Daddy's Rebel Sequel to DC

By iheartreading2007

37.5K 995 226

Her parents found love at such a young age. They seemed to have loved each other their entire lives, so it se... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Daddy's Rebel
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

2.3K 76 11
By iheartreading2007

Groaning in discomfort from my position and from the light ache in my head I curse quietly to myself that I forgot to close my blinds. The light shining from the window is seeping through my eyelids making my eyes hurt. Rolling over I begin to try to stretch my back but a large arm is thrown over my waist and my body is hauled backwards.

"Stop moving me," I mumble as I wiggle against their heated body. Even though I complained about being moved the heat from the persons body is quite comforting. I let my body soak up the heat for a moment before I decide that I'm starving, need to pee and I'm kind of curious as to who I'm in bed with.

Giving in to my curiosity I roll over slightly before squinting my eyes against the bright sunlight to see Drake's adorable face. Smiling at his heavily muscled body that is curled around my own I start to pull away from him. I'm sad to say I don't remember coming to bed with him but as I look down my body I see that I'm still fully clothed. At least I don't have to beat him to death for perving on me.

Sliding my body out of the bed slowly I make sure to not move too suddenly and bounce the bed at all. I definitely want to let him sleep. Glancing over my shoulder I see that he has a little frown on his face before he rolls over. Moving quickly I shove my pillow into his chest. Holding back a laugh and a 'aww' I see him throw his arm over the pillow and settle back into sleep. I've always had a soft spot for a guy who likes to cuddle so much that when you leave the bed he misses you instantly.

Smiling again I turn to leave the room as quickly as I can. Closing the door behind me I breathe a sigh in relief that I didn't wake him making any noise. Turning around I see Marcus leaning against a door smirking at me smugly. Shooting him a glare I tip toe past him toward the stairs leading back downstairs. Hurrying to the downstairs bathroom I handle my business before washing my hands and heading to the back patio.

Holding back my laughter I see a sea of bodies mixed with cups and bottles from last night. I see Marcus sitting by the pool under the canopy and at a table covered with a mix of empty and half full cups and bottles. Taking a seat across from him I sift around the table before I finally find an abandoned pack of menthol cigarettes. Lighting up I take a seat and lean back to look around, ignoring the burning gaze I feel from across the table.

Finally meeting his eyes after a few moments I blow out some smoke before speaking. "What?"

"Don't what me cuz. I saw you doing the little sneak of shame," he says laughing.

"Piss off. I wasn't sneaking to leave him I was sneaking to let him sleep." Rolling my eyes I take another drag off of my cigarette.

Holding his hands up in surrender. "Whatever you say Mads."

"Don't act like that you little shit. You don't have to worry about anything, nothing happened. We just slept."

"You don't have to lie to me I'm not going to throw a fit or anything." Rolling his eyes he blows out the smoke in a burst.

"I'm serious," I say quietly. "I think I really like him." I can feel a blush creep into my cheeks as I admit to my feelings toward him.

"Seriously? I'm not judging but you just met him and you never trust anyone." His gaze travels over my face trying to get a hint to my feelings.

"I don't know what to say. I know I've had a bad thing happen recently and I know that it seems fast or too soon. But there is just something about him Marcus. I just," I blow out a deep, huff like breath and shrug my shoulders. "Something about him keeps pulling me in. I really, really like him. He makes me forget that I'm damaged. He makes me forget what I've been through." I say meeting his eyes and I can tell my the slight blurriness around the edges that my eyes have teared up a little.

"Well that's good then babe. He's good for you." The gentle smile on his face has a tear spilling down my cheek.

"I think so." I whisper while giving him a happy smile.

"So, what are your plans for today? Any plans with the new beau?" The sight of him wiggling his eyebrows up and down at me has me laughing loudly.

"Shut up. I don't know yet. I know that I don't work at all so I definitely want to find something to do to take up some of my time."

"Well if y'all don't make plans we all should go out and do something. It seems like we haven't really gotten together in awhile. Maybe we could go to the lake or something. See if everyone wants to go maybe even get all the parents together too. I mean I know it's a little earlier to throw our family at him but I'm sure he can handle it."

"I definitely don't want to overwhelm him with our family but I bet it would be really fun to get him around everyone. I've never had anyone that gets along with everyone in the family before so it would be the ultimate test. At least then I would find out early and not have to waste my time." I say nodding my head really liking the idea of a family get together.

"There you are," his deep baritone voice has me shivering a little and biting my lip. Turning around I see a shirtless Drake and let me tell you, what a sight to behold he his.

"Damn," I mutter ignoring the snort of laughter behind me.

"I thought you bailed out." He says before leaning down and placing a firm kiss on my lips. Whimpering a little, to my embarrassment, when he pulls away.

Chuckling he leans down and picking me up making me squeal like the girl I am. When I'm put back down it's in his lap. Turning to say something I'm halted when he grabs my hand and holds the cigarette in front of his mouth. Taking a deep pull from it he leans back and exhales from his nose and mouth. I don't know why but I found that extremely sexy. Biting my lip I stare at his lips before I feel his other hand take a hold of the back of my neck. Pulling me down to him he kisses me again but this time it's languid, almost lazy. Nipping his lip I lick the sting away before diving my tongue into his mouth for a few licks. A moment later I pull away slightly dizzy from the sensations he gives me.

Turning around I see Marcus smiling at me happily as well as his brother and both of mine. "Where the hell did y'all come from?"

"You've been sucking his face for like 10 minutes." My younger brother says with disgust written all over his face.

Glaring at him I laugh when Marcus reaches up and slaps him on the back of the head. "What the hell is up with everyone smacking me?" Ian whines.

"We can't help ourselves," Marcus says shooting him a big smile.

"Dude as my older brother aren't you supposed to have my back," Ian asks CJ while gesturing toward Marcus.

"Oh, um, sure. Marcus stop hitting the baby, he's fragile." CJ looking only slightly serious causing everyone to laugh and Ian to huff and pout.

"Aw, poor baby. Are you gonna call Mommy and tell her we're all big meanies and picking on her precious baby boy?" I tease.

"Shuttup." He mumbles still glaring at the ground.

Chuckling lightly I roll my eyes and lean back into Drake's warm, delicious chest. "So what's up family?"

"I'm not heading back to school until sometime tomorrow so I'm free all day." CJ says shrugging before taking a big gulp from his bottle of water.

"Dude share," I say sitting back up and holding my hand out.

"Find your own little sis." CJ says narrowing his eyes at me.

Widening my eyes I pout my bottom lip out and let it tremble a little. "Not gonna work on me. I've become immune over the years," CJ says rolling his eyes at my antics.

Huffing I start to lean back on Drake again but a pat on my ass has me stopping and turning around. "Lemme up babe. I'll get you some water." Kissing my forehead he wanders off to get me a water and I can't help but to gaze after him with my jaw on the ground.

Turning around in a daze I plop in the chair again. I know it seems silly but I've never had a guy that isn't family do stuff like that. Just stop what they are doing to get whatever I need just to make me happy. Not to get in my pants, not to get me to shut up but genuinely to just be nice.

"Ok, I might like him." CJ says making me snap my head up.

"Pardon," I say astonished.

"After seeing him last night and now this morning, I kind of approve."

Blowing out a huge breath of air I lean back. "Well I'll be damned."

"I told y'all not to worry. I know he was a dick yesterday at the diner but I've never seen him act like that. I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted him to meet her if he was that kind of guy." Marcus says nodding his head smugly.

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused.

"Well, uh, I kinda got him to come to the diner with us yesterday for the sole purpose of introducing y'all." I hold in my chuckle at his slight blush.

"Thanks, even though it kind of makes me sound like a charity case. Thank you." I say giving him a big smile.

"Here ya go babe. I grabbed some more for everyone else since I wasn't sure if anyone would want another." Drake says walking back over to the table.

He has quite a few bottles in his arms and start handing them out, mine first, before he makes to get another chair and pull it over. "Hey bae, you can have this one back." I say smiling at him.

"Nah, I'm cool." He says pulling the chair over and sitting in it.

Scrunching my eyebrows together I frown before turning back to face foward in my chair. Did I do something wrong? Did he hear us talking and misunderstand? I'm so confused. As I'm thinking I must've blocked out all conversation. Keeping my eyes in my lap I start to peel off the label from the now half empty bottle of water.

A large hand grabs my chin and pulls my face up from where I was sulking. Looking up I meet the gentle, slightly amused, eyes of Drake. "You're not sitting in my lap out of respect for your brothers being present. I would kill to have your soft, sweet curves back in my lap." The sweet words have my heart soaring as does the sweet, too short kiss that is placed on my lips.

Seperating I can't help but lean back in my chair with a huge smile on my face. Looking at the guys I see most of them are laughing but for the first time in my life I don't care. I'm perfectly content letting them chuckle and tease me as I'm in a shocked, happy place at the moment. I have never been with someone that cares about public displays of affection in front of my family. I've actually seen my older brother get in a fist fight because this jerk wouldn't stop touching me in front of my family. Surprisingly no one in the family cared that he got in a fight.

"So what should we do today?" CJ asks as he plays with his empty bottle of water.

"I'm not sure but if no one else has anything I say we call everyone and make plans to do a family barbeque tonight at the lake. Since it's about lunch I want to go eat and maybe go mudding or something." I suggest happily.

Hearing a groan beside me I turn to meet Drake's heated, pained stare. Flopping back in the chair he scrubs his hands up and down his face. Confused I ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"You go muddin'," he asks still looking like he's in pain.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? My parents own a whole bunch of land and we decided to make all this stuff where you could race dirt bikes, go muddin' or race four wheelers." Giving him a big smile I realize I'm almost bouncing in my seat.

"You're killing me," he groans again but I see a flash of amusement in his eyes.

"How so now?"

"You look like that, love to play pool, work on cars and motorcycles, and you love to play in the mud apparently."

Nodding my head for him to continue I sit back in my chair still slightly confused. "I'm a little lost."

"What doofus over here is trying to say is what we have all been telling you. You are a rare find, cuz." Marcus jumps in.

"Awe. Thanks Drake." I say blushing but shooting him a big smile.

"You're killing me gorgeous." He groans before swooping forward and kissing my cheek. "If we're going muddin' I'm going to go see if I can borrow my cousin's four wheeler."

"Nah bro, we got you. You don't need to borrow anyone else's, you can just use one of ours." Marcus offers while standing up and stretching.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. I've broken a few four wheelers from when I go muddin'. I tend to go balls to the wall," he says offering me his hand as he stands up to help me to my feet. Silly, but insanely sweet.

"You can't be worse than us. We break ours all the time and I can't tell you how many we've had to send off to heaven and just buy new ones. Plus all of our parents made us learn how to work on them so if we broke it we had to fix it ourselves." CJ stands up and pulls his cell phone and keys out of his pocket.

"Are y'all sure?"

"Babe, trust me it'll be fine. Enough talking, I'm starving." I say while rubing my hand over my stomach. "I may die soon if I don't get something delicious in my stomach." My statement causes everyone to laugh but Drake gives me a placating look.

"Do you even eat that much?"

"Hey now. You saw how much I can handle on my alcohol. Trust me I can put back some food." I have to hold in my laugh at the look of skepticism on Drake's face.

 After some more teasing and joking back and forth the rest of our 'cousins' were moving about and just as hungry as we were. Piling into vehicles, and me on the back of Drake's bike once again, we head off to my mom's restaurant to eat. Riding behind Drake is still just as thrilling, if not more, as it was yesterday. The feel of the wind in my hair and his taut muscles under my hands made me feel free and a little bit horny if I was honest with myself.

Accepting his help off the bike I hop off and immediately wrap an arm around his muscular waist and lean my head on his shoulder. Without missing a beat he wraps his arm around my shoulders and places a kiss on the top of my head before turning us and heading toward the store. Nodding to one of the guys for holding the door for us we all pile in. Looking around I can't help but groan a little as it looks a little busy.

Pulling myself free I murmur a quick 'be right back' before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. Weaving through the family and friends that are waiting in line to place their order before finding seats I make my way to the front. Looking around the restaurant I see that there are at least 2 tables that need to be cleaned off and a few that are about to be ready. I also notice that there are people getting a little irritated at the wait. 

Confused for the sudden rush but mostly from how backed up they are I look around to see who is working and almost groan. I've told them they can't leave the new girl waitressing alone before but they don't listen. Especially around this time of the day when people are either here for lunch or the younger people are here for hangover food. Groaning I turn around and walk around the corner, waving to some of the girls and smiling at customers. I jog back to my mom's office and open the little closet she has in there. Pulling out a cut off shirt, bra, and a pair of low slung jeans that hang low on my hips. Tossing my dirty clothes into the dirty linens basket in the far corner I hurry to get dressed.

Realizing that I don't have any panties to wear I make a mental note that I'm definitely going to have to stop at my parents house at some point to get ready for mudding. Pulling a pink, real tree camo hat off Mom's desk that says 'Cowgirl Up' on the front surrounded by rhinestones. Putting my hair up in a ponytail I slap the hat on my head and look in the mirror that is on the back of Mom's door. The shirt is cut high on my long torso, showing off my pierced belly button. The pants are hanging low on my hips making me shiver to even think of what Drake is going to think when he sees me. 

Deciding something I quickly hurry as I've already taken but a few minutes at most it is still too long with how busy they are. Quickly sifting through Mom's desk I see the case I always keep in here. Popping the case open I quickly grab a pretty belly button ring with pink jewels and little bit of a dangle off the end. Smiling to myself I throw the case back in her desk and quickly apply some fresh mascara and lip gloss. 

Hussling out the door I almost curse as soon as I see that more customers have come in and looking like they are about to bult. Walking behind the counter I nod a Becky before I start checking over everything written on the receipts. Pulling back I take a deep breath before I start to take over and sort things out. Once the counter isn't such a mess I run back to the kitchen to see a few plates waiting to be taken out. 

After checking what tables they go to I load two plates on one arm and a third in my other hand. Speed walking I take the food to the proper tables, make a quick apology for the delay and head back to the kitchen. Walking in I see the new girl trying not to cry. Rolling my eyes I walk over to the clearly overwhelmed girl.

"Honey, you have got to get it together if we're going to survive this." I say as gently as I can because on the inside I'm starting to feel rage boil at her laziness.

"I'm sorry Madeline. I really am but I can't go back out there. I wasn't doing too bad but then the rush hit and my ex came in. Now he's out there hassling me every time I go out there." She looks at me and I can see her mascara running down her face and her chin trembling.

"Damn it. Ok, what table is he at?" I ask quickly.

"He's at table 5. I'm sorry but he was such an ass when we were together and now he's here harassing me."

"Ok, stop being such a pussy. Listen this is my restaurant and I'll be damned if I have to put up with this shit. Grab some plates and get them to their tables after you wipe your face off QUICKLY. I'll handle the little shit. What's his name?"

"Trevor," she whimpers at me.

"Fine, get back to work though. No way are you going to sit in here like a damn baby and cower from him. Not while I run this place. Well it's my Mom's but you get my drift." 

Whipping around I clench my fists while grinding my teeth and head to table 5. When they catch my eye I wipe my glare from my face and place a deathly calm smile on my face. Walking through the tables I wink at Drake as I pass his table, completely ignoring his confused smile, as I direct my gaze back to the little shit. Catching his eye I see him slowly lick his lips before he gives me a 'charming' smile. I can tell why she was with him. He's definitely a looker but I can see player written all over his face.

"Hey sexy. Damn girl your body is out of this world." He groans as he bites his lip and stares lustfully at me again.

Holding back my eye roll and sneer of disgust I keep my 'customer service' smile plastered on my face. "Thank you for coming to my restaurant but I am going to have to ask you to please leave." I say keeping my smile on my face.

"Excuse me," he jerks out of his seat. "You can just shut the fuck up. You can't make me do nothing."

"Honey," I start letting my smile fall from my lips. "You bet your ass I can make you leave. I reserve the right to ask anyone to leave as well as who I do and do not serve. Now you can take your ass out of here or I'm going to drag your rude self right out of here. Your choice." I finish with me tightening my fists that are at my sides and let me body slide into a slight defensive stance.

"What do you you think you're going to do little girl?" He sneers as he stands up in what I'm assuming a "threatening" manner. All it shows is the simple fact he's taller than me as well as not well versed in any kind of martial arts.

"Well, I warned you." Shrugging slightly I quickly snap my hand forward in a quick upper cut easily snapping his head up and effectively disorienting him. I was correct when I assumed he had no real training as he leans forward clutching his chin making it easy for me to slam his face into my knee. The hit makes him fall to the floor out cold. Instantly I put my attention back on his buddies and when I see they're both rising from their seats I brace myself.

"You definitely don't want to do that friend." The voice doesn't have my attention averted but it does make the butterflies flare to life.

"And who the hell do you think you are?" Tweedie dee asks.

"I'm the guy that can drop you to the floor in 5 seconds if you don't drag your douce bag friend out of here." The deep growl in his voice has me almost wanting to pant. 

I see both of the guys decide not to argue with the extremely muscular guy that had a look on his face that promised pain with zero remorse. Watching them walk out the door I turn to gaze into his gorgeous eyes. Without looking away I step toward him until we're touching from hip to chest. "Thank you," I murmur gently before placing a chaste kiss on the side of his lips. Placing my hand against his cheek I give him a smile before I dissapear back out back to help pick up the slack.

I'm not sure how much later it was but looking back the time flew. Other than a few heated glances and maybe a passing brush we weren't able to really talk. I was almost nervous to look out there to see if he was still there. Being the stubborn ass that I was I took a deep breath and walked out. Looking at the table my family and Drake were taking over I saw it was getting cleaned by a bus boy. Trying to keep the dissapointment from my face before I can turn around Drake in all his gorgeousness appears out of thin air.

"Hey babe. Sorry I had to run to the bathroom. Eveyone else decided to eat and go start getting stuff ready. I was told that once they got everything loaded up they would come by my house to get me and then your parents house. I figure we could just pile in with someone but I didn't want to leave with all of them since you didn't get to eat. I went ahead and ordered something Marcus recommended for you. I hope that's alright. I just thought it'd be nice to have some just us time." He almost looks bashful. In fact I swear I saw a pink tint in his cheeks.

"That sounds wonderful honestly." Moving my hat around I take out my pony tail and opening the velcro on my hat I velcro it back together so it'll stay on my hip. Taking his outstretched hand I follow an elated, but what I'm guessing is nerves, to our table.

The table is further in the back and now that the place is slowed down there isn't anyone around the table of ours. Biting my bottom lip I try to contain my insanely big smile off my face as he pulls my chair out for me. Smiling up at him I gently kiss his cheek with a murmured "thank you" before sitting down. Taking a deep breath of the food I remember that I'm starving to death I immediately pick up the large bacon cheeseburger and take a giant bite.

Groaning I chew quickly before taking another bite soon followed by another. Within minutes my burger is gone and my attention is focused on the delicious onion rings sitting in front of me. Reaching forward I grab the ketchup and squeeze some on my plate. Dabbing  the onion ring into the ketchup I place it in my mouth and at that moment I decide to look up. Drake is staring at me with a look on his face that I'm can definitely say I'm confused by.

He's leaning forward with both elbows on the table and his fists holding his head up as he stares at me with a happy smile on his face. Raising an eyebrow at him I almost laugh as he jerks back and starts eating. Keeping his eyes off me as he eats I bite off the onion rings and chew, again groaning at how yummy the food is.

Leaning back I rub my belly happily. "Damn that was good." I chirp happily.

Hearing his chuckle I meet Drake's amused eyes with a confused look. "I really was surprised you could hang when it came to eating. I keep trying to put you in a box that you never seem to fit into. Well more like you take that box and light it on fire while dancing circles around it."

Laughing loudly I lean across the table and kiss his succulent lips. "That's probably very true babe."

Standing up I march toward the front to pay the check only to be held back with a semi serious glare on his face. "Ladies don't pay for the food. Mama didn't raise no fool." Winking he places some money on the counter to pay Becky behind the register.

Snorting like the true "lady" I am I can't help but respond. "I'm not a lady babe. Ladies don't get dirty, fight rough, aren't mean, don't curse like a sailor, work on cars etc. If you're looking for a lady you found the wrong girl."

The firm hold he takes on my wrist has my sarcasm draining away and confusion taking it's place Dragging me out of the store he pushes me up against the wall of the building as soon as he walks around the corner away from most prying eyes. Placing his hands firmly on both my cheeks he leans his forehead to mine.

"Don't cheapen yourself like that. You are beatiful woman. You might be all soft around the edges but that's what makes you, you. You are still a woman. a lady of a different caliber, and you are worth everything you get in this life. "

I know it was very mushy and "girly" of me but I was teary eyed as I threw my arms around him. No one in my entire life, other than my family, had ever said anything so nice to me in my entire life.


Next update is unknown....but here you all go. XOXOXOXO love you all a ton! Please check out my other stories, comment, vote, AND SHARE for the love of all that is holy lol. Spread the word my lovely followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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