Running Blind

By Fave101

57.8K 1.6K 411

Jack Frost ran away from Asgard 220 years ago and ended up on earth. He has been blind from birth, but never... More

Running Blind
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Aren't You Cold?
Warm or Cold?

Chapter 5

3K 87 18
By Fave101


Plz excuse and spelling or grammar mistakes


Jack woke with a pained groan; he could feel every cut and bruise on his battered body. He could also feel bandages tightly wrapped around his broken wrist and bad leg. Jack head ached and was sluggish. Someone must have given him painkillers; medication doesn’t work the same way in Jack; it slows his mind down making time seem longer, but he still feels the pain.

Jack reached out to find his staff with his good arm. He realized he wasn’t in a bed; he was lying on his side on the floor with his back pressed against the glass.  The floor was smooth and warm, but his staff was nowhere in arms reach. Jack was deciding whether or not to try to sit up when the sound of footsteps coming towards him caught his attention. Jack closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He listened intently to the footsteps. There were three pairs.

“You can’t leave him there! He’s hurt! Not to mention how pissed off Thor and Loki will be!” Tony growled.

“His wounds have been treated and he is stabilized.” A low stern voice said calmly. “I don’t care what Thor and Loki think. This kid could be a threat. I’m not taking any chances.”

“Fine, but I’m staying with the kid until he’s awake.” Tony said walking towards Jack, he stops and turn around to face Fury. “Oh and if Thor or Loki rips your head off, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Steve slowly shook his head and crouched down next to the glass separating them from Jack. Tony sat cross-legged next to Steve. The director walked out of the room.

Jack decided to pretend to be asleep.

“How long do you think until he will be awake?” Steve asked. As soon as Tony and Steve stepped onto the ship they felt something was off. No one asked to help the injured boy in Steve’s arms. The agents seemed to look right through Jack. That is until the director Nick Fury came walking up to them. He took one look at Jack and motioned them to follow him. Fury led them to a medical bay where the two doctors where wearing big black goggles. Steve set Jack very carefully down on the bed and the doctors started to work on him. Tony explained that the goggles the doctors where wearing where for finding hot spots and internal bleeding, but could also be used for to find heat signatures. Once the doctors finished with Jack they were deciding whether or not to give him any pain killers because they didn’t know if Jack was allergic to it, but in the end they gave him a very low dose of Morphine. The doctors listed off all of the boys injuries. The winter god had a concussion, large gash on his right calf, broken left wrist, small cuts that already scabbed over and bruises everywhere. Steve and Tony left to change into fresh close and when they returned only to find Jack’s bed empty. The doctors told them that Fury ordered them to take Jack to Loki’s old cell. Steve and Tony went straight to check on the boy and found him curled up on his side with his back against the glass wall. He still wore the bloodied blue hoodie and tattered brown leggings. His staff was gone; Fury must have taken it. They went immediately to the director who gave them little reason why Jack was there other than ‘he’s a possible threat.’

“I think he should be awake soon, but he’s not human.” Tony said tapping on the glass. Jack tried hard not to smile even know his back was towards them. “It looks like he might have moved.” Tony sighed. “It's taking the others long enough to get here.”

“Have patience, Tony.” Steve complained.

“I’m not a doctor, I don’t have any patience.” Tony smirked.

Jack decided it was a good time to wake up. His icy blue eyes where met with darkness as usual. Someone tapped on the glass. Jack turned his head to where Tony and Steve where sitting.

“Hey kid how ya feeling?” Tony asked.

“I thought I told you not to call me kid.” Jack muttered sitting up.  "Did you give me any drugs?”

“Yes. Why?” Steve asked.

“Because they don’t work the same way on me. Time slows, but the pains still there.” Jack said. Then frowns because he still can’t understand where he is. “Where am I?”

Steve sighs again. He didn’t want to answer the question and have the boy freak out. Steve tried to say it as calmly as possible. “You’re in your brother’s old cell.” Jacks expression didn’t change. “You’re pretty calm for someone who just got told there in jail.”

Jack just shrugged. “I’ve had worse.” Tony was about to ask him about it, but Jack interrupted him. “Where is my staff?”

“Umm...” Tony hesitated. Where had he last saw Jack’s staff? Ironman remembers leaning it up against the wall in the med bay, but after that he couldn’t remember. “It’s somewhere safe. Do you need it?”

“To control the wind, yes, but snow and ice, no. It will get colder in here.  I hate heat.” Jack explained. “If the wind thinks I’m trapped it will rip this place apart.”

“Then Fury better give it back and let you out soon then.” Steve slowly shook his head. Jack smiled and nodded.

“Is Fury the man you were with earlier?” Jack asked raising an eyebrow.

Steve nodded, but Jack didn’t seem to notice. “Yes. He’s the director of the ship and the guy who put you in there.  How did you know?  You were sleeping!”

Jack smiled.  "No I wasn't."

The door slid open and the director walked through. Jack could hear the same footsteps from before. They came closer until they were where Tony and Steve were sitting. “Stark, Rogers out.” The man said. Steve opened his mouth to say something, but Fury cut him off. “I only want to ask him a few questions.”

Tony and Steve nodded. Once they were out of the room Tony poked Steve and then took off running down the hall. Steve rolled his eyes and took off after him. They ended up in a supply closet. Tony pulled out a video player and on screen was Fury walking back and forth in front of Loki’s old cell.

“You hacked the camera?” Steve asked. Tony nodded

“Funny Jack doesn’t show up on camera, but the audio is just fine.” Tony wondered out loud. He pushed a few buttons until he found the thermo camera so they could see Jack. The boy was still sitting with his back against the wall.


Jack yawned as the directors footsteps echoed in front of him. The man finally stopped walking.

“It’s a little cold in here, don’t you think?” He asked.

Jack rolled his eyes. “It’s too warm for my taste, but then again my ideal temperature is -5c (23F).”

Fury chuckled. Then asked: “What’s your name?”

Jack didn’t trust this man. Something was off with him. “That depends.  What name do you want? Didn’t Tony or Steve tell you?”

“No, they wouldn’t say anything without your permission. Only that Thor and Loki will rip my head off.  Why is that?”

“Thor and Loki are my older brothers. My name is Jack.” He answered. “I’ve answered your questions; now answer mine. Where's my staff?”

Fury looked at Jack again. The boys eyes where following him back and forth as he started to walk again, but something was different about them. “It’s safe in the weapons vault.” Nick noticed the frost starting to spread under the kid and up the walls. He looked at the control board and almost fainted. It was cold, too cold for a human to survive in there for 5 minutes. He tried to turn the heat up in the cell, but the temperature wouldn’t go up only down. “Are you okay in there?”

Jack smirked. “Hmm... it’s nice and cold.”

“Okay, but I have one more question for you. Stark said you were fighting an invisible force with your brothers, but you could see them perfectly fine. Rogers said they could only see them after they put on thermo glasses. Who were you fighting and why could you see them, but not Stark and Rogers?” Fury asked.

Jack rolled his blind eyes. I can’t see them. He thought. “His name is Pitch Black, but we were fighting his nightmares. As for seeing them, well, you have to believe in them. I know that sounds weird, but it’s true. Same with me, you have to believe to see or where thermo glasses.”

“Why would he attack you?”

“That’s more than one question, but whatever. Some friends and I stopped him from taking over the world last year. So he hates us.” Jack explained. “Can I get out now?”


“Ugh fine, but can I get something to read? In Braille?”

“Why in Braille?” Fury asked raising an eyebrow.

“I’ve been meaning to learn it for years, but never got a chance.” Jack lied. Fury left, but returned soon after. The door to his cell slid open and Fury slid the book across the floor, not taking one step into the cell.

“I hope you like Twilight. For some reason it’s all we have.” Fury laughed as Jack slid his finger over the page. Then he left. Well its one of the only books I haven’t red yet. Jack thought.


“Are we just going to fly around all day?” Bunny asked. Thor, Loki and the guardians have been flying around the earth in North’s sleigh for what seem like ever. “Are you sure you have no way of knowing where they are?”

Thor shook his head. “No, but they are probably somewhere over the United States.”

North turned the Sleigh. “That still doesn’t narrow it down much. I hope Jack is okay.”

“He’s in good hands.” Thor said. “They won’t hurt them.”

“Oh did he mention that the ship can go invisible.” Loki mumbled. “It took me forever to find it the last time.”

“How did you find it last time?” Thor asked.

“Luck.” Loki said simply.

“Oh great.” Tooth mumbled. Then an idea struck her. “How did Tony and Steve find them?”

“Tony has what they call a ‘cell phone’ built into his Ironman suit.” Thor said.

They all sat in silence for a while thinking of ways to find the Shield airship. The wind was howling in Loki’s ears. That’s it! The wind is trying to take us to Jack! Loki thought. It made sense. The wind must think Jack needs help. 

“North, follow the wind!” Loki shouted. North nodded without question and let the wind whisk them away.

AN: I’m going back to school on Monday so updated won’t be as often, sorry! Lol poor Jack stuck reading Twilight. I have no clue where I’m going with this, but I will figure it out.

Edit:  hopefully all errors corrected.

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