Korrasami Acts of Love

By Castaway2313

46.4K 890 113

These are just a bunch of ideas that I had about Korra and Asami relationship throughout the series and beyon... More

Korra's nights
Birthday Surprise!
Level ZERO
Pabu Plays Matchmaker
Korra's Sick Day
When The Parents Are In Town
Morning Light
How Korra and Naga became Best Friends
Hercules AU
Korra's a Werewolf AU

Parents are in Town Part 2: Tonraq

2.9K 66 18
By Castaway2313

This is a continuation of the previous one shot. Tonraq returns to the Manor after the meeting to talk to Korra about something that will change Asami's and her lives forever!?!

Korra's POV:

  Mom and Asami get along very well, they currently are in the kitchen making dinner, after the embarrassing baby picture incident, they have kept the embarrassment to a minimum. I look over from my seat at the breakfast nook, watching Asami learning how to cook Southern Tribe food, I think to myself. "This is how I want the rest of my life to be like. With Asami by my side. She's the only one outside of my immediate family (including Katara and her family) to take my worst days with the great one. I can't see anyone else who would do that. "

    I decided to take a leap of faith and take the plunge into the next,biggest, most life-altering step of all. I am going to asks for Asami's hand in marriage. Wow, the thought of us bound together for the rest of our lives and beyond fills my heart with happiness. As well as a desire to make the thought a reality. One problem that I see in my way is how to go about proposing to her. Betrothal necklaces in Southern Water Tribe are the norm, but in Republic City at
engagement rings are the norm. Which do I use to propose with??? I'm so unsure about which way to go.

I hear my dad enter the Manor, his footsteps echoing through the hallways.Wait a minute, Dad! He would know what to do about this. I excused myself to go meet him. I run through the halls to get to him. He gives me a bone crushing hug. "Korra, how I've missed you. Thanks for allowing us to stay with you guys while we are in the city." He puts me down and looks at me. "Is something wrong, honey?"

  I shake my head as I lead him to the living room. "No, not really. I kind of need some advice on something. I figured you would be the best person to ask." We sit down on one of the couches in the living room.

  "You can ask me anything, Korra." He says as he turns to face me on the couch. "So what is it that you need advice on?"

    I take a deep breath and tell him about what I'm feeling and what I am wanting to do. I talked about what's going through my head, Tonraq sits there with eyes slightly  widened. "So, now I don't what to do about the proposal. Should I go with our traditions or her traditions?" I finish what I was telling him. "Dad I am just so lost at what to do here."

   Dad seems to be soaking this all in still, but then he shakes his head. " I went through something similar when I proposed to your mother." He lifts my chin up so we make eye contact. "I give you the same advice that I was given 'Follow your heart and you can't go wrong. But a little romance never hurts when proposing either' ."

  I laughed at the cheesy bit of advice. "Did you get that from Chief Sokka , dad, because it sure sounds like him." I'm laughing so hard tears are threatening to come down my face. Dad joins in on the laugh.

  " Hahaha. No, it wasn't Sokka's advice. It was Katara's advice, and it worked wonders." He said as our laughing subsided .

"Ah, that makes a lot more sense now." I tell him. I give him a loving hug. "Thank you dad, you have really helped me out a lot."

We heard back to the kitchen when dad's says,"If you go with the necklace, you will need to hand carve the stone. No bending. I still have the tools that I used to make your mother's necklace. There your as long as you need them." I smile and thank him with a hug.

We enter the kitchen just as dinner is being placed on the table. Mom turns to us as we head to wash up for dinner. "You two," She points to me and dad with the spoon. "Always seem to show up when there is no more work to be done and the food is on the table."

I laugh at this,"You always tell us to get out of kitchen when you're cooking. So don't blame me, when it's dad who couldn't wait for dinner to be served. You say I take after him all the time." I pointed out as I sit next to Asami.

"Don't drag me into this! Your just as much to blame as I am." Tonraq says nervously with Senna giving him a dubious look. "Honestly, I am not the one to blame." The more he tries to get out of trouble the deeper he gets in it.

After dinner we all retire to our separate rooms. I sit on the bed as Asami gets ready for bed. I clear my throat asking her. "Sami, where do you see yourself in the a few years from now?"

She turns around to face me, her face clear of all traces of makeup. "Well," she begins as she makes her way over to where I'm at and sits next to me. "I hope to have the city and my projects in the Earth Kingdom finished. I hope that things will settle down and we can be a closer couple. Why do you ask?" Concern is deep in her emerald green eyes.

  "I was just wondering about the future. It's hard to believe how in just a few years of being with you changed my outlook on my entire life." I say as I cup her chin, bringing her lips close to mine. "Honestly, I look back and laugh at how we started out. We went from awkward frenemies, to girlfriends, and finally to actual girlfriends. I can't believe how much time I wasted during those three years away from you. I'm just trying to say. I love you, Asami, for as long as you want me." I close the distance between us and kiss her sweetly. When we finally part lips, she is trying to catch her breath. I love that I can have the same effect as she has on me.

  When she finally can speak she says, "I'm hoping to be yours for forever and beyond. So I guess we're stuck with each other until then. I love you, Korra." She kisses me on the forehead. "I'll always love you. Now let's go to bed now." She pulls me back down on the bed as we cuddle underneath the covers. I smile to myself thinking."Well there's no going back if you do this. I'm ready to be bound to her forever. Goodnight Asami."  I fall into sleep with thoughts and hopes for the future I hope to have with the one that I love. Hoping our future together will be long and filled with happiness that has been absent during our childhood years. Making new memories to replace the bad ones will make the hardships we have gone through worth it.

Woohoo!!! Longest chapter so far!! Also do you think Korra should propose with a betrothal necklace or with an engagement ring? Leave your thoughts and comments on which she should propose with!!! Until next time, thanks for reading!!! Castaway out!!

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