17K 1.1K 398

kang yongnam could really use some change right about now. © GUKRKIVE | SNAPCHAT SEQUEL | CTY More

brief addendum:

1K 69 19

Yongnam blinks at his screen, the bright light nearly blinding him before looks up and his eyes survey the city lights in front of him. He snorts, before shoving his phone in his pocket. "I am very uncomfortable." Is the only thing he says.

"You good?" A voice asks behind him.

"I didn't expect you to follow me out here so fast."

"I mean," Gikwang grins. "It's not like I could just ignore my best friend when he looks so upset." Suddenly a jacket lands on his shoulders. "Not to mention you gonna freeze to death."

"Good, I've been begging for the sweet release of death."

"You wild." Gikwang nods. "So what's up?"

"What do you mean?" Yongnam leans against the rail.

"Why'd you leave so quickly?" Gikwang let's him ponder for a whole minute before he speaks out. "Still got feelings for Kyungri?"

Yongnam stares forward, eyes wide as he shakes his head. "No." He bites his bottom lip. "I just feel... happy."

"You're happy about it?" His best friend asks, glasses resting on his face. He pushes them up and frowns before prompting him further. "Continue."

"Yeah. And maybe that's why I feel weird? I mean, Kyungri was the first real relationship I had. When she dumped me I, I really thought I was gonna spiral down. When it didn't happen I just, I went on with my life and I feel like, like it should have affected me. At least more than it had. And I'm serious, I'm happy for her. I'm completely and totally happy for her but I can't help but feel like maybe I shouldn't be...?" He bit his bottom lip.

"So then wait..." Gikwang scratched his head, lens covered eyes narrowing. "You're... you're upset that you're not upset? I'm so confused."

He shook his head, brown hair falling in his eyes. "I'm just indifferent." He replied after a moment. "I don't understand why, though."

Gikwang pauses for a moment before he just laughs ridiculously, with an incredibly confused look on his face. "I don't understand you at all dude, but I guess." He grins. "You are legitimately insane but whatever."

"I'm not you twig." Yongnam pushes him, slipping his arms through the sleeves of his friend's coat. "I'm finally, happy. Like just legitimately, perfectly fine with my life, Kyungri's pregnant, my sister's getting married, like, I'm just ready for families."

"Looking to settle down all of a sudden then?"

"No." He pauses. "I dunno. I just opened a restaurant, I'm not financially stable enough or just stable in general for a family just yet. I mean who knows," his phone dings again and he pulls it out. "Maybe I'll meet that person now, or maybe I'll meet them in ten years. Who knows."

Gikwang nods, slinging an arm over Yongnam's shoulder. "Dude, I think you're amazing, and you will meet somebody. Don't worry. Now," He scrunches his nose. "Ima head out now, got something to do!"

"Something," Yongnam narrows his eyes. "Or someone?"

Gikwang shoots a megawatt smile. "Jealous? You know you're the only one for me."

"Oh." A voice echoes out and suddenly Gikwang straightens. "I didn't realize you guys were so, in love."

Yongnam snorts before turning around fully. "Hyung," Jaebum's eyes flicker over to him after resting on Gikwang for a moment. "We all know I'm in love with Jinyoung. Gikwang doesn't stand a chance."

Jaebum nods lazily eyes trailing back to Gikwang before he turns to Yongnam completely. "Hmm, anyways, I was just leaving."

"Ah hyung, you too?" Yongnam frowns. "This idiots leaving also."

"Oh how funny." He responds his nose twitching in the cool air. "I've got to go meet the family for something. Sorry I can't stay longer." He smiles wide, eyes narrowing in on Yongnam's torso. "You got enough layers?"

"He was cold." Gikwang laughs out softly, eyes a little red and smile a little too pressed.

"I'm sure." Jaebum says, eyes lazily taking in Yongnam's form. "Anyways," Jaebum grins, voice soft and hazy. "I'm really proud of you Yongnam. The restaurants gonna do great. Sorry I can't stay too much longer, but I'll meet you sometime later on." He extends a hand.

"Yeah, don't be a stranger hyung! Stop by anytime." Yongnam slaps his hand into Jaebum's outstretched one, giving him a brief hug before letting go.

"I'm a cheap-ass. You offering me free food?"

Yongnam grins. "Of course."

Jaebum smiles, a little more real, than his previous one. "I'll hold you to that."

"Will do." Yongnam slips off Gikwang's jacket handing it back waving bye and speaking quickly. "Bye guys, be safe getting home."

They nod and Gikwang follows Jaebum, arms brushing slightly as they both turn to leave. Gikwang's hand brushes Jaebum's as they both reach for the handle and Yongnam just rolls his eyes.

"God, I know you both gotta leave, but you're that eager to leave me. How rude."

Jaebum snorts and Gikwang just calls out. "Eat a dick."

"Not yours." Yongnam turns back around, finally staring at his phone.

"Sungjin-oppa. I just wanna know if you slept with Min-eonnie or not."

Yongnam frowned, before he started typing. "Um, sorry. This is not Sungjin. Uh, sorry again. And, sorry if he slept with Min-eonnie." He hit send before he panicked.

"Woah wait, I don't think I should have sent her that."

He receives a text nearly twenty seconds later. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was Sungjin's number."

"No it's fine." He paused for a moment, thinking about what to say next. "But like, are you okay then?"

It's a few minutes later that Yongnam receives a text back. "Yes." Immediately followed by, "No." and again by a, "Both. I don't really know, and I can't figure out if I'm comfortable telling you that."

He frowns but he can't deny her feelings. Understandably, she texted him first yes, but it was by accident and she was looking for her boyfriend, or ex rather. He shakes his head before typing out again. "No yeah, sorry. I just, sorry about your, situation. If he did, uh, sleep with Min-eonnie. I kinda know, uh, the feeling I guess. So I know, we don't know each other, but if you did, like need to talk, I might be useful in that sense."

"You know the feeling? Something like this has happened to you then?"

"Yeah, she was a wonderful friend of mine, still is, but she just... she wasn't faithful while we were together. She's a good person, kinda, but we just didn't work out together that's all."

"So you're still friends then? Like it's possible?"

Yongnam purses his lips, eyes catching the screen trying to filter through the mass of words and things he's thinking. "Yes and no. We are still friends, and I don't hold any animosity towards her. What she did wasn't okay though. So, yeah you can still be friends with him, but if he did sleep with her, you don't have to forgive him and you don't have to be friends with him that quickly. If anything start slow, if you're hurt, tell him and rework your friendship from there."

"That's it though." The girl responds. "I don't think I'm incredibly upset about it?"

"You asking me? Or telling me that?"

"I'm telling you." She responds immediately. "I mean, I hate that he did, I hate that I feel like just because he did, if he did, that I wasn't good enough. I hate that he felt he had to go off to someone else just to feel good. I do hate that. But I don't hate that the relationship is over. I think I'm just, relieved but also, confused."

Yongnam snorts, tongue running over his teeth. "No I totally get it. You see, my friend, I caught her. I was at a bar with my coworkers. And I saw her with someone else, well, my friend from work pointed her out, and I just. I didn't care, and I was confused as to why, but I'm pretty sure it was because I checked out of that relationship months before. We just, like I said, we're not good together. At all."

"I'm sorry." She responds. "It must've been... confusing."

"It was. It was also annoying, and upsetting and it didn't make me feel good about myself for sure."

"I'm sorry she made you feel that way. Oppa wasn't, we weren't really friends before we began to date, it was more of a close sunbae-hoobae relationship and then one day we just, were together. That's really it."

"So did you even really have feelings for him?"

"Yes and no. I did fall for him very quickly but he, uh, one night we got drunk and he told me he was actually more attracted to a, very close eonnie of mine rather than me."

"Oh. That's, rough. Did he know? Wait, was that Min?"

"No it wasn't, and he didn't know. I didn't want him to feel bad."

"When did that happen?"

"Well, he, uh, told me that four days ago."

"Woah seriously?"

"Yeah, and that's when he also told me. "Oh, Min-noona. We can't today, not here, it's too racy in public." And when I asked him what he meant, he just said, "She doesn't want to sleep with me, my girlfriend. Have to find someone else." So I kinda figured that he might have slept with her before."

"What a douche."

"Sungjin-oppa's not that bad."

"Well, if he did sleep with her, he's a douche. He has a girlfriend, you can't cheat on someone and be a good person."

"Your friend cheated on you. Doesn't that make her a bitch then?"

"My friend is a different story. She's a natural bitch, but she never did it because I wasn't putting out. She just did it because she's a shitty person."

"That's not very nice to say."

"I'm just saying. We slept together, and if I'm not good at sex, and she chose to go off to someone else that's fine. But to sleep with someone else just because your girlfriend, or boyfriend, doesn't want to, that's fucking shitty. He should've just broken up with you rather than doing this. That's all I'm saying, it's a fucking douchey thing to do. Ergo, he's a douche."

"I get what your saying, but he's not a bad person. Honestly, he's not. He cheated yes, but he's not. There's more to him."

"I'm sure."

"I'm serious!" Texts came in one right after another. "Sungjin-oppa is a good person. He's sweet and kind and nice to everyone."

"Evidently not you. He wasn't sweet or kind or nice to you at all. And I get it, he's a good person, he's treats people right but you are not people. You were his girlfriend, and he treated you like shit."

"You know what, I don't think you understand. He's more than this, and I can't just let this alter my perception of him."

"Of course not, you don't have too, but you don't have to defend him."

"He's my friend! Of course I'm going to defend him!"

"I don't defend Kyungri. Granted I don't get involved with her much anymore, but I don't. What she did was wrong, she's not off the hook for it."

"I don't even know if he slept with her! You're telling me he's a bad person just because of what I told you!"

"Because that's some solid proof. It's hard to take that out of context! I mean come on, he told you that, himself. And I know when your drunk you say stupid shit but why would anyone joke about cheating?"

"Oh my god, whatever. Screw you."

"I'm just trying to help but whatever be an idiot and ignore me. When he says he did, I'll be right there saying I told you so."

"Fuck off asshole."

Yongnam huffed shoved his phone into his pocket. "Fuck it. When she's crying because her boyfriend screwed another girl, see if I fucking care."

"...uh what?"

Yongnam jumps promptly three feet in the air, turning around to look at Bambam.

"You good, hyung?"

"Yeah, sorry, just a friend, who's yeah. I'm all good."

Bambam nods before Yongnam speaks quickly. "Wait, why're you out here?"

"Ah, a close dongsaeng of mine. Something happened with a boyfriend, she wants to talk." He frowns. "It's not a big deal, I mean, that's what she's telling me at least, but she's like super angry right now I guess, and I just wanna make sure she's okay."

"Oh, no problem, yeah, I'll leave you to it then. Give you some privacy, she probably doesn't want me listening."

"Oh, thanks hyung."

"No big deal, hope she's okay."

Bambam hums before his phone rings and Yongnam makes his way inside, hearing Bambam's voice come out. "Uh Tzuyu? Are you all good?"

Yongnam shuts the door and turns around. A day for relationships. is all he thinks.


It's the next day, at twelve pm when Yongnam is sitting across from Youngjae who just beams as if he hadn't just asked him a completely wild question.

"You want me, to what?"

"Hire me."


"Because I could use the extra cash?"


"I'm serious, I could use some cash that's just cool. I mean, come on, live music would be chill."

Yongnam stares at Youngjae for a full minute before he blinks. "Okay, so what you just said, didn't make sense at all, like at all. So I'm going to assume, that it's because you like that one girl who you waited on who said she was gonna become a regular, don't you?"

When Youngjae goes red Yongnam has his answer. "You can work here when you don't have a schedule but if you're just doing this to get laid, I'm not paying you shit, but you don't have to pay for food or drink. Now leave, I have actual people to interview."

Youngjae rolls his eyes and reluctantly nods. "Fine."

He glares before walking back into the kitchen.

Yongnam waits for people to come in and comes across a good amount of workers who he decides to hire and give them a crash course the next day. He finds workers in eleven different people, namely six guys and five girls. Two boys, by the names of Jonghyun and Daniel are looking for work during their free time as college students, while two of the girls, Yuju and Dasom are looking for the same type of situation. So four of his eleven are part-timers, while the other three girls, named Hyeri, Joohyeon and Sooyoung and the four other boys, Daehyun, Yonghwa, Kyungsoo and Jihoon are all his full time workers.

Of course, he had to go over his list of rules, ones that he really didn't want to implement, but he had too.

With a brother-in-law who was, more famous than the average and a family that could be very affected by media he had a lot of legal jargon that sadly had to be enforced. He also, was not comfortable being a boss he realized but this is what he wanted. He was sure he was going to hire on more people later on, but at the moment he was trying to make sure that he could keep the ones he did hire under control.

He's talking to Daniel, the boy who's asking him questions left and right about business, nodding in response. When he first asked him why it was he wanted to know, the boy just responded with, "As a business major sir, I must know what to do for the future." and then he proceeded to ask more detailed questions. Which was kind of annoying but also pretty cute, and Yongnam finds the boy adorable near the end of nearly every question.

"Daniel, I just bought this place—"

"Hey!" Gikwang opens the door, and Daniel turns to Yongnam confused at the man that walked in even though the door has a sign that clearly says closed.

Yongnam pats him on the head, shooting him a wide smile. "It's okay, this is my best friend Seo Gikwang. He's apart of that group of friends that helped me out on opening night."

Daniel's face immediately brightens in understanding and he turns so quickly and smiles so wide and sincere Gikwang flinches in surprise. "Thank you Gikwang-hyung for helping Yongnam-nim!"

Yongnam promptly flushes at the honorific and Gikwang just nods along, both boys clearly surprised at the young boy. He turns and walks back to the kitchen, and Gikwang just blinks wide before speaking. "I... I love him."

"Me too." Yongnam whispers before he stops and turns. "Wait, what are you doing here?"

Gikwang's still staring at the door Daniel walked through before he turns and blinks twice. "Oh, I wanted to know if you wanted to go eat lunch."


"Yeah, I have something I wanna tell you."

"...and you couldn't just tell me."

"I mean I can. But I wanna eat."


Gikwang sighs before he holds the door open. Yongnam rolls his eyes before removing the apron wrapped around his waist. "Yah, Daniel-ah!"

"Neh hyung?"

"I'm going to go eat lunch, text me when you leave so I can tell my sister to lock it up!"

"Okay! Have a good lunch hyung!"

"Thanks Daniel, see you next week!"


"He's adorable." Gikwang nods as they begin to walk towards their destination.

"He's precious." Is the first thing that comes out of Yongnam's mouth. "He's a college student, barely turned twenty, wants to go for business. " He grins before looking up at Gikwang. "Want me to set you up with him or...?"

"Nah, my heart belongs to you."

"Damn." Yongnam frowns. "That's too bad. Jinyoung-hyung and I are running off to be married soon."

"Well fuck." Gikwang begins, a very vacant look on his face. "I guess my plans for a family have gone down the drain."

Yongnam snorts before he begins, voice airy. "Gikwang-ah, are you—"

"Starving." He immediately speaks out cutting him off. "And you owe me. All that labor I did last week isn't just for free you know. I mean, come on Yongnam, you've used me for my body long enough. It's time for you to take care of mental state."

He says this as they pass an older couple who turn to look on them in disgust, Gikwang smiles and loops his arm though Yongnam's who just nods at the elders.

He coughs before looking up at the surrounding signs. His eyes catch a movie poster located directly in front of them, with the tagline, "Wouldn't you want to know what it's like to be a mistress?" He scoffs, catching Gikwang's attention.

"What's up with you?" Gikwang pulls his arm away and swings his arms above his head.

"That poster over there."

Gikwang follows his line of sight and whistles. "Moon Chaewon's new movie huh. Isn't The Mistriss supposed to be like, amazing?"

"Who would want to watch a movie about cheating?" Yongnam rolls his eyes, before muttering. "I bet she'd like it."


"What?" Yongnam turns to look at Gikwang as he pulls open the door of a restaurant.

"Who would like that movie? You have a friend that the rest of us don't know about?"

"No, I just, this random girl, texted me yesterday. It was by accident," He pauses, smiling at the waitress who walked up to him. "Two please." She nodded and gestured for them to follow her. "And I just, I got into a fight with her at the end of it."

Gikwang blinked wide, leaning forward. "You what? You got into a fight with a girl you don't even know? What about?"

"It was nothing, it was, it was stupid. She texted me thinking that I was her boyfriend and asked if I'd slept with someone else. I told her no and we started talking about it, and I told her that if he did, if she needed to talk to anyone that I'd listen because I'd gone through it." Gikwang nodded. "From there we started talking about Kyungri and Sungjin, who is, was her, I don't just, her boyfriend. And then we just got into a fight because I called him a douche."

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because he's a douche."

Gikwang snorts. "I'm sure."

"Dude, he told her when he was drunk, that he was more attracted to her friend than he was to her. And then told her, because he thought she was the girl that she thinks he slept with, that he was sleeping with that girl because she wouldn't have sex with him."

"...Bro, what a douche."

"Yeah. So she got mad because he's her friend, and she didn't like someone talking bad about him, because he's a great guy who treats people well."

"I mean, I understand where she's coming from."

"Nah dude." Yongnam frowned. "I get it too. Like he's her friend but I just, I can't see someone who cheats just because his girlfriend didn't want to have sex, as a good person."

"Yeah butㅡ"

"ㅡI'm just saying." He bit his bottom lip. "To me the dude's a douche, and when he tells her that he did cheat on her, I'm not going to care if she's crying like an idiot."

"Dude, come on man. I get it, I do. He is a freaking douche, but don't, don't act like a douche in return. Just, apologize to her. You don't even know how old she is. She could be like, fifteen, going through her first break-up for all you know."

Yongnam exhaled. "I know, and I hope that she's right and I'm wrong but I just... I dunno, maybe it's because Kyungri cheated on me, and I didn't care, but I totally did. It made me mad, I mean, I didn't tell you and I didn't tell Ahyoung because it was between Kyungri and I, but honestly. It pissed me off. Like, why be in a relationship, why hurt someone else, if all you're going to do is sleep with other people? That's my problem with it."

"I understand, but this is a girl. You don't know her, or anything about her, just, apologize. And don't be a dick. And try not to fall in love, please? I can't handle another sibling fight about strangers on the internet."

"I'm not gonna fall in love with her."

"I guarantee you that your sister wasn't trying to fall in love with Mark. Plus, she fell in love with him before she even knew he was, well, Mark Tuan. Watch, you're gonna be next. Literally dude, ₩50,000 that you're talking to a celebrity also."

"Sure Gikwang." Yongnam just sighs.

"...no but seriously, who do you want it to be?" He paused. "BLACKPINK? God I hope it's BLACKPINK, no, TWICE. TWICE would be nice, or Jeon Somi, anyone of the girls who had been in I.O.I, wah."

"Kim Dasom."

"Ah, will you ever not think about SISTAR?" Gikwang tsked. "Although, when they disbanded three years ago." He whistles. "I thought you were gonna die."

There is a brief moment of silence.

"But if you are talking to Kim Dasom, then holy shit dude. I'll pay you a fuck ton."

Yongnam just snorts.

...yo wtffffff lmao. I don't know what this is, hopefully it makes some people happy. I posted the last one and just, kept writing. I think that last chapter was just, kinda, hard to get going, and hard to fill in certain places. This one was definitely easier and I decided to go ahead and post it as an apology to the fact that I haven't posted in this story... at all. So here you guys go! Hope you all enjoy it, and I am currently writing chapter 5, slower process because this one does skip around a lot more than snapchat had so that is, something. Sorry for all the time skips but they should be stopping sometime soon, I promise!

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