small army of vampires to hunt and kill you."

Myrnin let out a snarl, anger fresh in his veins.

Claire continued quickly, to calm him, "You got out. Through the tunnels. But they destroyed the castle. They toppled the walls and then set it ablaze in the hope you did not make it out. You never returned, but you were...happier...without the burden of ruling."

"You and I changed your history." Claire blushed before continuing. "As a result, Anwyn's jealousy compelled her to accelerate her plans. You must listen," she spoke urgently now, "It all ends the same way. She will track back to the castle now and burn it to the ground tonight.  I have to get to him.  We are out of time.  We must return through the portal before it's lost to the fire."

She reached to his chest to keep his absolute attention. "You must leave through the tunnels and never come back. That will set your destiny back on track. Remember, you cannot kill Anwyn. If she dies now—you and I—we might never fall in love. I couldn't bear that. Even if I never knew what I was missing." A tear ran down Claire's cheek as she pushed the painful thought away.

Multiple emotions flitted across his face, some even Claire could not recognize. He collected her tear gently with his finger before stating in a tone that left no option for argument, "I am not leaving you alone to fend for yourself."

Her heart twisted at his distress and reluctance to see her go. "I am not alone. Each time your past changes, he feels it.  The minute you thought about this location, it became a part of his memories. He is here. I can feel him."

Claire could tell he was fighting the thought of leaving her. "Having me with you will increase your chances of success," he insisted.

"We don't know what ramifications exist when the two of you are together." She stroked his cheek softly. "And you cannot die here.  If he and I die tonight while trying to get home, I would rather suffer that fate than never knowing your love..." she couldn't continue.

He brought his lips down to her fiercely, speaking without words.

She clung to him.

Releasing her mouth, his head dipped down. He sucked in a ragged breath along her neck, inhaling her scent, as if committing it to memory.

And then he vanished, disappearing back into the tunnels.

"Goodbye," she whispered to the air, hating to see the pain she recognized in his face.

Claire stood facing the empty tunnel, waiting for the arms she knew would wrap around her.

Myrnin was behind her in an instant, causing the tiny hairs on her arms to stand on end, as his motion dispersed the air around her. Turning her to face him, he whispered, "Wife...?" He stared intently into her eyes, searching, waiting for her response.

"Yes," Claire answered, eyes shining.

Myrnin picked her up off of her feet and swung her around, nuzzling her neck, "Ah, Cariad."

"Wait," Claire laughed. "Not tomorrow. But yes. I want that future with you. More than anything,"

Suddenly, Myrnin's posture stiffened and he hissed out a low growl. Claire's heartbeat accelerated, immediately looking around, searching for the threat. "What is it?"

"Smoke,"  he spoke through clenched teeth. "We need to go, now."

Before Claire could understand his answer, Myrnin tossed her onto his back and ran.

Claire locked her legs around his waist and clung to his shoulders, her eyes shut tight. Her heart beat so loudly, it felt like a drum in her head.

We're not ready!  Fear screamed in her mind.

Myrnin moved with lithe agility beneath her. She could feel the power and strength of his muscles flex under her touch, mixed with incredible tension.

Claire knew they were getting close.  The stench of smoke burned her nostrils and the reverberations of destruction echoed through the ground.

"Hold on!"  Myrnin yelled.

Claire gripped his form with every ounce of strength in her.

His muscles coiled and then explode violently as he jumped into the air.

Claire felt as though they were flying. She heard and felt the impact as they crashed through an upper story window. When his momentum halted, Claire's eyes flew open, desperately trying to make sense of the chaos happening around her. She ravaged the room with her eyes, but there was no recognition of its features.

Sweat began to pulse and release from her body. The fire had to be close.

Myrnin streaked out the door and onto the balcony when suddenly, Claire was thrown with undeniable force from his back. She landed hard against the railing but remained on her feet.

Myrnin crouched in front of her, growling viciously.

Claire snapped her head to the left and right, assessing the danger.

Two vampires stalked them from both sides.

Get your dagger!  She heard Myrnin's command in her head.

Her heart skipped a beat when she realized she didn't have it! She'd given it to the other Myrnin in their fight at the Theatre of Blood. She whispered hoarsely, the smoke beginning to fill her lungs, "I don't have it!"

You do! He put it back!  He yelled directly into her brain again.

Claire tried to understand his words and instinctually reached for her thigh, her fingers gliding over the hard steel.

When in the hell, had he done that? And how had she missed it?

She ripped it from its sheath and held it ready at her chest, hands quivering from the push of adrenaline through her body.

On their left, an incredibly muscular vampire positioned himself, tensed and ready. His face twisted into an ugly expectant smile. "Myrnin, how nice of you to join us."

Myrnin smiled manically back at him and purred, "What makes you think you can defeat me? Many have tried. None were successful. Why do you think that is?"

The vampire scoffed, "You're weak, trying to protect your little bit of flesh behind you."

"Noooo," Myrnin drew out the word on his tongue, his tone dropping further and further into cruel mania.  "This is just the part I savor.  I do, so hate, to rush." He licked his lips, causing the opposing vampire to step back just a little.

"The anticipation of the kill, watching your body move and deciding which way I will most enjoy killing you. There are so...many options.  I don't want to make a hasty decision and miss a moment of fun." Myrnin was sinking into the darkest depths of himself, and Claire desperately hoped he could pull himself back out before he killed her as well.

As if to add credibility and flair to his words, a huge explosion resounded in a distant side of the castle, causing Claire to startle, tightening her grip on the dagger. Her movement did not go unnoticed by the vampire on their right.

"Let's just kill him and get this over with," he hissed to the other vampire, "but keep her alive. I would much rather take my time with her." He leered at Claire.

Claire's stomach turned at the thought, and for a brief second, she was afraid she would retch right there.  A vibration rippled through Myrnin's muscles. "For that, I will allow her to kill you if it pleases her."

Claire struggled to understand his words. She had fought her share of vampires, but she was far from a vampire hunter.

Her thoughts were cut short when the vampire at her left disappeared from sight and reappeared on top of Myrnin!  At the same time, Claire felt a shift in gravity, as her feet were plucked from the floor, and she was thrown in motion along the balcony. In the back of her mind, Claire channeled her physics lessons, rolling her body to lessen the impact when she hit the ground.  When she came to a halt, trembling in a crouch, she was amazed to find the dagger still clutched in her hand.

But almost instantaneously, Claire was knocked flat on her back, driving the wind from her lungs and causing her to see black spots in front of her eyes as the take-his-time vampire sat on her chest, clamping her hand that held the dagger, to the floor above her head. His full-of-intent smile caused her to convulse violently.

Suddenly, his eyes unfocused and he appeared confused, lessening his grip on her hand. He sat there unmoving but was too heavy for Claire to push off.

She snapped her head to both sides, searching for Myrnin. Myrnin's back was to her and Claire's pulse took off when she saw blood oozing down from a wound in his shoulder. He had the other vampire in a one-armed grip on the floor but held his other arm fully extended toward her, his palm flat.

In a flash, she saw Myrnin's head dip down and the other vampire's head rolled away.

All the while, Myrnin did not change the position of his outstretched hand.

Claire watched him with wide eyes, trying to understand his posturing.

Myrnin stood to his feet with effort and turned to face her. Claire's confusion grew when he did not immediately come to rescue her. The vampire on top of her stared glass-eyed and turned his head toward Myrnin, almost as if he were a puppet on a string. Myrnin lowered his hand and began to walk over to her, never losing his mental connection to the other vampire.

Claire felt the vampire lessen his weight on her chest, but he didn't get off. Understanding had come back into his eyes, now stark with fear, as they followed Myrnin's movements.

Myrnin reached them and crouched down by Claire's head, facing the vampire that was still straddling her chest. Abruptly, the vampire released his grip on her wrist clutching the dagger. Claire felt the blood flow rush back into her hand, bringing life to her numb fingers.

"Do you wish to kill him, love?" Myrnin's eyes were the darkest red she had ever seen.  His feral tone caused a shiver to flicker down her spine.

Heart pounding in her chest, she looked back at the vampire.

His wide eyes met hers.

It had to be done. He had to die.

Claire was stunned by Myrnin's offer but even more shocked to find she actually wanted to finish this. Anger boiled up in her. Anger that—yet again—she'd been stalked and hurt. And anger that she did not have the strength and speed to at least make it a fair fight. Suddenly, she desperately craved control over her own life and destiny.  She answered Myrnin softly, "Yes."

Myrnin's predatory smile widened at her response. Claire felt their dynamic change yet again. He would never judge her for her decision. On the contrary, she heard the pride in his voice as he encouraged her, "Go ahead, my dear..."

Claire connected her other hand above her head, grasping the dagger tightly in both.

Without another thought, she thrust it forward, directly into his heart.

The vampire flinched. And then he was gone. Myrnin snatched his body off of hers.

Claire took a deep breath, almost afraid of what she would find in Myrnin's eyes when he turned back around. In the state he was in, she had no idea what to expect.

She was shocked when he faced her without a trace of crimson in his irises.

Myrnin wiped the blood from her dagger against the fallen vampire's shirt and handed it back to her.

Another loud crack of destruction hit.

They were out of time!

Myrnin threw her on his back again and raced to the bedroom containing the time portal. Flying past the bed, he came to an abrupt halt at the far wall. With a lush tear, Myrnin swept the curtains away, revealing the blank wall behind.

With everything he had in him, Claire watched him force the portal open, groaning under the exertion. His hand clutched his shoulder and Claire realized it was not fully healed yet. Images began to appear in the portal, but they kept flashing to, what appeared to be, all different times in his history.

Panic consumed Claire. There was a very real chance he might not be able to get them home safely in his current state!

Suddenly, the visions stopped and the lab came into view.

"Claire! It's time! We can't wait anymore,"  Myrnin yelled urgently over the sound of the flames and thunderous explosions. The castle was falling apart. Huge pieces breaking free and crashing to the ground, causing the earth to tremble at each terrible impact.

"I can't lose you! I can't! PROMISE ME! Promise me you will find me!" Claire screamed hysterically, clutching him.  Shudders racked violently through her body.

Without warning, Myrnin grabbed her wrist. Claire felt the hot slash of her skin followed by a sharp pain.

And then he forcibly pushed her through the portal!

As she fell, she saw Myrnin staring back at her with dead tortured eyes, in agony. "I will find you!"  She saw him mouth the words, but couldn't hear them as reality shifted around her and she landed hard on her butt.

Her heart leaped when she realized she was sitting on the floor of the lab!

Then her world came crashing apart as the portal snapped shut without Myrnin making it through.

"NO!" She sprang forward and began beating the wall where the portal had just been shining.

But there was nothing.




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