Once below the surface (sans...

By Maximill10n

39.1K 1.4K 1K

I was tired of fighting the pain, so I gave up. And then, a sudden yellow light burst trough the basement. Sa... More

☆ A/N ☆
♡ P R O L O G U E ♡
♡ O N E ♡
♡ T W O ♡
♡ F O U R ♡
♡ F I V E ♡
♤ S I X ♤
☆ A/N ☆
♡ S E V E N ♡
♤ E I G H T ♤
♡ N I N E ♡
♤♡ T E N ♡♤
♡ E L E V E N ♡
♤ T W E L V E ♤
♡ T H I R T E E N ♡
♡ F O U R T E E N ♡
☆ A/N ☆
♡ F I F T E E N ♡
♤ S I X T E E N ♤
♡ S E V E N T E E N ♡
♤ E I G H T T E E N ♤
♡ N I N E T E E N ♡
♡ T W E N T Y ♡
♤ E P I L O G U E ♤
☆ A/N ☆
Author's Note

♤ T H R E E ♤

2.1K 80 127
By Maximill10n

That's when I passed out.

She laid on the couch, her hair spread around her head. Her eyes closed.

She was asleep.

I wanted to greet her like I greeted tge other humans, but before I could finish my sentence she passed out.

I was pretty startled by that, but I quickly regained control and helped the beautiful girl that fell down here too. She weighed almost nothing when I carried her back to my and Papyrus' place. Once she laid on the couch I took my chance to take a better look at her.

She was truly beautiful.

short brown hair, all the curves are present and she was pretty tall.

I'm guessing that she's 17 years or older. She's taller than the others that had fallen down. She seems more aware of her surroundings. Plus: she curses. That's nothing for kiddos.

"Hnng?" Oh, she had a beautiful voice too.

"Where am I?" The girl sat up for a bit and looked around, probably trying to guess where she was. Then, her eyes landed on me. They widened.

It's probably a bit of a schocker to see a skeleton with two cracks in his skull. One that begins at the bottom of his eye and ends at his mouth, and one that begins at the top of his eye and it end at someplace at the back of his skull. A jacket that ends at his ribs and black jeans with black boots.

Aint that just a motorgang look?

The girl examines me and shrugs. "Have you brought me here?" She asks. "Yeah, I carried ya. Do ya eat enough?" I look at her tummy, which is able to see because of her ripped and burned shirt.

So, she fought with the door lady, I guess?

"To be honest, I am quite hungry. Do you have some-" She was interrupted by a loud voice.

"SANS! IS THE HUMAN AWAKE YET? IT NEEDS TO TEST MY SPAGHETTI!" I smile at Papyrus as he walks out of the kitchen.

He's so happy that the human's here now. I've never seen him so happy since-

"OH HUMAN! WOULD YOU LIKE TO TASTE SOME OF MY SPAGHETTI?" On cue, her stomach growled. "I guess so." She shrugged and stood up a bit too fast. Her hand raced to her head as I rushed towards her to keep her from falling. I grabbed her arms to keep her steady.

After a while, she was stable. She still was a bit clumsy, but at least she didn't fall. She smiled and quickly thanked me, following Papyrus to the kitchen.

She better not eat that, and if she does I'll have to heal her or take her to Alphys.

Or, a miracle will happen and Papyrus can suddenly cook. Ya never know.


Ah there it is, the sound of someone who tastes Papyrus' spaghetti for the first time. I grin and walk towards the kitchen.

"And, how did it taste kiddo?" I see the girl trying to swallow the spaghetti.

Why does she do that? I mean- She could've just spit it out. And then, I see Papyrus. He smiles at her and almost jumps trough the ceiling from happiness.

He better not, my room is messy and he would just scold me for it. I dont want to deal with that right now.

"It's r-really good... Papyrus." The girl says as Papyrus looks at her with joy. "WOWIE! SANS? DID YOU HEAR THAT?! THE HUMAN LIKES MY SPAGHETTI!" I nod and smile at the human girl.

"Hey, wanna go to Grillbys, kid?" I asked. She seemed confused and I laughed.

"C'mon kid, come with me. I'll show ya what Grillbys is." She nodded and followed me as I walked out the front door.


"And then he told me that he knew my secret. That I was in a 'hot' costume just to hide my 'unhotness.' I laughed myself to death." Grillby was talking to someone else as we walk into his restaurant. I smiled at the girl when she clung to my arm, probably afraid of the monsters around her.

And maybe she knows that many would give anything just for her soul. Humans are rare, and their souls are needed to break the barrier.

Not that we really focus on that anymore, we've given up a long time ago.

The last human that fell down here had killed our king in order to go trough it. Man, how much we hated humans since then.

But, well. Then I saw this one.

"Hey Grillbz!" I shouted and looked around, seeing several monsters back off at the sound of my voice.

"Sans. What a pleasure to see you here again."

"Same to you Grillbz."

Grillby looked at the girl that was holding my arm. "And who might this be?" I looked down, trying to remember. And then I saw her smirk.

"I never told him."

Grillby stared a few seconds at her and then back at me. He looked like he raised his eyebrow, probably questioning what the hell happened. "Yeah. Uh, I'll explain it to ya Grillbz. Y'see, I found her by the exit of the ruins. She kinda passed out so I brought her to my home, and then... Well you know."

Grillby chuckled. "Oh, I see now. Well, my lady, May I know your name?" He leaned forward slightly over the counter.

"Frisk." She said.

The whole restaurant fell silent.



How'r y'all doin'?

Me? ah, I'm fine.

Tell ya what, I'm feeling so good its almost supernatural.

Y'know why?


Allright, I'll tell you.

We've got 18 readers and 5 stars!!!



Ly all!!!

Until the next chappie peeps

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