Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.7K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Valentine Special
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 37

58.9K 1.3K 363
By Ohhlala_77

Chapter 37

"What?" I managed to squeak out.

"Shh!" He quickly shushed me with his index finger on my lips, he picked up a rock and threw it to the fence.

"Why are we breaking in? Why can't we just enter normally like normal people do?" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"It's because it's closed as the matter of factly, I mean it's midnight." He said in a 'duh' voice.

Could anyone be more stupid than me?

"Then why are we here?" I said in the softest voice I can muster.

"Because I want us to,"

"O-okay," I replied in a gente voice.

"Can you climb this fence?"

I eyed the fence from top to bottom, it's about six feet tall. I gulped but nodded anyways, not wanting to disappoint him.

"Good," I can hear the smirk audible in his voice.

My feet walked towards the fence, teetering. I raised my arms reluctantly.

"You can do it Cass." He encouraged me.

I don't know what made the nervousness go away just when I felt a spark of determination.

I will make you proud, Carson.

I smiled to myself then grabbed the fence and climbed up, my legs following the lead of my arms.

Without knowing it, I was already at the top of it.

Don't look down, I told myself.

"Don't look down, as much as possible." His voice guided me,

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and lowered my leg, finding the closest wire to it. After god knows how long my feet touched the ground, I peeked through my right eyes and found myself standing on the other side of the fence.

"That's my girl," he said infront of me, admiration clearly written in his eyes.

I blushed and smiled at the same time, not knowing if I should be proud of it or something.

He climbed up the fence two times faster than me, it was about ten seconds before he reached me. And to tell you, that was really fast, I mean really really fast.

"Come on," he almost dragged me to somewhere, keyword 'almost', until I pulled back not letting him drag me.

"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I asked him with my heart pounding so hard against my chest.

You ask me why?

It's my first time to break in, to break the rules, with this guy in front of me.

Not that I don't trust him.

"Just follow my lead and we won't," he squeezed my hands to reassure me.

I let out a deep breath, exhaling my hesitation and frustration. Then I finally gave in, due to his plausible face. His face immediately lit up as he tugged my hands and dragged me to god knows where. I followed him, trailing silently as we walk towards a dark swallowing hallway ahead of us.

The nearer we get the faster my heart beats, it's probably because I'm scared of the dark, scared that someone will yank me away from Carson and kill me. This made me clutch his arms in a death grip, until I saw a beam of light at the path before us.

I felt a little excited- okay maybe not a little, I was ecstatic.

"Close your eyes," he suddenly whispered in my ear.

"How could I possibly close my eyes when I'm excited?" I whisper yelled back.

Come on, you've got to be kidding me. I mean seriously, you're making me close my eyes when I can't even contain my excitement?

"Well then, we have to do it in the hard way." He shrugged nonchantly, I looked at him terrified.


I was about to say something when a hand covered my eyes, covering my sight. Now darkness invaded me. I squirmed under his hold which made him slap my butt.

"Why did you do that?" I yelped out in a whiny voice.

"You won't stop squealing so I slapped your defined ass," he said in a teasing voice.

"Perv," I blushed the moment realization struck me.

He slapped my ass, hard.

"Since birth," he muttered under his breath, thinking that I won't hear it but too bad I did.

I slapped in a backward motion hoping to hit him but I didn't.

"Stay still or I'll slap your sorry ass again." He warned me with a gruff voice.

I abruptly stop and stood still, trusting Carson to guide me towards the pathway ahead of us. He pushed me gently to make me move, sooner I found myself walking and following his direction.

"We're here," he announced.

I nodded in response.

"I can tell,"

"Don't you want to take a look at it?" He asked in a curious voice.

How in the hell can I take a look when his palms are hovering my eyes?

"Uhm.. You do realize that you're still covering my eyes right?" I raised my eyebrow despite his palms that are covering my eyes.

"Oh. Uhm. Right." He coughed awkwardly as he let go of me, letting the bright light hit my eyes.

I blinked rapidly to clear my vision since the light stung my eyes before swallowing the whole surrounding around me.

Thin rectangular glasses are everywhere, inside the continuous glasses was a huge plate of ice. There is also an endless stainless steel railing wrapping the whole place.

Which only meant that he brought me to an ice rink.

This would be fun if I knew how to skate, but in my misfortune I don't.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah, but there's this thing." I bit my lip slyly.

"What is it?" He asked curiously and worriedly.


I can't even finish my statement because I'm so embarrassed about it.

"Don't be shy, what is it?"

"I don't know how to skate." I duck my head in embarrassment right after I said the statement.

"Hey," he put a finger under my chin and lift it up to pull my gaze in his. "There's nothing to be ashamed of. That's what I'm here for, I will teach you and I surely won't let you fall."

I was somehow convinced by his sweet words so I nodded, being the sweet person he is, he placed a lingering kiss on my forehead that sent the jittery feeling to my stomach. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at me.

"Come on, let's get our skates." He grabbed my hand as we swivel to the corner where a huge shoe rack is located.

It's full of skates that comes with various colors, there's even a skate that's designed for kids. Without knowing it, my hand felt cold when I realized that Carson released me to get our respective skates.

Within a minute, he came back with his long sleeves rolled up to his elbow and a pair of white skates dangling in his hands.

"Sit," he ordered me the moment he reached me.

I abruptly sat down and watch him skate towards me, I seriously no have idea how kept his balance on.

I watch as he pull my uggs of and his biceps reflexing in his sleeves. The white skates felt cold against skin and it looked a little dirty with the grey laces, Carson tied it into knots and does the same with the other one, once he's finished he looked up under his lashes with a grin.

"Ready?" He smiled sheepishly at me, his blue green eyes shinning.

I wiped my sweaty palms on my jeans and stood up. When I stood up I immediately stumbled, and if it weren't for Carson I would've kissed the floor already.

That's way more embarrassing for your information.

"This is so damn hard." I grunted, obviously annoyed with these skates.

Instead of hearing him say that 'it's okay' or some sweet words, an unexpected laughter echoed across the whole rink.

"It will come around," he grinned after he contained his laughter.

Doubt that.

He steadied me again with his hands on my elbow and the other one on my shoulder. I stood up with my legs wobbly, the skates felt really hard and slippery.

"Now that you can stand, follow my instuctions."

We took baby steps- more like I did to the rink but since Carson is holding me, he did as well.

The moment we stepped in the ice rink, my feet was involuntarily tilted making me slip.

In no time, I landed on my butt even though Carson tried to hold me. My butt felt cold, like really cold and wet.

"Shit." I cursed in a whispering voice.

I saw Carson biting his bottom lip to hold in his laughter but not for long, he failed and laughed enormously.

"Would you quit laughing at me?" I snapped at him, obviously annoyed, I mean he's been laughing at me for awhile now.

He immediately cleared his throat and held his hand out for me to take. I looked at the hand and back at him, sighing in frustration, I took his hand and put the rest of my weight on it.

"God, you're so heavy." He grunted.

I gaped at him in horror when those words came out of his mouth.

"What?" I screeched, not caring if somebody goes in and bust us.

This is his fault anyways.

His face twisted into a contorted one, a gleam of regret flashed in his eyes, then it was quickly replaced by horror.

"I-I, it's just a joke." He laughed nervously, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Joke your ass! Never call a girl heavy or fat if you don't want to be clawed.

"Well, it's not funny." I retorted with a huff.

"Sorry, I didn't know it would offend you." He smiled wryly.

"Well it did."

"Yeah. Sorry about that." he scrached the nape of his neck awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the stainless railing above me so that I can stand. I stood up successfully, I squealed mentally.

Simple things like this makes me happy alright?

I looked up at Carson and grinned widely, and so did he, showing his dimples that I loved the most.

"I can stand!" I squealed giddily.

He flashed me his million dollar smile and pinched my cheeks with both hands.

"You're so cute," he cooed, lettin my cheeks go red.

"Shut up," I muttered, my cheeks getting hotter.

He snickered slightly as I felt him grab my elbows, other arm around my stomach. In other words, he's hugging me from behind with his chest pressed against my back and his abs on my butt.

His body felt nice against mine, but this isn't an excuse for me not to blush.

"Slide your right foot forward," he said as soft as possible, his breath fanning my ears.

I did as he said with my feet trembling slightly. My whole body moved forward and of course with Carson trailing behind me, he followed.

"Good, now your left foot forward. Just like the way you did awhile ago." He coursed his hands through my arms in an up and down motion.

And when I did, I managed to steady myself.

"You're learning, go on and do it continuously." He encouraged me, I felt him pulling away from me.

I swallowed my fears and held the railings as I slide forward. I did as what Carson said and guess what?

I managed to skate without falling down, but I was still depending on the railings.

"Try to let go of the railing Cass." He strode beside me.

I looked at him with a horrifed expression, eyes wide as saucers. He nodded plausibly and offered me a smile, I let out a deep breath of uneasiness and slowly pried my fingers off the railings.

"You can do it," he chanted.

At first my feet were feeling wobbly and my fingers as cold as ice, my face prickled with cold sweat. I strode back and forth until I'm familiar with the rink. I looked back at Carson who is smiling like a cheshire cat.

"I did it-"

"You did it." The both of us said in unison.

I giggled in response and strode towards Carson to hug him. My face nuzzled on his chest.

"I did it," I said proudly.

"You did," I felt him nod against my hair, his fingers running through my hair softly.

"Thank you," I mumbled against his chest, my arms tightening around his waist.

"For what?" He pulled away slightly just enough for him to take a look at my face.

"For bringing me here, for taking my mind off things and for being there for me."

"You don't have to thank me, princess. It's my job to do it and I want to see you smile, like always smile." He kissed the tip of my nose.

I choked a laugh and pulled him to me again, burying my face on his chest and inhale his scent.

"As much as I want to stay like this forever, I can't- we can't. My parents will wake up soon and they sure will freak out when they found out that we're gone. So we have to go."

I found myself nod accordingly, he pulled away from me then he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit of the rink.

We got out in no time, as we removed our skates off I thought of what will happen when we go back there. Carson returned them in a flash, the moment he returned I already have my uggs on.

He looked at me as if he's asking my permission to leave.

I don't want to, but we needed to.

So I nodded and let him take my hand. We walked through the same path where we entered from awhile ago.

When we finally got out, the sky was a tad bit bluish and it was not so dark but then a little light.


My eyes became wide when I turned to look at Carson.


"What? Did something happen to you?" He looked at me with a peering look.

"No! That's not it." I groaned in frustration, arms flying upwards.

"Then what is it?" He asked, completely baffled.

"We have school today," I shrieked in horror.

"What?" His eyes swam in confusion for a split second.

I whacked the back of his head hoping that he'll have his senses back.

"What the hell?" He said in a brash voice, "Why did you do that?"

"It's freaking monday!"

"I knew that of course!"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

"Because if I did, you wouldn't come with me."

"What are we gonna do now?" I cried in panic.

"We're going to call in sick," he said smugly with his lips curling into a smirk.

"Both of us?!" I screamed, my eyes widened in horror.

We can't skip school, not again.

"Unless you go there by yourself, I wouldn't drive you if that's what you're thinking." He cocked his eyebrow at me.

I groaned in frustration, frustrated in the fact that he couldn't get my point, he couldn't understand.

"People will suspect something when the both of us are not going,"

"Since when do you care about other people's perspective? Since when do you care about what they're thinking of you- of us?" He asked dubiously.

Since I met you.

"That's not what I meant," I mumbled quietly.

"Then what exactly did you mean?"

"My point is we can't keep on skipping school whenever we want to, we've skipped too much already and the reason behind those are unacceptable like, 'we just don't feel like it.' Look, I'm just saying that we can't skip anymore. It will ruin our record, and by that it means that our chance of getting in to a prestigious college is getting low. Especially me, I'm a scholar, if I disrupt my record then as easy as that, my future will also be ruined. My future depends on it Carson." I told him in a surprisingly calm tone.

I'm not rich. That's quite obvious hell, I don't even have parents who take care of me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to destroy your future. I just wanted to spend more time with you when I still can." He looked at ke straight in the eye, various emotions swirling in them.

When he still can?

"What do you mean?" I asked him in a very somber voice.


He was cut off by the ringing of his phone, he fished it out from his pocket then answered it.


"Yeah, she's with me. Why?" I can see him furrowing his eyebrows.

"What?!" He shouted, making me jump.

"Ok, we'll be there." With that he hung up.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed and his breaths came out rugged and harsh.

What is really going on?

"Who is it?" I asked timidly.

He eyes instantly snapped open and his body became rigid the moment he faced me.

"Your dad came into our house, looking for you. He was drunk as fuck and you know what he did? He broke in holding a gun in his hand-"

He stopped in mid sentence leaving me shaking violently, breath hitched and lump forming at the back of my throat.

"He fired it. Thankfully he didn't hit anyone. Once he pulled the trigger my dad came and shot him on his arm. He then called 911 to report, Mads is cruing non-stop since the incident." His voice cracked at the end, especially when he mentioned Mady.




I need to stay away from them as far as I can, they can't get more involved in this anymore.

I have to make a move before it's too late.

"I'm so sorry,"

With that I ran away from him, ignoring the protests and calls. The only thing that's in my mind right now is.

I love you Carson.

I turned my head to take a last look but the last thing that I saw is a bright light coming my way and black spots appearing.

Then all of a sudden I felt myself fly up in the air.


Then I blacked out.



Dun. Dun. Dun.

Just to leave a little bit of suspense.

It's been a week since I last updated and I'm sooo sorry about that, I was just too busy writing this and that.

Well I hope I satisfied you!

To my readers, thank you for helping me reach 95k! Love you lots! If you want to talk, feel free to message me!

Continue to Vote, COMMENT, and Fan!!:)

-ohhlala_77 xxx

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