What Happens on the Neon Ligh...

By NickNemiDemi

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A nemi story... Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato... what happens when these two friends work together on the neon lig... More

What Happens on the Neon Lights Tour....
The Morning After
My Secret Boyfriend
Who's the boss?
No way... John Taylor knows?
Pillow Talk
The Countdown
Can you say awkward?
Close Call
Goodnight & Goodbye
Thanksgiving... I mean Valentine's day
Social Media Sucks
Guilty Conscious
But we don't see eye to eye....
Please don't shave your head
The hardest thing
Public displays of Nick Jonas
Making a statement
Bittersweet Symphony
Happiness in Jeopardy
A Woman Scorned
Sick & Tired
The cold never bothered me anyway...
My heart is full...
Surprise in Paradise
Wishes do come true
Grand Finale (FINAL CHAPTER)

Stop the world

5.1K 111 10
By NickNemiDemi


I tried to contain my excitement when Nick told me he was riding to San Jose on the bus with me. On a tour bus with Nick for over fifteen hours. Oh my God. I shared a bus with my security guard, who slept like a rock. I wondered if anyone would think anything was going on with Nick & I, if he stayed on my bus. I didn't care.

As we boarded the buses later that day, Nick approached me, smiling. "Who's bus am I riding on? Is there an all boy bus somewhere?"

I laughed. "I guess you can ride on my bus." I rolled my eyes like it was a big inconvenience.

"Gee, thanks." Nick smirked. "You won't even know I'm there."

I bit my lip, watching him from under my lashes. "I hope that's not true." I mumbled, leaning into him.

The bus door swung open & Nick held his arm out. "After you, my Lady."

I giggled as I got on the bus. I felt Nick behind me as I sat on the couch inside. He sat across from me, looking around. He whistled. "Nice bus, Lovato. You've come a long way." He looked at me, his eyes burning into mine. I wanted him so bad. He jumped when his phone rang. I felt my stomach turn when he answered it.

"Hey, Liv." He said, watching me. I was relieved he didn't call her beautiful or gorgeous or love. This was hard thinking of him being with another woman for any period of time. I wanted him all to myself. "Change of plans, actually. I didn't want to be in San Jose alone, since John was meeting Lola. I'm riding on a bus." Nick's eyes kept watching me. "Demi's." She must have asked who's bus he was riding on. "What do you mean?" He asked her, finally looking away from me. He looked like he was getting angry. "Because we're friends." He sighed. He listened to her speak for a few minutes. "I miss you, too." He rolled his eyes as he looked at me again. "I can't wait either..... Yea.... She's looking forward to meeting you, too.... Yea, it will be fun.... Yea... No.... Okay.. The bus is ready to leave now.... Yea... I'll talk to you later, hon.... I love you, too." Nick looked right into my eyes as he said that last line. I couldn't look away from him. Nick put his phone back in his pocket.

"What can't you wait for?" I asked.

"To see her." Nick said, making my heart ache.

I nodded my head, slowly. I jumped when Max came on the bus. "I'm going to sit up here with Matt." Max said. Matt was the bus driver & they were actually old friends.

"Fine by me." I said, snickering. "Nick & I are probably too silly for you, anyway." I laughed, Nick laughing with me. Max just rolled his eyes.

I pulled out my phone & held it up so the camera was facing Nick. He smirked, looking down. "What are you doing?"

"Gonna do a video. I may not post it." I pressed the record button. "So, Nick Jonas. We're back on a bus again. Bringing back any memories?" I asked him.

Nick tilted his head a little & chuckled. "Brings back memories of graduating high school."

I busted out laughing. "Oh yea... I remember the day we graduated." Nick made a face at me & I shut the camera off. "I have to tweet about that. It's funny. Do you care?"

"Do not tweet about that." Nick said, leaning forward on his legs.

"Fine.I won't... right now." I put my phone on the bench beside me. "What do you want to do?"

Nick licked his lips, glancing in Max's direction. The smile he gave me was so sexy, I could feel my lady parts tingling. "I don't care. What do you want to do? Throw peanuts in my mouth?" He smirked.

I laughed out loud. "Put your penis in my mouth? Oh my God, Nick, that's so gross." I was watching Max, who was in a conversation with Matt, not paying any attention to me.

Nick shook his head, standing up. He sat next to me on the bench & put his arm on the back of it behind me. "You didn't think it was gross last night." He mumbled, his eyes looking so deep into my soul that I felt my ovaries do flip flops.

"Um... are you & Olivia doing something for Valentine's day?" I asked, changing the subject. I really didn't want to hear the answer, so I held my breath.

Nick looked away. "We're going to Punta Cana with Joe & Josh that night." He looked down at the floor, while my heart broke a little.

I swallowed a lump. "You are? You're leaving the tour after Anaheim?" I asked. Nick hadn't said how long he would stay on the tour, exactly. He just said he would come & go when he could.

"I'll be back." Nick said, reaching out to brush his fingers on my thighs, softly. "I'm just not sure when yet. You know all the stuff I have going on."

"And vacations with your hot girlfriend." I said, pouting. Could I really do this? Could I really let the man I am in love with be with another woman, even if it meant sparing myself ridicule?

"Demi, this is what you wanted. We both want this." Nick mumbled, after glancing over his shoulder to see if Max was nearby.

I rolled my eyes & crossed my arms. "I know." I answered in a huff. "I"m good. I can do this because in the end I will have what I want." I gave Nick a smile, then grabbed the remote off the small table beside me. I turned on the tv. "Let's find something to watch." I pulled my legs up & folded them in front of me.

Nick settled on the bench next to me, leaning on me a little. "Let me guess. Crime show." He chucked.

I nudged him, clicking my tongue. "You can learn a lot from crime shows."

Nick was watching the tv, smiling a little. "I don't need to learn anything. I was home schooled."

I giggled, leaning on Nick a little more. We watched television until the buses stopped for food. Max got off the bus before us & as I followed Max out, with Nick behind me, Nick grabbed me & pulled me to him. His lips smashed into mine, his hands cupping the sides of my face. I didn't want the kiss to end, but sadly, it had to. "I've been wanting to do that since this morning." Nick murmured against my mouth, my eyes still closed.

I sighed, opening my eyes to look into his. "That was worth the wait." I gave him a sexy smile, then we got off the bus. Trying not to let our gazes linger too long or touch each other too obviously was difficult. Nick would let his hand brush mine, then glance at me, letting me know he did it on purpose. Back on the bus, Max wanted to watch tv, so Nick & I sat at the table on the bus & played our guitars. We could do this all day.

Max headed to bed a little early. He was adamant about getting enough sleep. He is a bodyguard, so he has to be at his absolute best at all times. He was a dork, but I adored him. After Max headed to the spacious bunk, he was calling home while he slept, Nick & I cuddled on the couch to watch tv some more. I wanted to make sure Max was asleep before we headed to the bedroom. Across from Max was another bunk, a little smaller & that would be where Nick was supposed to sleep. He was sleeping in my big bed in the back of the bus, though.

We watched tv for over an hour, then Nick was kissing my neck, discreetly, since the bus driver could hear us, when it was quiet. The low hum of the bus's motor helped hide sounds & there was a curtain behind the driver, so he couldn't see us. I felt myself getting warm & I wanted Nick like right now, so I got up, grabbed his hand & pulled him to my bedroom. Once we were, quietly, inside, I closed the door without a sound & pushed Nick onto the bed.

I watched him as I undressed, his eyes scanning my body as he licked his lips. As I stood naked in front of him, he caressed my hips, then his hands went around me to hold onto my ass, while he alternated kissing & sucking my stomach & breasts. I held his head for a moment, then pulled his shirt off. Nick stood up & started kissing my mouth, while I unbuttoned his pants. He stopped kissing me long enough to pull his pants off, then I gave him a little nudge to lie down on the bed. He scooted all the way onto it then I crawled on top of him. I pressed my breasts against his chest, feeling his hardness grow against my crotch. I was burning down there, wanting him inside me, terribly. My mouth was kissing Nick's mouth, intensely, moving against him the way I moved my hips against his manhood. I reached down to guide his erection inside of me, letting out a soft sigh the moment I felt him between my lips. I sat up, my eyes locking on his. I slowly, let him all the way in, watching him revel, in the feeling, as much as I was. We couldn't make any noise, for fear of Max hearing us. The excitement of knowing we could get caught was almost too much to take & made it even harder to contain our sounds. I rocked my hips against Nick's, breathing heavy, but trying not to let any sounds escape. As I concentrated on the feeling of Nick inside my love canal, I knew I had to do something to help keep my sounds muzzled. I grabbed Nick's hands off of my hips & I locked our fingers together. I laid down against him, switching from moving in circles on his lap to moving myself up & down on his shaft. The pleasure was even more intense & every once in a while, Nick would grunt, quietly as he bit his lip & squeezed his eyes shut. I put my lips on his, moaning as quiet as I could while we kissed, passionately.

Our lips were raw from all the kissing we were doing. Feeling Nick's hands in mine felt so right as we made love & kissing him made it even more enjoyable. I was falling in love with him a little more every second. The way we helped each other be quiet, but made the other feel, was perfection. We were in perfect sync. We were made for each other. We were soul mates. I stopped kissing Nick as I felt my orgasm building. "I need to scream." I breathed to Nick, our mouths an inch from each other. A tiny groan escaped my mouth as I felt the pleasure building & growing more intense. "I'm about to come." I said in a whisper.

"You can't scream." Nick said, holding back his own sex sounds. "Oh God." He groaned in a whisper as I felt myself tighten around Nick's cock. "We gotta try to be quiet. Just kiss me." He said, his voice sounding labored. "Oh God, Demi." He gasped. "I'm about to come. Kiss me." Our hands were still laced together & I moved my arms so our hands were behind Nick's head. I held him close, kissing him harder than I have ever kissed someone before. I thought I was going to hurt him. I felt Nick stiffen beneath me & his groans in my mouth, I felt throughout my body. My moans vibrated against him, making our breathing so excessive that I felt like I might pass out. Trying to stifle a fierce orgasm was agony, but in a good way. Finally, Nick stopped grunting & just breathed heavy on me. I was still shaking from my own orgasm, but I was at least not needing to scream my ever loving head off. I looked down into Nick's eyes, letting go of one of his hands. His free hand came up to brush my hair, gently. "You are so beautiful." He said with complete adoration.

I couldn't help but to smile as I slid off of him, then laid my body against him. His arm went around me, his fingers gently stroked my arm. I rested my hand on his chest & stared up at him while I leaned on my hand. "You are so handsome." I responded, making him grin like a little boy. His smile could melt my heart. "Do you think Max heard us?"

He frowned as he shook his head. "Nah. It's hard to hear anything in those bunks, when the bus is moving. It's loud."

I moved to kiss him, quickly. "That was the hardest thing I have ever done. Trying to be quiet during that orgasm was... oh my God... I can't even explain."

Nick chuckled, quietly. "Trust me. I know what you mean."

"Are you sleeping in here?" I asked.

"Do you want me to?" Nick asked, watching my face, closely.

I nodded, grinning from ear to ear. "Yes. Max gets up early so we'll be okay. He won't see where you come from." I winked at him, then kissed him again. I sighed as I snuggled up against him & fell asleep. I could stay here forever in his arms. I have never wanted to stop the world more than I did right now. Right here in this moment.

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