Dead Men Walking


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It really was just an average day. We walked around blissfully unaware of all the horrid things that would oc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
my characters

Chapter 11

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You know that moment when you feel like youre right or that you have it bad? Try seeing it from someone else's perspective. Youre in pain but maybe so are they.

3rd P.O.V

Kurtis and his group all woke up in plain darkness. Neverending. They all gasped as a light started to shine and the scene of her pushing them in the hole began to apparate in front of them.

Alex's P.O.V back to almost a year and 2 months ago. Right as she was kidnapped.

I saw them fall down the hole and I knew they were safe. I wheezed as the arms yanked me back. I was thrown and my head slammed against the hot pavement, the world span around me.

My breath was knocked out of me again as I felt a foot bury itself in my gut. Crack. Liquid rose in my throat and I spit it out.

Blood. Of course.

I smiled through my hazy vision, seeing the hill hole was no more, no matter how hard the white suit guy tried. I was yanked up and my brain was foggy as I coughed. I was tossed again, except I hit the floor of something metal. "Ouch thats gonna leave a mark" I grumbled and they slammed the doors. My eyes widened and I saw I was in a van. "No, no no no no NOOOO!" I screamed. I pounded against the doors, anything. It didnt budge.

A tear slipped out of my eye.

I wiped it away and, even though I might die, thought of my family safe. I smiled slightly through the pain, hearing my stomach crunch. "At least theyre safe..."

And then I saw all darkness.

I was rudely awoken by a yank on my arm and grumbling i saw it was the hazmat guy "god you must not be married fatass. You should know to not wake up a woman in her beauty sleep dumbass." thtough the eye glass i saw his widen and he punched my face. Slamming back my head hit the metal floor again and I chuckled.

The doors opened wider and saw I was somewhere very white and bright. Ugh reminds me of some stupid lab, of course I opened my big, bloody mouth "Obviously youre not married. Who would want to marry a dumbass who cant even treat a lady nicely?" He growled and went in to smack me, and I closed my eyes. I felt no impact. I opened them to see a woman of about 20 holding his arm and glaring at him. Her orange hair looked fiery in the light. He flinched and as did I, waiting to be hit.

"Are you trying to kill the kid? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING KINAPPING CHILDREN?!" Her loud low voice boomed at him with authority. He squeaked "N-No i was just gonna-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH" She bellowed and I just closed my eyes. Still leaning in the position he threw me into. "Get lost" she snarled at him. He ran away shrieking like a little girl.

Darkness finally overcame me as I bled out. Before I could die I heard her scream "GET MEDICS NOW!"

I had no dreams, unless nothingness counts as a dream. I swam in my mind, doing nothing.

I heard two voices, the woman's, and a strangers. His voice was low and dark. I shivered in my mind. I could hear snippets. Her then him, her then him.

"You cant just-"

"I will, and shall go-"


"Little rat-"

"Psychotic old man-"

"Dumb little whore-"


Silence and then he says

"Let it commence."

I screamed as I was painfully ripped away from my mindscape and forced to open my eyes. I felt pain all over. I saw the lady again, her eyes held anger and sadness. I felt a tap on my arm and I almost jumped.


My arm and legs are strapped down. I looked and saw an old man in maybe his 50s staring at me like I was the last slice of cake. I felt violated just by his stare. I leered at him and he only scoffed. "You will be punished for that"he growled and I yelped as a little shock went through me. Painful but not unbearable.

"Eh" I just mumbled, and that seemed to piss him off. "Leave" he told the woman. She stood there for a moment and I stared. She looked like she was torn. "Just go, Ill be okay" I murmered to her. She sighed and left, the door shut behind her. Now we are left in tense silence. Faster than lightning his hand comes in contact with my cheek. Smack! Smack! SMACK! He hit me repeatedly and I felt pain, but I wouldnt cry. No crying.

"Dumb little bitch, youre nothing but a child. And children should learn to keep their mouth shut" he snarled. I opened my mouth to retort, but thought against it. He set me off when he chuckled, I cant stand people laughing at me. "OH YAH YOU OLD DUMB FAT FUCK, OLD PEOPLE SHOULD LEARN TO QUIT FLAPPING THEIR GUMS! CAREFUL, YOU MIGHT LOSE YOUR FAKE TEETH-" He cut me off with a hard punch, but his ring cut me. My vision swam and I felt a hot liquid run down my head as darkness consumed me.

"Itll be okay."

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