
By queersgambit

15.6K 260 11

Recently rewatched She's the Man and forgot how much I loved the movie. So here's an added OC that I've squis... More



2.4K 50 0
By queersgambit

Before they all knew it, and after Bash had passed out at the sight of a frog's spleen, the weekend was here finally. Cornwall's game was coming up the next week but for now, they were able to relax. There was a local carnival that everyone was excited for, including myself.

"Hey girly," A voice laughed before an arm was slung around my shoulder. Looking up I smiled at Toby and the others.

"Hey guys."

"You been waiting long?" Duke asked.

"No, only a few minutes."

"Good," Toby smiled, tugging me to walk with him as we followed our friends into the carnival's entrance.

There were kids, clowns, and balloons everywhere.

"I will cut you, man," Toby threatened a clown that got a little too close.

"Alright, I'm gonna tell you the truth. I've never really liked carnivals." Viola spoke just as Olivia approached us all.

"Hey, I'm working the kissing booth. Come and see me." It wasn't a request, more of a demand as she shot both Bash and Duke sultry looks.

"I love carnivals, man," Duke moaned, already on his way to pursue Liv.

"Hey, Duke, where are you going?" Viola asked.

"Where do you think I'm going?" He gestured to where Liv was heading, the kissing booth.

"Hey, Bash," I called, motioning towards an approaching Monique.

"Uh, ohhhh," Viola moaned.

"What's up?" Toby asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing. Just my psycho ex. So I don't really wanna deal with her, so if you guys don't mind I'm gonna lay low for a little while."

"Alright, cool, catch up with you later."

"Okay, take care of Spence for me!"

"Already on it!" Toby laughed, tightening his hold on my waist some.

"Alright, where do you guys want to go first?" Andrew asked, looking around like a child on Christmas.

Toby grinned down at me for a moment before we followed after Andrew, not wanting him to get too far without us as he tended to go overboard on things often. We followed our overly excited friend around for several minutes before eventually making our way to the kissing booth where Duke was.

"What do you guys think it's going to be like?" He asked.

"Duke, you look at me. I know it's going to be really, really special." Toby told him, almost in a sort of sarcastic way. I leaned back against Toby's chest, his arms wrapped around my waist as we waited. "She's only kissed like 350 guys at this point."

I gently slapped Toby's arm, making him chuckle.

"I just think we need to acknowledge this moment. After 4 long years, Duke is finally going to fulfill his destiny. Life is good! Life is fair! Life is-is just!"

Just as Andrew finished, Viola, dressed as Viola, tapped Liv on her shoulder to replace her.

"And yet.."

"I can't catch a break." Duke sighed.

After the two girls switched after a brief encounter, Duke approached.

"It's just my luck," He sighed again, making Viola look at him with disinterest. "No, no, no, no, I didn't mean it like that. It's just, you know, she's, you know, no. Okay, I mean on the-on the other hand you're really you know, also."

"I am?" Viola asked. "Thanks, I guess."

"You don't have to flirt with her first, okay genius. You're paying for it." Some little kid in line called, waving his ticket stubs around.

"Well, why don't you just relax." Duke spoke between clenched teeth. "Uh, maybe I should kiss you now. I gave the lady my tickets and I waited in line."

FINALLY, the two of them sat down.

"Well, it's the least I can do."

"Uh, okay, here I go.."

When the two dodged each others lips for a few more seconds, I couldn't help but call out, "Just kiss her already!"

And kiss they did.

"Uh, excuse me, hotel's across the street!" The kid chimed as Viola went back for more. And Duke seemed pretty into it as well.

"Viola, what the hell is this!?" Justin asked, tugging Viola away from Duke.

"Back of the line, buttball!" The kid threatened.

"Excuse me, doofus, you're making out with my girlfriend." Justin spoke to Duke.

"Oh, shit," I whispered to myself.

"Should we intervene?" Toby whispered in my ear.

"Not yet?" I responded.

"Ex-girlfriend." Viola chimed.

"Woah, you're Sebastian's sister?" Duke asked.

"And you're about to die!" Justin inputted, physically turning Duke to face him.

"What you gonna do, drown me in your tears?" Duke asked, laughing the slightest bit.

"I had something in my eye!" Justin stressed.

"Okay, you know, guys, can we just dial it down and just step away, okay?" Viola intervened, pushing back both men a few feet.

"You know what, she's right. I'll see you on the soccer field and we'll settle this all then."

"Okay, Duke," Justin nodded, turning away. "Or we can straighten it out right here!"

Turning swiftly, Justin landed a mean hook to Duke's face. This prompted Duke to tackle Justin off the stage and their fight to begin. Toby pulled me back away from the fight, but we still followed to see if Duke would need any help. I doubt he would, but we still made sure he was good.

Viola decided to jump on Justin's back in an attempt to calm everyone down, but instead, they all three ramped into a popcorn machine. Toppling over and breaking the entire stand, the three laid in the buttery messy as Miss Hastings arrived on the scene.

"Viola! Stop! This is not lady like!"

"There is no room for violence here! This is a lovely children's carnival, God damn it! Both of you.."

"Out. NOW!" Miss Hastings demanded, moving to take Viola away from the entire mess as Duke and Justin stood.

Duke walked over towards us, looking annoyed as hell.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, I'm good, Spence," He half smiled. "Let's get out of here, yeah?"

We all nodded and made our exit, ignoring Justin completely.


The next day or so was spent training, practicing, and in my case, doing mounds of paperwork.

I was working in Coach's office while the entire team was sent off to the weight room, giving myself a little peace and quiet. Coach was off doing whatever Coach does, meaning I was alone.

Suddenly, hands covered my eyes, making everything go dark. I laughed and set down my pen, covering the hands with my own and peeling them away. Turning, I smiled up at Toby.

"Hey, pretty lady," He greeted.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be working out?"

"Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"Well, you see, I was before I was so rudely interrupted." I laughed, watching as he sat down on the edge of the desk. "What's up? You done for the day?"

"I am indeed. Just came to see my favorite girl."

"You're so sappy." I laughed, moving to finish the last pieces of forms to be filled.

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Uh, nothing I think, why?"

"Well, Duke has a date with Liv and asked us to go to keep an eye on things. I'm pretty sure Sebastian is going too. You in? Pizza at 8?"

"That actually sounds nice," I smiled. Dating the last few forms, I cleaned up my area and filed the paper work quickly before standing and gathering my things. "Can we nap at least first? I'm exhausted."

"Course. My dorm or yours?"

"Yours? You need to shower." I joked, but also knowing the boy's dorms were closer.

"Come on," He laughed, lacing our fingers together and leading me out of Coach's office.


"So, you and Spencer, huh?" I heard Andrew tease when he thought I couldn't hear. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom, but Andrew couldn't wait to grill his friend. I decided to not worry, knowing I had feelings for Toby and knowing he was making his own very apparent.

Returning, I saw that Viola and Eunice had arrived, sitting with Duke and Olivia. I took my seat with the guys, hearing the very end of Toby's rant.

"..Screw you guys, I hate high school."

"Easy there, tiger, college isn't any easier." I laughed, leaning back into his body, his arm going to wrap around my shoulders as we kept an eye on our friend.

'Sebastian' stood up abruptly after Eunice got a little too handsy, making me stifle a laugh as she made an abrupt departure. Interestingly enough, Olivia stood up immediately after, spewing some excuse as to why she had to leave before leaving a turned-on Duke and Eunice.

"Check please!" Duke called out to his waiter, Eunice giving him 'a look'.

We all choked on a laugh as Duke made a quick disappearance, Eunice finishing her food before departing as well. We finished our own meals, my head lulling to lay on Toby's shoulder as I lazily listened to his friends talk.

"Ready to head back?"

"Yes," I smiled, standing and lacing our fingers together after shelling out a few dollars to cover our dinner price. Leaving the parlor, I missed the looks and grins of Toby's and my's friends as they all nudged each other in excitement.


A few days had passed and finally it was here: the eve of the season opener.

I had been confined to practices and the Coach's office, dealing with everything and trying to make sure all was ready for the official start of the season.

"Uh, excuse me?" A voice chimed, making my head snap up. Toby hung in the door way, duffel bag slung over his shoulder lazily. "Earth to Spencer."

"Oh, hey, sorry, guess I didn't hear you come in." I apologized, moving to file the remaining forms the school required for all student athletes.

"You done for tonight?"

"I am. Coach is letting me go home early because of the game tomorrow."

"How generous," He teased. "Well, whenever you're ready, I'm ready."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I haven't seen you hardly in the past few days so I was hoping you'd stay the night?"

"I'd have to get all my things from my dorm."

"I don't mind walking," He shrugged with an easy smile.

Smiling at him for a few more moments, I nodded, "Okay. Let me finish up here and we can go."


Arriving back to Toby's dorm, I laid my over-night bag by his closet, noticing Andrew wasn't back yet.

"Where's Andrew?"

"Ah, he was mouthing off during practice so Coach is making him clean the entire locker room before tomorrow."

"So, in other words, he'll be there all night?"

"Basically," Toby laughed, picking up a set of his sweats and a tee shirt before starting to change. Feeling comfortable enough, I too followed and pulled out the sweats and shirt he had lent me the other week. I changed quickly, feeling his eyes burn into my skin as I did so, but knowing he was kind enough to not make a move.

We both slid into bed, alarm set for the morning. Toby propped himself up slightly, leaving his desk light on for Andrew. There was just enough lighting to provide him a comfortable light enabling him to read.

With his chest bare, him shedding the tee shirt shortly after we had gotten under the covers, my head laid on his chest as he read. It was peaceful and relaxing, exactly what we both needed in that moment.

Suddenly, the peace was broken as Duke and 'Sebastian' began screaming at each other and the echoing noise of a door slamming still ringing in my ears. I looked up at Toby, who looked down at me. Then, my phone began to ring, Viola's name popping up.


"Hey, Spence?"

"Hey, Bash, what's up?"

"I need a place to crash. Any chance I can stay in your room?"

"I wish, but I'm staying over at Toby's tonight." As if on cue, he tightened his hold on me, allowing me to readjust; throwing my one leg over his hips as my body formed against his.

"Damn, alright, that's fine. I'll find somewhere, no worries."

"You sure you don't need me to come?"

"No, no, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow at the game, okay?"

"Alright, Bash. Call me if you need me."

"Thanks Spence, night."


Sighing, I left my phone to charge on Toby's bedside table, setting against him again as a wave of tiredness washed over us both.

"Everything okay?" He whispered, closing his book and sliding a little lower.

"Yeah, I think Duke kicked Bash out of his dorms for the night."

"Night before the game? That's harsh. Duke must be pissed."

"No kidding." I sighed. We both settled in, closing our eyes and drifting, only briefly hearing Andrew come in. He showered then too got in bed, all 3 of us knowing out in anticipation for tomorrow's game.


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