Cross my heart, hope to die...

By Bundle21

46K 804 231

Not edited Kenzie Trink is 16. And she's a small town with a little following on YouTube. But even with peop... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
An pleade read
Chapter 29
Wattys 2017?

Chapter 30

963 21 12
By Bundle21

POV Kenzie

"Okay. First things first, you have to tell Tanner", she says. What. No, omg you're pregnant! "Okay. But he's at an open house so I'll text him asking if he can talk afterwards", I say nodding. "Now you need to decide if you want to keep it or not", she says. "I want to keep it. No matter what. I'm not aborting or giving it up for adoption.", I say firmly. "I agree", she says smiling. "Why am I more happy about this then I should be?", I ask touching my stomach.

"Because this is your time to have a baby. And I know you will be an amazing mother", she says. "Thanks", I say looking down at my stomach. "How will I tell my parents?", I ask. "Just tell them. I know they'll support you", Grace says moving from side to side. The door slams from down stairs, signaling that my mom is home. "Moms home. I think I'm gunna go tell her", I say smiling. "Okay. Let me know how it goes", she says before hanging up.

I walk down stairs to find her putting away groceries. "Hey mom. Can I talk to you about something?", I ask leaning against the table. "Sure honey", she says putting some more food away. "Please don't get to mad. I understand if you are mad but I don't want to ruin our relationship", I say wringing my hands together. "Kenzie... are you pregnant?", she asks looking worried. I nod and look down. Just then, a pair of arms, specifically my mothers, embrace me into a tight hug. "You're not going to abort or give up this child. Me and your father will help you raise it", she whispers as I hug her back. "Aren't you mad?", I ask as tears sting my eyes. "No. Disappointed? A little but I'm not mad. I'll talk to your dad about it. Have you told Tanner yet?", she asks. "How do you know it's Tanners?", I and raising and eyebrow.

She pulls away and places her hands on her hips. "Unless you hooked up my John when you went back to Olympia, its Tanners", she says making a face. "You're right", I say. "Of course I am. I'm a mother", she says going back to unload. "You need to tell Tanner", she says. "I know and I will. He's busy right now though so later", I sat heading back upstairs and texting Tanner.

Me: I need to talk to ASAP

After a few moments, he texts back.

Tanner: come over after the open house around 4.

Me: kk see you soon

My eyes wander over to the clock and it reads 3. I mentally groan. This is going to be the longest hour of my life. Well I might as well edit a bit of my video while I'm here.

Actually, the house passed pretty fast and I even edited till 4:10. "Shooot", I mumble sliding my laptop of me and putting on some black vans then running down stairs and out to my car before staring it and driving to Tanners house. Soon I arrive to Tanners house and I park on the side of the road. As I'm walking up the drive way, Tanner comes walking out. I smile but it fades when I see a girl with him.

They turn to each other and kiss. Not just a small kiss, it's a literal make out session. I stop mid step and in that moment, my heart shatters. Tears form in my eyes as Tanner pulls away from the girl smiling. His eyes find me and his smile drops. "Kenzie!", he calls out but I'm already halfway to my car. I feel a hand on my arm and I spin around and slap him. He looks stunned. "You are an inconsiderate little bastard!", I scream at him. "Kenzie please let me explain", he pleads. "Explain what? That you obviously love her more? I told you that you would have to earn it! Do you think that made me trust you!", I yell pointing at the girl.

"We aren't even together anymore", he whispers. "Are you kidding me! You wanted to get back together and now you're saying we aren't together!", I yell. "You know what? It's fine", I say smiling and wiping my tears away. He looks hopeful. "It's not like you broke my heart. For the second time. So just don't talk to me again.", I say cheerfully and his face falls. "I came here today to tell you something important. I'll just deal with it myself, like I do with everything", I say holding my stomach before turning on my heal and walking to my car.

I get in then start in before driving back to my house. Tears are pouring down my face and I can literally feel my heart breaking into a hundred million pieces. God I love him so much but he keeps hurting me. "I swear to god, I will love you with all my heart. Even if I'm not with your dad", I say touching my hand to my stomach. "I don't care if you're a boy or a girl. My love is yours not even until the day I die. Beyond that. It will go on forever", I whisper pulling into the drive way.

How could things go so wrong, so fast? That's all I'm thinking as I'm walking into the house and up the stairs to my room. My body just collapses onto my bed. Sobs rack my body as more tears spill over. My phone dings and I turn it over. It's from Grace.

Grace: how'd it go with Tanner??

Me: horrible.

Grace: did he not want the baby?

Me: I didn't tell him.

Grace: then what happened...

Me: he was kissing another girl.

Grace: what! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Kenz!! I wish I would be over there and wrap you up in my arms.

Me: same here. I hate Kansas. I want to go home.

Grace: if I had one wish, it would be for you to come home. And to meet Dylan O'Brien

I giggle at Grace then sigh. I really miss her.

Me: duh. I would want to meet Dylan O'Brien too

Grace: Lmao same

Me: same

Grace: how are you feeling?

Me: like crap. I'm humiliated and heartbroken

Grace: I'm sorry boo. How'd your parents take it?

Me: my mom took it really well. She's not mad and she'll talk to my dad. I think we'll be able to provide for him/her.

Grace: I hope it's a girl

Me: I kind of want a boy

Grace: cool, anyways i have to go. Dinner time

Me: okay talk to you later. Love you

Grace: love you too. Hold on and stay strong❤️💪🏻

Me: will do

My phone drops from my hand and onto the bed next to me. I close my eyes and take in a deep breathe. It's crazy to think even the smallest conversation with one of your favorite people can make your day better. Even the smallest bit. Talking to Grace really put me in a good mood. So I get up and grab a book from my book shelf.

After grabbing my book, I head back to my bed and start to read.

A few hours pass by and I fished the book. Yeah. I read pretty fast. It's a talent I have. Ha not really. But seriously I hated the way the book ended! The main characters love interest died! Like what the heck!

Anyways, I stand up from my bed and put my book back before sitting down on my bed and let the hurt sink in. I thought he wanted me... I guess not. Who would want me? No one that's who. But I miss him so much. I can't go running back to Olympia like last time. I have to be stronger. For me and for my unborn child.

How am I going to do this? I can't just keep the fact that I'm pregnant with Tanners child away from him. I have to tell him. But I don't want to see him. Uuuug I don't k so what to do!

Someone knocks on the door and I sit up. "Kenzie? It's Quentin. Can I come in?", he calls from the out side of the door. "Yeah", I call back. The door open and he steps in before closing it again. "I wanted to check on you", he says sitting done next to me. "Why?", I ask crossing my legs Indian style. "Because the last time Tanner hurt you, you tried to kill yourself", he says smiling weekly. "Trust me. This time I won't", I say impulsively placing my hand on my stomach. Quentin caches it.

His eyes dart to my stomach and back to my eyes. "Kenzie", he whispers. My eyes widen. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. "Are you pregnant?", he asks and I look down. "Yes", I whisper. "Is it Tanner's?" I nod. He breaks into huge smile and tackles me to the bed. "I'm so happy!", he squeals like a little girl. "Why are you so happy about this?", I ask smiling. "I don't know I just am", he says sitting back up.

"That's why I was going over to Tanners house. To tell him about it. Then I saw him with that girl and ya know...", I say trailing off. He nods and rubs my back. "I know I should tell him but he just keeps hurting me. I don't know what to do", I say putting my face in my hands. "I think you should tell him. Wether he hurt you or not, he deserves to know. Even if he is a little bit of an asshole", he says chuckling.

"How do you make every situation better?", I ask peeking over at him. "I'm just that type of guy", he says shrugging. I giggle and sit up. "Okay, I'll tell him. But I don't know when", I say. "Just take your time. And I'll be here. Don't worry, I won't tell him", he says winking before getting up and leaving.

I flop down on my bed and sigh. Well sooner or later I'll have to tell him.

3 month later

Yeah so it's more later than sooner. I haven't seen Tanner in three months, also time I've been pregnant. But I have seen Quentin quite a few times. He's been really helpful through out the last few months. He's been to almost all of my ultrasounds and he was there when I decided to stop taking antidepressants so it wouldn't harm the baby. Even Dylan knows. Both of them have been helpful.

Quentin right now, is sitting on my bed while I'm laying down and rubbing my stomach.

"You really need to tell him", he says poking my belly. I giggle and prop myself up on my elbows. "It's been three months Kenzie", he says looking serious. A sigh escapes my lips and my smile fades. "I know, but what if he doesn't want the baby?", I ask sitting up fully. "I can't say he will because I don't know how he'll react", Quentin says running his hands through his hair.

"Okay, I guess I'll tell him", I say reaching towards my phone. "Good. Because he's on his way here right now", Quentin says smiling. My eyes widen "what?", I say raising my eyebrows. "Sorry I didn't tell you it's just that you need to tell him. He deserves to know", he is explains sitting closer to me. "It's okay I'm not mad. I understand", I reply nodding. "Okay, let's go downstairs", he says helping me up. As soon as I get to my bedroom door, there's a knock. "I'll get it", Quentin says opening my door and running down the stairs.

I giggle at his childish behavior and go through the door myself. "Where is she?", Tanners voice rings through the house. "She's coming down", Quentin replies as I begin to walk down the stairs. The door is wide open and Tanners in the frame. His eyes meet mine and gives me a once over before looking shocked. I'm halfway down the stairs when Quentin runs up and helps me down the rest of the way.

Tanner walks into the house, his mouth parted a bit. "You're..", he trails off and I nod. "Yeah I am", I say placing a hand on my stomach. "I'm gunna leave you too. Call if you need me", Quentin says running up to my room. We stand there looking at each other in silence for a few minutes.  "So? What do you think?", I ask. "I-I think you should get an abortion", he says. I take a step back from him and wrap my arm protectively around my stomach. "We're just teenagers Kenzie. We can't take care of a child", he says.

I'm taken back. "I'm joking when I say life of a teenage dad series. We're to young", he continues. "I'm not aborting", I say looking horrified. "Why?", he asks. "Because it's our fault that I got pregnant and we should be responsible and take responsibility for what happened. Under no circumstance will I abort this child. Even if you want nothing to do with it, I will love him or her with all my heart. So either pay child support or help me raise my kid", I say narrowing my eyebrows at him.

"I-I didn't know you felt that way", he whispers. "That's because you didn't let me", I reply. "I thought you wouldn't want it", he whispers, tears pricking his eyes. "Of course I would want it. It's your child", I say smiling weakly. "I don't want you to abort it. I want to have this child with you and I promise I will not let you down", Tanner says taking a step forward and grabbing my hands. I look away. "Please Kenzie. Let me be here for you and our child", he begs. "I'll let you, if you can tell me why you we're kissing that girl", I say looking him in the eye.

He sighs. "She found out we broke up and asked me out. I told her no but she kissed me to try to get me to change my mind", he says. I study his face, looking for any signs that he's lying. "Then why did you kiss her back?", I ask confused. "Because it felt so good to kiss someone. I couldn't stop thinking it was you I was kissing", he explains. My heart melts.

"Really?", I ask. He nods. "Please just kiss me", I whisper. He smiles and places his lips on mine. It's slow and sweet, just the way it should be. We pull away from each other breathless and I can't keep it in anymore. "God I love you so much", I whisper without thinking. He chuckles "I love you more", he says brushing our noses.

He crouched down and lifts my shirt up, just above my baby bump. "And I will love you. If you're a boy or a girl, i don't care. I'm sorry I suggested aborting you. I'll love you so much", he says kissing my belly. "Please don't get your mother all grumpy either. I don't know how to deal with her when she's like that", he says looking up at me. I laugh out loud and he pulls my shirt back down.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I promise I will not hurt you again", he says. "I love you", I say hugging him. "I love you too", he whispers. This is what I want for the rest of my life. To be with the man I love and my child. I want this forever. Actually, this is my forever.

(A/N)okay so this is the last chapter of this book!!! Omg. I can't believe I fished it. But don't worry!! There will be a Epilogue! And if I get 5 comments (maybe even not that many) I will make a sequel!!! I already have so many ideas. Oml. Okay so this chapter is super long because I haven't updated in a while. Another thing, I'm going to be publishing another book pretty soon so be on the look out for that too. It means a lot to me. Okay don't forget to vote, comment, and add this book, even though it's done*tear*. Bye for now my loves!

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