Bad Boys Club *ON HOLD*

By RavenPierce1

215 14 8

Blair was your typical teenager, went to parties, studied got good grades, passed her GCSEs and is in college... More



43 4 2
By RavenPierce1

Blair's P.O.V
"Stay still Beauty, stay still!" I say as I try taking a picture of her cat, sleeping on the ' Motionless In White ' altar. As I was about to take the picture the cat jumps off the altar and stretches her sleep out, "Bitch." I mutter to myself, feeling disappointed.  Setting my Nikon camera down and my ass begins to vibrate, taking the phone out I checks the caller ID "My Bunny" rolling my eyes and chuckling I  answer the phone,
"When will you stop changing your contact name V?"
"When the world ends. Hahaha, anyways, listen we need to go shopping, we need clothes for tomorrow!!!"
I groan, "But I hate shopping, take Lyle with you jeez!"
"I would... But... He kinda dropped out on me again last minute...."
Realising she needed to talk about it I said,
"I'll be there in 5 minutes on the bike, mama has my car."
"It's OK, I miss your Chopper anyways."
"See you soon B!!!"
Grabbing the keys and my backpack, I run downstairs,
"Going out with Violet mother, I'll probably stay over hers too, I'll send u a text!" I yell before closing the door shut. Me and my mother never really had a close relationship, we used to when I was like 16, but then we drifted apart as she started working more and more at the restaurant. Hoping on my baby, I sped away to Violet's house. Since my stepfather was a cop I could get away with speeding...
Parking in front of the house, I take my phone and call Violet,
"Buttercup, get your ass here now." Hanging up I wait, and as I expected, she came out running towards the bike,
"FINALLY!!!" She says and she slides behind the bike,
"Ready?" I ask, and only get a hum as an answer, taking that as a yes, I speed away to the mall.
It took us 20 minutes to get there, as we were more on the less populated side of the city. But that's also where the most parties were held. I hated parties with a burning passion, yet I went to all of them because of Violet. You see Violet and I were polar opposites, she was a preppy whilst I was dark, but, we're attached to the hip, but sometimes, she would dress as dark as a storm, belive me, I've witnessed it. 

"Hello!!! Earth to Blair!!" Violet says as she snaps her fingers in front of me apparently, I zoned out whilst driving here. 

"Jeez, I'm here sorry. " I muttered, parking my bike properly, I slide off and took the keys, 

"Rant bitch. " I said as Violet and I starting walking towards the mall,

"So basically, The other day, after I dropped you home, I was meant to have dinner with his family right, so I called him asking him what time should I be there, he said, I fucking told you it was cancelled and he hung up. Then earlier today I called Lyle and asked him if we were still on for shopping, he says, Oh I'm so sorry babe but I can't, I'm really busy and to be honest I totally forgot. Like what the fuck , he FORGOT B. HE NEVER FORGETS... He's been so distant lately, I'm beginning to think he's cheating on me again."

"Heres the thing hun, if he is indeed cheating on you again, dump him, I know it's easier said than done, but B, you've been hurting for the past 6 months, he has been a complete Ass to you, not to mention he FUCKING SLAPPED YOU LAST WEEK. I get it he's your first love, you've been together for 2 years, I know babe, but is it worth it? Making yourself hurt, making yourself go through this shit, every day? The last time I saw you smile with him was 8 months ago, before the whole scandal! 8 months Vi, 8."

Violet froze and looked dead ahead, following her gaze I see the FOREVER 21 sale sign. Shit... Well I'm fucked right now, grabbing my hand she pulls me towards FOREVER 21, 

"Blair, it's nothing like that, I told you he didn't mean to slap me, he was just really pissed off, plus, I have been smiling a lot with him, I honestly don't know what the fuck you're on about saying that I haven't smiled in 8 months...." As I opened my mouth to reply to her she says, "Let's drop this... Please..." I wasn't the type of person to drop these kinds of conversations, but her voice which normally was bubbly, simply sounded numb, which caused me to drop it. I missed my best friend, my sister, my Violet who was always bubbly and who was always gossiping away. All I want is Violet to actually be happy and get into a good healthy relationship. 

6 whole hours later we were on the food court at pizza hut waiting for our orders, this seemed like a good time to check my phone to see if I got any missed calls or messages. Pulling my phone out, 5 missed calls and 39 unread messages, my jaw dropped to the floor, I usually never got these many notifications, opening my missed calls first I see, 1 from my mum, 2 from my step dad and 3 from Lyle. WTF, opening my messages it was all from Lyle,

Lyle: Hey is Violet there? I need to talk to her.

Lyle: Can you fucking answer me bitch? I need to talk to my girlfriend.

Lyle: Fucking hell, answer you whore!

His last message was


And it went on and on, honestly  Lyle and I never liked each other, we just hung out because of Violet, looking up I see Violet jumping in her seat with excitement, the pizza must be on its way. A few seconds later the waiter brings the pizzas and puts it down on the table,

"Bonne Appetit!" He says, 

"Thank you!" Violet and I say at the same time, "Lyle wants to talk to you." I say before chowing down on my pizza, Violets sighs and says,

"I know, I'm ignoring him, I've been thinking about what you said, so I asked him to give me some space."

"Violet, I haven't been completely honest with you. I need to get this off my chest but listen, don't get mad at me, I just didn't want to hurt you... I saw Lyle and Taylor making out in the girl's bathroom yesterday." 

"Oh, I see.... Blair, can I stay at yours? I can't go home... He'll be there waiting for me..."

Nodding my head we go back to chomping our pizzas,

"Why did you decide to tell me now?" She asks, 

"I got 39 messages from him, asking what I told you and saying I better not tell you about him and Taylor."

"He threatened you?!"

"Relax, it's ok, you're forgetting I box and fight." I shrug,

"Okay, true true." she giggles and eats her pizza. 

After we finish our pizza we pay our food, and head towards my bike,


"Relax, I'll carry them, your just going to have to go slowly  B," I grunted and handed her two bags, thankfully we didn't do the usual amount of shopping Violet does, which normally means 7-9 bags, but this time she controlled herself and has 3 bags, which means she has to carry 5 bags. Nothing she's not used to, sliding on, I reverse the bike and nod for her to get on. Going home slowly means it would take us half an hour to 45 minutes, which is a ride I can not be bothered to fucking take, yet I sucked it up and took the ride, taking the short cut. 

I managed to reach home within 30 minutes, 

"LE MOI IS HOME MADRE!" I yell out just to see if she's home, no responce, not home, must've gone to work again. Heading to the kitchen I make Violet and I some snacks to eat, knowing her, she's probably in my room about to blast out some music. A few moments later you could hear, Raise Your Glass by P!nk blaring out from my room, shaking my head I take the two seprate bowls, one for skittles and the other for m&m's i never understood how could people mix them together, like, no, just no, that should be illegal man. Grabbing the bottle of coke and sprite i head towards my room. 

I see Violet on my bed folding and removing the tags of the clothes whilst shaking her hips to the beat of the music. 

"I BOUGHT SNACKS!" I yell over the music, she looks back snatches the sprite from my hand and chugs it. So not surprising. We spend the rest of the night binge watching 13 Reasons Why and Supernatural.






"BITCH PLEASE, IT'S 7:30 WE HAVE CLASS AT 8:30 SO GET YOUR ASS READY NOW!" Grumbling under my breath I pull the bankets back and get up, take a quick shower and do the usual routine. It was the first day after Easter break, and I honestly could not be bothered to go back to that annoying bullshit. Going to my room I put on my underwear and bra, slipping on my black skinny torn jeans, a black tank top my plaid top around my waist and a leather jeacket to pull the look together. 

"Ready V?" I ask, 

"To go back to hell Dean? No" she replies with her hand over her heart, shaking my head I chuckle at her supernatural reference and head downstairs, taking my backpack and slipping on my boots,

"Bike or car? Do we need to drop by yours to get you bag?"

"Bike, and yes please."  Taking my bike keys, we head out slip on the bike and head towards her house.

15 minutes later we were in front of Twilight High, the true hell of this world. Full of bad boys and sluts, me and Violet must be the only normal ones to be honest. Heading inside we go to our lockers, which luckily were right next to each other, grabbing my english and my art book, we head to the cafe for breakfast as it was only 8 in the morning, but the school was already busy with students.  As I open the cafeteria doors, I bump into someone and that someone was Xander Tomas. The schools number one man whore and bad boy. Rumours have it that he's in a biker gang, that I honestly, would love to join,but can't since I don't have a dick. 

"Watch where your going, midget." He says,

"Excuse you, giant." I retore back, 'Shit' is the first thing I think,

"What did you say?" He said calmly, ehich honestly was scary as fuck, looking around I see everyone staring at me with shock, 

"I said excuse you, maybe you should watch where you're going giant." I said whilst looking at him dead in his eyes, his beautiful electric blue eyes,


"You better watch your mouth, Oompa Loompa." He says, with his eyes sparkling with anger,

"Bitch please, does it look like, I use fake tan like your girlfriend does?" The whole cafetria burst out laughing and even he fought a smile, Xander Tomas, fought a smile with my comment, dear god... Turning around I grab Violets arm and drag her towards the breakfast table, cause I was starving,

"Blair, what the fuck was that?"

"What? He bumped into me, not the other way around."

"Yeah, but still, that's Xander, Xander Tomas."

"I know babe, I know, I don't know what I was thinking, honestly.' I say as I grab and apple and an orange with a coffee cup and head outside to have our breakfast. 

The rest of the day was so amazing. Note the sarcasm, no one would stop talking about the drama between Xander and I, and it was honestly annoying, normally i would not attract so much attention to myself, but sometimes, i have a non-filtered mouth, so I can't help it what comes out of it. Violet was off to her house with Lyle cause they needed to 'talk' so I was driving home alone, as I searched for my bike keys in my bag, someone grabbed my elbow and spun me around,

"Look here missy, I don't appreciate you talking like that to me. For the matter of fact, me and Tracy broke up."

"One, let go off my elbow, two, next time watch where your going and three, why the fuck ou telling me that for, I don't care about your personal life. Now, I need to go home, my brothers waiting for me." Which was a lie, as I didn't have a brother,

" You don't have a brother babe, don't try bullshiting me. Nice ride though." He says,

"So what if I don't have a brother, I need to go home, so let go off me you bastard!" I hissed,

"YOU. DON'T. TELL. ME. WHAT. TO. DO. PRINCESS." He growled at me, his lips looked so full and tempting to kiss, Ok, what the fuck. Yanking my arm away I huff and slide onto my bike, with the keys in my hand, I flip him off and speed off towards the park, because I honestly could not be bothered to go home just yet as it was merely 5 p.m. 

My phone rings with a notification, as I check it, it's from an unknown number,

'Watch your mouth princess, you don't know what I'm capable off.' jeez, how the hell did he get my number?

Me :'How'd you get my number asshat?'

Asshat : I have my sources.

Me: Ya, wtv, dnt text me again.

Asshat: No fun princess. No fun.

Rolling my eyes, i tuck my phone away, 


Asshat: Don't ever roll your eyes again. 

Me: How tf, and, wtf. They're my eyes, i do wtv i want with them, so fuck off.

Getting up  go back to my bike, checking my phone for any new messages and sure enough there was one

Asshat: Leaving already?

Deciding to ignore it, I drive back home and decide to get dinner whilst on the way. McDonalds seemed like a good choice honestly. Going to the drive through I order my food, and drive home. As I get home my mother is ready to leave and is outside trying to lock the door,

"Don't lock im going in." I say dryly, she jumps and looks back,

"Hey Bunny, I'll be home late ok? Carlos' asked me to pull a double today,"

"Ya, okay mum, be safe." I say as i head inside and shut the door, heading upstairs i take out my burger and chips and chomp them down whilst watching Moana, what can I say? I am a child at heart. Getting up to put my pajama and to throw the food waste away i put my phone charging not even bothering to read the messages and cuddle in bed as I continue watching Moana. 

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