Ethan Nestor One Shots and Im...

By sommelier_of_water

29.7K 477 339

Are you in love with Ethan Nestor? Do you like fan fiction? Do you enjoy living vicariously through a non-exi... More

A Very Suggestive Sleepover (Part 2)
Water Bottles and Ice Water (Part 3)
Porn? (Part 4)
Lil' Bit of Fluff (Part 5)
The First Date (Part 6)
Redefined (Part 7)
Imagine 1
the wholesome pure chapter (a request from @Lucy_Goose)

Dreaming (Part 1)

6.7K 70 24
By sommelier_of_water

You sat with your eyes closed, concentrating on trying to concentrate on nothing. Your eyebrows furrowed and your lips tugged into a frown when the clear mindfulness didn't come immediately. Meditation was hard for you as your mind was always going a thousand miles an hour, probably a mannerism you picked up from the people you hung out with. You had decided to take it up, though, because having the ability to calm down was a virtue you seriously lacked in.

Practice makes perfect. You thought to yourself as you forced your chest to slowly rise and fall. Breathing wasn't something you usually dwelled upon, but doing so now had a very calming effect. With every breath in you felt tension leaving you. Each exhale left you more relaxed than before; the feeling was almost euphoric. You didn't want this moment of pure serenity leave you, but the more you focused on the peace the faster it slipped away. You somehow cleared your brain and continued to mind your breathing.

As you let yourself go into a state of extreme tranquility, the sounds surrounding you became more prominent. You could hear wind floating through a set of windchimes behind you, songbirds chirping blissfully, a small fountain gurgling as the water fell over the rocks. The soft touch of sunlight on your skin countered the cool breeze, warming you up just the right amount. You didn't mind the breeze all the same. It felt like an encouraging stroke, urging you to continue your leisure. The wonderfully intoxicating smell of jasmine rode with the small gales, giving your senses even more peaceful stimulation.

You felt yourself drifting away, possibly to sleep, possibly to even deeper relation. Just before you hit the point where you would find out, you felt a light touch on your open palm. Abandoning your meditation, you opened one eye to see what was in your now slightly tightened palm. A gorgeous blue flower occupied the space. It was in full bloom, evident from the way each petal delicately fell around the center. A small smile forced its way through your placid expression.

Both of your eyes opened and you moved your gaze up to see someone sitting across from you. He was smiling at you, seemingly soft at first glance but after looking for a while it could be considered bright and energetic. Sunlight filtered through his mess of colored hair, causing it to look like the tip of a blue highlighter. The coloring was so brilliantly blue it was almost a work of art. His eyes were beautiful: shifting from a jade green to a deep, ocean-like turquoise. A childlike enthusiasm lay just behind his irises.

You knew him; he was your good friend, Ethan Nestor. For some reason, he didn't feel like a good friend at the moment. He felt more like a lover. You loved him. It was a very strange sensation. Strange in a good way. Your smile grew even larger. The hold he had on your heart was close to mystical. Actually, everything about your surroundings was mystical.

You were sitting in some sort of gazebo with smooth, stone floors and pillars holding up a fractured ceiling. Flowers and vines grew throughout the formation. Outside was a forest of bamboo with enchanting warbles coming from within. You glanced back down at the flower and realized that the hue had turned from blue to a stunning purple. You didn't think much of it as you set it down next to you. For that matter, you didn't think much about how you reached this beautiful yet alien place, or even sitting down to start meditation, or even what had made you decide to attempt to master the art of relaxation.

You turned your attention back to Ethan, who was now standing. You gently rose to your feet and allowed him to take your hands into his. Although is warmth should have been there, he simply nothing. You could feel something against your hands but it wasn't the usual texture a hand should have. You looked down at your hands, your fingers intertwined with his. You couldn't remember when they had tangled together, and the memory of you putting you hands on top of his was fading quickly, becoming clear for a few seconds at a time before becoming vague again. In fact, your hands were starting to become slightly blurred. Your stare turned up to Ethan's face. Again, his features were hazy and you couldn't quite make them out. As you peered around, you found that everything was fuzzy. It was like looking at the world through fogged up glasses. You blinked your eyes hard, but nothing changed.

Everything began to swirl and dissipate very suddenly. You weren't too sure what was happening. You let go of Ethan's hands and wandered towards the center of the gazebo, spinning around in circles to see what was happening at all sides. The surroundings twirled once more and turned black, slowly at first, then it was all gone. The peaceful noises were gone as well, the sunlight no longer existed, the serenity was gone. Silence ensued. You tried to move forwards to no avail.

A voice spoke out into the abyss, jolting you out of your confusion: "Y/n. Hey, y/n. Get up." A rough nudge to your shoulder caused you to open your eyes. "Y/n! Wake up!" You lifted your head off of a hard surface, pushing your reading glasses further up the bridge of your nose.

"Huh? Whahappen?" You asked, your voice slurred from the grogginess.

"You fell asleep at my desk." Mark said with a laugh.

"Oh, uh, sorry." When you had woken up, you remembered a feeling of slight distress, but the reason why just barely escaped your thoughts.

"Nah, it's all good. But how late did you stay up last night?"

"All of it." You said with a tiny smile. You had been up all night playing horror games and editing videos. It was all a part of one of your brilliant ideas to draw in more subs. Playing horror movies, late at night, in your basement, with all of the lights turned off. It was fun, but it took a lot out of you.

"Well, that's great, but you came over to collab with Ethan." You yawned and pushed your hair behind your ear.

"Right, right. What time is it?"

"Like, nine." You looked out the small window beside you to see a dark sky with pin pricks of light that were stars and airplanes. The moon was watching over the inky scene below. 

"What time did I get here? Five?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Why'd you let me fall asleep?"

"It was Ethan's idea. He said you seemed pretty exhausted."

"Oh. That's sweet of him." You hoped the redness on your cheeks wasn't noticeable. The dream you had had slammed back into your thoughts, and you recalled the way you'd seen him...differently. Even now, the more you thought about him, the more romantic feelings bubbled to the surface. "Is he still up to collab?"

"Yeah, he's in his room."

"Thanks. And sorry for falling asleep. On your desk."

"Eh. What else are friends for."

"True." You replied as you stood up. "See you in a bit." Mark gave a small wave as you left the room and walked down the hall. Ethan's door was slightly open. You could hear gentle strumming coming from inside. Was Ethan playing a ukelele? Then he began to sing.

"Wise men say: only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you." His voice drifted just beyond the door and filled your ears. Without thinking about it, you began swaying with each chord. "Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you. Like a river flows, surely to the sea. Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be. Take my hand, take my whole world, too. Oh, for I can't help falling in love with you." A blissful grin adorned your face as you lightly knocked on his door. He abruptly stopped playing. "Yeah?" He called out.

"We still collabing?" You asked while pushing open the door.

"Oh, hell yeah." You stepped into his room.

"Let's film, shall we?"

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