Fungi [old]

By Bear_Solu

42 5 1

Mycena interrupta, a mushroom who inspires to be alchemist, faces many dangers in their world of plants, alga... More

The Mycena Interrupta
The Visitor
The Dream
The Letter Part 2

The Letter

5 1 0
By Bear_Solu

Mycena got up and out of her bed to see a letter on her door step.

It said;

"Dear Mycena interrupta,"

"You have been invited to be a student at Collage of Salix of Willow Oak."

"Please send a letter back if you wish to enroll to the Collage of Salix of Willow Oak"

"Sincerely, the Principal,  Laccaria amethystina."

Mycena jumped with joy and scrambled to write a response letter.

Mycena flipped over the letter for Cinnabarium and started to write a response letter.

Few minutes later, The letter was fully written and sent out the second it was finished.

Little did Mycena know, this letter could ruin the life of both Mycena and Cinnabarium.

Mycena also started to write the letter for Cinnabarium.

"Dear, Cinnabarium,"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Salix Pub."

"I assure you this date is meant to be taken in a platonic way."

"Please send a response letter to this address;"

"215 Willow Highway"

"Sincerely, Mycena interrupta"

Mycena sent the letter, in hope that Cinnabarium would respond.

Mycena realized that it was much too late to wait for the letter and decided to go back to bed.

The last thing Mycena saw before she slept was Cinnabarium.

Did Mycena really love Cinnabarium?

How was this even possible?

Mycena didn't care and drifted slowly into slumber.

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