What I never knew I always wa...

By MarinaShipper19

63.7K 1.1K 392

ON HOLD- I'm back with another Robsten pregnancy story (shocker I know right?) because let's face it! I wish... More

Were going to Rio!
Gender reveal :)
Hormones are fun!....Not
Sex on the beach
Family time
Cats out of the bag
32-week appointment
Stay at home
Baby Time
1 Day post partum
Please dont go....
Baby's first checkup!
Authors note!
Your back!
Beach baby
Date Night
Food poisoning
Authors note- sick
How I met your mother
Blood tests
authors note! I needed to do this
Condoms and birth control
it's time
Mackenzie Foy
authors note -Family emergency
By Your Side
Elle Magazine
I'll be there for you
Lunch Disaster
Where is the baby?
Every parent's nightmare
72 hours
Hospital Blues
First word, First steps and Getting Drunk...Oh My!
1st Birthday
First Day of Preschool
Mom, I think I'm dying
authors note
Unexpected Consequences
Officially Grandparents
Please tell me.....I'm dreaming
The Funeral
Why Eliana?
The Hauntings Of Our Past
Coming Home
Very Unexpected!
24-week birth
When Nothing Else Matters!
Welcome home
2 months later
First Cuddle
Christmas Eve
A new day
End of the road
Never easy
I don't know what to do with her!

Edward and Bella

1.1K 18 1
By MarinaShipper19

Shoutout to j-dog052999 For giving me the idea for the pregnancy throw up scene of this chapter :) Love you, sis!

I promise next chapter will not be so jumpy, I just had random cute thoughts for this one, and a little disclaimer! any movie quotes/scripts used in this book are the property of Stephenie Meyer and or Summit. I do not take credit I just thought it would be cute!


It was almost noon by the time Kristen and Robert got out of bed. Kristen's phone rang, waking them both up. Reaching over to the nightstand without looking, she felt for her phone and quickly answered it.

When she got off the phone a few minutes later, she rolled over and groaned. "Who was that?" Rob asked

"Bill, he wants to shoot the pregnancy reveal scene today, which would mean we are going to Mamangua Bay, Casa em Paraty. we better get ready."


Kristen was eating chicken, for the scene. it was making her stomach churn, definitely not agreeing with her. how ironic she thought.

When it came time for her to run to the bathroom to fake throw up, it didn't go as planned. she started actually throwing up and Robert could tell.

"Wow! Great acting Kristen" Bill stupidly said earning a death glare from Kristen

"She's not acting Bill, she is actually throwing up Robert, "said as he held Kristen's hair back for her.

"oh," Bill said. he felt stupid for not realizing that she wasn't acting. "Cut!" he called

Kristen stayed hunched over the toilet, violently throwing up everything that was in her system. when she could finally stop, she fell back onto the floor, burying her face in her hands.

"I'm not acting when I say this but I do think it was the chicken," Kristen said sheepishly. earning a giggle from Rob.

A few minutes later, Kristen was sitting on the toilet in a middle of another scene.

"How many days has it been since the wedding?" Kristen's character Bella asked.

"14 why?" Rob's character Edward replied. "Will you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm late. My period's late."

Walking over to the mirror, Kristen lifted her shirt up.

"That's impossible. Can this happen?" She whispered but in the back of her mind, she was laughing. Obviously it can, otherwise, she wouldn't actually be pregnant with Robert Pattinson's baby. She laughed.

Placing her hand on her stomach, she had to fake that she felt it kick. She couldn't wait for the day that she could actually feel their baby kick.

Revealing that her character thought she was pregnant. Brought Kristen into a realization, she was pregnant. She never denied it, but saying the word out loud made it more real.

Kristen and Rob went back to their hotel after they were done filming and Kristen decided she would try and get some sleep before they would have to be back on set in just a few short hours. Rob couldn't help but watch the love of his life sleep, the way she would mumble his name randomly or lightly giggle in her sleep made his heart flutter. He often wondered how he got this lucky, to have a such a beautiful women in his life and the fact that she was pregnant with his child was just an extra bonus.

When it came time to wake Kristen, Robert didn't want too. She looked so peaceful, probably the most she had in a long time but they had a job to do. He reached over gently shaking her awake. Kristen groaned and proceeded to shove her head under the pillow.

"Hun, we have to go. You have been asleep for almost six hours."

"Feels like six minutes" Kristen muttered

"I know hun."

Reluctantly, Kristen got up to get ready for their night shoot.


They were walking around Rio, the lights were glistening all around them. Robert took Kristen's face into his hand and started kissing her. They were filming a scene, but to Kristen, this wasn't her acting in a scene. These were passionate moments between the two of them. They zoned out all the people around them and let their instincts take hold as the scene went on. Bill let them get lost in each other, in his opinion. it was so much better when they were just being themselves.


Sitting in the boat by the dock Robert was shaking. He was nervous about trying to drive the boat. Kristen was sitting next to him trying her hardest not to laugh.

She thought It was stupid for him to be nervous, it's just a boat. But soon she realized why he was so nervous when he crashed the boat, 3 times. When they finally got it right, Kristen decided she would give it a shot. She and rob switched spots.

"Do you trust me?" she asked rob

"Should I be worried?"

"Very Kristen" giggled.

Kristen tried to drive out a little but kept crashing into things, she was honestly worse than Robert. Kristen stopped the boat in the middle of the lake and turned to Rob, wrapping her arms around him she dove into his mouth. it was unexpected but utterly amazing for Rob.

When their night came back to end Kristen and Robert headed back to their hotel both wide awake. They spent some time on the bed talking to their baby, it was never too soon to start. they thought of potential names and talked about life and fears each of them was having. to them, that night was a success.

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