[DISCONTINUED] Bendy x Cartoo...

Da VeryShyGirlio

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Okay so I decided to make my first fanfic an X Reader thing. I don't know why. -The cover isn't mine! I just... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
A/N: Facial Expressions
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 [REWRITTEN]
A/N: The Memory Chapters
Memory Chapter 1
Memory Chapter 2
Memory Chapter 3
Memory Chapter 4
Bonus Chapter: Voice
Memory Chapter 5
I just wanted to share some drawings I made
Chapter 3 of BatIM!
New Chapter, New You
Chapter 6 [Part 1]
Chapter 6 [DEMON]
[Some Bloops]
[Just a little you and Sammy moment?]
Happy New Year!
Chapter 7
A/N: I forgot to put this picture in Chapter 7
A/N: So...how do you sound like when you screech?
Memory Chapter 6
A/N: I have a freaking theory for once
A/N: Rewrites
Memory Chapter 7
Memory Chapter 8
A/N: Some things to expect in the alternate universe
[ALTERNATE] Chapter 1
[ALTERNATE] Chapter 2
[ALTERNATE] Chapter 3 (pt. 1)
[ALTERNATE] Chapter 3 (pt. 2)
A/N: Sorry
A/N: ._.
Chapter 8 [Part 1]
A/N: Important

Chapter 5 [REWRITTEN]

1.3K 27 41
Da VeryShyGirlio

A/N: Decided to save this old drawing for the rewritten version to give you an idea of how you look like.

But AquaHorizon made a better version of the character, so check it out. :)

Oh yeah, here's Henry.


Normal P.O.V

Henry awoke on top of the pentagram. He didn't know what happened, but he sure knows that he just blacked out once he stepped onto the pentagram.

He felt dizzy and struggled to maintain his balance. He had to use the chair next to him and keep standing. Once Henry felt okay, he slowly walked to the axe that was resting next to the coffins.

"There's only one thing to do. Press on, see if I can find another way out," he says to himself.

Henry cut down the wooden planks on the door and sighed out of relief when it wasn't locked. He walked down the stairs and saw something a lot more unsettling than the "Dreams come true" from upstairs. This one looked like a shrine with the words, "He will set us free" above it.

Henry decided to just ignore it and move on.

"How did this place get so big?"

He found a tape next to a little picture of Bendy. He decided to listen to it.

Voice of Sammy Lawrence

He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. The figure of ink that shines in the darkness. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me.

Those old songs...yes, I still sing them. Even with your songbird. For I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace.

But, love requires sacrifice.
Can I get an amen?

"Songbird, hm? He must be referring to (Y/N). I mean, Joey always calls her that anyway," Henry mumbles.

Suddenly, a new voice came, "I said, can I get an amen?" It sounded like Sammy.

Henry immediately turned around but didn't see anyone. Strange...

Henry began to think that he was only going crazy already. He thinks he must he hearing things. After calming down for a few moments, Henry continued on.

There was a hallway filled with ink, so it most likely slowed Henry down a little bit.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed," the figure said.

"Hello! Excuse me! Can you help me? Hello?"

The figure already disappeared at the left side of the next room. Once Henry reached the room, he immediately took a left, but it was a dead end.

"Where the hell did he go..?" He mumbles.

Now Henry just thought he's hearing things, AND seeing things. Its really going to drive him insane. He looked across the room and noticed a little device on the wall. It looks like a switch to a door.

"Hmm...should be a coupe switches nearby. Then maybe I can open it," he says.

Henry looks at the shelf of Bacon Soup cans. He noticed a small glowing light between them and moved the cans out of the way. He assumed it was one of the switches, so he pressed it.

There were three lights, so three switches perhaps. Henry already got one.

Henry went back to the previous room to find the other two since it seemed that it was that only one in there. He noticed that one of the switches was already on, so he went to the other one. But that one was on too. Henry knew that those boxes were closed, and they were left open. Someone was definitely helping him, even from the start.

"That's strange,"

Henry went back to lift the gate. At the other side was a doorway that was boarded up, so Henry swung his axe at it. He heard a....moan??? It sounded inhuman though. Once the boards were down, Henry could barely see anything.

"It's really dark in here..."

Henry was able to make out what the sign said. That was when he finally realized that he was in the music department. He was able to see a small tape too, so again, he decided to listen.

Voice of Sammy Lawrence

So first, Joey installs this ink machine over out heads. Then it begins to leak. Three times last month, we couldn't even get out of our department because the ink had flooded the stairwell.

Joey's solution? An ink pump to drain is periodically.
Now I have this ugly pump switch right in my office.
People in and out all day.

Thanks, Joey. Just what I needed. More distractions.
These stupid cartoon songs don't write themselves, you know.

Speaking of the stairwell, Henry went to check if it was flooded. It was. Looks like he'd have to find where Sammy's office was. Now Henry wished that he visited the music department more often when he was on his break so he didn't have to search the entire department for what he needs.

You and Bendy always visited the music department for fun. Sometimes you'd watch Bendy dance with Boris or the workers there, or the both of you just stayed to listen on what they were making.

Henry noticed the switch next to him and pulled it. Eventually, that turned on the lights. That was better now.

A large chunk of an ink droplet fell down and it suddenly became...a person? But they were missing their bottom half. Henry already knew that they were going to try and hurt him, so he swung his axe at them. More of those things appeared, so Henry continued to cut them down with the axe.

Once he was sure that they were gone for now, Henry began to look around since he can now see. He saw a poster of Alice Angel.

Henry mumbles to himself, "Hm...I wonder if she met Alice,"

He went up the stairs that had a small projector, and a tape.

Voice of Norman Polk

Everyday (A/N: I IMAGINE A PLACE WHERE I CAN BE WITH YOU) the same strange thing happens. I'll be up here in my booth, the band will be swinging, and suddenly Sammy Lawrence just comes up marching in and shuts the whole thing down. Tells us all to wait in the hall.

Then I hear him. He starts up my projector booth and down to the recording studio like the little devil himself was chasing behind.

Few seconds later, the projector turns off. But Sammy, he does come out for a long time. This man is weird. Crazy weird!

I have half a mind fo talk to Mr. Drew about all of this. But then again, I have to admit. Mr. Drew has his own peculiarities.

Henry would have to agree. Joey was a man of ideas, and only ideas. Henry walked out of the booth and back into he previous room. He decided to check out the department. Something was recording, but he wasn't quite sure what.

Yes, he noticed that another door opened, but he decided to go back to it later. Henry could kind of understand why you and Bendy would always head down here.

For some reason, a tape was on.

Voice of Susie Campbell

It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm going to love it here!

People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice. Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day.

These past few weeks I have voiced everything from talking chairs to dancing chicken. But this is the first character I have really felt a connection with. Like she's a part of me.

Alice and I, we are going places.

Henry met Susie at some point. Joey introduced her to him when she first joined. For some reason, you didn't seem to like her. Not a huge dislike though. You tolerated her presence and you just acted normal with her. How did Henry know that you didn't seem to like her? Simple. Bendy told him.

Seeing that there wasn't anything left to do, Henry decided to go through that one hall that opened up. Luckily, that was Sammy's office at the end of the hall. There was a leak though, a serious one. You probably wouldn't even call it a leak.

"Well, there's the pump switch all right. That's one hell of a leak blocking the door though. If I could just stop the ink from flowing, maybe I can get in,"

There was a tape next to the door, and he felt like it might help him. Some of these tapes are coincidently helpful.

Voice of Wally Franks

So I go to get my dust pan from the hall closet the other day and guess what? I can't find my stupid keys! It's like they disappeared into thin air or something.

All I can think of is that they must have fallen info one of the garbage cans as I was making my rounds last week.

I just hope that nobody tells Sammy. Because if he finds out I lost my keys again, I'm out of here.

"Hm, a garbage can. I think I saw it inside one. I just need to remember where,"

Henry began to wander around the department, looking for the keys. He checked all of the cans, but just couldn't find it. Eventually, he felt something hit his head from the booth where the projection was and saw that it was the keys. He wanted to say thanks since he knows what's going on, but he felt like it could've brought a little too much attention to himself.

Henry walked back to the closet that was near Sammy's office, but there was only a tape. Maybe by Sammy?

Voice of Sammy Lawrence

Every artistic person needs a sanctuary. Joey Drew has his, I have mine, and (Y/N) even has her own. Sure, she isn't an artist, but her singing makes her one. She makes small tunes that we end up using for some of the cartoon songs.

To enter my sanctuary, you need only know my favorite song.

The drum thunders in triumph.
The banjo playfully plucks.
The banjo once again strums it's melody.
The bass fiddle sings with deep articulation.

Sing my song and my sanctuary will open to you.

Henry remembered that there were instruments at the recording area. The projector was on for some reason, but then he remembered that in Norman's tape, Sammy would turn it on and do something. Probably this. When Henry looked at the projector booth, he noticed ink dripping down. Henry stepped back to get a better look. From where he was, it only looked like a huge chunk of ink slumping down. When it noticed him looking at them, they immediately fled.

Henry decided to make it quick and played the instruments in order. Just gave them a tap or a strum. A door started to open, which was obviously Sammy's sanctuary. When Henry walked in, it really looked like a sanctuary...minus the toilet there. There was a small poem(?) too. "Sing a happy song. Whistle a merry tune. Wait for his arrival. He's coming very soon."

Henry ignored it and turned the wheel, "Okay. That's one,"

As Henry was walking out, a Bendy cutout quickly looked at Henry and left. It left Henry a bit stunned since it was just very sudden. Henry calmed down and began to walk out, but there were those things again. Henry gripped his axe tightly, ready to fight, but there was a screech that made them leave. The screech sounded human like.

This left Henry confused.

Henry brushed it off and continued to search for that second valve. He didn't check the infirmary yet, so he decided to look there. There was a lever, but no valve.

"Oh no, where's the valve..?" He mumbled to himself.

He pulled the lever so he didn't have to later on. There was another room, so he went ahead and looked there. Henry looked to his left, and saw a shadow at the other end of the blocked off hallway. It was indeed a person. He couldn't find a way there, so he took the only open area.


Henry walked to the left since the right only led to a tube he didn't want to go through. He noticed one of those things with a hat.
(A/N: Aww)

When Henry knocked down the boards, it immediately went into the ink and disappeared.

"Was that thing holding my valve?"


Henry noticed a music sheet in the ink. There was a small room. It was messy with the music sheets all over the floor.

Voice of Jack Fain

I love the quiet, and that's why it's hard to come by these busy times.

And yeah, sure it may stick to high heaven down here. But it's just perfect for an old lyricist like me. Sammy's songs always got some bounce, but if I didn't get away once in a while, they'd never have any words to go with them.

So I'll keep my mind a-singin' and my nose closed.

A strange man. Might be your type of person in a way. Possibly.

Henry continued on, but stopped midway when he heard the same screech from last time before those things started attacking. It also followed with the moan from those creatures. There was one more screech before a valve came flying at Henry. Luckily, he moved out of the way in time. He picked it up and looked in the room from where it came from. The small hat was there.

Looks like the apprentice did slaughter for the sheep.

Henry made his way back to the infirmary and placed the valve on only to turn it, "That should do it,"

Henry practically speed walked back to Sammy's office and opened the door. He looked at his desk and saw some paper about another ink machine. Wait, ANOTHER ink machine?

Henry ignored it, knowing that it'd probably only he answered later on. He pulled down the switch, and as he did, he heard something crawling in the vents. Probably Bendy.

Before Henry could even reach the exit, something hit the back of his head. Hard.

"Rest your head, it's time for bed."


Henry's vision was blurry, but most of his senses were already working fine. Eventually, his vision fixated on the figure in front of them. "He" was holding the axe.

"There we go now, nice and tight. We wouldn't want our sheep roaming away now, would we? No, we wouldn't," he shook his head. It was Sammy.

"I must admit, I am...honored you came all the way down here to visit me. It almost makes what I'm about to do seem...cruel," Sammy turned around to walk over to the pillar and place the axe there, "But the believers must honor their savior and his apprentice. I must have them notice me,"

Sammy paused for a moment as he walked back to Henry, "Wait. You look familiar to me," Sammy leaned closer, "That face..."

Sammy pulled away suddenly, "Not now, for our lord is calling to us, my little sheep. The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will finally be freed from this...prison. This inky, dark, abyss, I call a body,"

Sammy suddenly held his finger above his mouth...or the mask's mouth.

"Shhhh... Quiet! Listen... I can hear him. Crawling above. Crawling!" He stepped back, "The apprentice must've called him. She has been...helping. Now, let us begin. The ritual must be completed!"

"Soon he will hear me... He will set us free,"

Sammy walked away and into another room. The speakers turned on.

"Sheep, sheep, sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning, you may wake. Or in the morning, you'll be dead,"

The gate across the room opened.

"Hear me, Bendy! Arise from the darkness! Arise and claim my offering! Free me, I beg you. I summon you Ink Demon...show your face, and take this tender sheep!" He commanded.

There was a crashed inside and that same screech Henry heard.

"Wha- (Y/N)?! What are you doing??! S-Stay back!!! I am your lord's prophet! I AM HIS- AAAAAHH!!!"

(A/N: There was a different picture, and I might remake it. So for now, here's this one. And I just realized I messed up the ink........)

The room that Sammy went into had ink coming out of it, and the door was slammed open. The figure quickly cut the ropes off of Henry's wrists and gave him the axe. When Henry took a good look at the figure, he realized it was you.

"Oh my god...what happened to you, (Y/N)?" He whispered.

You looked at him then looked at the searchers again. You gave out a growl before screeching at them. Some hesitating to flee, but other than that, they all left.

You helped Henry to stand up. Since you felt weak and couldn't really swing as hard as you used to, you let Henry cut down the boards. Eventually, the axe broke.

"Come on, this way," Henry told you.

You grabbed Henry by his shirt (A/N: or suit?) and tugged him. Henry looked at you, "Is there something wrong?"

Once Henry returned his look at the room filled with ink, he understood now. Bendy was there, growling. You put both of your hands on Henry's shoulders and the three of you stood there, staring at each other.

Eventually, Bendy roared at the two of you, which made you push Henry to the other hall and made Bendy tackle you instead. Noticing this, Bendy got off of you and tried to chase after Henry as he ran. Before he turned the corner, you jumped onto Bendy which made him crash into the wall. With that, you jumped off of Bendy and ran towards Henry. He was holding the door open for you, which you ran in.

Henry closed the door immediately before Bendy could even run inside. You pulled down the wooden board so barricade yourself in. Bendy was banging on the door, trying to open it. But he gave up and walked away.

Henry looked at you and his expression softened. He placed both of his hands on the sides of your visor.

"Look at you...you're a mess. But, are you okay? And...you were the one helping me upstairs and here, right?" He asked.

You nodded. That was the answer for both questions. Henry sighed and told you stay close to him. A Bacon Soup can rolled across the floor.

"Hello? Someone there? I know you're in here. Come out and show yourself,"

You gave Henry a look, but just rolled with it. You started growling again until the figure showed them self.

Henry only said one word. It was a name, "Boris?"


A/N: Woo! I'm having fun with the rewrites.

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