Twisted Love. (DRRR!! FF)

By Monchrome_

7.9K 220 41

A love born from such twisted circumstances was never going to be an easy one. Izado. Durarara!! FF More

1. Lets End This.
2. Finally Mine.
3. Unwelcome Visitor.
4. Time For Truth.
5. Threats Versus Reality.
6. Friendship.
7. Pure Joy
8. Shattered Illusions
9. Ochone
10. Instability
11. Stronger
13. Fight Of Love And Truth.
14: Motion
15. Insanity
16. Honeytrap
17. Consequences
18. Time Is Of The Essence
19. Revenge
20. Angel Of Death

12. Cold

242 7 1
By Monchrome_


Ryugamine Mikado slammed his fists down on the keyboard in frustration, his blue eyes were ablaze as they peeked out from his long, unkempt black hair. He had lost weight again, living off instant ramen for two weeks wasn't remotely a balanced diet for anyone let alone for someone who slept maybe three hours a day and spent their entire waking time in front of the computer.

For the last two weeks Mikado had been searching the internet for any clues on Heiwajima Shizuo's whereabouts, about his company or anything but he kept up mostly empty handed. People weren't talking about him or Izaya anymore, it was old news. The city had moved on leaving the two once famed people in the dust.

It was obvious Shizuo had gone into hiding after killing Izaya and so had the blonde woman named Varona. Shizuo's boss however whose name was Tanaka Tom was often seen wandering around Ikebukuro, collecting debts as always as if nothing happened.

If Mikado went back on the Dollars forums he found the time of Izaya's death, everyone blamed Shizuo obviously, it wasn't any surprise to Mikado but what angered him and made him upset was how many people said the informant deserved to be killed, he deserved to suffer to pay for things that he had done. Mikado wasn't an idiot he knew that Izaya did lots of horrible things but he didn't think anyone deserved to die the way his lover did.

Izaya was terrified, he suffered so much as he laid there being beaten to death in front of the teen's very eyes. Izaya might have done some horrible things but he didn't deserve to be beaten so badly he could barely be recognized...he was only human.

Human, he was human and humans did terrible things but Shizuo, he wasn't human, he was able to kill someone without mercy even as Mikado screamed and begged, even stabbed at him. Shizuo was a monster. A monster that Mikado needed to track and hunt down.

"If only I could find something, anything!" Mikado growled, glaring at the computer screen. I don't have enough information, there is no one to help me either! The only person who was kind of close to Shizuo was Celty and I know for a fact she won't betray someone she cares about, she's too kind. Plus, she didn't really like Izaya, nobody did. Izaya wasn't even close to his family. That reminds me, if Izaya weren't close with his family then who's in charge of Izaya's stuff? Surely there was someone? Izaya did mention he had a will which he updated frequently.

If I had access to Izaya's information it would make things a lot easier. Maybe his stuff is still with the police? If I could just get his keys or something, go to his apartment for a minute. I would have everything I need to get revenge. Mikado stood up, that's what I'll do! I can just go down to the police station, there is no harm in asking what happened to his stuff and if they don't have it then I'm pretty sure his younger sisters go to Raira, so I can ask them for answers if I need too. But for now, let's go to the police station.

Mikado looked down at his clothes, they hung off his skinny body and were covered in the broth of instant ramen that he had accidently spilt on himself. "A shower and a change of clothes comes first though." He mused to himself.

The journey into town was a lot more exhausting than Mikado thought it would be. With his weakened lungs and malnourished body it was like a hike up a steep mountain rather than a slow relaxing walk on straight terrain.

He was about two blocks away from the police station when Mikado had to sit down and rest on a bench. As he sat there he looked at the sky which was clouded over and grey. There was no glimpse of the sky him and Izaya had spent time under, they had both preferred sunny but not hot weather. It had been June when Izaya was murdered, he'd just turned 24 a month earlier. It was early October now, autumn, the season where everything dies, it almost seemed ironic.

"Whoa, that guy looks like a hobo!" Mikado heard someone say and he looked away from the depressing sky into the crowd. Two women who were standing outside of a store with cigarettes in their hands. The smell of the tobacco instantly reminded him of a certain blond monster, he scowled in their direction.

"Ew! He's staring at us!" the woman that had spoken before made a face to her friend who looked over Mikado,

"He's not dirty though." She said in a way that made Mikado think she was an air head. The other woman shrugged,

"Well, looking like that he's gotta be something bad." She flickered her long hair with a smirk and butted out her smoke on the wall and dropped it on the ground. Mikado glared at her as she strutted away, her stupid friend following after her.

A hobo huh? Mikado thought looking down at himself, it was true that his clothes didn't look the best, they hung off his overly skinny body and his hair that had grown long and shaggy looked messy and really highlighted how skinny his pale face was. He stared at himself in the window of the store opposite him.

There is no way the police will even consider giving me Izaya's belongings looking like this. Mikado's eyes narrowed in his reflection. I need to look more presentable, new clothes that fit, a haircut. Yeah, I have to convince the police that I am a normal everyday person and not a hobo or a druggo. Someone trustworthy of being handed Izaya's stuff. Mikado stood up and set off for a new destination.


Mikado had a hard time finding clothes in his size but after much searching he was able to find a pair of black jeans, a burgundy t-shirt and a dark green parka. His hair, he decided to keep it long, it brushed against his shoulders and covered his forehead, he often found himself brushing it to the side. He looked decent, like a presentable human being.

As he walked to the police office he passed a few familiar faces as he went on his way. Yagari Seji and Harima Mika who were obviously skipping school to go on another date. Seeing the couple made Mikado a bit bitter but he passed by them without any worries, Seji didn't even stop him to greet him as he often did.

It was only when he passed Kadota Kyohei, Karisawa Erika and Yumasaki Walker did he think it was a bit strange that none of the greeted him especially Erika who had taken great interest in the kiss marks and bite marks appearing on him thanks to Izaya's possessive affection.

But despite being right in front of them, even meeting eyes with Walker, none of seemed to recognize the teen and walked pass them without so much a glimpse of recognition towards the dark haired teen. Mikado frowned. Why? Do I look that different? Lose a bit of weight and grow out my hair and nobody knows who I am? Mikado smiled, that might just work in my favour then, nobody knows, nobody can stop me.

He looked up at the tall mulit-storey police building and forced himself to stand up straight, he forced himself to erase of the bitter, dark expression that had graced his face since Izaya's death and entered the building, some police officers stared at him curiously but Mikado went right to the front desk where a kind looking middle aged man sat in front of the computer. The man looked up at Mikado who gave him a blindingly bright smile.

"Hi there! I was wondering if you could help me?"

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