Friction // HS

By plainlystyles

396 6 1

Carefree and humorous meets serious and mysterious I mean, what could possibly go wrong? More

1 - Greek God
2 - Panties
3 - StarBucks
4 - Shopping
6 - Post Intercourse

5 - Party Dramas

48 0 1
By plainlystyles

God I hate Felicity. She's always so pressuring.

It's currently 5:30pm and I'm getting ready for Louis' stupid party. If I was gonna go to a party it'll be something interesting. Not some lame bullshit like this.

"I'm ready!" Felicity struts into the room and does a spin in her ridiculously revealing cocktail dress.

"You have got to be kidding me." I drop my beauty blender and flop my arms down to the table. "That outfit is literally screaming 'have sex with me, I'm desperate!'" I mock her, throwing my arms expressively in the air.

"That's the point." She rolls her eyes. My jaw drops as I roll my eyes abruptly back and pick up my beauty blender again and harshly beat my face with the thing.

"Woah chill." Felicity runs over to me and snatches the beauty blender out of my grasp mid-beat, making me basically punch myself in the cheek.

"Ouch..." I say, rubbing my now sore cheek.

"Oi. You look cute and all but like not cute enough-" Felicity starts.

"Gee. Thanks." I roll my eyes and attempt to begin my eyeshadow.

"I'm doing your makeup." She snatches the eyeshadow brush from my grasp and I stare at her in complete disgust.

"Are you serious? Tonight is already gonna be enough torture and now you're trying to do my makeup? Yeah. No. I'm okay." I fold my arms and give her a malicious look.

"Look. Dawn and Nate are coming in 25 minutes and you know for a fact there's no way you're getting out of this. Rather then causing an argument over something inevitable you may as well just suck it up now and deal with it." Felicity scorns. I stare at her with wide eyes and huff.

"Fine- fuck okay!" I throw my arms out in a hissy fit and spin my chair around to face her.

"Aw yay thanks!" She giggles and begins my makeup. Geez, this girl man...

After only 20 minutes she completed my makeup- I know what you're thinking. How the flipping hell did she manage to do her makeup in such little time? Well in Felicity's defence I had already completed my base- except contour, so all that was left contour, eyes and lips. Oh and she layered on like a ton of highlighter so I can be seen from space obviously.

"Done!" Felicity smiles. "Now go get that dress on."

Felicity steps out of my room and shuts the door behind her. I put on the dress hesitantly paired with a pair of old school vans. Feeling slightly unhappy with my appearance I step out of my room to be greeted with a squeal.

"Babe! You look so fucking good!" Nate squeals and runs up to me, engulfing me in a hug. "Who knew you could look like this! Look at your face! Your gorgeous dress! Your- oh bitch. No get those vans off." Nate grabs my shoulders.

"But they're the only thing that makes me feel like me." I groan.

"Too bad. Come with me." Nate grabs my arm and pulls me into my room. He takes me to the bed and commands me to stay there and take off my vans.

Reluctantly complying I take them off and throw them towards him, making him scoff in disgust as he throws a pair of black thigh high boots at me.

"Nate no-"

"Shut up. No ifs, buts or maybes. You are putting those boots on wether you like it or not. Tonight is where we all go full thot. Own it sister!" Nate struts out of the room.

What the fuck is up with everyone being so bossy today? Growling, I put on the boots and crossed my arms angrily, walking out of my bedroom to greet everyone in my annoyed state.

"Fuck you look hot." Nate gasps.

"Gotta agree with him." Dawn adds.

"Me too." Lis winks.

"Piss off." I role my eyes, heaving up my boots in exasperation.

"Let's go!" Lis claps her hands together and rounds us up to get into my car.

Stomping my feet like a child I get in the car and Felicity practically sped all the way to Louis'. Geez. Someone's super desperate.

"Remember what I said. No alcohol." I warn Felicity as we step out of the car.

"No promises!" She giggles, running away from me into the party.

"Oh you fucking bitch! We only were going bc you weren't drinking! Get back here hoe!" I chase after her, ignoring the cheer squad of Nate and Dawn behind me.

I neared the door and decided not to look like a crazy bitch running inside. So I began to walk and hesitantly entered the house. How many people were here? Crap balls...

"See you on the other side queen." Nate pats my shoulder and enters the house, followed by Dawn.

"Wait don't leave me-" Oh. Too late.

Completely unaware of anyone around me I huff loudly and make my way around. I headed to what I presumed was the kitchen in search of anything to put in my system. Wouldn't hurt right? I'm "partying".

After discovering an unopened bottle of vodka I poured myself a shot and took it down as quickly as I could. On departure, I picked up a vodka cruiser just for taste.

Waltzing around the party I looked at faces. Observing all the teens and most likely underage kids at the party. Their mums are gonna kill them.

"Hey gorgeous, glad you could make it." I get startled, Louis chuckled at my ninja reflexes and lowered my "karate-chopping" hands.

"I'm not glad. Hey have you seen Felicity?" I ask him.

"Not since our makeout- no." He smirked coming around behind me to grab my waist.

"Ew dude really? It's been like barely 15 minutes." I roll my eyes at him and pry his hands off my body harshly.

"Hey what can you do." He shrugs, "She's kinda obsessed with me."

Staring at his stupid face I begin to walk away.

"Hey, let me introduce you to some people." He offers, grabbing my arm before I can walk further away.

"I'm alright thanks." I yank my arm out of his grip and walk away.

I have a bit of a look upstairs for Felicity. No sign of her, Dawn or Nate anywhere. This sucks.

After skulling my cruiser I decide to go for a tequila shot. Yeah, I know I'm going fast but to be honest I'm quite tolerant with alcohol, all it really does is make me fuzzy.

On my way back to the kitchen I am stopped abruptly. I again was shocked by the sudden contact with the cold wall due to me staring at the floor as I walked.

"What is with people and startling me-" I start to rant as my eyes lock with those green ones.

"Oh look. Hey sir." I taunt, smirking slightly at him.

"I told you already what calling me that does to me Margo, be careful with what you say. You don't want to have to make me fuck the living daylights out of you, don't you baby?" Oh...

My breath hitches as I stared into his dark emerald green eyes. I don't know what it is about this boy. I'm always able to stand up for myself and feel strong. But now I just feel weak.

"Have you been drinking Harry?" I ask, observing his facial expression thoroughly.

"It's a party Margo, you're suppose to have fun. Loosen up." He chuckled at my tense body, his muscly arms pressed closely to my shoulders as he pinned me against the wall. He inched closer to me so that our toes touched.

"You didn't answer my question." I say with a bite of my lip.

"No, I don't like consuming alcohol. I haven't for a couple of years." He tells me, making me exhale in relief. You understand how scary horny drunk men can be sometimes right?

"I don't know what is up but you have some bad boy, fuckboy, daddy kink aura radiating around you and I don't know if I like it..." I try and push his shoulders to move away from me slightly.

In the blink of an eye he takes one of his arms and snatches both of my hands into his grip, pinning my arms a little above my head. Oh fuck-

"Wanna test out if you do then?" He pushes his chest and crouch onto me, fully pressing me against the wall. He leant his head down and breathed lightly on my neck.

What the fuck is happening right now? Why can't I push him off? Why won't I push him off? Why do I like this...?

Feeling vulnerable and somewhat desperate I roll my head back at the feeling. His pink lips tickled my neck slightly before he began to suck. And that's when reality hit me.

"Woah fuck okay Mr. Leech- oh my- uh please stop? Fuck." I moan in between my pleads and attempts to push him off my body. Is it bad to say this felt good? Even though Harry was still basically a stranger to me.

"Harry- oh gosh..." I exhale and try to wiggle my hands free.

"Please.. stop." Too late. The damage has already been done.

He chuckled against my neck, the feeling of his breath again made my neck tickle and caused me to make a side ish double chin. He kissed the most likely purple and completely obvious area delicately and dragged his lip up to my ear.

"You sounded like you enjoyed that Margo, do you feel vulnerable around me? Do you feel like you can't control yourself?" He seductively whispers, squeezing my waist slightly.

"No- I um, was trying to sneeze and I didn't want to sneeze on you so like that 'moan ish' sound was just me holding in my sneeze..." I make up an excuse on the spot. "A-Choo" I fake sneeze quite obviously.

Harry stares at me, obviously trying to decipher the reason for my stupid lie, and chuckled deeply.

"You feel vulnerable around me Margo, you know it yourself. You feel- different, like you're not in control of your body anymore. Isn't that right?" He rubs his hand from my shoulder all the way down to my hip.

"I- uh." I try to speak.

"And I can't figure out why you're not so eager to get with me. You're stubborn. It's intriguing." He squeezes my hip gently, making me jump.

"Sorry cocky." I wiggle my hands out of his grasp and push him off me when I finally regained my strength. "You literally changed so much from the other day. It's strange."

"Maybe I just figured out what I want." He shrugged and backed away slowly. "But hey, you seem to be claimed by me now anyway." He brushed his hand down my neck and pressed the hickey he had just marked on my skin, making me hiss in pain. He backed away with a cheeky smile and sent a wink my way. "Enjoy your night Margo."

Staring off at the crowd I recalled the prior events. What the fuck was that. Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with me? Why the hell did I freeze up? He's nothing but a stupid badboy anyway so what was the big deal.

I slid down the wall and sat into my butt on the cold wood floors. I need a minute to slap myself back into reality. Closing my eyes I sat for a couple of minutes to recollect my thoughts.

I rubbed my neck and winced at the feeling of the hickey on my skin. Fuck if this doesn't make a bad blood clot I'll be extremely surprised.

I stood up after a couple of minutes and finally went for my tequila shot. Pulling my dirty blonde hair over my neck.

After downing the alcoholic substance I looked around for someone. Finally I found Dawn after several minutes.

"Oh my god I felt so lost. Dude so much just happened." I hugged her and pulled back out of her grip.

"I can see..." She chuckles, sliding my hair over to reveal the hickey. "Holy fuck Margo. That's like black."

Dawn brings her head to observe the hickey, poking it and making me push her head away. "That's a beauty, you want to see?"

"No- yes?" I fight the urge. I'm obviously curious but the sight of it might make me cringe. I look around for the bathroom and lock eyes with those emerald green ones across the room. His suggestive, dark aura radiated from his stance- leaning against the wall lazily with crossed legs and folded arms. As he smirked at me he and brought a toothpick up to his mouth, biting down on it suggestively.

"Come on." Dawn chuckles, bringing my attention back to her before linking arms with me and walking upstairs to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and we close the door behind us. I slowly walk to the mirror and move my hair out of the way. Oh fucking shit. This hickey was like the mother load. There is no way my tarte shape tape concealer can get its "full coverage" affect on this baby momma.

"Oh no." I huff, exasperated.

"Who was it?" Dawn asks, sitting on the side of the bathtub behind me.

"I don't know." I lie, turning around to face her as I say on the counter of the sink.

"Oh bullshit." She folded her arms. "Tell me or else."

"How drunk are you?" I question, folding my arms in return.

"A bit. Yeah? Why?" Dawn raises an eyebrow.

"Will you remember this tomorrow?" I urge further.

"Maybe..." She thinks.

"Fuck okay fine. You have to promise to not tell anyone. Especially not Nate or Felicity." I groan as she moves closer, resting her head on her hands waiting for my answer.

"You got my word." She nods.

"Okay... it was Harry." I say slowly as she jumps up in shock and grabs my shoulders, making me jump back.

"Are you kidding me! Nate is going to actually murder you, so is Lis! And me!" She stares at me gobsmacked.

"Look I couldn't do anything about it. He pinned me against the wall and went all dominant on me. I tried to tell him to stop but that cheeky son-of-a-bitch now thinks he 'claimed me' cause of this!" I mock, angrily pointing at the huge purple mark.

"That's kinda hot." Dawn giggles as I slap the back of her head, making her wince.

"Ow! That hurt. What was that for!" Dawn yells, punching my arm back.

"We are suppose to be serious right now Dawn. This is serious!" I rub my arm and tell her. This situation is too out of hand.

"Okay. Fine. Serious question then. Why didn't you stop him? Knowing my Margo you'd never let a guy like that take advantage of you. He would've run away crying as you wipe his blood off your knuckles." She steps back and sits back on the bathtub.

"See I don't know. I actually felt vulnerable. I feel so yuck. It's like I liked it too? I don't know Dawn. This is so fucked." I pace up and down the bathroom floor, rubbing my temples harshly.

"Maybe it's the alcohol- but usually that makes you more aggressive." She begins to suggest but stops herself.

"See there no explanation. I don't understand how and why it happened and there's nothing I can do about it now." I groan.

Looking back at the mirror I fix myself up and cover the hickey the best I could with my long hair. I rub under my eyes at the now smudged mascara to remove it and then placed my hands on the sink. Looking down to think.

"Maybe it's because he's actually hot? Maybe you're just evolving." She mocks.

"Ew Dawn! No. Yuck." I yell. Jumping up at the sound of the door opening.

There in the doorway stood Felicity, holding hands with Louis.

"Oh! LOL. This isn't the bedroom." Felicity chuckles, going to shut the door.

"Woah! No! You're coming with me." I rub and grab her arm.

"Hey... no unfair!" She giggles, trying to pry my hand off her arm.

"Louis. Shoo. Now." I tell him and he complies, letting go of Lis' hand to surrender.

He walks around behind me slowly and pulls my hair over whilst no one was looking, whispering into my ear, "Nice mark, princess." He chuckles, making me slap his hand off my hair and donkey kick his back as he moved away.

"See Dawn! I can fight back with him fine, it's just, you know who." I huff as Dawn acknowledges, nodding slowly.

"You guys are mean." Felicity pouts, looking at us with puppy dog eyes. I took this as an opportunity to hit her on the back of the head as well.

"Owie! What was that for." She rubs her head in pain.

"That's for drinking when you promised you wouldn't." I fold my arms. "Have you seen Nate."

"No..." She pauses. Thinking possibly about the past couple of minutes.

"Well seeing as though we can't find Nate and you're absolutely shit faced, we need to take you home." I tell her and start taking her downstairs.

"How. We've all being drinking!" Lis giggles and almost topples over.

"She's got a point Mar." Dawn looks at me. "Literally everyone here has been drinking. The only way we can go home is by like a 40 minute walk."

I resist the thought. I know for a fact one guy hasn't drank. But that means- oh my gosh. There's no other way home. I guess this is our last option.

"Actually. Harry hasn't drank." I say slowly, regretting my suggestion instantly.

"Ooo curly! Let's go find him." Lis squeals, trying to run and search for him.

"Woah, slow down tiger. You and Dawn are going to stay here while I go find him." I offer. Lis pouts again as I give her a malicious look.

"Ok. I'll stay here." She fiddles with her fingers.

"Be quick please. I don't want her to barf all over me." Dawn pleads as I nod, beginning my search.

I look all downstairs, searching from room to room. Nowhere. After ascending up the stairs I dread opening the bedroom doors, I don't want to see that kind of "contact" if you know what I mean. I open up the second door and see an empty room. Phew, but no sign of Harry. I love to the next door and am greeted with one on one action and LOTS of moaning. The brunette girl jumps of the guy and hides their bodies under the blanket. And of course, I'm brought to stare at those green eyes again.

"Oh you seem busy. I'll talk to you later." I begin to shut the door.

"I had enough anyway." His voice echoed out the door, followed by a shocked female gasp and rustling. About 30 seconds later the girl ran out in her dress, carrying her shoes with tears in her eyes. Geez. Wish I could say I felt bad.

"Come in." He basically commands. I slowly open the door to see him buckling his belt and sliding his black t-shirt over his tattooed body.

I step inside and leave the door slightly open behind me. I do not dare move closer as he puts on his vans. "What would you like, Margo." He asks me, running his fingers through his long curly locks.

"We need a lift home." I fold my arms. Standing my ground.

"Okay? Go bugger someone else about it then." He shrugs. "Not my problem." Dickhead.

"I would. But everyone here has been drinking. Trust me when I say you are literally my last resort." I tell him, rolling my arms at him.

"Well what do I get if I help you." He smirks, walking over to me as I maintained my ground.

"Self-worth." I offer, he chuckles at my response. Now being only a few feet away I step back as he reaches for my neck, making my back press against the door to allow it to click shut.

"You've gotta give me a better offer than that." He reaches for the lock. I notice his intentions and slap his hand away.

"That or nothing." I scold. He tilts his head down and gives me a smirk.

"I guess I don't have to drive you then, goodnight Margo." He steps to open the door.

"Okay, okay!" I say quickly, sliding across and placing my hands on his chest. Woah. Firm.

He steps back and folds his arms, awaiting for my offering.

"What do you want." I dread giving him an opportunity to recommend something. Dreading the worst I scrunch up my face and close my eyes.

"I want you to not cover up my mark." He proposes. Moving my hair to the side off my neck. "I actually don't want you to cover up any marks I ever give you."

"You somehow got lucky with this one. Don't expect to ever lay a hand or your leech mouth on me again." I begin, making him scoffingly raise his eyebrows with a slight smirk. "But okay. Fine."

"Great." He cheekily smiles at me. "Let's go then."

I follow him downstairs to where I left Dawn and Lis and we made our way back to Felicity's car. He hops in the drivers seat and starts up the car after obtaining Felicity's keys.

"Ooo. Curly." Lis fiddles with his curls that draped over this chair.

"Stop it!" Dawn slapped Felicity's hand away, making her rub it harshly.

"We have to drop Lis off first, then Dawn, then me. Cause I'm furthest away." I tell him. Staring out the window as he drives.

"Make sure you give me directions then darling." He winks, making me scrunch up my face in disgust.

"Don't ever say that again." I hiss, cringing at the 'pet name' thing.

"Okay baby." He smiles cheekily.

"Or that." I add

"Rightio baby g-"

"Stop." I snap as he shuts his mouth quickly. Chuckling at my stubbornness.

We dropped Felicity off and Dawn and I walked her inside. After laying her onto the couch we left and dropped off Dawn. Leaving only Harry and I in the car together.

"How am I going to get home." He asks on our way back to my place.

"I don't know. Not my problem." I shrug, not daring to make eye contact with him.

"Guess I'm gonna have to stay at yours..." I hear the mockery in his voice. That little bitch.

"No way in hell. You can walk. You're like in area anyway I think." I raise my voice. There's no way he's gonna win this one and I think he understood that.

"Okay. Well I'm going to have to come over in the morning as I need a lift back to Louis' to get my car." He says. There's no way I'm horrible enough to say no to that.

"Okay. Fine."

Soon later we arrive at my house and he parks in my driveway.

"Thanks for the lift." I hesitantly tell him. I don't want to see his cocky grin again.

"You're welcome. I'll see you in the morning okay?" He says. He takes a step towards me and leans his head down towards my neck again. I step back slightly and my breath hitches as he places his lips delicately on the mark he left on my neck.

"Goodnight Margo." He steps away. Leaving me gobsmacked for the second time tonight. I sigh and walk back into my house. I picked up Eevee as she greeted me lovingly and took her to my room. Not bothering to get changed I jumped into my bed and cuddled Eevee until I feel asleep.

Long time no see. I'm starting this book again bc I want to.

Make sure to vote!!! Enjoy this extra long chapter

Tash xxx

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