Chapter 9

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"Hey now, you better shut up you little turd, I can still kick your butt." I say glaring down the end of the table at Ian who immediately leans back and pretends to look everywhere else. This little interaction causes everyone to laugh.

"You kids and your violence." My Mom, sitting almost directly across from Drake and I, says rolling her eyes.

"Really? This coming from the woman who literally chased dad around with a tennis racket one time because he made a joke about your dog." I give her a are-you-freaking-serious look. My Mom blushes a deep red before sticking her tongue out at me. 

"He said my puppy was ugly and that if the end of the world happened he'd cook it and eat it. How disgusting! How dare he threaten my puppy. So I chased him and told him I was gonna kill him and feed him to my puppy. I don't understand how this is strange, at all." My Mom stresses her words to try to get her feelings across and without hesitating everyone dies laughing at my mother's logic. 

"Man, she'd off you to feed the pooch, that's hilarious." Erik says while laughing to my Dad.

"I know, you see what I have to deal with? I'm pretty damn low on the totem pole." My Dad pouts a little bit and yells out when my Mom smacks him upside the head.

"You need to watch your language in front of the children." She grumbles at him. 

"They are all grown Angel. Why do I have to watch my language around them?" Now my Dad is whining at her as he rubs his sore head. 

"They are still my babies." She glares at him and crosses her arms. 

"Whatever Angel," he says rolling his eyes teasingly at her. 

"Whatever? Whatever? Oh really now? Fine. We'll just see how you like sleeping on the couch you big oaf." She huffs and stands up before walking away from the table. 

You could hear a pin drop now in the area as we all look around wondering what the hell just happened. My parents have never fought. I mean my Mom is always so cheery and I can't understand why she would even be the slightest bit irritated with my Dad. Frowning I go to stand up but my aunt's all beat me to the punch. Getting up they wave me off and follow after my Mom. Still confused I lean back against Drake's chest.

*Liz's POV*

Plopping down I pull my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. Sitting my face on my knees I ignore the shuffling of feet on the ground. Whoever came to join me leaves me in silence and I can feel the tears build in my eyes. Lifting my face up I see my three best friends staring at me in confusion. 

Even after all these years the women are still beyond beautiful. Vivienne being the youngest and surprisingly she became quite close with us once Erik started chasing after her. She's hell on wheels but she's such a loyal, fantastic person. Kathy has grown to be so mature, wise and she's lost all the rebelliousness she had when we were high school. She's still got a whip for a tongue and has no problems lashing Vincent when he deserves it. Nicole is still my other half, the one that can look at me and know what I'm thinking or feeling faster than anyone. She's so independent that she seems to need no one in her life but I have a feeling that one day she'll meet her match.

"What's wrong Liz?" Kathy's concerned voice has be pulling out of my mental conversation.

"My Dad." I sigh and the tears that were building finally slip out of my eyes and drip slowly down my cheeks. 

"What's wrong, did something happen?" Nicole immediately asks leaning forward and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"He's dying." I whimper the words out before bursting into tears. Without missing a beat the women converge on me. Wrapping their arms around me and talking about how much that sucks etc. I'm not sure how long exactly I let them talk to me before I calm down. Could've been hours or minutes but I did feel a bit better. I had been holding everything in for my children, but now it was my turn to feel like a lost child. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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