It all started when I became...

By TheWeirdKiwi

1.3K 38 23

In a universe where car racing is as important as football, Nikon Quin - yes, his name is Nikon - is obsessed... More



117 4 2
By TheWeirdKiwi

Panting, I sat in my class thankfully making it on time, barley, but I made it. My sleeping pattern is royally messed up, so I kind of almost overslept if not for my tendency of stirring in bed while asleep. I managed to knock some of the stuff on the beside table making loud noised when they fell on the wooden floor. I'm glad I looked at the watch or else my professor would get mad. I didn't appreciate being humiliated in front of the students in my class.

I payed attention to the lecture and wrote down what was important. Yeah. I'm still a bit of a nerd and it's a good thing. Nick was also actually starting to study. I guess people do change, or maybe he just wants to impress Ashlyn with his high grades. The lecture was finally over and the professor Gave us an easy assignment. I was glad for that.

I looked at the time and groaned when I realized I couldn't return back to sleep, I had to go to work after thirty minutes, so I decided to just return to my room, take one of my books to study there - I have a lot of free time at work - and go to a nearby café to get some hot chocolate before going to work. I prefered hot chocolate over coffee. I can't stand bitter stuff.

I entered the café walking to the counter to get my order. A guy sorting some mugs before putting them in the drawer behind the counter. When he stood up and turned around to take my order, he smiled knowingly "Let me guess, hot chocolate?" Jack said taking out a mug. I smiled brightly at him nodding. I still had fifteen minutes to get to work, so I was ok.

"Here you go. That'll be.. $3 dollars but $23 with my tip." He said at the register then continued pouring the hot chocolate. I rolled my eyes shaking my head. "I'll give you a $2 tip." I took out the $5 bill and placed it on the counter. Jack handed me the Mug pouting "C'mon, I'm broke." He whined jokingly but taking the money nonetheless. I smiled taking the mug sitting in my usual table.

I sighed trying my best not to spill any hot chocolate anywhere, since I felt dizzy and tired, as I placed the mug on the table. When I finally sat down I looked at the watch on my right wrist. It wasn't really a watch, it just tells me how much the sugar level in my body is - I'm diabetic as mentioned before. The number was low which explains why I felt dizzy and tired.

I decided that if me drinking the hot chocolate wasn't enough, I'd take the shot. I had a small bag full of syringes in case of emergencies just so you know. I got worked up when I thought I'd be late to class. Shrugging the dizziness of, I tore three bags of sugar and poured them in Jeremy, the hot chocolate. I gave every hot chocolate the name Jeremy, only my close friends understand when I say I feel like Jeremy or I want some Jeremy.

I started doing that ever since I was five. It got stuck after that. The same goes to my phone, its name is Lazlo. I guess that's one of the weird things about me, but it's more fun this way. When I finished Jeremy I checked my sugar level again, it got higher but not high enough, so I went to the bathroom and took out one of my syringes and gave myself a shot.

I used to be scared of doing that, now I just got used to it. I don't take shots THAT often, only four times a day.. Ok, maybe often. I started to feel better slowly after taking them. I made my way out of the café thanking Jack before leaving heading to the racing grounds, place, field whatever you call it, where I work.

Only Ryan was there doing something on the laptop. I walked in heading for the small kitchen to grab something sweet and decided to just sit down and study until I feel like I'm ready to work. I need to rest for a bit since I'm tired, and for the shot to take its effect. Jeremy, the hot cocoa, didn't have this much effect.

"Hi." Ryan said not looking away from the laptop when I sat down. "Hey." I replied opening my book. Still a little bit dizzy. It was quite, which I think is a rare thing here, and I'm glad for that since I can concentrate. I can't concentrate in loud places and I don't understand how a lot of collage students study at Cafés and places like that. It was always noisy there, so how can they focus with all that noise without developing a headache?

I wish I was like them sometimes...

"Hey, are there any cars that need fixing?" I asked him, I forgot to check if I had work or not. Ryan looked up from his laptop looking at nothing in particular as if remembering. "Umm, nope." He shook his turning his attention to the laptop again. I shrugged. I had no work so it is ok for me to study for a while, and that is exactly what I did. I managed to study a lot of pages and I was so into it and about to flip the page for another chapter until..


The door slammed open startling me and Ryan - though he looked less startled. I sighed in irritation closing the book. I had a very good idea who did that. "Hello." That person said in a very tired voice and threw themslef on the couch. "Hi." I said back. "Does your car need fixing?" I then asked. That person, Matt, snorted. "Do you have to ask? My car ALWAYS needs fixing."

I rolled my eyes and got up heading to the fixing room. The car was a mess, yes, but not a huge mess. The tires are just worn out and there are scratches on the car paint. It was easy work, but I also had to examine the car from the inside. It wasn't damaged at all, so I started working on the tires. The tires were actually my favorite part. Something about changing them and them rolling is fun.

Yup, I find it fun to change them.

Still, they're a bit heavy which is a bit tiring since I have to change the four of them. Matt is the only one who wears ALL his tires out. Seriously, what does he do to manage that? Of course I'm not the only mechanic around, I can't fix all ten cars by myself you know. The other mechanic is a middle aged man. His name is Daryl. He works at night, and sometimes he comes in the afternoon If he doesn't want to work at night.

We have to come to our job at a certain hour and stay for at least an hour, then we can come and go as we may, but if we didn't do our job, or if we slacked it will lead to consequences or getting fired. It is the perfect job for me since I have my classes to attended at collage. It helps that it is close, too.

I wiped my forehead after I got done with the tires and checked my sugar level, it was normal. So I started to paint the scratches on the car, it was kind of fun actually. When I was finally done another car entered making me sigh. It was Tom's. It didn't look that bad. I don't think it needs fixing.

Tom got out of the car closing the door behind him after he parked it in its usual place. He smiled and nodded in greeting. "It doesn't need anything, just a check up." He said walking up the stairs to the other two. I nodded at him smiling back. I love how Tom always takes care of his cars. They seldom needs fixing unlike a certain airhead's..

 His car didn't need any fixing, at all. It seems like he didn't use it for a long time, or he was very careful. I bet it's the former, it sounds more believable. Nobody is THAT careful. I froze when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist and a head on my shoulder. "I love you, Niko." I blinked. "Beth?" Beth giggled still hugging me.

I felt another pair of arms hugging me and another head on my shoulder. "Um.." I said not knowing how to deal with this situation. I'm confused. "I love you, you're cute." Daisy said kissing my cheek. Now I'm more confused. "Uh, thanks?" I mumbled, only guys I like can call me cute. I didn't like it when people did. Don't question me.

Both girls giggled and I closed the hood of Tom's car with both girls still clinging to me. "You know, I'm freaked out." I blurted out. Both girls laughed still not letting go. Girls are weird sometimes. "Don't be, we just want to say, thank-you." Laughed Beth letting go of me. "You're welcome, but for what?" I inquired. "For being cute," Daisy said pinching my cheek, which hurts, a lot.

"And also for fixing our cars, driving is so smooth now thanks to you." She said then patting my now red cheek. All that just to thank-me? Girls really ARE weird. They could've just come to me and say 'thank-you' like normal people, but no, let's be weird and hug the shit outta Nikon. Still, it felt good to be thanked. "Just doing my job." I shrugged smiling.

They just stared at me for a minute smiling like freaks. "Aww." The said in unison. Daisy was fanning herself. They're acting like me when I see a really hot guy, or just got a new Xbox game. I mostly do that when I get an Xbox game. "I don't know if it's you cherubic face, or just how cute you are, but I wanna hug you till you suffocate and die!" Beth squealed.

I have a cherubic face..?

Wait, did she just say Suffocate and die? What a weird way to show affection.. Anyway, I doubt this is all because of how I fixed their cars. They were both looking at each other - from where their heads are turned - and I bet they were thinking the same thing judging from the identical smile plastered on both of their faces. Just what were they thinking?

They were whispering to each other while I cleaned the oil off my hand, to be frank it was kind of creepy. Then they returned their previous position hugging me. "Let's go up." Daisy smiled pulling me just like Beth. Both were partially dragging me with them up the stairs. I did nothing but go along with them, I was curious and freaked out to know what they were planning.

They kept blabbering about how they're glad that they finally had a cute mechanic and how all the previous men were all old men. Daryl wasn't that old though. Maybe it is because I'm still a teenager? Besides, I'm the youngest person here, so probably that's why they felt like they need to spoil me, or remind me of that fact over and over again.

"Hey guys." Daisy said cheerfully snapping me out of my reverie. All the guys were doing whatever but turned their attention to us. Tom stared at us for a second then smirked. "Group hug!" He exclaimed. Before I knew it, I was being squished in the middle of five idiots. They were all laughing with everybody's arms wrapped around each other.

At one point we realized it wasn't easy walking with twelve legs so we stumbled until we lost our balance. At this exact moment an unfortunate person appeared at the doorway breaking our fall. I was actually having a bit of fun and was laughing hysterically along with the others.. Except for the person who we fell on, he didn't look the least bit amused by our, mostly their, craziness.

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