I Bet My Life [Prinxiety]

By virgiltheanxious

27.1K 1.5K 1.2K

[Part two of the Force of Nature series] Anxiety is gone, and Prince isn't sure what to do. All he knows is... More

A note from the author


1.7K 101 46
By virgiltheanxious

"Can you please stop tapping your foot, Prince? I'm trying to focus."

Prince mumbled a sorry to Logic as he forced himself to stop. After Prince had given Morality and Logic the journal, they had been reviewing it. Morality read it first and deciphered all of the emotion parts, and now Logic was interpreting possible hidden meanings within it. Prince had tackled the excruciating task of sitting back and doing nothing.

Prince had already been sitting there for about an hour and was getting tired of not doing something. He had been doing something to try and figure out what happened constantly over the last few weeks and he was so used to doing that that not doing anything was unbearable.

Prince sighed and stood up, stretching his arms. "I'm going to check on Missy, call me when you are finished," he said, walking out of the room.

Prince fidgeted with the handle of his sword as he approached Misleading Compliments's door. He truly hadn't been very close to Missy since Anxiety has gone missing. Prince, having closed himself off to everyone, didn't spend any time with his son.

Taking a deep breath in, Prince knocked softly on the bright blue door.

"Just a second!" Missy yelled, and Prince heard some shuffling for a little bit before the door was opened enough for Missy's face to be shown. "Dad? What are you doing here?"

Prince watched as Missy carefully opened the door enough for him to get out and shut the door.

"What are you doing in there, Missy?" Prince asked, his eyebrows furrowed. Prince took a step forward, so he was closer to Missy and tried to open the door.

"Nothing, Dad! Just what did you want, please?" Missy asked pushing him softly.

"Okay. I just wanted to check on you. How are you doing?" Prince asked, taking a step back and smiled softly.

"I, um, I've been okay. I really miss Dad, though..." Missy said, leaning against his closed bedroom door.

Prince came forward once again but this time hugged Missy close to his chest. They stood there for a minute as Prince and Missy hugged.

When Prince released Missy, he put his hands on Missy's shoulders and stood an arms length away from the boy.

"I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. I should have been, especially in these circumstances, but I got so caught up in trying to make myself useful that I neglected you. I shouldn't have done that, and there's no excuse for what I did, but I'm going to fix my actions and spend more time with you," Prince elaborated, staring right into Missy's eyes.

"It's okay. Dad would have done the same thing if you were the one missing, anyway. It was how you were coping. Just don't think I'm okay with you doing it for no reason because if you do it again, I'll make sure Morality kicks your ass," Missy joked, smirking at his father.

"Language!" Prince shouted, slapping Missy's shoulder softly and laughing.

Prince, seeing as Missy was distracted, smirked and quickly grasped the handle for the door and pushed it open, much to Missy's dismay.

"Dad, no- God, you've done it," Missy exclaimed, blush already rising on his cheeks.

Prince stood in the doorway, looking past Missy and into the bedroom. "Uhm, who is that?"

Missy nervously looked at the person who lay on his bed and then back at Prince, panic clearly in his eyes.

"I, uh, Dad you know how there are the main four traits, and then there's Pranks and me? How we're not main traits but we are big?"

Prince nodded his head skeptically as Missy opened his mouth to make an attempt to explain the situation. Missy looked back at the person in his bed (who had now sa up) and took Prince's hand, leading him into the bedroom.

"Dad, this is Confusion. He's from a different part of the mindscape that Pranks and I found out about a year or so back. Confusion was the person Pranks, and I found. We... bonded," Missy explained, releasing his grip on Prince's hand.

Prince watched as he wiped his hands on his pants. This made Prince smile as he remembered that Anxiety would do that when they first for together. "So there's a whole other part of the mindscape that I don't know about? Does anyone else know about it?" Prince questioned.

"Logic definitely knows! That's how Pranks and I found out about it, in his books. Um, anyway, Dad, I think you need to know something else."

"And what would that be?"

"Confusion and I are, um, we're-"

"I think Missy is trying to say that we're dating."

"How long?"

"About six months," Confusion said and looked at Missy, who nodded.

"That's... How did I not find out about this? I just... what? How?" Prince asked.

Confusion walked close to Missy and held his hand as Prince watched.

Missy spoke next, clearing up Prince's thoughts. "We have been very secret about it. Pranks are the only person that knows, really. He would help sneak us around for dates, but besides that, we didn't really do much. Lately, Confusion has been around more since... He wanted to make sure I was okay."

Prince smiled at this, glad someone was there for Missy.

Prince put his hand out for Confusion to shake as he introduced himself.

"I'm Prince; obviously I am one of Missy's dads. Unfortunate time to meet you, but I'm hoping you'll be able to meet... Missy's father soon." Prince swallowed as he felt his throat close up and his eyes water. "Just... be good to Missy. He deserves the absolute best, and if I hear that you're anything but good to him, I will personally beat your ass." Prince smiled at Missy as he said his final line.

"If I'm not allowed to swear you aren't allowed to either, Dad," Missy said.

Prince laughed until he heard footsteps coming towards them. This made Prince stop as he quickly remembered the problem at hand. He turned to the door just as Morality walked through.

"Logan and I have been talking about what we noticed," Morality started as he leaned against the doorframe. "We think you want to hear about this, Prince. Missy, if you want to come, you're welcome to. And Confusion, of course! If Missy wants you too, that's okay with me."

"How did you find something?" Missy asked.

"I'll explain on the way, kiddo!" Morality exclaimed, pulling on Missy's free hand for their travel to the living room. Prince and Confusion followed, and Prince was trying his very best not to run. He was extremely eager to figure out what happened to Anxiety and how he could help.

Sorry this chapter took so long! I was out yesterday a lot and didn't have much time to write. Today I was out visiting my father's grave (he has been dead for two years and I've just found out so there is lots of stuff going on) and I've been writing this in bits and pieces. This is unedited because I'm tired and trying to watch Once Upon a Time and hot guys distract me too much to read through my shitty writing.

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