battle of the bands (and babe...

By adventurismatic

44K 1.4K 224

'Camila, this is my band. I'll finish this.' 'Y/N, this is my battle. I'll finish this. For you. For us.' ... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty (epilogue)

chapter twenty seven

720 32 7
By adventurismatic

"Where are you going?" Camila asked, as I got dressed the next morning. I slept over her house because the gig ended too late.

"I wanted to go visit Shawn. And his parents." I answered. "if you wanna join me, you can."

"I have a- um, meeting downtown. You sure you'll be fine on your own?"

"Mila, I'm almost eighteen." I reminded.

"That's not what I meant. Are you okay going to go see him without me?"

I sat on the edge of the bed.

"I have before."

"What! Y/N!"

"He asked to see me. Just me."


And so I told Camila about how empty Shawn felt. How he felt like a ghost looking at pictures of himself from his "past life". Camila listened attentively, nodding after every plot point.

"Why do you ask?" I asked, a little suspicious.

"I just want to know if he's safe." Camila replied softy. "I need to know that he's safe so I can sleep at night. Is that too much to ask?"

I got up, giving her a hug.

"No more secrets, okay? I promise to tell you everything- as long as you tell me everything."

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then I'll tell you everything soon."

"That's easier said than done." I sighed, grabbing my car keys and my jacket. Camila grabbed me by the waist and kissed me quick.

"Be safe. Know your limits." She clutched my hand tight.

I swore to her that I would be safe.

Driving up the Mendes's driveway, I didn't know what to expect when I locked my car and started knocking on the door.

Mrs. Mendes opened the door. She looked practically exhausted, but she was still smiling.

"Y/N! What a surprise, come in."

The house was huge. Pictures were hung ups all over the place. And these weren't photographs, they were full-on paintings. I squinted to notice Shawn's face was colored over with permanent marker. I was confused.

"Is Shawn home?" I asked. "I wanted to see how he was doing."

"Well, he'll be home soon. He went to the library. It was a rough week." She explained. "There were many doctor's appointments, and at first he was very volatile. But now, he's pretty quiet. He draws a lot."

"He deleted his social media profiles last night. I just wanted to know why."

Mrs. Mendes and I sat down in the dining room.

"He doesn't want to be the old him, you know? He hates that part of him." Mrs. Mendes told me. "Shawn is realizing that he turned out just like Sebastian, who- who abused him physically. He feels like this is all Bas's fault."

"He did convince Shawn to play music and join band."

"Exactly. Shawn didn't want to learn saxophone at first. But, he wanted the friends Sebastian had and he wanted to be him. I hope this makes sense?"

"It does. I feel like everyone wants to be like their older sibling."

"Sebastian manipulated that. That's why Colson-"

"That's MGK, right? The mob boss that took him in?"

"He's not as bad as the police will make him out to be. He gives jobs to kids that most people wouldn't suggest. He taught Shawn about plays."


"Like stage plays. Shawn read them from Colson's library after work every day. He loves to read now. Something just clicked."

"Is he going to attend college?" I asked.

"We enrolled him in the local community college for now. We think he needs a while to settle in to everything still."

"That's good."

I heard the front door shut, and I saw Shawn walk in. His hoodie was over his head, and he was carrying some eggs.

"I got the eggs. H-Hi, Y/N."

"Hey, Shawn."

"Do you wanna go talk?" He motioned to the house's gazebo outside.

"Sure." I smiled.

I politely excused myself as Shawn and I went to talk outside. He looked well-fed, but the scars on his face were still evident.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming over." Shawn revealed.

"It's fine- I was talking with your mom about you."

Shawn laughed, taking a seat as I took the one next to him.

"That seems to be the only thing people talk to her about these days." He added. "Have you read 'A Streetcar Named Desire'?"

"I did a few years back." I remember Camila and I would sit under the trees in our high school quad, highlighting our books in order to reference the quotes in class.

"It's so good." Shawn gushed. "Kelly introduced it to me."

"Have you talked to him since you last saw him?"

"Unfortunately not. He taught me so many things. He taught me about the world. And money. He gave me his library card so I could go study for my GED. At that point, I thought I dropped out. At least, that's what my brother told me."

"Do you wish this whole thing never happened?" I asked.

Shawn looked into the sky, wringing his hands together.

"Nah." He smiled. "I still would've been a brat if this shit didn't happen. I would get a scholarship to Temple, go there, become a frat boy, and waste my parent's money and time. Now- I see things differently. I don't know how else to explain it. Sorry, Y/N."

"Hey, it's cool. So, you're writing plays now?"

Shawn smiled, running in the house to emerge with his knapsack.

"I read a lot of plays, and then I try to write a scene or two of my own ideas." He explained, revealing all of his books and journals. "I can't really type yet because of my cognitive therapy classes, but I can write fine. It's just the keyboard that messes me up."

He went on for almost an hour about his favorite playwrights, and how once he snuck out to Downtown Miami to watch one. A lot of the kids made fun of him for it. But Machine Gun Kelly just smiled and gave him more plays to read. As soon as Shawn began to read more, he became more infatuated with the stage. Although I never pegged Shawn as an artsy type, I could see why he liked plays. Sometimes fiction is better than the reality in front of us.

"I'm glad you're starting over." I shook Shawn's hand as I got up to leave. Morning faded into late afternoon, and I had to meet Camila at the local coffee house tonight. She had something important to tell me.

"Thanks, Y/N. Will you be able to come see the school play next week with me?"

"Sure! Lauren is in it." I smiled. "I'd love to go with you, man."

"See you around?"

"Of course."

I left Shawn's house feeling relieved. I was happy to form a bond with him. For some reason, it made me feel better. We used to be enemies- at each other's throats. Because of our differences. Because of Camila. I was so happy. I felt like I was washed away of my guilt.

I walked into the coffee shop with a sort of swagger in my step, when I saw Camila sitting at a table for two, with two hot chocolates- and that green journal I refused to peek at long ago. She was tapping the hardcover rhythmically. Her headphones were in, and as I got closer I could see that she was listening to Same Drugs, by Chance The Rapper. I tapped her on the shoulder as I stood behind her. She was startled at first, but then she looked at me. Her eyes said 'hello', as she motioned for me to sit down.

"How was he?" She asked.

"He's good. He's doing really well. He's planning on taking classes at the community college."

"I've just been thinking about us, you know? Because above all, our story is a love story." Camila remarked. "About two lovers facing odds from an enemy army. It's like Xena."

"Do not compare you and me to Xena, Camila. My mom would be disappointed." I laughed at she referenced my mom's favorite show about a badass female warrior.

"Well, you did kick Shawn's butt when he was, you know, bad." Camila remembered. "You always were a true hero. You protected- well, everybody."

"I don't like hurting people."

"That's why I'm in love with you." Camila took my hand gently.

"What about college?"

"We've always been very adult about our relationship. I don't think anything will change. And we're gonna drift apart, but I know I'm always going to find a way back to you."

"I'm in love with you too, Camila Cabello." I kissed her hand.

"The signing is the day before graduation. I want you and Shawn to be there."

"I'll try to get him to come, but he may be a little offended."

"I get that. Maybe I should talk to him. He doesn't hate me, right?"

"I think he wants your forgiveness. He's starting to remember things."

"First thing tomorrow. I'm gonna visit him." I began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Camila, we have school tomorrow."

"I'll skip." I never thought I would hear Camila Cabello, a goody two shoes, say she was going to skip school.

"I'm coming with-"

"No, you're not. I got this." Camila informed.

Suddenly, she grasped her mug, drank it to the last sip, and grabbed my hand.

"I have a surprise for you."

She rummaged through her bag and placed the book I found in her room months ago.

"I wrote a book. And now it's getting published."

"What's it about?"

"Everything that happened. To you, me, Shawn, Luis- everyone. This is a story that needed to be told."

"Camila, are you sure about this?"

"I've never had more of an urge to write a story since this year. I'll change everyone's name, the towns- have you ever read a book and you see that statement?"

"Which statement?"

"You know! That one which is like, 'Everything portrayed in this novel is purely fictitious. So, you can't sue us, enjoy the book'."

"I doubt it says that." I told her. "But, maybe this could be good. Are you making money off of this?"

"Yeah, but it's under an alias." Camila flipped to the title of her rough draft.

The Minor Chords, by Karla Estrabao.

"Oh my god, that sounds like a fan fiction title. How did you get that published?" I asked.

"I wish I could tell you." Camila answered. "I was originally going to self-publish it, but then a company contacted me, and I thought, why not? I could make money."

Making money off of a talent sounded like a dream. But we live in a small suburban town- the place where dreams go to die- unless you play your cards right.

"The title still gets me. But, as long as it makes you happy, I'll support it."

"Y/N, I feel like I'm forgetting about something." Camila ran a hand through her hair.

"...Prom tickets?"

"YES!" Camila exclaimed, writing down to stop by an ATM for the Prom tickets we had to pay for.

"I should probably find something to wear before everything sells out." I confessed. "I haven't been looking."

"I've dreamt about Prom Night ever since I saw that movie about Prom. It's going to be perfect."

"Please don't jinx it." I half-joked. "After this year, I would never like any surprises again."

Suddenly, the TV in the coffee shop was interrupted with Breaking News story. Everyone became silent.

"We interrupt this program to bring you a recent announcement. The trial of Luis Santos was held today at the county courthouse. Santos was given four years along with partner Sebastian Mendes, and a fee of eight thousand dollars. The families of the young men have declined to comment on the matter. Mendes is facing a much serious charge involving delivering his amnesiac brother illegally across the country to work for a drug cartel in Miami. We'll keep you updated as this story develops."

"Shit." I said to Camila. "Four years?"

"I'm not surprised. Battery on a minor will get you into a lot of trouble. Especially a literal hit and run."

For some reason, I thought that was really funny. A literal hit and run. He hit me, and then he ran. I felt like a Pontiac.

"Pardon me," A barista came over to us. "But aren't you the lead singer of that band, Animal House?"

Camila was internally screaming. I was smiling maniacally, but I tried to keep cool.

"Yeah! I am." I beamed.

"I saw your concert at the Stone Pony over the weekend. Are you guys looking for gigs? My friend Akira does bookings, and I would love for you guys to do an acoustic set here."

"Really? That sounds awesome! I would love to do a show here. Can you get your friend to contact our social pages? Our manager handles gigs and stuff."

"Y-Yeah! Sure! And your name is?"

"Y/N. Y/N Allen."

"Okay, Y/N! I will let her know!" The excited barista went back to work, but not before waving goodbye.

"I'm dating a celebrity." Camila rolled her eyes jokingly.

"And I'm dating a future best-selling author. Go figure."

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