>Pitch Perfect 2- My Rendition

Por lexilowe99

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My version of Pitch Perfect 2. Ever wondered how Pitch Perfect 2 would be? Well so have I and I decided to s... Más

Pitch Perfect 2- My Rendition
Chapter One *Auditions*
Chapter Two *Aca-Initiation*
Chapter Three *Rehearsal*
Chapter Four *Graduation*
Chapter Five *Riff Off*
Chapter Seven *Fundraising Part 2*
Chapter Eight *SH*T*
Chapter Nine *Plans & I Love You's*
Chapter Ten *What the H*ll Just Happened?!*
Chapter Eleven *Figuring it Out*
Chapter Twelve *Jimmy....Mitchell?*
Author's Note

Chapter Six *Fundraising Part 1*

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Por lexilowe99

Chapter 6*Fundraising Part 1*

*Beca’s P.O.V.*

“Oh my God, these are the lamest ideas ever.” I said to myself as I read over the list of fundraising ideas Aubrey had given me. “Bake sales, door-to-door singing grams, silent auctions? What are we, in the middle school choir?” I continued thinking aloud.

 I heard a knock on the door and immediately jumped to get it, throwing the papers onto my desk.

 “Jesse.” I said with a big smile when I saw my savior.

 “Hey,” he said returning the smile, “The girls told me that you were cooped up in here thinking about fundraising ideas. I thought, why not help? I have nothing else to do.”

 I left the door open as a silent invitation as I walked back over to my desk. He took the invitation, shutting the door behind him and sitting on my bed in front of my desk chair. I handed him Aubrey’s list and watched his face contort in different ways as he read it,

 “These are awful.” He said handing the papers back to me.

 “I know.”

“You are a group of beautiful girls with great bodies; you should use that to your advantage.”

 I turned to my desk and continued to work, hiding a smile at his compliment.

 “Do you wanna take a break? Maybe something will come to you.” He suggested.

 “No, I just want to hurry and finish this.” I said as I scratched off the ‘definite no’s’ on the list.

 “Are you sure? It’s pretty hot in here, maybe it’s blocking your brain from thinking.” He said and I knew all too well where this is headed. “I gotta cool off.” He said then slid his shirt over his head.

 I glanced over at him, not expecting this to affect me but when I saw his pecks and abs perfectly chiseled into his rock hard torso I lost control of my thoughts. He must’ve seen it in my eyes because he smirked at me.

 “Oh screw it.” I quickly said and made way to him.

 I straddled his lap and immediately began kissing him. I tangled my hands in his hair and pressed myself against him, deepening our kisses. He wrapped his arms around me and rolled over, laying my back flat against my bed. I felt his hands make their way under my shirt, roaming around the bottom half of my upper body. His fingertips gently slid across my skin leaving it tingling under his touch. With his hands still exploring, he kissed down my cheekbone and to my neck. It didn't take him long to find my sweet spot and he kissed it until I pulled his head back up and crashed my lips to his. Just then we were stopped by the sound of a clearing throat coming from the doorway. We snapped our heads over to find the Bellas all sitting and watching us.

 "Hi guys." I said quietly.

 Stacie gestured toward Jesse who was still half naked laying on top of me with his hands in my shirt. I removed my hands from his hair and placed them on his shoulders, gently nudging him. He quickly got the clue and pulled himself off of my body. He pulled his shirt back over his head as I fixed mine to cover my naked stomach. We were a little flustered but the girls ignored it and piled into my room. They spread out, covering every inch of sitting space in my tiny dorm.

 "I think we should do something fun that Aubrey won't approve of for our fundraiser." Stacie started the conversation.

 "Yeah, something to tease all the boys with our super hot bods." Fat Amy added making Jesse feel a little uncomfortable.

 "By the looks of what was going on in here, I don't think it takes much to crack Jesse." Stacie joked and I playfully punched her in the arm.

 We sat there for about an hour or so coming up with great fundraising ideas. Every so often I would happen to catch Anna staring at Jesse. At first I didn't mind because I know my boyfriend's hot, but after the 4th or 5th time it got a little stalkerish. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into his side just to remind Anna whose boyfriend he is. After doing this, I caught her giving me a death glare, it was kind of creepy but Jesse pulled my thoughts away from it when he moved my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead.

 I don't know what Anna's deal is. She says she hates Trebles but whenever she's around me and Jesse I catch her always staring at him. When he holds my hand or kisses me she glares at me as if I've done something to her. It's like she wants my boyfriend but I know I don't have to worry. Jesse is my boyfriend. He wants me and I want him and Anna can't do a thing to change that. 

 “Is Aubrey jr. glaring at me or you?” He whispers it in my ear taking me from my thoughts.

 “I think  me because she practically eye f*cks you every time she sees you. I don’t know why it is just now starting to bug me.” He buries his head back into my neck and kisses it.

 I put my hand in his hair keeping him there when all of a sudden Stacie screams

“THEN WE SHOULD ALL F*CK JESSE!” I look at them and they all smirk.

“Finally, Beca we’ve been calling your name for like 10 minutes! Jesse do we have to remove you from the room?” Jesse looks at them.

 “Didn’t you need my help or something?”

 She sighs fine then thinks for a minute before pulling Jesse away from me and sitting between us.

“Problem solved.” I glared at her and she smirked, proud of herself or something.

“Now lets focus on what we are supposed to do. Which is pick 1 or 2 ideas.”

After Stacie separated Jesse and me I watched Anna continue to eye f*ck him, making me want to rip her head off. We sat there for about an hour arguing about what to do, halfway through the hour, I ended up switching seats with Anna because I was tired of the inappropriate looks she's been giving him and because I tend to think better when I'm around Jesse.....sometimes.

 We finally figured out what to do. The girls all agreed on water balloon/gun fight. They said it's because they know that the majority of the boy population will pay to see us in a bikini but I agreed because  it was the perfect way to tease Jesse and I know that's probably what Anna's thinking. The thought of Anna in a bikini with her fit body flirting my boyfriend made my blood run cold but I shook it off when I remembered that Jesse is interested in me and only me. No matter how my body looks he'll always like it more than Anna's just because it's mine. 

"Beca you ok? You feel kinda colder. Like..." He trails off.

"Like I've become cold blooded?"

He slowly nods his head and I point at Anna so that only he can see. He rolls his eyes and puts his lips to my ear.

"Do you really think I would fall for an Aubrey clone? I played your little game of hard-to-get last year, I'm not gonna throw all of my effort away. You were a tough one to get to." I giggled and they all looked at me.

"What?" Amy gives off a relieved sigh.

"Shaw-shank you looked like you were dead, your skin was turning pale like it had run cold." I rolled my eyes and motioned with my hands for them to continue.

 Finally, the girls decided to call it a night and they headed out. Amy left as well because she was in the mood for some cheese cake and she had eaten all the ones we kept in our mini fridge. Jesse and Anna were the last ones to leave and before he left, Jesse gave me a good bye kiss. I saw Anna make a disgusted face at this action. Anna was about to step out of the door when I quickly stepped in front of her and closed it. "What is your deal with my boyfriend?" I asked. She was shocked by my abrupt question and she gave me the 'deer in the highlight' look. Oh h*ll no.

*Anna’s P.O.V*

I just sat there trying to figure out what is happening. Why does he like her so much, wasn’t she a total b*tch to him last year or something? He’s a treble, why do I like him? I groaned as I sat there thinking of when he walked in on us getting dressed for graduation. He was surrounded by half naked girls but he kept his eyes on Beca. Amy said almost the same exact words that were in my head. D*mn his abs were hot!

I was brought out of my confusing thoughts by Brittany coming in. Should I tell her?

“Hey, Aubrey texted me saying we needed to talk about fundraising and Beca isn’t answering her phone. So come on we have to go collect the girls!”

I love my best friend and all but d*mn is she perky.

As we got close to Stacie’s dorm I stopped her and she gave me a questioning look.

“We can still tell each other everything and it would still be just between us right? Just like in school?” She smiled.

 “Of course.”

I pulled her away so that we couldn’t be heard by Stacie.

I took a deep breath.

“IthinkJesseisreallyhotandIwanthimsobaditalmosthurts!” I explained it so quickly that not even I understood what I said.


I took a few deep breaths, calming down, before talking slower.

“I think Jesse is really hot, and I want him so bad, it almost hurts.”

Her jaw dropped to the floor.

 “But you even said he wasn’t cute enough to break the oath like Beca did! So why is he so hot now?” I sighed.

 “It was when he walked in on us and he had that yummy 6-pack showing through his unbuttoned shirt. I don’t know my brain went out of whack and I chose lust over knowledge I guess, but now it won’t go away! Help me!”

She tells me to calm down cause we have to go get the girls. She also texted Beca saying we were on our way.

When we get to her dorm Beca is on her back with Jesse shirtless on top of her with his hand in her shirt feeling her up. Brittany coughed and they broke apart.

“Hi guys.”

They both looked flustered but we ignored it. I looked Jesse up and down and Brittany nudged me.

“Stop staring Beca will notice and kick your a*s.” I roll my eyes.

We all sit down and Beca stays next to Jesse.

"I think we should do something fun that Aubrey won't approve of for our fundraiser." Stacie started the conversation.

 "Yeah, something to tease all the boys with our super hot bods." Fat Amy added making Jesse feel a little uncomfortable.

 "By the looks of what was going on in here, I don't think it takes much to crack Jesse." Stacie joked and Beca playfully punched her in the arm.

I kept my eyes on Jesse pretty much f**king him with them until I see Beca wrap her arms around him. She leaned into him a little as he wrapped his arm around her waist, I just glared at her as he kissed her neck again and the look on her face showed she was enjoying it. All of a sudden Stacie screams

 “THEN WE SHOULD ALL F*CK JESSE!” Beca quickly looks at us and we all smirk.

“Finally Beca, we’ve been calling your name for like 10 minutes! Jesse do we have to remove you from the room?” Jesse looks at them.

“Didn’t you need my help or something?”

She sighs a 'fine' then thinks for a minute before pulling Jesse away from Beca and sitting between them.

“Problem solved.” Beca glared at her and she smirked.

“Now lets focus on what we are supposed to do. Which is pick 1 or 2 ideas.”

After Stacie separated Jesse and Beca, I continue to eye f*ck him. We sat there for about an hour arguing about what to do, halfway through the hour, Beca ended up switching seats with me probably because she was tired of the inappropriate looks I’ve been giving her boyfriend. D*mn her, stupid emo.

We finally figured out what to do. The girls all agreed on water balloon/gun fight. They said it's because they know that the majority of the boy population will pay to see us in a bikini but I agreed because  it was the perfect way to tease Jesse. He will want me over the little b*tch by the time I'm done with him.

Finally, the girls decided to call it a night and they headed out. Amy left as well because she was in the mood for some cheese cake and she had eaten all the ones she kept in her mini fridge. Jesse and I were the last ones to leave and before he left, Jesse gave her a good bye kiss. I made a disgusted face at this action. I was about to step out of the door when Beca quickly stood in front of me and closed it.

"What is your deal with my boyfriend?" She asked.

I was scared, did she know? She glared at me. Oh sh*t.

*Jesse's P.O.V.*

'Don't you, forget about me-' the sound of Beca's voice, which I set as my ringtone, woke me up from my nap. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and waited for my eyes to adjust before reading the text. It was Fat Amy.

"Beca is working on picking out what to do for the fundraiser and she's stressing out! Get your beautiful abs down there and help her!"

I slid my phone into my pants pocket and threw a shirt on then made my way to Beca's dorm. I knocked on the door and she quickly answered it. A smiled formed on her face as she said my name. I returned the smile as I spoke.

"Hey. The girls told me you were cooped up in here thinking about fundraising ideas so I thought, why not help? I have nothing else to do."

She walked back over to her desk, leaving the door open. I took that as an invitation and stepped into the room. I closed the door behind me and sat on her bed right in front of her. She handed me the list and I read through them. Bake sales, yard sales? These are terrible and I let Beca know what I thought. She agreed and went back to scratching things off the list.

Being the brilliant boyfriend I am, I decided to tease her. I bring up the temperature, which isn't higher than it normally is, and I pull my shirt off claiming to be hot. I see her glance at me, the look in her eyes telling me she's fighting the urge to kiss me. I smirk at her and she cracks.

"Oh screw it." she said then quickly slid onto my lap and began kissing me.

She tangled her hands in my hair and I felt her body press against mine. I wrapped my arms around  her and rolled her over onto her back. I stuck my hands in her shirt and began exploring her lower back and began kissing down her cheekbone to her neck. I quickly found her sweet spot and kissed it. Her hands tightened in my hair before she pulled my head back up and crashed her lips to mine. We then hear a cough coming from the doorway. We quickly snap our necks over and see all of the Bellas staring in at us. 

"Hi guys." I heard Beca's flustered voice from under me. 

Stacie gestured to me and Beca quickly untangled her hands from my hair and nudged at my shoulders. I reluctantly pulled myself off of her and slid my shirt back on. The girls piled into the room spreading around. 

"I think we should do something fun that Aubrey won't approve of." Stacie started.

"Yeah something to tease all of the boys with our super hot bods." Amy added making me feel a little uncomfortable being the only guy in the room. 

"By the looks of what was going on in here, I don't think it takes much to crack Jesse." Stacie said and Beca playfully punched her arm looking a little embarrassed.

I decided not to mention that Beca's the one who cracked, not me. 

I sat there for like an hour and listened to the girls debate on fundraising ideas. Out of no where, Beca wrapped her arms around me and snuggled into my side. Enjoying it, I wrapped my arms around her as well. I gently pulled her hair out if her face and kissed her forehead, causing her to snuggle into me a little more. Just then I noticed Anna glaring over here.

"Is Aubrey, Jr. glaring at me or you?" I whispered into Beca's ear.

"I think me, because she practically eye f*cks you every time she sees you. I don't know why it's just now starting to bug me. "She answered. 

I want to assure her that I don't care about Anna and I only have eyes for her so I nuzzled my head into her neck and began lightly kissing it. She obviously enjoyed it, I could tell by the way she tangled her hand into my hair again.

"THEN WE SHOULD ALL F*CK JESSE!!!" Stacie suddenly yelled. 

Beca and I quickly looked at her and they all smirked. 

"Finally Beca, we've been calling your name for like 10 minutes. Jesse, do we have to remove you from the room?" 

I looked at them, "Don't you guys need my help or something?" 

She signed a 'fine' and thought for a moment before pulling me away from Beca and sitting between us. 

"Problem solved." She said and Beca glared at her and she smirked back.

"Now let's focus on what we're supposed to be doing which is picking 1 or 2 ideas." 

After we were separated, Beca ended up switching Anna places, sitting beside me which I was grateful for because Anna was starting to creep me out with her staring. The girls argued for a little while longer until they finally agreed on water balloon/gun fight. That made me happy because it gave me an excuse to see Beca in a bikini. 

They finally called it a night and the girls started leaving. Anna and I were the last ones to leave and before I left I gave Beca a good bye kiss. I didn't see it, but I'm sure Anna didn't like that but I don't care. If I want to kiss my girlfriend I will. 

When I exited the room I heard the door close but I noticed Anna hasn't left. I figured Beca was probably confronting her about all the staring. I smirk at her slight possessiveness over me as my curiosity got the best of me, I wanted to know what was happening so I decided to eavesdrop. I quietly walked to the door and leaned my ear against it. 


I realize the repetition in the P.O.V.s but althea_doll and I wanted to show what these 3 characters were feeling in the same situation. We hope you enjoy and part 2 will be up as soon as we can.

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