Darks Back // Jason McCann

By overboardrauhl

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❝Things are going to start changing around here.❞ -jm. // second book to dark. // written by overboardrauhl © More



4.5K 204 25
By overboardrauhl



“A war?” Jason repeated Ralph in confusion. Ralph nodded.

“A whole entire war. Gangs from Boston, and the rest of the New York gangs, found out about what we were doing there. Half of them want in on our gang, which won’t happen, and the rest want to take us down. They think we’re a threat,” Ralph spoke, eyeing up everyone who was now standing around us. “If we don’t take each and everyone of them down now, they’ll start causing more trouble than we need.”

“So what you’re telling me, is that this asshole,” Jason started, motioning his gun towards Lucas, “Came to warn us about some stupid war?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“That’s dumb as fuck,” Jason roared. Ralph only gave him a firm glare. “I’m not going anywhere with these shit heads.”

“Better watch your tone, Dark,” Lucas cocked an eyebrow, grinning. “You’ll never find your sister with that attitude.”

A low growl escaped Jason’s mouth, and he turned his gun on Lucas. “You better watch it, before I blow off your head along with Jackson’s.”

I moved away from Lucas’ side and grabbed the gun out of Jason’s hand, and frowned at him. “Knock it off, you’re not doing yourself any good by arguing.”

“Give me the gun back, and I’ll stop.” he assured me. I shook my head. “Later, I’ll give it back to you.”

He only groaned in response.

“Now,” Ralph started again. “Kylie, Lucas, and Jackson, you go check out the east side of town, and see if anyone has been hanging around.”

Jason let another growl escape his mouth. This time, it was scarier than the first. “I’m going with Kylie. I’m not leaving her alone with them.”

Ralph nodded his head, and sighed. “Figured you’d say that..”

“Then come on,” Jason said as he grabbed my wrist, dragging me outside. Jackson and Lucas followed.

I slipped out of Jason’s grip and glared at him for a moment.

I walked over to the van and got into the passengers seat, watching Jason get in the drivers seat.

“Aw, you don’t want to sit with us, princess?” I heard a chuckle coming from the back as the door slammed shut. I turned around to face Lucas and Jackson sitting in the back.

“Shut up.” was all I could get out.

“Hey, Kylie?” Lucas spoke up. I turned to look at him. “Are you pregnant?”

I felt my heart sink, and I frowned. The word ‘pregnant’ doesn’t mean a lot to me anymore, seeing as though I didn’t want it in the first place.

I nodded my head slowly, and I spotted Lucas’ jaw tighten as he glanced over at Jason. “Is he the father?” he growled slightly.

I turned my head to look at Jason. He tensed in his seat, and his eyes became darker than normal. Before I could turn back to Lucas, Jason pulled out of the driveway recklessly and started speeding down the road. I shifted slightly in my seat and looked back to Lucas, then shook my head.

“No, it’s not his.” I swallowed. Lucas furrowed his eyebrows. “Then whos baby is it?”

Jason pulled over and stopped the car before I could open my mouth to speak.

“Lucas, shut the fuck up right now before I rip your head off.” he hissed. Lucas, Jackson, and I were all taken back by his sudden outburst.

“She’s my sister, I have the goddamn right to know who the father is.” Lucas spit back at him. Jackson just sat back in his seat with a cocky grin on his face, enjoying it.

“I swear to god if you don’t shut your mouth right now, I’ll put a bullet in your chest.” he threatened. Lucas only laughed.

“You only say that because-” “Shut up!” I snapped. Everyone turned to face me, and I just shot a glare towards each of them.

“I’ll tell you later, Lucas, I promise.” I told him quietly. Then, I whipped my head around to look at Jason.

“And you, you need to cool it. Start driving.” I hissed. He stared at me for a moment, narrowing his eyes. He shrugged and started driving again. I sat back in my seat, sighing.

“Hold on, what’s that?” Lucas spoke, pointing towards an abandoned warehouse with two cars parked in-front of it. Jason just shrugged, and pulled in next to the cars.

“Kylie, you stay in here.” Jason commanded. I shot up from my seat, and narrowed my eyes.

“Didn’t Ralph say Jason, Lucas, Jackson, AND Kylie?” I said, annoyed. He shook his head.

“You’re pregnant, and we don’t know who these people are. That means, you stay in the van.”

I turned back to face Lucas, and he only nodded. I crossed my arms, glaring at both of them. “I hate you both.” I mumbled. They both chuckled. But, they’ve got no idea what I’m going to do.

All three of them got out of the van, making their way towards the warehouse. Once they were inside, I grinned and grabbed one of the extra guns that Jason always keeps in the glove compartment.

I stepped out of the van and loaded the gun with a few bullets, then made my way over to the warehouse. Half way there, I heard a gunshot and screaming. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran as fast as my feet would take me into the warehouse.

My eyes scanned the warehouse interior, until my eyes fell upon Lucas crouching over next to Jason, who was crying out in pain as he clutched his head tightly. I gasped and ran over to him quickly. He wasn’t that far away, and so nobody shot at me.

“Jason,” I spoke worriedly, crouching down next to him as Lucas moved. He squeezes his eyes shut tightly, still crying out in pain.

“Jason, hey, it’s alright..” I spoke soothingly as I pulled him up into my arms, holding him against me tightly. He thrashed around in my arms, his forehead drowning in sweat. The only thing I could do was shush him, and rock him back and forth, while trying to calm him down.

After a little more screaming it finally stopped, and he looked up at me. He was still clutching his head tightly, but his eyes opened halfway. His lips parted, and it took a while for him to speak.

“Baby..?” he spoke, his eyes becoming wider.

Excitement, happiness, and a bunch of other mixed emotions shot through my body.

Does he remember me?..

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