In Despair

By ELBeth76

80.8K 512 26

Isaac Porter returns to kidnap the only girl he ever wanted. Aliyah Green locked up in an attic with a crazed... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 5

Chapter 2

8.1K 168 2
By ELBeth76

© 2014 Beth1976
All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 2

Isaac was furious a the little bitch's comment about killing him. She was making him head down a path he didn't want to go. He was working himself up and he knew she would suffer at his hands if she didn't accept the situation. He admitted he wronged her, but she should knew well enough not to fucking push his buttons like she does. The fact that he did want to hurt her scared him a little. She was his, she needed to remember that and until she did he would make her life a complete nightmare. He needed all of her, he let her go for too long, it was time he reeled her back in and started training his pet again.

Isaac had fallen alseep, he was in his bed comfortable, and really enjoying his slumber. He awoke to Ali banging at he door and screaming. "Fuck" he quickly put on pants and ran up to the attic to see what was her problem. He opened up and she flew at him, striking him and hitting him. He slammed the door after he shoved her so hard onto the floor. He locked the door and walked to her towering over her.

"I don't want to be here" she said pouting. She looked fucking adorable, her hair all messy and her eyes wild, she looked sexy as hell.

"Too fucking bad" he replied she stood up and slapped him hard across his face. He laughed before he slapped her forcing her to fall on the bed. "Wanna try that again" he said pissed. She looked up at him tears rolling down her eyes

"I'm scared, I don't wanna be here alone, its creepy" she cried. He couldn't tell what her game was exactly, only that she was up to something.

"Too bad, now shut the fuck up and go to sleep, otherwise I'll knock you out and you can sleep, choice is yours" she glared at him.

"Why do you pretend to give me choices when both are in your favor?" she was getting pissed again.

"Ali, I'm fucking tired and want to sleep" he said getting frustrated.

"Go to sleep, see if I don't keep you up all night, go on" He rubbed a hand over his head.

"Do you want me to bind you again? will that help you sleep?" she bit her lip

"I'm hungry" she whined.

"Aliyah for fucks sake, get under the fucking covers and sleep, I will fucking tie you up and gag you. Wanna try me?" by the look in her eyes she knew he was serious. "under the covers" he ordered. She did so, but huffed and puffed through the entire thing. "Not another fucking word Ali, understood" she glared at him and closed her eyes feigning sleep. She looked just like a child.

Leaving her and locking the door he headed back down to his room. He shook his head at her behavior, she was something else, nobody could get to him like her. He smiled at her sass, she was too fucking sexy for her own good. He fell asleep thinking about fucking her.


Ali had awoken as the sun had risen, it was a beautiful view, she went in and had a shower, wrapping a towel around she wanted to see what his game plan was. She had no clothes, was he going to keep her naked forever, this nightmare needed to end. She heard him open the door and the aroma of food hit her senses. She was starving. "Good morning there sexy" she rolled her eyes at him. "Hungry?" he asked smartly

"Was hungry from last night, you thinking of starving me to death?" she asked sounding like a bitch. "I need clothes" he smirked

"Why?" he answered like the complete jerk he was. "If you want to eat you know the drill" she drew in a breath and walked toward him.

"No baby, go back and crawl to me"

"Isaac really?" she wanted to cry

"Really" he replied. She got down on all fours and crawled to him, when she reached him she sat on her knees. "Good girl. Now hold your heels do not break your position"

"Is this really necessary?" she asked hoping to make him see how ridiculous he was being

"No, but I'm enjoying it" he admitted. Isaac fed her a spoonful of eggs, he then placed a piece of toast in her mouth. It was delicious, she was hungry and this was what she needed. This time he cut some sausages and eggs and fed her. He gave her a sip of juice from a straw and she waited patiently for more food.

This continued until she was full, he smiled and patted her head "Go back to bed" he said to her dismay. The towed just barely covered her ass and he wanted her to crawl back. She didn't bother fighting it was futile, she went down on all fours again and crawled back to the bed. She heard him hiss in a breathe and knew he was staring at her backside. She felt herself color. Once she reached the other side she quickly got up

"Perv enough?" she said angrily

"I need you to not talk" she eyed him suspiciously, he was hard, she knew that look, he wanted to fuck her and he was holding back, that was interesting.

"Too much for you?" she said egging him on. She wanted him to lose control so he could fuck up

"Ali, if you think to rile me up, it's only going to get you hurt. Think baby, think before you act, there is nobody here to help you" she felt so alone.

"Isaac can't you please forget this game and just let me go? please, if I ever meant anything to you just let me go home"

"This is your fucking home, accept it Ali this is the only home you have. Stop with your fucking comments about going home, because it's never going to happen." He was in a fucked up mood today.

"So what, I'm to stay in this room for how long?" she was starting to find it hard to breathe.

"As long as it takes to get you to accept us"

"Fine I accept us."

"Don't be cute, I'm not in the fucking mood" Ali knew she was fighting a loosing battle,

"Can I please get some clothes, I'm really cold."

"Have you tried opening the wardrobe.? " she shook her head. "That would be a smart move there Einstein" she bit her lip. He stood up to leave and her heart raced, she didn't want to be alone.

"Where are you going?" she asked hoping to prolong his stay

"To fucking jack off" her face heated, Isaac grabbed the tray and left the room locking the door behind him. Ali hurried to the wardrobe and picked up some under garments and found a simple dress that she threw on. She opened the draw to the dresser and found brand new brushes and bands. Quickly brushing her hair and tying it up.


Fucking little bitch for making him hard. He was in the shower fisting himself at the thought of her luscious ass crawling in front of him. He spilled his seed thinking about fucking her. It was nowhere near satisfying, he needed to fuck her bad, he didn't how long he could hold it off. It had been way too long, since he saw her big light brown eyes grow heavy with lust. He needed to stop thinking about her because it would only get him hard again.

Finishing his shower, he put some jeans on. He wanted to go up to her and fuck her senseless but it was way too early in the game to do that. He needed her to need him, to want him to crave him, it would be the only way to keep her put. He missed her so fucking much his heart hurt. He had actually went and visited Holly, explaining to her that he had Ali and if she knew what was good for everybody to stay out of it. He would get Ali to call her. He didn't like to leave loose ends and Holly was certain he was dead serious when he said any wrong move and she was a dead woman.

Now for his nuisance upstairs, he had to deal with her sooner or later. He had left her alone long enough, it was lunch time and he felt like having some fun. Making her a sandwich he went up stairs. She was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed. She glared at him when he walked in. "Not happy to see me?" he teased. He loved the way she pouted her full lips was so kissable

"I want to get out of the room. Please, I'll behave, I just don't want to be here anymore Isaac, please" she begged him. He laughed at her.

"Honey I haven't even started and you wanna have a melt down now. There so much more to do" she walked up to him

"Isaac, I'll stay with you, and do whatever you want, please let me out, please"

"I'll see how well you behave, if you continue to do good then I'll let you out. Where you can share my bed" He saw her face change and she almost glared at him. "See that there is why your not ready"

"No I'm sorry, I'm ready, I'm ready," He laughed

"We'll see, come sit " she followed him and got down on her knees.

"I think I want you in my lap" She got up and looked up at him as if exasperated. She sat in his lap and waited.

"Eat" he ordered. She eyed him out suspiciously before she grabbed a sandwich.

"Isaac this is really awkward" he caressed her legs

"I don't think it's awkward" he said lifting her dress up. She tensed and put a hand to stop him.

"Don't, don't do that" she whispered

"Don't do what? don't touch what's mine?" he was getting real pissed. She got up, and moved to the bed

"Not yours, never yours" he didnt' like where this was going.

"Wanna fucking play this game" she was getting under his skin.

"Isaac what you have put me through, look where I am, can you see how insane this is?"

"Fine Ali, you like being alone, I'll leave you alone." he would teach her one way or another

"Go, go on, leave, your good at running away when the going gets tough" he paused and looked at her

"Stand down Ali, your fighting a loosing battle"

"Yeah and you were always a coward. I don't care what you do to me, but don't think for one second that I will ever willingly give you my body" he walked toward her and she backed up, he could see the fear in her eyes. When he reached her she was up against the bed.

"Have I ever asked your permission to fuck you?" she had pushed too far "Answer me Aliyah, have I ever needed your permission to fuck you before? It seems to me you forget how it works. If I want to fuck you, I will fuck you, if it means rape, then so be it. It never bothered my anyway. I like the fucking fight, especially when you submit so easily" he said stroking her hair.

"You just keep digging a deeper hole for yourself" her bravado was a little inspiring, although he noticed her hands shaking. He grabbed her jaw hard, she winced

"Are you after a beating? Is that what your itching for?" her eyes opened wide "I think you miss the punishment" he moved his mouth close to her lips and really wanted to kiss her. Instead he pushed her so hard onto the bed, she quickly tried to move away from him, he grabbed her ankle dragging her forward. He roughly flipped her over, she had her legs on the floor and was struggling to get up, grabbing her arm he twisted it and raised it to high on her back. She screamed

"Your hurting me" he laughed

"Have you stopped fighting" he said as he pulled her arm higher

"Yes, yes, please your hurting me" he let her arm go. Lifting her dress he bought down her panties. He heard her gasp and smiled to himself. He bought down his palm and slapped her backside. She gave a cry, he slowly rubbed the sting away only to bring his palm back down and slap her again, her ass was reddening deliciously, she would let out a gasp after every slap,

"Can I or can't I fuck you whenever I want?" he asked as he repeatedly slapped her now raw looking backside, when she didn't answer he slapped her harder "I asked you a question, can I or can't I fuck you whenever I want?" he was brutal with his force, he continued to smack her until she replied.

"Yes, yes" she cried

"Yes, what?" he wanted her to verbalize it. He smacked her again to get her to reply

"Yes you can fuck me whenever you want" she cried out.

"Good girl, that wasn't so hard now was it?" he asked her, He let her go and she quickly pulled up her pants and pulled down her dress. She glared at him, he could see the anger built up inside her.


"Something you wish to share" he asked her with a cocky smile. Ali wanted to hurt him so bad, she hated him for what he was putting her through. She grabbed the vase that beside the bed and threw it at him with all her might. He dodged it easy enough. Funny enough it didn't break. "Wanna go for the next round?" he said with a dangerous look in his eyes.

"I hate you Isaac, I wish I had never met you. I swear to you that if I get a hold of a gun, I will not purposely miss again." she meant every last word. He smiled and took a seat like nothing in the world bothered the prick. She detested him.

"You and I both know you don't hate me. Stop kidding yourself, if I handed you a gun now you wouldn't shoot me. Ali wouldn't hurt a fucking fly" he mocked

"I wish Travis was.." she saw his eyes change from blue to almost black at the mention of Travis.

"What was that?" he asked calmly walking toward her. She shook her head slowly backing away

"Nothing, I'm sorry, it just slipped out..."

"Tell me what you were going to say" she shook her head.

"I don't remember, Isaac please, I'm sorry" Ali waited for the attack, if there was one thing Isaac didn't fuck around with, was the mention of Travis. He hated him with a passion and any mention of him just ticked him off

"You wish Travis was here because...ANSWER!" he yelled making her jump. She was in for it, there would be nothing she could say to calm him down.

"I'm sorry" she cried, he raised his hand to strike her and stopped mid air. Her heart was pounding, she was that afraid. He put his hand down and returned to his seat.

"Ali, I swear on my life, if you don't accept what is here, I will kill Holly, who by the way sends her love" Ali was confused. "Yes I went and saw her, now she knows to behave, but what she doesn't know is that her life is now literally in your hands. I never particularly cared for her so it wouldn't matter to me one way or another if I kill her or not. It will I'm sure matter to you" she was crying almost hysterically now.

"I'm sorry" that's all she could say to him, he would kill her mother in a heart beat, he was void of empathy, and that in itself was a scary thing. She prayed for help, any help...

"Your sorry? don't start apologizing now, we've only begun" she sat on the bed looking at this maniac of a man who didn't care who he hurt or why, she really couldn't understand his obsession with her. Isaac was by far the sexiest man she had ever seen, she witnessed how girls repeatedly threw themselves at him, he was good to fuck any girl he desired and here he was locking her up in an attic type room so she would remember her place.

"Why Isaac? why me?" she asked feeling disheartened

"I told you the first day I met you, there was something about you, call it fate, whatever it is, it's bound me to you" she shook her head unable to understand his behavior

"You can have any girl in the world, more than willingly, why are you doing this to me? Do you hate me? Is that why your hurting me?"

She noticed how his eyes flickered with an emotion, maybe a little bit of guilt.

"It seems your the only girl I want, the one girl that doesn't want me, is the one girl I want...Go figure" she felt her tears slide down her cheek

"I wanted you Isaac, I wanted you for so long, I wanted you when you took me the first time and made me live a life of complete hell with you, I loved you the second time you took me and treated me worse than a whore. I wanted you when you paraded me infornt of Jackson and felt me up before you took me upstairs and forced yourself in my mouth, calling me a what? a lousy cock sucker" her emotions were getting the better of her.

"Enough Ali" she shook her head

" I wanted you when you fucked that girl in our living room. I wanted you when you bought Claudia into our home, I wanted you when you thought I tried to kill you. I wanted you, I needed you. Despite how sick it sounds, you were the only person in the world that cared at all for me." she wiped her tears.

"Ali, no more" he wasn't enjoying hearing his fuck ups

"I wanted you when you killed Travis, I wanted you when I thought you were going to ..." she found it extremely hard to continue but she did anyway "When you were set on killing me, when you fucked me than told me how you were going to put a bullet in between my eyes. Do you remember that Isaac? Do you remember what you did to me? I killed for you" She broke down at that point, not having the strength to hold back her tears.

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