Descendants of The Sun: The S...

By ApplePie0097

128K 2.5K 877

The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where... More

Chapter One-Part One
Chapter One-Part Two
Chapter One-Part Three
Chapter One-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part One
Chapter Two-Part Two
Chapter Two-Part Three
Chapter Two-Part Four
Chapter Two-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part One
Chapter Three-Part Two
Chapter Three-Part Three
Chapter Three-Part Four
Chapter Three-Part Five
Chapter Three-Part Six
Chapter Four-Part One
Chapter Four-Part Two
Chapter Four-Part Three
Chapter Four-Part Four
Chapter Five-Part One
Chapter Five-Part Two
Chapter Five-Part Three
Chapter Five-Part Four
Chapter Six-Part One
Chapter Six-Part Two
Chapter Six-Part Three
Chapter Six-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part One
Chapter Seven-Part Two
Chapter Seven-Part Three
Chapter Seven-Part Four
Chapter Seven-Part Five
Chapter Seven-Part Six
Chapter Eight-Part One
Chapter Eight-Part Two
Chapter Eight-Part Four
Chapter Eight-Part Five
Chapter Nine-Part One
Chapter Nine-Part Two
Chapter Nine-Part Three
Chapter Nine-Part Four
Chapter Nine-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part One
Chapter Ten-Part Two
Chapter Ten-Part Three
Chapter Ten-Part Four
Chapter Ten-Part Five
Chapter Ten-Part Six

Chapter Eight-Part Three

1.6K 40 24
By ApplePie0097

"The scenery with love is always beautiful, but just because love is beautiful, does not mean that it's always happy."

(Kim Yoon Hee-Im Yoon Na from the drama 'Love Rain')


The same night
   Si Jin's humvee returned in a haste after a few hours' briefing with the chain of command at the UNMIU Headquarters at the Uruk International Airport, swerving hard upon entering the compound of the camp before braking the vehicle hard with a screech to a direct stop. In one quick succession, he shut the engine off, got off the vehicle, and then made a dash towards the command tent. Ignoring salutes and greetings of the men around him, he flipped the covers roughly, only to be met with the serious faces of his fellow officers who were all gathered at the table.

   It appeared that a serious discussion was taking place, based on the looks of their faces. On the table, based on what Si Jin saw, was the map of the entire map of Uruk spread widely across the table.

   "What in the world is going on?" Si Jin walked towards them in a serious manner, the soldier in him fully mustered. Some time ago, or more accurately, half-an-hour before Si Jin returned to base, Si Jin received an urgent phonecall from Yeung Joon, who reported him about the shocking incident. Yeung Joon urged him to return quickly, in which Si Jin did.

   The men dispersed to the side as they let Si Jin through. "There's not just one, Soryeongnim. There are lots of reports too. One at the northeast, and the other at the west. Our observers report major clashes across the borderfront as we speak, sir." First Lieutenant Baek reported. "We've already reported to Headquarters about this, sir. They told us to stand down and await further instructions."

   Si Jin glanced at the map laid on the table with stern eyes. His eyes searched for the northeast direction of the map, and then to the west like what Lieutenant Baek had just said. Indeed, there were major movements at the fragile borderfront, with blue and red pins that signified the Uruk Republic army and the North Uruk army respectively, clustered at the said locations. From the number of red pins that outnumbered the blue pins by a big difference of five in total, Si Jin could summarise the event of the conflicts–twenty-three red pins, which might symbolise units in company levels, against eighteen blue pins. And from the locations of the conflict, it was rather obvious who started the whole thing first.

   The answer was downright clear and conclusive, but before Si Jin could even say a word, suddenly, a soldier ran in. "Soryeongnim! You need to see this!" The soldier, ranked Private, requested with a tone of urgency.

   Without hesitation, Si Jin and his fellow men followed the soldier towards an unlikely place Si Jin would ever go at this moment of crisis–the hospital.


Uruk Capital Hospital
   BBC Newscaster: ...At 2325 hours local Uruk time, the North Uruk army launched a series of cross-border assaults against the Uruk Republic. The strike, as of moment of reporting, appears to be a retaliation against the massive buildup of Uruk Republic forces along the border following the assassination of the Uruk President, and the battle is still ongoing. Sources from the Uruk Government reported that over twenty companies of the North Uruk army are currently attacking towns at the Northeast and the West......

   Mo Yeon, who was in a wheelchair and helped by Yoon Mi, could not hide the great shock upon hearing the report, as she watched the video tapes of the ongoing battle captured by civilians on the television screen that was hung on the wall. She was not the only one feeling that way, for Yoon Mi, and the rest of the crowd that were glued to the television screen, were also feeling the same thing–confusion and shock. Among the crowd were a few of her own, and she could see the worried faces of her colleagues.

   She turned her attention away towards her direct left when she heard Aleya calling her name in English. Like her, Aleya too was feeling the same way. Mo Yeon assumed that Aleya had already heard about it. However, a deeper look into Aleya's eyes somehow showed something else.


   "Dr Kang.." She called Mo Yeon's name the second time, in which during that moment, she was already inches away from the wheelchair-bound doctor. Yoon Mi turned Mo Yeon around to face Aleya upon her request. The young intern did as ordered. Then, in a move somewhat unexpected by Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi, Aleya suddenly crouched in front of Mo Yeon, as if Aleya's in a position to ask for forgiveness. "Dr Kang, we need to talk, now!" Aleya spoke in a tone that can be considered close to whispering, but for sure it was demanding in tone.

   It was for sure inciting curiosity in Mo Yeon, who began to wonder why Aleya was using that tone. Not long ago the both of them had reconciled, and now Aleya was trying to be demanding? Wait, that was strange. "What is it, Dr Athena?" Mo Yeon asked, being very careful enough to use Aleya's second name.

   "It's very important. We need–"

   Aleya was rudely interrupted by the sound of frantic footsteps. When Aleya, Mo Yeon and Yoon Mi together with the crowd glanced at the direction of the footsteps, they saw Si Jin and his fellow officers appearing in the vicinity. The soldiers' attentions were immediately directed to the news, with Si Jin apparently oblivious that Mo Yeon was just nearby. The three doctors could see the tensed faces of the soldiers,a clear indication of an event so major was already happening before their eyes.

   Mo Yeon was about to call him, when all of the sudden, the entire complex seemed to vibrate. Some loud, ear-drumming sounds of supersonic boom echoed in the air as the sounds apparently flew past and directly above them. The sounds were enough to divide the attention of the people in the complex, as two more familiar sounds of jets flew past them. The sounds were not so loud that it can even shatter roof tiles, but rather a distanced one yet still very close. Instinctively, everyone looked up to the ceiling, as if they could see through the wall the events unfolding outside.

   For Si Jin and his men, the sounds were all too familiar for them, and also the most worrying. Some distance away from the capital city, laid an airbase. Si Jin knew on the spot that those three streaking fighter jets that flew past the hospital came from that airbase to the South, and those jets apparently were in a hurry. This case would only happen in times of conflict, or whenever an emergency broke out. For the jets to fly past them in breakneck speed was a cause for concern for Si Jin and his men, for it could only mean one thing–a war had broken out.

   Si Jin wished to himself that he hadn't have much brains to figure what was going on very precisely, when the news was interrupted by what apparently was an address from the Prime Minister of Uruk. Everyone's attention was brought back to the television screen as the live telecast broadcasting from the Government House was shown. The acting chief of state took centre stage, as he began his address.

   As usual, the Prime Minister, with his solemn look that looked like he hadn't sleep for days, began with his formal greetings to his countrymen, and then to this, and then to that. It looked like it was going to be a rather long speech, based on the speed he was talking, but in reality, it wasn't so. After a few moments, the leader went straight to the point, by announcing the words that Si Jin and his fellow men, and most probably, the entire UN mission, had never wished but had dreaded for so long.

   "....This attacks on our borders, are an obvious act of war, and shall not be tolerated. Blood of our brethrens had been spilled senselessly, and in justice we seek, we will banish the traitors from this land. Therefore, after serious considerations with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we officially......declare war on North Uruk..."

   The news shocked everyone. Finally, after months of peace, war had eventually returned to this volatile nation. Diplomacy had been thrown out of the window with that final declaration, and that sent the locals and the volunteers alike speechless beyond words. For the locals, the declaration of war brought back haunting memories of its brutality, and for the Korean volunteers, the worst had just begun.

   "Oh, my God..." Aleya cupped her mouth in tragic response. To Aleya, it was like a death wish. The war will eventually destroy both sides apart.

   Somehow, Aleya's shocked expression got the attention of Si Jin, who in response turned his head to the direction of the voice. There, he saw Mo Yeon on the wheelchair, with Aleya and Yoon Mi flanking her. Tension immediately transitioned to regret the moment their eyes met, as he reminisced the event a few hours ago with the priest. Despite forcing his mind to keep his distance until he was ready, Si Jin's body rejected the idea of waiting and as a result, found himself walking towards her. There was a beat of worry in his heart, which constantly conflicted with his mind. Mo Yeon's face of total disbelieve was the triggering factor that attracted him to her.

   Si Jin crouched in front of her, holding her left hand as he rubbed her skin gently with his thumb. "Gwaenchanayo?" He asked with a serious tone.

   "Is this even real?" She muttered. "There is a war?"

   "I'm afraid so." Si Jin replied. He tucked a loose hair behind her left ear. "We didn't see this coming."

   Mo Yeon could only sigh dejectedly as she closed her eyes. Si Jin without doubt could understand the meaning of her words, for it meant regret for what she had done. As expected, her actions had brought a catastrophic result, and the result was an all-out war. This would not have happen if Sun Yang hadn't escaped, or better, if Mo Yeon wasn't involved in this in the first place. However, deep inside, Si Jin knew that at one moment in time, she will be involved in the interpersonal conflict between Sun Yang and him, as Sun Yang was trying to bait him out into the open. Although the last mission was a failure, Sun Yang had successfully put the both of them in a bad position–one riddled with guilt, while the other suffering with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

   The situation had gone way complicated when the Uruk army got involved. Si Jin knew by now that unless they could get their hands on Mo Yeon, they will not stop hunting her down. They had shown their intentions the first time, so there's no doubt that they will do it again.

   With the war already broken out, Si Jin realised that it was imperative to bring her and her team back home in one piece. That's the only way to ensure her safety–well, at least away from the Uruk army.

   The radio buzzed to life. Once again, he should have thrown away that instrument in the first place. That thing would always buzz, everytime Si Jin was with Mo Yeon. "Soryeongnim, there's someone who wants to see you."

   For sure Mo Yeon heard that too, because the radio was loud. Reluctantly, Si Jin replied. "Big Boss here. Who wants to see me?"

   "Uh..." There was a moment's pause. "She wouldn't let me tell her name, sir."

   "Mwo?" Si Jin and Mo Yeon exchanged curious glances.

   "She's a Jungwi, though. That, I can tell." The soldier replied back.

   Well, that sounded familiar. And the person wanted to see him. Si Jin could not guess who else, but still had his doubts. Still, he had no time for games. There were more important things to do than to play around with that person's trick. Better deal with it now than to et it linger and disturb him. Reluctantly, he replied, "Ahrasseo. I'll be there."

   Mo Yeon, although still brooding, could not hide her curiosity. "Nugu?" She asked as soon as Si Jin kept that radio back to the pouch of his weapons belt and stood up.

   "Mollayo..." Si Jin exhaled. He faced the television again, which was still showing the news. He had no heart to see this anymore, now that he knew that the inevitable had returned. He signalled his men to return to their posts, as Si Jin placed his hands on his hips for a moment before he stared at the woman he loved, who looked really pathetic right now. For sure there were a lot of things running in her mind right now. To assure her, he kneeled down again, showing her a comforting smile. "Don't think too much." He adviced, stroking her hair.

   "Si Jin, I...."

   "Just don't." Si Jin interjected the moment he knew what Mo Yeon was trying to do. The blame, was not for her to carry. "I'll make sure that you're safe, until you can go home. Ahrasseo?" He conditioned.

   Mo Yeon couldn't answer him. She looked down to the floor with the heavy feeling of regret.

   Si Jin assumed that as an agreement. "Now, don't ever think too much." He began. "Just make sure that you recover, okay?"

   Once again, Mo Yeon stayed silent.

   "I'll be off now." Those were the words he said before he rose again, and before he left, he made sure to give her his truest support, through a peck on her forehead. Slow and steady as he went, he delivered his love to her. Albeit a short process, it was enough for Si Jin to tell her that she was not alone in this. "Have some rest."

   Mo Yeon watched as he rose from his position and left the atrium along with his fellow officers.


   Si Jin and his men returned to the command tent as the sound of jets loomed overhead, along with the sound of helicopters. The night was already different from before, for the usually silent night was finally filled with the echoing booms of explosions and artillery fire. At one moment, Si Jin took a short glance at the mountainside behind him, and what he saw disheartened him. The battle at the other side of the hill was raging, and despite the distance, it lit the horizon with a creepy touch of yellowish-orange contour. The raging battle might be fierce, it seemed, with no indication of it abating any soon.

   He might not be able to see the battle up close and personal, but he knew that it would be brutal. This war, whatever the outcome would be, will eventually destroy the country itself.

   Si Jin exhaled heavily, as he flipped the covers open as he entered the command tent. Surprise immediately struck Si Jin deep in the heart when he saw the familiar face of the lady First Lieutenant in the tent, who was standing in a proud posture with her arms crossed over her chest. The witty smile of hers was totally undeniable.

   There's no mistake, it's Yoon Myeong Joo.

   "Yoon Myeong Joo?" Si Jin said in a surprised tone. "What in the world are you doing here?"

   Dae Young, who entered after Lieutenant Baek, was also caught in complete surprise by her sudden appearance. "Myeong Joo? " He muttered.

   The Hong brothers too couldn't hide their curiosity about her presence. For a person they knew to suddenly pop out of nowhere in this battle-ready country was a total surprise. They had exactly no idea how this could happen. As for Lieutenant Baek and his loyal subordinate Han Yeol on the other hand, could not apprehend what was going on.

   "Surprised to see me, sunbaenim?" Myeong Joo exclaimed proudly. It was fun to see the surprised faces of the fellow men.

   "Why are you here? Haven't you heard?" Si Jin inquired as he approached the young army medic. Despite not seeing her for nearly three months already, her features, as well as her witty characteristics, stayed the same. She's obviously still as beautiful as ever, too. That made him wonder why Dae Young wanted to leave her back home and come all the way here in the first place.

   "Of course I do. Do you think I came here unprepared?" Myeong Joo answered. She stood in attention before saluting to the Major. "Jungwi Yoon Myeong Joo, reporting for duty, Soryeongnim, although officially, I don't actually do. Dangyeol."

   "Dangyeol." The Major saluted back. "Geunde, what do you mean by you 'don't actually do'? Aren't you here under direct orders from the Command?" Si Jin asked as the men flanked around them, they too eager to know the reason for her sudden appearance. Then, when Si Jin realised about the awkward surrounding around the command tent, he decided to ease the air first. He primarily introduced the two officers from the 13th Special Forces Brigade, also known as the Black Panthers, to Myeong Joo. "Before you answer that, it would be better if I introduce Jungwi Baek Joong Shin, and Wonsa Han Yeol. Both of them are from the Black Panthers brigade. " Si Jin played the moderator. "Officers, this is Jungwi Yoon Myeong Joo, our army medical officer. Myeong Joo, Jungwi Baek, and Wonsa Han Yeol." He showed Myeong Joo the person mentioned standing from left to right respectively.

   First Lieutenant Baek was the first to approach politely, offering a handshake. "Jungwi Baek Joong Shin. Mannaseo bangawaeyo."

   "The honour is mine." She shook his hand with a polite smile.

   "Wonsa Han Yeol. Danyeol." Han Yeol offered a handshake too, in which she politely shook back.

   With the formal greetings done, it was time to go to the details. "Now, Myeong Joo-sshi, mind if you tell us men why are you here?" Si Jin questioned her, as if she was a criminal.

   Telling the truth was always the hardest part, Myeong Joo had learned. Dae Young suffered the same thing. Now she understood why certain things should just remained buried. Her polite expression turned serious, as she bowed her head in what seemed like a regretful state. She slowly took off the classic UN blue beret off her head as she slowly rose her head back, staring at the curious faces of the fellow men. It was an awkward position she was in, surrounded by men and being the only woman in the team. She tried to put the words she wanted to say in her head mentally. "Before I tell you, I must say...." She paused for a moment, taking her time. "....that I've already known about your operation, Soryeongnim. I'm referring about the operation five years ago, where you, Dae Young, and the Hong brothers undertook."

   Everyone, except Dae Young, was once again taken by surprise by her words. This was supposed to be a mission of total secrecy, but the situation they were facing right now proved them otherwise. It seemed that the secret mission, can no longer be called secret anymore. Si Jin's first reaction was to turn to Dae Young, as if the man had the answers himself. When he noticed the unwavering look on Dae Young's face, Si Jin couldn't hide his frustration. If anyone were to be a victim of his rage, Dae Young will be the first. "You know about this?" He quizzed Dae Young.

   "I wanted to tell you, but–"

   "Ahrasseo." Si Jin interjected. "We don't have time for this. As for you..." He turned his attention back to Myeong Joo. "You better tell us what are you doing here, if you are not 'officially' here."

   Myeong Joo exhaled in response, looking at the Major straight in the eyes. Slowly, she turned around to the roundtable behind her, and then seeked to scan the map on the table. Red and blue pins marked the battlefronts on the map, creating a mosaic of blue and red on the Mediterranean contour of the map. "I'm under orders, sunbae, from my abeoji." She began slowly. Then, she turned around again, facing the men. "I'm here to assist in the evacuation of the volunteers."

   The men looked at each other, wondering what she was talking about. "What do you mean? We are working on this too." Hong Guan spoke.

   "Ani, you don't understand." She paused, probably testing their reactions if she told them the truth. She went ahead anyhow. Like it or not, they would have to face the reality. "It's not as simple as it seems. You might not even get them out."

   Now, Si Jin was getting really confused. He obviously didn't get what she was trying to say. "We might not get them out?"

   "We have a problem back home. Apparently, the President is willing to leave the volunteers here. Most probably, all of us as well."

   The men could not believe what they had just heard. They were shocked beyond apprehension. They were already on the verge of leaving thia country and a war broke out, now this? To them, Si Jin included, it was totally absurb.

   "Everyone in the Blue House knew that one of our own had been involved in the murder of the Uruk President, and that the Uruk Government is trying to get her as well. Because this case is an internal issue, our government can't do anything but to step back."

   "So, what are they going to do? Leave them here, just like that?" Hong Guan asked, arms crossed.

   "Unfortunately, that's what they have in mind right now. They feel that since we are all in the same circle–I mean, in proximity, the Uruk Government felt that our nation is trying to create a mutiny by planting our troops here." She sighed heavily. "I know it sounds crazy, but until the Uruk Government knows the truth, it looks like the volunteers, and maybe even us, are considered conspirators."

   Si Jin, upon hearing her words, finally realised what was going on. Now, that's the reason why the Uruk army dared to challenge the peacekeepers. All along, they've had been preparing for a possible foreign intervention, and in their eyes, peacekeepers were the best tool of influence to stake a nation's presence. Sun Yang's actions, and regretfully, the involvement of Mo Yeon, had given the Uruk army enough reason to raise their weapons against the peacekeepers. No country ever liked foreign intervention, but in the case of the Uruk Government's was so extreme that they had to come up with this method of control.

   Once again, it was imperative to get Mo Yeon out of that country for good.

   Myeong Joo had come at the right moment, but he didn't know whether she was tough enough for this job. Their time in this country was already running short. "What do we do now?" Si Jin asked Myeong Joo.

   "Actually, I do have a plan in mind, but it will only work for one person." Myeong Joo proposed. "I thought hard about it on how to help them leave, but for her, this is the only solution I can come about on the way here."

   Si Jin twitched a brow. "Well, what do you recommend?" He placed a hand on the right side of his hip.

   "Make her look like us–a soldier." Myeong Joo pointed to herself. "It's normal for men to see women in uniforms, right? So, I think we can sneak her out this way without the suspiscious eyes of the Uruk army."

   Si Jin could not help but wonder how Myeong Joo had such a quick-wit brain. How come he couldn't think of that? He must have forgotten that they too had enrolled in the same academy together. "And how an officer like me, fail to think of that?" He spoke, directing the words to himself. He shook his head. "I think I'm losing out."

   Myeong Joo, forgoing all formalities, placed a hand on his left shoulder. With an encouraging smile, she spoke, "Don't feel that way. Sometimes, it's best to have a companion to help you. This is what friends are for."


   Once again, Si Jin returned to the hospital, bringing Myeong Joo along as she wanted to see her. Myeong Jo admitted that for nearly three months she had not seen her senior's face, and she had already began to feel empty without her. Well, Si Jin could only give out a soft smile in response. As the two of them entered the hospital, they found out that the volunteers were having a meeting.

   Although the word 'meeting' was something of common usage, the number of people involved was enough to tell the two officers that something big was being discussed. The entire volunteer team, along with selected authorised staff, were currently in the meeting room located in the west wing of the hospital. With the helpful guide of a local nurse, the officers tracked their way to the said room. Muffled sounds can be heard inside the room as Si Jin took the honour of knocking the door first. Almost instantly, the sounds disappeared.

   The duo had to wait for a few seconds before the door opened, and Aleya's face popped out of it. Curiosity was evident on her face. "Anything?" She asked in English.

   "This is important. We need to speak to all of you, now." Si Jin said in a soft yet demanding tone.

   Myeong Joo could only look on, wondering about the relationship between the Major and that lady as Aleya opened the door for them to let them in.

   Si Jin saw Mo Yeon–in her usual everyday clothing, and not in a wheelchair, much to his surprise, sitting at the front corner of the table and was seemingly surprised to see him–and the familiar face of Myeong Joo, entering the room. The few who knew Myeong Joo also had the same expression, while the rest simply wondered why the military officers were present. Si Jin could not hide his curiosity on how Mo Yeon could get up and then dressed as if nothing had happened so fast, but in the end of the day, he eventually had to come with the terms that Mo Yeon was one extraordinary woman.

   Standing front and centre with his hands behind his back in a militaristic posture, Si Jin presided the meeting. "I'm sorry for the interruption, but we have some matters to discuss about." He began in English. "As of this moment forward, whatever things that we may be going through, there will be no borders between us. That, I can assure you, that your safety, is our utmost priority." He paused for a moment, staring at the puzzled eyes of the people in the room, Aleya and Mo Yeon included. Si Jin noticed that Myeong Joo couldn't stop glancing at Mo Yeon for some time already, although he knew that she was trying hard to fight the urge. In cases like this, discipline must be displayed at all times.

   "What's going on?" Aleya asked, arms crossed.

   Si Jin didn't answer. Only did he turn his head slowly and glanced at Mo Yeon. At that moment, their eyes met, and the effect was instant when Mo Yeon realised what he was trying to say. She broke glance, turning her head away.

   "Our government, has disallowed the Korean volunteer team, from returning home." Si Jin announced.


   "What's happening? First, our team is forced to disband early, and now, we can't even return home?" The feisty Kim Eun Ji fretted, brows bumped together in a scowl. "Damn! I should have left when I had the chance! Now, we are stuck here because of Kang-sonsaeng!" She hissed as she gulped the water from the cup she was holding.

   The volunteer team were all gathered at the adjacent meeting room two doors away. They were completely devastated the moment they knew that they couldn't return home just yet. Previously, the earlier volunteer team couldn't return home because of an earthquake, but now, the reasons for their inability to return home was so blurry that everyone had no idea what to reason with. Everything that had happened for the past few months had been very nerve-wrecking–from the battle against a viral outbreak to the City Hall strike to the sudden siege by the Uruk army. Now, they were brooding under the shadows of war, wondering why they were held up in this country.

   The battle was incomplete, and there was still no cure. While they dealt with a string of unexpected consequences, the virus got stronger. Although still at a controlled rate, the viral infection was increasing at a slow yet steady rate. Two weeks ago, one village near the coast had been sealed off when it was confirmed that the entire village had been plagued by the virus. However, the WHO refused to acknowledge the report sent by them. The chance to make this official was destroyed completely during the City Hall strike when one of the WHO members was killed, and they were immediately airlifted back home once they were rescued. Fighting a seemingly hopeless battle, the volunteer team had grown tired, and their resources were running short.

   With the war erupted, there's a low chance that the WHO would take interest in the situation of this country. They had become very weary when it came to matters involving Uruk, as the trauma of losing one of their members unexpectedly still lingered in their mind.

   The volunteer team could agree on one thing though–that their leader was always on the edge of death. First was her wounded leg, and then when Dr Athena was treated, her near-death scenario, and finally, the part where Mo Yeon was held hostage. Everything that had happened to them seemed to centre around their leader for some strange reasons. To seniors like Dr Song, Min Ji and Ja Ae, they assumed that it was Si Jin's nature of work that had placed her on death row. For the interns, except Yoon Mi, they had no idea why she was always at the centre of attention.

   "You know, you can actually leave if you want to. No one's stopping you." Dr Song retorted, seemingly irritated by the professor's ever childish complains. There's no one she could blame on except Mo Yeon for the cause of her 'misfortune'.

   Eun Ji gave the senior her irritated stare, somewhat disrespecting the senior since he was older than her. Well, she didn't care anyway. "What are you trying to say, Song-sonsaeng? Is it wrong to say that Kang-sonsaeng is at the fault?"

   "All I'm trying to say is, why don't you just shut up and seat down? You know, this won't happen if you are more cooperative, Kim Eun Ji-sshi! While we are working our butts off, what were you doing?! Did you do anything to help us, or at least, contribute to write a report to the WHO saying we need professional assistance?!" Dr Song raised his voice, irritation evident in his voice. He had had enough of Eun Ji's laziness to the point where he felt like he should just give her a big slap. "You did not, because you are so busy grooming yourself and hang out at the capital, as if nothing had happened! While we are battling life and death, you are enjoying your time in this place! You know what, I should have said this a long time ago, that Kang-sonsaeng deserves the post better than you!" Dr Song pushed a stack of papers off the table, letting it spread to the ground like dried leaves falling from a tree.

   "Oh, yeah? Well, let me tell you something, sunbaenim!" Eun Ji rudely challenged the senior. "I HAVE connections, and that Kang-sonsaeng didn't! it is my relatives that supported our hospital! If it wasn't for them, do you think that our hospital can become so famous? Who do you owe your thanks to?! Me, of course! What did Kang-sonsaeng do?! Lip service!"


   Eun Ji felt a big blow on her right cheek, which caught her by complete surprise. In an instant, she placed her right palm on her right cheek. Regaining her posture after a slight off-balance, she was literally shocked to see that this young intern and student of Mo Yeon, Jung Yoon Mi, was the one who dared to give her a slap. Yoon Mi glared at her with the eyes of disgust, probably pissed off by the professor's lack or respect. Everyone, even Dr Song, was also caught unawares by Yoon Mi's sudden action. Obviously, her actions infuriated Eun Ji to the core. "Yah! Mwohaneungoya?!" She yelled.

   "I'm giving you a slap, so that you know your place!" Yoon Mi replied angrily. "You know, you are the worst shibseki I have ever seen in my life! We have been very patient with you, but this cannot go on any further!"

   "How dare you call me a shibseki! You are a lowly filth–"

   "So slap me then!" Yoon Mi dared. "Slap me, and show the world how primitive you are!"

   "You really have guts, huh?"

   "Yeah, I do. It's all thanks to Kang-sonsaeng. If she hadn't taught me how to be strong in the face of adversity, I wouldn't be holding on until today. You know what, I actually pity you. You depend on connections to keep on going, not your effort. You are a mischievous fool to steal that post away from her when she did all the hard work, but all she got in the end was someone as stupid as you to take the post. Kang-sonsaeng is a hundred times better than you, that I can say. You are nothing but an instrument, a worthless piece of shit! You call yourself a doctor, a professor, for crying out loud, but your behaviour is worst than a five year-old!" Yoon Mi pointed a finger at the professor. "And may I correct you, Eun Ji-sshi, that it was Kang-sonsaeng who brought fame to our hospital, not you. She did it with her own sweat and blood."

   With that, Yoon Mi stepped out of the meeting room, leaving the stunned Eun Ji to think about her own actions as the rest looked on.


   "I know that it was me." Mo Yeon leaned on the wall, arms crossed and eyes filled with regret. Her eyes were facing elsewhere, staring into deep space. "I prevented all of us, from going home."

   "You know it's not your fault. You're just being used, to save me, that's all." Si Jin approached her in a calm fashion.

   There were only two of them in the meeting room, per Si Jin's request to leave them both alone in a pretext of having to discuss something of vital importance. Being alone, they drew no bridges. Whatever it was, only the two of them knew.

   Mo Yeon turned her head around the moment Si Jin stopped just inches away from her body. Her eyes were glossy when he saw it, an inner reflection of herself portrayed in those beautiful brown eyes of hers. However, it lacked beauty, only filled with great sense of regret. Somehow, that glance made him feel sorry–for himself. He had done way too much harm than good to her, and the poor lady had to pay the price for his actions.

   Their bonds were too strong to break right now. No matter how much Si Jin thought of keeping his distance from her, everything in her continued to pull the strings in his heart. That's when he realised that pulling away in this relationship was all but futile now. There was no turning back for them, anymore.

   It sounded like a curse, for them to be together. At times, Si Jin thought that it woulld be best if they hadn't met the first time. If he hadn't been so generous to help Dae Young to retrieve his mobile, then this situation won't happen. They woudn't have met in the first place, and by that, he wouldn't be awestruck by her beauty for the first time. It was strange how the Heavens woried for them. Despite knowing all the hazards of this relationship to Mo Yeon, and to himself, he went on with it anyhow, disregarding all warnings whatsoever.

   The Gods were being naughty. What a bad matchmaker they were. Even Cupid was being a complete idiot to have shot that arrow so early.

   He rubbed her left cheek with the tip of his left index finger, feeling the smooth complexion of her skin all the way down to her chin. As he did that, Mo Yeon's eyes were transfixed to his eyes, digging deep into his heart. "Gwaenchanayo? You can stand now, and even change your clothes." He asked softly as his eyes looked down to the spot where she was supposedly hurt.

   Mo Yeon sighed at her 'blessed' luck. She too looked down to her wounded region, touching it softly with her hand. She faced up again, in which at this time, their eyes met again. "It hurts, but....." She paused for a moment. "....I feel that it was worth it, sacrificing my life for you." Mo Yeon slowly wrapped her arms around his back, enclosing him in her cocoon. "However, I feel bad, because despite sacrificing myself to save you, I've caused way too much trouble. Now...." She began to tear up. "...I've prevented us from going home."

   Si Jin embraced her back, as she became emotional. Her tears gathered around her eyes, and it was obvious that she couldn't hold back tears anymore. Eventually, she broke down. She squeezed onto him, seeking solace within the able body of his as her tears lined her cheeks and fell onto his uniform.

   "Oh, what have I done, Si Jin-ah?" She muttered. "I've been a fool, to be his bait. Now, what can I do? I've brought a major disaster upon myself, and to everyone I know!"

   "Ani, you don't–"

   "Yes, I do!" Mo Yeon interjected, pulling away slightly to see his face. "Look at me right now, Si Jin-ah. Don't I look like a messed up fool? Aren't I the worst doctor in the world? Don't you think that I'm a bringer of bad doom?" She blamed herself totally, beating her chest as she lowered her head. She teared up badly, a sign of the most terrible pain that only Si Jin could understand. Her forehead leaned on his chest. "I'm the worst woman in the world! I'm the worst woman in the world!" She closed her eyes with the palm of her left hand.

   Si Jin's heart broke into a million pieces, seeing her crying in such a heartbreaking state. She had carried way too much burden, and now, the burden's starting to break her strength like a wrecking ball. For a strong woman to fall into this state of despair was a sight for sore eyes, and it was something Si Jin wouldn't want to see but fail to avoid. Right now, his woman was totally hurt by her own actions. The sacrifices she said she made, had turned out, in her eyes, to be none other than just another trick Sun Yang had thrown to her–and she daftly accepted the trick like a stupid innocent five year-old girl.

   Si Jin embraced her back, resting her chin on his shoulder when suddenly, in the mix of great sadness and agony, Mo Yeon suddenly grunted, her eyes closed and showing a sign of great discomfort. Her left hand instantly rested on her wounded region as the pain became unbearable, and she slid down to the ground. The responsive Si Jin quickly grabbed hold of her arms for support. She knelt to the floor, still grunting in pain as her left hand tightened its hold on the hem of her regular beige sweater. Si Jin became concerned that the wound was acting up again. "Gwaenchana? Should I call for help?" He carefully helped her up, settling her on a chair.

   "No need....I'll be fine..."

   "Don't deny it. You need help. Just wait for a moment. I'll get help." Si Jin quickly rose from his knelt position and headed towards the door, against her weak protest. There was a sound of the door opening, and then some muttering, and then finally, Si Jin returned, bringing Myeong Joo and Aleya along.

   Myeong Joo was surprised to see Mo Yeon in a painful state. She didn't know what happened to her. Concerned, she immediately checked on her as Aleya did her job. "Sunbae, what happened? Why are you like this? Where's the pain?" Myeong Joo turned to Si Jin and then to Aleya when Mo Yeon wasn't responding. "What happened to her? Why is she in pain?" She asked Aleya in English.

   "She was stabbed, Lieutenant." Aleya replied, pulling the side of Mo Yeon's sweater that covered the wound. A large white plaster was all she saw, with no signs of the stitch reopening. The wound was clean.

   "What?! Stabbed?! Who did that?!" Myeong Joo exclaimed when she saw the damage. When Aleya slowly removed the plaster to get a better look at the wound, the sight of the scar and the size of it disturbed Myeong Joo's senses.

   "Sun Yang did it." Si Jin replied flatly, causing Myeong Joo to stare at him with bulged eyes. Sensing Myeong Joo's curiosity, Si Jin stepped in. "It's a long story."

   "Looks like her wound's okay. It's just the painkillers losing effect. Plus, she needs to rest. It's been a day since she had her stitches fixed, so cases like this are common." Aleya spoke.  "I'll get the painkillers. In the meantime, bring her back to her bed. I'll be there shortly."

   Si Jin nodded his head in agreement. Slowly, Si Jin lifted her up bridal style. Taking careful steps, he brought Mo Yeon back to her ward, escorted by the worried Myeong Joo.


Beijing Capital International Airport

   The tow tractor pulled the airline that had just recently arrived from Uruk through the tarmac as the heavy drizzle poured for long hours. Slowly as it went, the plane was successfully brought to the bridge after some time. The rain had made it hard for the driver of the tractor to handle it right, but the middle-aged man was lucky enough to have brought it in one piece.

   The passengers of the Air China flight unloaded from the aircraft in a slow yet steady pace, under the cover of the bridge against the rain outside. The rain intensified somehow, so much so that even the showers felt like needles piercing the skin as it touched the faces of the airport ground crews in their faces. Still, they worked under the harsh weather.

   If only the ground crews working on the cargo noticed something unusual the moment the hatch of the cargo bay of the plane was opened. Inside the bay were mostly baggages of various sizes. The five ground crew members began their work according to paperwork, scanning the baggages according to the list they received.

   "Just another day in the office." The senior spoke in Mandarin. He handed the list to his subordinate. "Come on, let's get this done with."

   And so, the crew unloaded the goods from the plane.

   However, at the very far end of the bay that was still untouched, blood was sipping out from a rather large wooden box, the size of a refrigerator.

   Inside the box.....laid a dead man....

   Meanwhile, within the secluded corners of the airport, a man braved the rain as he seeked for shelter. The bloodied hands were now clean as a result of the pouring rain, but in the process, his clothes were wet. Wearing in all black clothing–his shirt, jeans, and coat, he wished for a new pair for his current one was already soaking wet. It would be awkward for him to just make his silent escape with that wet clothes of his. He was worried that the clothes of his would leave some evidence of his wrongdoings.

   Well, that couldn't be called a wrongdoing, for that man he killed was just in a wrong place at the wrong time. He did it to survive.

   He was deeply lucky to have reached an empty room designated for staff only. Some careless dude had left the door open, this allowing easy access for him to enter the room. The room itself wasn't spacious–dimly-lit, small, and above all, messy. It looked as if it had not been taken care of for years, because the stench of sweat filled the room. Empty food and drink cans lied on the table placed adjacently to the wall. There was a sofa, and then three rows of steel drawers beside it that only God knew what's in there.

   He found a perfect pair for his cover–the ground crew's vest.

   A heap of clothing lying untouched on the sofa offered him a variety of choices to disguise himself with. Luck must he on his side because even the drawers were not locked. He took the vest, the ground crew's official uniform, and finally, a pair of blue jeans. From one of the drawers, he took with him a cellphone, a watch, and finally, a wallet. He quickly changed into his new clothing, discarding the old one into the refusal chute.

   The man, was none other than Sun Yang, the wanted terrorist. Finally, he had returned to his own country. He smirked at the reflection of himself in the mirror, admiring himself for his incredible stint. Being in an hour-long flight did not make him tired, but instead, it filled Sun Yang with a new taste for revenge.

   The feud between Si Jin, Dae Young and himself, will only end peacefully, if and only if they die under his hands.

   It's start over....


Pain and regret are the worst enemies for the couple, and now, they are plagued by them. War has erupted on Uruk soil once again, and survival becomes a primary option. Can they get through this, and survive in the end?

Happy reading!

Korean military ranks
Jungwi=First Lieutenant
Wonsa=Sergeant Major

Romanised Korean Words & Expressions
Gwaenchana: Are you okay
Mwo: What
Ahrasseo: Okay
Nugu: Who
Molla: I don't know
Sunbae: Senior
Abeoji: Father
Dangyeol: Salute (Actually means Unity)
Mannaseo bangawaeyo: Nice to meet you
Ani: No
Sonsaeng: Mr/ Mrs/ Miss
Yah: Hey
Mwohaneungoya: What are you doing
Shibseki: Bitch

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